已阅读5页,还剩28页未读 继续免费阅读




1、1SALESOnboarding拜访八步骤拜访八步骤2为什么要规范拜访步骤?为什么要规范拜访步骤?Why do you think a standard call process is good?3百事的拜访八步骤百事的拜访八步骤 8 Steps of the call8 Steps of the call1. 准备 preparation2. 打招呼 Greet the Customer3. 店情察看Store Check4. 产品生动化Merchandise5. 拟订单 Determine the order6. PEPSI 销售陈述 Presentation7. 回顾与总结 Curbsi

2、de debrief8. 行政工作 Administration访前-Pre-Call服务- Service陈述 - Presenting访后-Post-CallServicePre-CallPresenting/SellingPost-Call4为为 什么拜访前的准备很重要?什么拜访前的准备很重要?Why do you think preparation is important?5每月准备每月准备 monthly preparation 每月与主管讨论销售目标 set objective with supervisor销量指标 review volumn target销售发展目标 revi

3、ew sales develpment objective工作重点 prioritize what needs to be done for the month每日准备每日准备 Daily Preparation 回顾业绩板, 回顾月指标,销售发展目标和工作重点 review scoreboard, check progress against monthly objectives 对照实际业绩与目标 compare actual status against target确定当日线路的工作重点 identify the outlets will be focusing on 备齐工作工具(路

4、线本,客户卡, 发票, 合同, POP等) get selling aids (POP)and organized for the day.访前准备访前准备 Pre-call planning就在进入店铺前回顾目标Review objectiv before entering outlet回顾路线本, 客户卡,明确周平均订货量和上周单量 review route book, customer card forweekly volumn& last order 回顾店主姓名或称呼, 选择恰当的语气, 口吻 identify boss name回顾拜访目的, 以及上次拜访的承诺 revie

5、w callfocus and promises made last time带上POP等工具get selling aids( POP, solution sheets, etc )1.1.准备准备- preparation2.打招呼3.店情察看4.产品生动化5.拟订单6.PEPSI7.回顾与总结8.行政工作6在你看在你看 来,为什么打招呼很重要?来,为什么打招呼很重要?Why do you think we want to greet the customer?7确认出决策者 identify decision maker作自我介绍 introduce yourself与店内非决策者保持友

6、好关系 keep good relationship with non-dicision maker避免使用易引起反面回答的招呼方式 avoid using any greeting style which may cause negative responses观察店主的情绪, 选择恰当的话题 examine boss?mood and select proper topic主动处理紧急问题 preempt urgent issues1.准备2.2.打招呼打招呼 Greet the customer3.店情察看4.产品生动化5.拟订单6.PEPSI7.回顾与总结8.行政工作8为什么要察看店铺

7、?看些什么为什么要察看店铺?看些什么? ?Why is it important to check the store? Check what?9查看店铺查看店铺, , 寻找机会寻找机会 walk the outlet to look for opportunities检查SKU check SKU opportunities寻找陈列机会陈列架, 冰柜 Rack & Cooler货架和产品堆头 Shelf & Display售点广告 POP产品轮换 Rotation寻找竞争对手陈列及活动 competitor activity 检查价格pricing issue1.准备2.打招

8、呼3.3.店情察看店情察看 Store check4.产品生动化5.拟订单6.PEPSI7.回顾与总结8.行政工作10作产品生动化的步骤是什么作产品生动化的步骤是什么? ?What do you think we mean by merchandise our products?11确保所有百事产品都以正确确保所有百事产品都以正确 的方式执行生动化的方式执行生动化: :ensure all Pepsi products are properly merchandised 确保所有库存产品的轮转 ensure all stock is rotated 清除超期产品 remove out of c

9、ode product 根据现有标准使产品生动化 Merchandise all displays according to current standards 补充冰柜货架和陈列架 Replenish coolers, racks and shelf area 需要时清洁陈列架和设备 clean shelves and equipment as needed1.准备2.打招呼3.店情察看4.4.产品生动化产品生动化 Merchandise5.拟订单6.PEPSI7.回顾与总结8.行政工作12 确保各SKU 均有充足的库存 ensure appropriate products and pac

10、kages are available为 百事产品, 货架和冰柜争取最佳位置 obtain best locations for Pepsi products including, displays, visi-coolers, racks所有百事产品, 依照陈 列标准放在一起 bundle all Pepsi brands together瓶上 的百事商标面向消费者 ensure bottle lables are facing consumers清洁货架、瓶身和 售点广告 (POP) Clean shelves, bottles and POP material使百事产品享有公平合理的陈列

11、空间 get a fair share of space for Pepsi products从百事陈列架上和 冰箱内移走竞争对手的产品 Remove competitors products from our crates/visi-coolers将购货点宣传材料放在醒目和客流量高的区域 place POP in visible and high traffic areas检查标价, 确保醒目明确 make our pricing apparent to the consumer 调整仓库内存货位置 arrange stocks in back room按照先进先出的原则, 轮换仓库, 货架

12、和冰柜内的产品 rotate stocks to put older products in front and on top产 品生动化清单 Merchandising Check list13你认为你认为, , 拟定单是一个什么样的过程拟定单是一个什么样的过程? ?What do you think happens when you determine the order?14拟订单是为了避免断 货 the process avoids OOS你的路线手册是帮助你完成此项任务的关键工具 your route book is the key tool to perform this task

13、 well 记录现有库存 determine current stock对照库存需求 拟定每个SKU的建议订单 identify inventory needs and develop your suggested order on route card 估算出上次拜访以来的实际销量 determine actual sales since last visit与客户达成对建议订单的协议 agree on the suggested order with customer将订购 记录在路线本上 update order in route book1.准备2.打招呼3.店情察看4.产品生动化5.

14、5.拟订单拟订单 determind the order6.PEPSI7.回顾与总结8.行政工作15路路 线线 卡卡路路线线编编号号Route No.客客户户名名称称 Customer 星星期期一一 星星期期三三 星星期期五五地地址址 Add联联系系人人Contact:电电话话Tel.拜拜访访日日Call Day星星期期二二 星星期期四四 星星期期六六 MD销销售售易易拉拉罐罐 Can2 20 00 0玻玻瓶瓶 RB3 35 55 5玻玻瓶瓶RB6 60 00 0m m l l 小小胶胶瓶瓶PET1 1. . 2 25 5升升大大胶胶瓶瓶PET小小计计月月日日情情况况 百百事事七七喜喜美美年年

15、达达 百百事事七七喜喜美美年年达达 百百事事七七喜喜美美年年达达 百百事事七七喜喜美美年年达达 百百事事七七喜喜美美年年达达存存货货3 31 11 15 51 12 22 22 21 17 79 91 15 5订订货货2 25 58 87 75 52 21 11 11 15 50 0存存货货1 15 55 55 53 32 21 11 11 13 33 39 92 22 2 订订货货0 00 00 07 71 12 22 22 21 14 4存存货货4 41 13 34 41 12 22 22 21 19 99 92 29 9订订货货2 23 30 06 62 21 11 11 11 16 6

16、存存货货3 32 22 22 22 22 23 32 21 18 81 10 06 6订订货货2 20 01 18 81 11 10 01 11 14 4存存货货2 21 10 04 41 11 12 21 11 12 21 10 01 13 3 订订货货3 31 11 16 62 22 21 12 21 18 8小计321290003208070570112存存货货2 21 12 27 72 23 31 13 32 21 11 10 02 20 0订订货货3 31 12 23 31 10 02 20 01 12 2存存货货2 20 01 16 61 12 20 02 21 14 41 10

17、02 27 7订订货货3 32 21 14 42 21 13 31 11 17 7存存货货1 11 11 12 22 22 21 12 21 12 21 11 13 3 订订货货4 41 11 18 81 11 12 21 11 19 9存存货货1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 18 81 11 11 10 0订订货货存存货货订订货货小计存存货货订订货货存存货货订订货货存存货货订订货货存存货货订订货货存存货货订订货货小计16销售陈述时销售陈述时, ,你会向客户陈述什么内容你会向客户陈述什么内容? ?What do think happens when we present to t

18、he cusotmer?17这是向这是向 客户推销新想法的过程。我们用方案客户推销新想法的过程。我们用方案 表这表这一工具来支持推销。你向客户一工具来支持推销。你向客户 陈述的内陈述的内 容由你的容由你的主管和斪急笖步骤中的工作决定主管和斪急笖步骤中的工作决定. .This is the process of selling a new idea to the customer We utilize a Solution Sheet to support the sale. What you present to the custoemr is determined by your suppe

19、rvisor and during the PREPARATION step.P P陈述机遇 present opportunityE E解释方案和利益(方案表)Explain the solution (solution sheet )P P提供详情( provide details )S S达成交易(客户答应) I ISecure the sales (customer says yes)实施跟进步骤 Implement next steps这是推销的开始1.准备2.打招呼3.店情察看4.产品生动化5.拟订单6.PEPSI6.PEPSI7.回顾与总结8.行政工作18客户为什么客户为什么不购

20、买?不购买?Why do Why do customers resist customers resist buying?buying?19客户为什么不购买Why Customers Resist Buying认为没必要 No Perceived need (他们不认为有盈利机会) (they don抰 perceive/believe in the opportunity for gain) 认为没好的方案 No Perceived solution (他们不相信你的方案表)(they don抰 believe in your solution)不信任 Distrust(若干理由 - 有些可

21、能与你有关,也有些可能与你无关)(any number of reasons - some may be related to you, some may not)不着急 No urgency(客户要推迟作出决定)(customer wants to put off the decision)20共同的销售过程共同的销售过程 Common Selling Process我们通过共同的销售过程来解决客户不购买的问题。 We utilize a common selling process to help overcome customer objections. 我们称之为PEPSI销售过程。

22、We call it the PEPSI Sales Process. 这是一套直观辅助方案,协助你销售我们的产品、提供我们的服务。It is a visual aid that helps you sell our products and services.你的工作是让客户明白销售百事产品对他的业务有何帮助。你的工作是让客户明白销售百事产品对他的业务有何帮助。Your job is to help the customer understand Your job is to help the customer understand how selling Pepsi products is

23、 good for his business.how selling Pepsi products is good for his business.21每个字母代表不同的步骤每个字母代表不同的步骤 Each Letter Stands for a Different StepPEPSI陈述机遇陈述机遇 Present the opportunity说明方案与益处说明方案与益处 Explain the solution and benefits提供细节提供细节 P Provide the details取得销售取得销售 S Secure the sale实施下一步实施下一步 I Impleme

24、nt next steps22机遇与办法机遇与办法 Opportunities and SolutionsOpportunities and Solutions机遇机遇 说明了盈利的潜力An OPPORTUNITY describes the potential for gain 始终致力于与客户就重大的机会达成共识。Always gain the customers agreement that there is a compelling opportunity :机遇机遇 OPPORTUNITIES 让更多的顾客进入商店。Get more customers to come into th

25、e store 让每位顾客购买更多的东西。Get each customers to purchase more items 让顾客在你的店而非竞争对手那里购买商品。Get customers to purchase in your store versus your competitors方案方案说明了可以实现盈利的销售行为A SOLUTION describes the sales action required to realize the gain 刚开始销售拜访时不要讨论方案 Never begin a sales call by discussing solutions 方案方案:

26、SOLUTIONS: 在橱窗中展示销售宣传材料 Display POP in the window 让更多的顾客进入商店 to get more consumers to come into the store 在收银台附近放置冷冻产品 Put cold product near the cash register 让顾客购买更多东西 卼o get each customer to purchase more items 放置一个2升百事的陈列品 Put up a display of 2 liter Pepsi 让顾客在你的店而非竞争对手那里购买商品.to get customers to

27、buy in your store versus competitors23方案表使你的销售更直观Solution Sheets are visual aids to help you sell提供机遇的说明P Provides a description ofthe opportunity说明方案,强调对客户的好处E Explains the solution and emphasizes the benefits tothe customer提供客户感兴趣的重要细节P Provides important detailsthat the customer may beinterested

28、in回顾成功的定义Review what S Success is实施以下步骤 I Implement next steps跟跟进进步步骤骤就以上成功措施达成共识就店铺内推销活动的时间与规模达成共识, 尊重客户的 具体要求就展品的陈列位置和规模取得一致意见就售点宣传材料的种类和使用取得一致意见揚EPSI 斚酃蹋揚EPSI 斚酃蹋 足球新一代 促销足球新一代 促销状况状况机会机会作为世界第一运动,足球在全球 拥有200, 000万未来球迷今年, 足球更将引发全中国消费者空前高涨的足球热情购买饮料属冲动型消费,店内配合足球的促销活动将在消费者中引起反响利用足球特有的魅力送吸引消费者 注意, 增加客

29、流量今夏,店铺中就可以利用消费者对足球的热情用独具一格的足球新一代促销 大献礼 促进饮料销售, 赢得更多的 利润方案方案参加今夏百事的撟闱蛐乱淮鷶促销活动,你就可以把世界上一流的足球明星摪偈虑蛐嵌訑直接撉虢鴶你的店铺, 帮您做生意它如何有效它如何有效百事球星队拥有26名世界上最著名的足球明星,百事饮品深受他们的喜爱购买百事饮品,消费者将有机会赢得很摽釘的摪偈虑蛐嵌訑奖品如果每周周转两次, 每次进货_ 箱, 那么4周的活动将带来_元的生意和 _ 元的毛利利益利益增加百事产品的销售收入和利润利用消费者希望中奖的心理, 增加店内的客流量提升消费者对百事的满意度和忠诚度将贵店与世界一流足球明星联系在一

30、起详情详情全国性的足球新一代促销大献礼将从 X月X日起至X月X, 为期X周精美的百事球星卡将随 X 件的百事产品一同送出广大消费者将有机会赢取X张实物尺寸的百事球星队广告, X份足球新一代斃衿贰套百事球星运动衣以及X 瓶免费赠饮消费者只要收齐任何百事、七喜或 美年达瓶盖X 只就可获得一套百事 球星卡以百事球星队为特色主题的 撟闱蛐乱淮鷶促销大献礼将得到户外广告和电视广告的大力支持成功是成功是可将百事产品的销售额从_元/ 周增至_元/ 周按照我们的测算, _箱货品将在_天后售出店铺能充分利用摪偈虑蛐嵌訑足球的轰动效应ISPPE24你认为客户对你认为客户对PEPSIPEPSI方案表的方案表的办法办

31、法会有何异议?会有何异议?What objections do you think the customerWhat objections do you think the customermight have with the might have with the solutionsolution identified on the identified on thePEPSI Solution Sheet?PEPSI Solution Sheet? 25评论“讨论出的解决办法”Review chooled Solutions”确定如何使用方案表解决异议Identify how the s

32、olution sheetcan be utilized to overcomeobjections. 你认为客户对你认为客户对PEPSIPEPSI方案表的方案表的办法办法会有会有何异议?何异议?What objections do you think the customer might have with the solution identified on the PEPSI Solution Sheet? 26PEPSI陈述过程陈述过程内部流程内部流程 解决方案单解决方案单 P P介绍机会介绍机会 机会机会/ /情况情况 E E解释解决方案解释解决方案 解决方案解决方案/ /它如何发挥

33、作益它如何发挥作益/ /好处好处P P提供细节内容提供细节内容 细节内容细节内容 S S保证销售成功保证销售成功 成功标准成功标准/ /期望期望 I I实施下面的步骤实施下面的步骤 我们将做什么我们将做什么/ /他们会做什么他们会做什么 销售人员做的销售人员做的 客户所看到的客户所看到的What Sales People Do What the Customer Sees What Sales People Do What the Customer Sees 27你在什么时侯作回顾和总结?会回顾哪些事情?What do you think happens during Curbside Deb

34、rief?28花几分钟回顾拜访过程花几分钟回顾拜访过程Take a few moments to assess your performance1. 1. 修订最后订单修订最后订单 Record the final order2.2.拜访后总结清单拜访后总结清单Curbside Debrief Checklist成功 之处 What work well失败原因 What did not work well改进方法 What would you do differently3.3.作记录作记录 take notes路线本 Route book笔记本 note book1.准备2.打招呼3.店情察看4.产品生动化5.拟订单6.PEPSI7.7.回顾与总结回顾与总结Curbside Debr


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