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1、.职高英语(拓展模 块) 1-4 单元测试题一、二、 词汇 与语法知 识 从 A,B,C,D 四个 选项 中, 选择出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。25 分11. He _ a lazy man when he was young.A used to beingB. used to beC. was used to being C. was used tobe12 We communicate with each other _ language.A. use ofB. with the helpC. for instanceD. by means of13. It is no use _ him

2、 _the matter.A.arguingwith ; aboutB.argue;forC.to argue with;forD.to argue ;against14. He pretended _ everything about it, but in fact he knew nothing. A. to know B. know C. knowing D. known15. Every time she arrives home and sees her daughter, she will be _.A.in good moodB.in a good moodC.in the go

3、od moodD.in bettermood16. He hasn t passed the exam .Nor _.A.ishissisterB.does hissisterC.has hissisterD.hissisterhas17.These tools _ the fields.A. used to plough B. are used to plough C. used for plough D. used to ploughing18.Fast-food restaurants_ greens or bluesbecause they dontwant peopl ein sta

4、y long in their restaurant.A. avoidB. ridC. escapeD. free from19. The Egyptian kings had Pyramids( 金字塔 )_for them on the west bank for the river.A. build B. to build C. building D. built20. You should avoid _ late for the meeting.A. being B. to be C. be D. is21 He_ himself _ the cleverest man in the

5、 world.A. regards ; to B. thinks; to C. consider ;withD. regards; as22._ , Im in favor of the idea.A. With the wholeB. In the wholeC. On the wholeD. As the whole23.We all know oranges _ vitamin C.A. are low onB. are poor inC. are rich inD. are high on24.Mr. Smith _ our school tomorrow.A.intendstovis

6、itB.intendsof visitingC.willintendtovisitD.is intend to visit25. -I went to Dalian for holiday last week.- _.A. So did I B. So was IC. So I didD. So I was26. The child _ have the candy.A. eager toB. is eagerly toC. is eagerD. Is eager to.27. We communicate with each other by _ of language .A. meansB

7、. translationC. speakingD. tools28.The skirt _ at the black.A. is done upB. does upC. fix up D. clean up29.My father _ 12 hours a day.A. is used to workB. used to workingC. used to workD. used to beworking30. The vote was completed。 The president _ the result.A. announcedB. spokeC. talkD. said三、完型填空

8、20 分When Iwas a child,my family 31 aroadtripeverysummer. We 32 fromourhome inNew York Citytomy grandmother'shome inMissouri, the1580-kilometertrip33two or there days.I always thought my family had 34 on road trip .Many times our car brokedown . Itwas alwaysvery hot.Sometimes the airconditioner35

9、.My brother,mysister and I sat in the back.My sister,the youngest,alwayssat 36. She would37. Then her little 38would fall onto my shoulder . I would always push herhead 39mybrother'sshoulder,and he wouldpushit back.She justsleptthougheverything. Road trip were long and boring, but we had some go

10、od laugh along theway . Like thetimea buffaloattackedourcar !Now when Iremember our roadtrips,I40.() 31.A.had takeB. were takingC. tookD. takes() 32.A. droveB.driveC. ComeD.came() 33.A. spentB. costC.paidD.took() 34.A.luckilyB. bad luckC. good luckD. lucky() 35.A.didn't workB. don't workC. w

11、orkedD. works() 36.A. in the forntB. in frontC. in the middleD.in middle( ) 37.A. fall sleepB. fall asleepC. sleptD. fell asleep( ) 38.A. headB. handC. shouldD .arm() 39.A. intoB.forC.overD. onto() 40.A. smilingB.smiledC smilesD. smile四、阅读理解 50分AVery soon a computer will be able to teach you English

12、. It will alsobeabletotranslateanylanguageforyoutoo.It'sjustonemoreincredibleresultofthedevelopmentofmicroprocessors-thosetinypartsofacomputercommonlyknownas"siliconchips".Sogiveupgoingtoclasses, stop buying more textbooks and relax. In a couple of years youwon't need the internati

13、onal language of English.Already Texas instruments in the United States are developing anelectronictranslationmachine.ImagineaSpanishsecretary,forexample , who wants to type a letter from the boss to a business man in.Sweden. All he or she will have to do is this: first type the letterwillappearon a

14、nothertelevisionscreeninStockholmin perfectSwedish.And that'snotall.Soona computerwillbeable toteachyouEnglish,ifyoureallywanttolearnthelanguage.You'llsitinfrontofatelevisionscreenandpracticeendlessstructures.The computerwilltellyou when you are correct and when you are wrong. It will even t

15、alk toyoubecausethesiliconchipscanchangeelectricalimpulsesintosounds.Andcleverprogrammerscanpredicttheresponsesyou , thelearner, arelikely to make.So think of it. You will be able to teach yourself at your own pace.You will waste very little time, and you can work at home. And if afterallthat, youst

16、illcan'tspeakEnglishyoucanalwaysusethetranslatingmachine. In a few years, therefore, perhaps there will be no need forBBC Modern English, or BBC English by Radio programsno more textbooksor teachers of English. Instead of buying an exciting new textbook, thecomputerwillaskyoutoreplaceitwithmicro

17、processorone thousandninehundredandeighty-four.Fast, reliableand efficientlanguagelearningand translating facilities will be available to you. Think of that nomore tearsorembarrassingmoments. One littleproblemisthata computercan t laugh yet-but the scientists are working on it. Happy learning!36. Si

18、licon chips are_.A microprocessorsB the result of the development ofmicroprocessorsC the computerD parts of microprocessors41.Accordingtothe writer, "youwon't needthe internationallanguageof English" because_.A learning English will no longer be a difficult taskB textbooks are no longe

19、r necessaryC it's better to buy a computer than to go to classesD the computer will be able to translate any language for you42. "Texas Instruments" in the 2nd paragraph is probably_. A those instruments used to fit computersB electronic translation machinesC a corporation-producing co

20、mputing machinesD something other than computers43. Which of the following is NOT true? _.A A computer will be able to teach you EnglishB All computers speak EnglishC Electrical impulses can be turned into soundsD The learner's responses can be predictedBZhao Wenxuan , a film star from Taiwan ha

21、s been fond of seeing films since his childhood. He would sometimes go to the cinema for the same.filmfourorfivetimes. He alsoenjoysliterature( 文 学 ) and art.Beforehe took the film acting as his career(职业), he has been on the staff( 工 作 人 员 ) of anairlineinTaibei.Hischangeofjobto actingwas quiteby c

22、hance.One day, he came across in the paper an advertisement for a leadingactor to appear in the film named "Wedding Feast" . Full of excitement,he answered the job and by telephoning the director of the film, Mr.Li An. It was this telephone call that had changed all his life. At lastthedir

23、ectordecidedhimtobethe verypersonfortherole.Thathe couldbe chosen owed much to his good command of English, natural manners andlow pay for this work in the film.The film "wedding Feast" proved to be a hit. It won the German GoldenBearAwardand enteredthecompetitionforoneof the OscarAcademyA

24、wards.Also, it was the first Taiwan film that was permitted to be shown inthe U.S. Thanks to the film Zhao Wenxuan became popular in Taiwan, HongKong and Southeast Asia.In 1994, Mr. zhao acted as leading role in the Hongkong film "RedRose and White Rose", in which many film stars like Ms.

25、Chen Chong fromU.S and Mr. Ye Yuqing from the local area took parts in it. This filmwas named for 10 prizes of the Taiwan Golden Horse Prize and at last itwas awarded five prizes for the best play, actress and music. Zhao hasregarded the film as one of his favorite films since he stepped into theact

26、ing circle.Sine 1993, Mr. Zhao has taken part in the shooting of 13 films,most of which are highly thought of.Mr.ZhaosaidthatTaiwanshouldthinktocooperate( 合 作 ) mush withthe mainland in the film producing industry and it would benefit eachother. In recent years he often came to the mainland for film

27、 shooting.He has justcompletedhisperformanceinthefilm"LoveAffairs"directedby Mr. Li Xin, a director from Shanghai Film Studio.44. When he was very young, Zhao Wenxuan_.A was a movie fanB wanted to be a photographerC would love to be an actorD was eager to be a painter45. Why could Zhao Wen

28、xuan play the leading role in the movie "Wedding Feast"?A Because he liked to see films very much.B Because he could speak English very well,acted naturally and cared little about the pay for his work.C Because he was a famous actor at that time.D Because the director of the movie knew him

29、 very well.46. The text suggest that_.A "Wedding Feast" is just an ordinary filmB the film“Wedding Feast ”disappointed people greatly.C Zhao Wen xuan became a famous movie star because of the film "Wedding Feast"D a lot of Taiwan films are shown in the U.S every yearCKleptomania

30、is an illness of the mind that gives a person the desireto steal. Such a person is not really a thief. They are sick and cannot help themselves. All small children act naturally and as they grow upthey normally learn to control their actions, People with kleptomaniacfor certain medical reasons have

31、failed to develop control over their desire to take things that do not belong to them. With medical help they may become normal citizens again. The things that a kleptomaniac steals are seldom of great value. They often give away what they have stolen or collect objects without using them.47. What i

32、s the topic of the text? _.A Young thieves.B An unusual illness.C Reasons for stealing.D A normal child's actions48. From the text we learn that small children_. A have little control of themselvesB usually steal things but grow up honest C are usually kleptomaniacsD like to give things away49.

33、Kleptomaniacs usually steal things that_.A are valuableB are unimportantC their friends likeD they themselves need50. Which of the following words can best replace( 替 代 ) the worddesirein the first sentence? _.A chanceB powerC rightD wishDAn old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son

34、was a foolishyoung man,and he quickly spent all the money, so that soon he had nothing left.Of course, when that happened, all his friends left him. When he was quite poorand alone, he went to see Nasreddin, who was a kind,cleveroldman and oftenhelpedpeople when they had troubles."My money has

35、finishedand my friendshave gone, ”said the young man. "What willhappen tome now?""Don'tworry,young man," answeredNasreddin. "Everything will soon be all right again. Wait and you will soon feelmuch happier."The young man was veryglad. "Am Igoingto get richagain

36、then? ”He asked Nasreddin. "No, I didn't mean that," said the old man.” I meant thatyou would soon get used to being poor and to having no friends."51.An old man died and left his son_.A. nothingB. some gold C. much moneyD. only a house.52.When the son was_ , he went to see Nasred

37、din.A. short of moneyB. quite poor and sickC. in troubleD. quite poor and alone53.The young man was very glad because Nasreddin said that_.A. he would become rich again B. he would soon feel much happier C. he would become clever D. he would have more friends54.Nasreddin meant the young man_.A. woul

38、d get rich againB. would get used to having nothingC. would get used to being in troubleD. would get out of poorness55.What this story tells us is_.A. that money is everythingB. that money makes the mare goC. to save each pennyD. that misfortune tests the sincerity of friendsEAbout300 yearsago man b

39、egan tostudythe nature scolor.The famous Englishscientist,Issac Newton, did the experimentsin 1665, which are even the basisformuch of our knowledge of colors today. He found that when he passed a narrow beamofsunlightor “whitelight” througha prism( 棱 镜 ) , thewhitesplit into a coloredbeam. This col

40、ored beamwas made up of violet,blue, green,indigo, yellow, orangeand red. People called it a spectrum later.He also found that he could pass thecolor spectrum throughanother prism andproduce white light. Thus, Newton first discovered that white light was a mixtureof all the colors.56.When did man be

41、gin to study natures colors?A. For 300 years. B. In 1700s.C.300 years later D. in 1970s57.How many colors make up the colored beam that was called a spectrum?A. FiveB. SixC. Seven D. Eight58.Can you guess the meaning of the word“spectrum ”?A. 光线 B.光芒C.光缆 D.光谱59.Which of the following titles can be b

42、est summarize the passage?A. Newton s DiscoveryB. Natures ColorsC. How to use a prismD. What is color?60. Which of the following is not included in a white beam? A. Red b. B. Brown C. Yellow D. GreenFIt is 8:00at night, and Rose is usually at home by now. But she isnt today.Her fatherisvery worrieda

43、bout her.He has calledeveryone who may know where Roseis. Below is what Mr. Bronte has heard on the phone.Uma, Rose s teacher:“I saw her walking with Pam after school. It was about fourthirty in theafternoon .”Pam, Rose s classmate:“Rose was withme on my way home, and she said she was going to see her boyfriend.I got home at five.”Tony, who lives next door:“I saw Rose carryingsome food justhalfan hour ago. She was with


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