



1、/外研社三起点四年级英语下册期末测试卷Name: Class 听力部分(50分)()1.A. coolB. coldC.clever()2.A.foundB.hospitalC.holiday()3.A. fellB.fallC.ball()4.A. beautifulB. becauseC.beautifully()5.A.picnicB.concertC.poster、选出你所听到的单词并填在题目前的括号中。(10分)二、听音连线。(10分)(1) HaikouA. rainy(2) GuangzhouB. windy(3) ShenyangC.cloudy(4) YinchuanD. s

2、unny(5) ShanghaiE. hot三、听音按顺序标出序号。(10分)四、根据所听到的内容判断正误,对的写 T,错的写F。(10分)五、根据所听到的内容选择正确的答语)1. A.Yes, I will.)2. A.It ' s Linging ' !)3. A.Yes,I can.)4. A.I will go swimming.B.Yes, I do.sB.It ' s Linging.B.Yes, I will.B.It ' s on the desk./() 5. A.It s a robot. B.No,I didn t.笔试部分(50 分)一、

3、找出不同类单词的序号。( 5 分)( )1.A.watermelon B.cakeC、 banana()2. A.coolB. cleverC、cloudy( )3.A.singB. walkC、 shy()4. A.rainyB.playC、sunny()5. A.haveB.feverC、headache二、选择题。( 10 分)1 . () It is a book _LondonA. in B. of C. about2 . () Will they take the ball? .A. Yes, I will B.No, I will C. No ,they won t3 . ()

4、I will go swimmingMonday.A. in B.on C. at4 . () It will be in Beijing.A .wind B. windy C.rain5 .()is that girl ? She is LinglingA .Who B. What C .Where6 .()They_young then, now they _old .A .are, were B were , are C was ,is7 .() He fellthe bike .A .off B. ofC. on8 .()Did he in Washington DC last yea

5、r?A .live B .lived C lives9 .( )What happened your head ?A .inB .toC .at10 .() We _ a picnic last Saturday.A.has B.had C. have三、选出下列句子的正确的答句。(10 分 )A.I ll go swimming.B.Yes, he was.C. Yes, I was.) 1. Did you play basketball yesterday?) 2. Were you naughty then ?) 3. What will you do tomorrow?D. No,

6、I won ' t.E. No, he didn ' t.()4. Did Sam write a letter?()5. Was he strong then?七、连词成句。from, a , my,is ,it , postcard , cousin (.)2 .holiday, you, have, did, nice ,a (?)3 . Sam , on ,didn't, computer, play(.)4 .will , I, on , my, take, ball , Saturday (.)5 .be, will, it,cloudy, Beijing,

7、 in(?)短文阅读,对的在括号里写(T),错的写(F)。Hello, I ' nLinlin, I am a Chinese girl, I live in Nanning.Nanning is a big city now. It ' s beautiful too. But it was a very small village then.The streets in Nanning. were old then. Now they very new and clean.The winter in Nanning is very warm, and the famous food is Laoyou noodle. I like Nanning.1 .( )Linlin lives in Nanning now.2 .( )Nanning is a big city now.3 .( )The winter i


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