已阅读5页,还剩47页未读 继续免费阅读




1、1. Discuss when they take place, what they celebrate and what people do at that time.take place发生;举行发生;举行e.g. Halloween, which takes place every year on October 31, is an important event in many Western countries. The Olympic Games take place every four years. 【自我归纳自我归纳】take place意为意为“_”,无,无_语态。语态。

2、发生,进行发生,进行被动被动辨析辨析 take place & happen take place常指某事按规律、预先安排常指某事按规律、预先安排 或计划而发生或进行。如:或计划而发生或进行。如: The next meeting will take place tomorrow. happen常指客观事物或情况偶然、不可预常指客观事物或情况偶然、不可预料地发生,和不定式连用时,表示料地发生,和不定式连用时,表示“碰巧发碰巧发生生”。如:。如:The fire happened at midnight. I happened to be out when my sister calle

3、d.【即学即练即学即练】翻译下列句子。翻译下列句子。1. 星期六晚上将举行舞会。星期六晚上将举行舞会。_2. 昨天我在去书店的路上碰巧遇到了彼得。昨天我在去书店的路上碰巧遇到了彼得。_The dance will take place on Saturday night.I happened to meet Peter on the way to the bookstore yesterday.2. At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter

4、months. _ _。在那个时代,如果食物难以找到,特在那个时代,如果食物难以找到,特别是在寒冷的冬月,人们就会挨饿别是在寒冷的冬月,人们就会挨饿starve1) vt. & vi. (使使)饿死;饿死;(使使)饥饿;挨饿。饥饿;挨饿。e.g. Many people starved to death because of the famine. 那次饥荒中有许多人饿死了。那次饥荒中有许多人饿死了。 Many people starve themselves to control their weight. 好多人为了控制体重而挨饿。好多人为了控制体重而挨饿。 They would

5、rather starve than give in. 他们宁愿挨饿也不妥协。他们宁愿挨饿也不妥协。 2) vi. 渴望;需要,常跟渴望;需要,常跟for短语或动词不短语或动词不定式。定式。e.g. I think these flowers are starving for water. 我觉得这些花需要浇水。我觉得这些花需要浇水。3) vi. 饿得要死(用在口语中)。饿得要死(用在口语中)。e.g. Please prepare some food for me. Im starving! 给我准备些吃的!我快饿死了!给我准备些吃的!我快饿死了!【即学即练即学即练】根据汉语提示完成句子,每

6、空一词。根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1. 我一直很想与你见面。我一直很想与你见面。Ive been _ _ _ _.2. 晚饭吃什么晚饭吃什么? 我饿极了我饿极了!Whats for dinner? I _ _!starving to see you am starving3. Todays festivals have many origins, some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events. 现在的节日有很多由来,一些是宗教现在的节日有很多由来,一些是宗教上的,一些是季节性的,一些是纪念上的,一

7、些是季节性的,一些是纪念特殊的人和事件的。特殊的人和事件的。寓词于境寓词于境 阅读下列句子,猜测阅读下列句子,猜测origin的意思。的意思。1) Its a book about the origin of the universe. _2) This particular custom has its origins in Wales. _3) She tries to hide her upper-class origins, but her accent gives her away. _起源,源头起源,源头来源,由来来源,由来出身,血统出身,血统拓展拓展 original adj.

8、原来的,最初的;独创的原来的,最初的;独创的 n. 原作;原型原作;原型originally adv. 原来,起初;新颖地原来,起初;新颖地originatev. 发源,来自;创始,开创发源,来自;创始,开创即学即练即学即练 用以上词的适当形式填空。用以上词的适当形式填空。1) Hes writing a dictionary that explains the _ of words.2) My job is to think up creative and _ advertising ideas.3) _ it was a bedroom, but we turned it into a s

9、tudy.4) How did the tradition of wearing costumes on Halloween _?origin originalOriginally originate4. For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense _ their ancestors. 在日本的盂兰盆节,人们要扫墓、烧香,在日本的盂兰盆节,人们要扫墓、烧香,以以缅怀缅怀祖先。祖先。 in memory of是介词短语,意为是介词短语,意为“纪念;纪念;追念追念”。如:如:

10、1) The library was built in memory of the scientist. 2) The building was named Ford Hall in memory of a man named James memory of拓展拓展 类似的类似的in . of短语还有:短语还有:in (the) face of 在在面前,不顾面前,不顾in (the) front of 在在前面前面in time of 在在时时 in charge of _in praise of 赞美;歌颂赞美;歌颂in honour of 为了纪念为了纪念;为了;为了 向

11、向表示敬意表示敬意负责;掌管负责;掌管_ 寻找寻找in place of 代替,取代代替,取代_ 需要需要in search of小试小试 用以上部分短语完成下列句子。用以上部分短语完成下列句子。1. The film was made _ those who lost their lives to protect the Tibetan Antelope. 2. _ so many difficulties, the workers didnt lose memory/honour of In (the) face ofin need of5. It is now a ch

12、ildrens festival, when they can dress up and go to their neighbours homes to ask for sweets. 万圣节如今成了孩子们的节日,这天他万圣节如今成了孩子们的节日,这天他们可以们可以乔装打扮乔装打扮上邻居家要糖吃。上邻居家要糖吃。 dress up 打扮;穿上盛装打扮;穿上盛装e.g. Do we have to _ _? 参加她的参加她的 生日宴会,我们得打扮打扮吗?生日宴会,我们得打扮打扮吗? dress up to attend her birthday party拓展拓展 dress up / dres

13、s sb. up意为意为“把某人打扮把某人打扮起来;给起来;给穿上某种衣服穿上某种衣服”。如:如:The boys were all dressed up as pirates. 这些男孩子都装扮成了海盗。这些男孩子都装扮成了海盗。6. If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick on them. 如果邻居什么糖也没给,那么孩子们就如果邻居什么糖也没给,那么孩子们就 可以捉弄他们了。可以捉弄他们了。play a trick on总结总结play a trick on的意思。的意思。1) Th

14、e boys hid Johns bike to play a trick on him.2) Please do not play a trick on that poor boy.3) People play tricks on each other on April Fools Day.【归纳归纳】 play a trick / tricks on意为意为“_”,on后面多接后面多接表示人的名词或代词。表示人的名词或代词。搞恶作剧,开玩笑搞恶作剧,开玩笑【拓展拓展】 The teacher plays a very active part in this type of classroo

15、m activity.She wondered if the others were playing a joke on her. play a part (in)意为意为“_”; play a joke / jokes on意为意为“_”。如:。如:扮演一个角色;参与;起扮演一个角色;参与;起的作用的作用开(某人的)玩笑;戏弄开(某人的)玩笑;戏弄用合适的短语翻译下列句子。用合适的短语翻译下列句子。1. 你哥哥刚才是跟你开玩笑的。你哥哥刚才是跟你开玩笑的。2. 说在英语学习中起重要作用。说在英语学习中起重要作用。Speaking plays an important part in Engl

16、ish learning.Your brother played a trick / joke on you just now.7. India has a national festival on October 2 to honour Mohandas Gandhi, the leader who helped gain Indias independence from Britain. 印度在印度在10月月2日有个全国性节日,纪念莫日有个全国性节日,纪念莫汉达斯汉达斯甘地,他是帮助印度脱离英国而甘地,他是帮助印度脱离英国而独立的领袖。独立的领袖。 此句中此句中 Mohandas Gand

17、hi和和the leader是是同位语,同位语,the leader指的就是指的就是Mohandas Gandhi这个人。这个人。又如又如: Yesterday I met Tom, a friend of my brothers who is the top student in their class. 昨天我遇到了我弟弟的朋友汤姆昨天我遇到了我弟弟的朋友汤姆, 他是他他是他们班最好的学生。们班最好的学生。Mr. Smith, our new teacher, is very kind to us. 我们的新老师史密斯先生对我们很好。我们的新老师史密斯先生对我们很好。8. Some peo

18、ple might win awards for their farm produce, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster. 有些人还可能因为他们的农产品(参加有些人还可能因为他们的农产品(参加各种评选)而获奖,比如最大的西瓜或各种评选)而获奖,比如最大的西瓜或最帅的公鸡。最帅的公鸡。寓词于境寓词于境 阅读下列句子,注意阅读下列句子,注意award的意思的意思和用法。和用法。1. She was awarded the first prize for her excellent performance.2. The

19、 judge awarded her 200 dollars.3. His horse was given the highest award at the show.自我归纳自我归纳 award作动词,意思是作动词,意思是_, 常见搭配是常见搭配是award sb. sth., award后跟双宾语;后跟双宾语;award 还可作还可作_词,词,意思是意思是_。授予、判定授予、判定 名名 奖品奖品 award侧重指经过正式裁定而给予的荣侧重指经过正式裁定而给予的荣誉或在某项评比竞赛中获胜而得到的奖誉或在某项评比竞赛中获胜而得到的奖赏。赏。reward侧重指对某人所做的某件好事、侧重指对某人所

20、做的某件好事、好的行为等的报答、酬谢。好的行为等的报答、酬谢。prize多指在竞赛中获胜或有特殊贡献时多指在竞赛中获胜或有特殊贡献时所得的奖励。所得的奖励。award,reward与与prize选出最佳选项。选出最佳选项。1) Ann Bancroft, an American author, teacher, and adventurer, received a number of _ and honors for her adventures. A. prizes B. rewards C. harvests D. awardsD2) It is the first time that s

21、he has been _ second prize in the English Speaking Competition. A. rewarded B. awarded C. included D. harvested B 9. , when people admire the moon and in China, enjoy mooncakes. 寓词于境寓词于境 阅读下列句子,注意阅读下列句子,注意admire的的意思和搭配。意思和搭配。1. I admire you for your wonderful speech.2. I dont agree with her, but I a

22、dmire her for sticking to her principles.3. Come and admire the view!自我归纳自我归纳 admire意思是意思是_(句(句1、句、句2),), _(句(句3);常用搭);常用搭配是配是admire sb. for (doing) sth.。拓展拓展 admirer n. 仰慕者仰慕者 admiration n. 钦佩钦佩钦佩、赞赏钦佩、赞赏 欣赏欣赏 用用admire的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1. She speaks English so well that all her friends are filled wit

23、h _.2. Mary and her many _ came in.3. I really _ the way she brings up those kids all on her own.admirersadmirationadmire10. The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and the coming of spring. 最富生气而又最重要的节日,就是告最富生气而又最重要的节日,就是告 别冬天,迎来春天的日子。别冬天,迎来春天的

24、日子。阅读下列句子,并试着归纳阅读下列句子,并试着归纳look forward to的意思及用法。的意思及用法。1) We are all looking forward to our holiday.2) Jim has been working hard and looks forward to spending his vacation lying on the beach doing nothing.【自我归纳自我归纳】look forward to意为意为“期待,盼望期待,盼望”,其,其后跟名词(句后跟名词(句1)或)或_(句(句2)。)。动词动词-ing形式形式【拓展拓展】常见的含

25、常见的含look的短语:的短语: look after 照看,照顾照看,照顾 look at 朝朝看,思考,考虑,研究看,思考,考虑,研究 look for _ _ 向上看向上看, 仰望仰望; 查找查找; 检查检查【即学即练即学即练】 用含用含look的短语的正确形式填空。的短语的正确形式填空。1) My mother says she misses you very much and is _ meeting you.2) When he went to Europe, Mr. Jenkins left his son to _ the business.寻找寻找look uplooking

26、 forward tolook after 3) If you dont know the meaning of a word, _ it _ in the dictionary.look up11. The country, covered with cherry tree flowers, looks as though it is covered with pink though 仿佛,好像仿佛,好像as though / if引导的从句中引导的从句中, 谓语动词一般用谓语动词一般用虚拟语气虚拟语气, be动词常用动词常用were; 但是当从句描述但是当从句描述的情况与事

27、实相符时的情况与事实相符时, 常用陈述语气。常用陈述语气。 e.g. Ive loved you as though / if you were my son.(虚拟语气)(虚拟语气) It looks as though / if it is going to rain. (陈述语气)(陈述语气)当从句主语和主句主语一致当从句主语和主句主语一致, 从句谓语中从句谓语中又含有又含有be动词时动词时, 可以把主语和可以把主语和be一起省一起省去。去。e.g. He looked about as though (he was) in search of something. 他四处张望他四处张望

28、, 好像寻找什么。好像寻找什么。12. Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. 【分析分析】 本句是一个主从复合句。本句是一个主从复合句。 主句为主句为Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors,其中,其中or连接两个连接两个动词不定式短语作目的状语;动词不定式短语作目的状语;who引导一个非限引导一个

29、非限制性定语从句,补充说明先行词制性定语从句,补充说明先行词_, 其其中中either . or . 连接连接 to help与与to do harm作目的作目的状语。状语。ancestors13. They also light lamps and play music because they think that this will lead the ancestors back to earth. 【分析分析】 本句是一个主从复合句。本句是一个主从复合句。 主句为主句为They also light lamps and play music,其中,其中and连接两个并列的谓语动词连接两

30、个并列的谓语动词light和和_;从句是由;从句是由because引导的原引导的原因状语从句,在此从句中又包含一个由因状语从句,在此从句中又包含一个由that引导的宾语从句。引导的宾语从句。play【句意句意】他们还点起灯笼、奏响乐曲,他们还点起灯笼、奏响乐曲,因为他们认为这样做可以把祖先引回到因为他们认为这样做可以把祖先引回到世上。世上。【仿写仿写】他们还利用业余时间唱歌、跳他们还利用业余时间唱歌、跳舞,因为他们清楚这可以给生活增添乐舞,因为他们清楚这可以给生活增添乐趣。趣。 They _ in their spare time _ this will add enjoyment to th

31、eir life.also sing and dance because they know clearly14. People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over. 本句是一个主从复合句本句是一个主从复合句。 主句是主句是People are grateful,because引导引导 原因状语从句原因状语从句。 because引导的原因状语从句由引导的原因状语从句由and 连接连接 的两个并列分句的两个并列分句their food is gat

32、hered for the winter 和和the agricultural work is over 构成构成。【句意】句意】越冬的粮食收集起来了,农活结越冬的粮食收集起来了,农活结束了,人们都心怀感激束了,人们都心怀感激。【仿写仿写】 _(孩子们很高兴,因为父母已经准备了丰(孩子们很高兴,因为父母已经准备了丰盛的晚餐,而且外公外婆也来了。)盛的晚餐,而且外公外婆也来了。)Children are happy because their parents have prepared a wonderful dinner and their grandparents have come.15.

33、 People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun with each other.阅读下列句子,注意阅读下列句子,注意have fun的意思及用的意思及用法。法。1. The children were having so much fun, I hated to call them inside.2. The children are having a lot of fun with the building blocks.3. If you are having fun (in) learning English, youre

34、studying in the right way.【自我归纳自我归纳】have fun意为意为“_”,相当于,相当于enjoy oneself。_表示表示“玩玩玩得玩得很开心很开心”(句(句2););have fun后可接后可接in doing sth., 其中其中in可省略(句可省略(句3)。)。【拓展拓展】for fun 为了高兴为了高兴in fun 开玩笑地,不是当真的开玩笑地,不是当真的make fun of sb. 取笑某人,嘲弄某人取笑某人,嘲弄某人玩得开心玩得开心have fun with【即学即练即学即练】汉译英。汉译英。1. 今天我们骑自行车去海滩,玩得很开今天我们骑自行车去海滩,玩得很开 心。心。2. 她意识到自己正在被取笑。她意识到自己正在被取笑。3. 她学弹钢琴就是为了消遣。她学弹钢琴就是为了消遣。We had fun riding our bicycles to the beach today.She realized she was bei


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