1、recogniti on,a nd mea sure,a nd a ssessment,and report,and controlfeedba ck ofclosedri ng managementpreventi on capacit y.toimpr oveperformaofurtherqua ntifyand refineemployeood" leadershipWewillconti nue to im information systemprove the company'sinter nalcontr olsystem, andsteady impr ove
2、mentina bilityto ma nage andcontrol, optimize businesspr ofcapa cityand level.Humanisticcare t oensure "zero."Tostrengtheni ng Humanities care,conti nue stofostercompany, improveriskocesses,t o ensure smooth processe s,responsibilities i n pla ce; to furt herstrengt hen i nternal contr ols
3、, playacontrolpost i nde pendent oversightrol e ofevaluation com plying wit hthird -partyresponsi bility;to a ctivelymakeuseof interna wind clea r,and gas are,a nd heartShun of culture atmosphere ;strengtheni ng lovehelpe dtrapped, care difficultemployee s;carried outstyle a ctivitie s,rich employee
4、 s life;strengt heni ng hea lthand labour prote ction, organi zation careerTofurtherstandariveto achieve"accordingto la w,standardize andfair." Innovationofperformance managemel audit tools detect pote ntialmanagement ,streamline, standar dize relate dtransa ctions,stre ngthe ningoperation
5、s i health me dical, controlcar eer against ;co ntinues to im plementati on psychologi calwar ning prevention system, trainincema nagement.n accordancewith law.De epeningt heinformation managementtoensurefull communicati on "zeroresistance".oconstantlyperfectERP ,and BFS+,and PI,a nd MIS,
6、andSCM ,information system based constr uction,full i ntegration i nformation system,achieved i nformation re sour cesshared;to expangempl oyees health of chara cter,a ndsta bleofmood a nd e nterprising ofattitude,created friendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment.ostrengthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure
7、 t hatthe busi nessof"zero risk". To stre ngthenedbusi ness pla ns manageme nt,will businessbusiness planscov erto alllevel,eestandards .Work,fullplay party,and bra nch,an dmembersin "fivetype Enterconstructionnd Portalsystem application of breadth and dept h, playinformation system o
8、n e nterpriseofAssistantrolnsurethe businessca n controli ncontrol ;to cl ose concer n fina ncial, a nd coal electri linkage,and energy-savie; to perfect daily r unmainte nance operationofrecords,promote problem reasonsa nalysi s andsystem handover ;tostre ngtheni ng BFS+ +,and ERP , a nd SCM,techno
9、logy application oftraining,impr oveempl oyees a pplicationngscheduling ,national policytrends,strengt heni ng track,a ctiveshould;t oimplementati onState-ow ned assetsmethod,further specifi cation busine ssfina ncialma nagement;t operfectri sk tube controlsystem, achi eved riskopportunities,wemore
10、excitingfight morespirited.Employees, let us toget heracr oss 2013full ofchalle nges a nd opportunities,to create agreen, low -costoperation,fullofhumanecare ofa world-cl ass powerge neration com panyand work hard! Theoccasi on ofthe SpringFestival,mysincere wishthaty oua nd thefamilies ofthe staffi
11、n thenewyear,good health, happy, happy!甘肃农业大学文科实验室管理试行办法(草案)第一章 总 则第一条 根据甘肃农业大学人文学院专业教学与学科发展的目标和要求,为提高人文学院学生的实践动手能力和文科实验室的整体实力,规范和完善文科实验室的管理工作,使其逐步发展成为人文学院实践性教学以及科研项目开发的重要平台,现根据甘肃农业大学关于实验室建设发展的整体规划和要求,结合人文学院的实际情况,特制定本办法。第二条 甘肃农业大学文科实验室(下称文科实验室)的主要任务是认真贯彻执行国家的教育方针,保证完成实验教学任务,不断提高实验教学质量,培养学生实验操作技能和科学实
12、验能力,积极开展科研项目开发工作,努力提高科学研究水平,为实践性教学服务。第三条 文科实验室的建设,应在人文学院教学领导小组的指导下,从实际出发,统筹规划,合理设置;努力做到实验场地、仪器设备、技术队伍与科学管理协调发展,努力提高投资效益。第四条本办法适用于文科实验室各具体实验单元。第二章 实验室的任务第五条文科实验室应根据每学期教学计划和教学大纲的有关规定,分别承担相关课程的实验教学任务;各实验单元应根据教学要求,合理安排实验仪器设lay levels ca dresin enterpri se deve lopme nt inthe ofba ckbone back bone role;
13、t ofullstrengt heni ng membersyouth w ork,fullplay y outh em ployee s in company devel opment i n theofforce r ole;to im prove inde pendent Commissi on agai nstcorrupti on w ork level,stre ngthe ningonenter prise busi nesskey link ofeffectiveness m onitore d.,Andmaintai nstabilit y.Tofurtherstre ngt
14、he n publi cityand e ducation, improve theoveralllegalsy stem.We must stre ngthensafety management,establish andimprove t heeducati on, supervision,a nd evaluationa sone ofthetrafficsafetymanagementmecha nism.oconscienti ously sum up the Olympi cse curity control s,pr omoting integrate d managementt
15、o a higherl evel, hig her standards,ahig herlevelofdevel opment.Empl oyees,todayis lunarcal endaron December24,t heox Bell isabout to ring,at thistime ofyear,we clearlyfeelthepulseofthe XX powergeneration company to flourish,t omore cle arlyhear XX power ge neration com panie s mature andsymmetrybre
16、athing.Recalli ng past onea nother a cross araili ng,we aree nthusiastica ndfull ofconfidence. F uturedevelopmentWewillconti nue to im prove the company'sinter nalcontr olsystem, andsteady impr ovementina bilityto ma nage andcontrol, optimize businesspr ocesses,t o ensure smooth processe s,respo
17、nsibilities i n pla ce; to furt herstrengt hen i nternal contr ols, playacontrolpost i nde pendent oversightrol e ofevaluation com plying wit hthird -partyresponsi bility;to a ctivelymakeuseof internal audit tools detect pote ntialmanagement ,streamline, standar dize relate dtransa ctions,stre ngthe
18、 ningoperations i n accorda ncewith law.De epeningt heinformation managementtoensurefull communicati on "zeroresistance".oconstantlyperfectERP ,and BFS+,and PI,a nd MIS, andSCM ,information system based constr uction,full i ntegration i nformation system, achieved i nformation re sourcessh
19、ared;to expa nd Portalsystem application of breadth and dept h, playinformation system on e nterpriseofAssistantrol e; to perfect daily r unmainte nance operationofrecords,prom oteproblem reasons a nalysi s andsystem handover ;tostre ngtheni ng BFS+ +,and ERP , a nd SCM,technology application oftrai
20、ning,impr oveempl oyees a pplicationinformation systemofcapa cityand level.Humanisticcare t oensure "zero."Tostrengtheni ng Humanities care,conti nue stofostercompany wind clea r,and gas are,a nd heartShun of culture atmosphere ;strengtheni ng lovehelpe dtrapped, care difficultemployee s;c
21、arried outstyle a ctivitie s,rich employee s life;strengt heni ng hea lthand labour prote ction, organi zation career health me dical, controlcar eer against ;continues to im plementati on psychologi calwar ning prevention system, traini ngempl oyees health of chara cter,a ndsta bleofmood a nd e nte
22、rprising ofattitude,created friendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment.ostrengthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure t hatthe busi nessof"zero risk". To stre ngthenedbusi ness pla ns manageme nt,will businessbusiness planscov erto alllevel,e nsurethe businessca n controli ncontrol ;to cl ose concer
23、n fina ncial, a nd coal electri linkage,and energy-savingscheduling ,national policytrends,strengt heni ng track,a ctiveshould;t oimplementati onState-ow ned assetsmethod,further specifi cation busine ssfina ncialma nagement;t operfectri sk tube controlsystem, achi eved riskrecogniti on,a nd mea sur
24、e,a nd a ssessment,and report,and controlfeedba ck ofclosedri ng management , improverisk preventi on capacit y.Tofurtherstandar dizetrading, andstriveto achieve"accordingto la w,standardi ze andfair." Innovationofperformance management,to e nsure t hat potentialem ployee s"zerofly&qu
25、ot;.Tostre ngthe nperformance management, pr ocess control,e nhanceempl oyee evaluati on andlevel sofeffectivecommunicationtoimpr oveperforma ncema nagement. ofurtherqua ntifyand refineemployeestandards .Work,fullplay party,and bra nch,and members in "five type Enterprise" constr ucti on i
26、n t he of core role, a ndfighti ngfortressrole a nd pioneer modelrole ;tocontinuest ostrengthening "fourg ood" leadership construction备和辅助材料,作好服务,保证实验教学任务的顺利执行。第六条 文科实验室要积极进行实验技术的研究和仪器设备的综合利用,以满足教学和科研的需要;应精心使用、维护和保管仪器设备,使仪器设备经常处于完好状态,以保证实验课程和科研项目的顺利进行。第七条 文科实验室应严格执行实验室工作的各项规章制度,加强对实验室的管理和对
27、实验室人员的培训,以提高工作水平。第八条 文科实验室应积极深入开展科学研究工作,为全院教职工的科研工作创造平台和帮扶条件,以科研项目推动学院学科建设,提高人文学院办学水平。第三章 实验室设置与人员配备第九条 人文学院文科实验室设置文科专业实验室、音像阅览室和综合实验室三个实验室,其中文科专业实验室下设8 个分实验单元,分别是: 办公自动化基础、电子商务概论、管理信息系统、会计学原理、公共关系、市场营销、统计学。文科实验室人员配备暂定为:实验室主任1 名;实验教辅人员1 名。第十条 实验室主任职责和实验教辅人员职责见相关管理办法。第四章 实验室建设第十一条文科实验室的建设应以人文学院的专业建设、
28、学科建设、教学计划和科研项目为依据,统筹规划,全面安排,有计划、有步骤、有重点进行。lay levels ca dresin enterpri se deve lopme nt inthe ofba ckbone back bone role; t ofullstrengt heni ng membersyouth w ork,fullplay y outh em ployee s in company devel opment i n theofforce r ole;to im prove inde pendent Commissi on agai nstcorrupti on w ork
29、 level,stre ngthe ningonenter prise busi nesskey link ofeffectiveness m onitore d.,Andmaintai nstabilit y.Tofurtherstre ngthe n publi cityand e ducation, improve theoveralllegalsy stem.We must stre ngthensafety management,establish andimprove t heeducati on, supervision,a nd evaluationa sone ofthetr
30、afficsafetymanagementmecha nism.oconscienti ously sum up the Olympi cse curity control s,pr omoting integrate d managementto a higherl evel, hig her standards,ahig herlevelofdevel opme nt.Empl oyees,todayis lunarcal endar on December24,theox Bell isabout to ring,at thistime ofyear,we clearlyfeelthep
31、ulseofthe XX powergeneration company to flourish,tomore cle arlyhear XX power ge neration com panie s mature andsymmetrybreathing.Recalli ng past onea nothera cross araili ng,we aree nthusiastica ndfull ofconfidence. F uturedevelopmentWewillconti nue to im prove the company'sinter nalcontr olsys
32、tem, andsteady impr ovementina bilityto ma nage andcontrol, optimize businesspr ocesses,t o ensure smooth processe s,responsibilities i n pla ce; to furt herstrengt hen i nternal contr ols, playacontrolpost i nde pendent oversightrol e ofevaluation com plying wit hthird-party responsi bility;to a ct
33、ivelymakeuseof internal audit tools detect pote ntialmanagement ,streamline, standar dize relate dtransa ctions,stre ngtheningoperations i n accordancewith law.De epeningt heinformation managementtoensuref ull communicati on "zeroresistance".oconstantlyperfectERP ,and BFS+,and PI,a nd MIS,
34、 andSCM ,information system based constr uction,full i ntegration i nformation system,achieved i nformation re sourcesshared;to expa nd Portalsystem application of breadth and dept h, playinformation system on e nterpriseofAssistantrol e; to perfect daily r unmainte nance operationofr ecords, prom o
35、te problem reasonsa nalysi s andsystem handover ;tostre ngtheni ng BFS+ +,and ERP , a nd SCM,technology application oftraining,impr oveempl oyees a pplicationinformation systemofcapa cityand level.Humanisticcare t oensure "zero."Tostrengtheni ng Humanities care,conti nue stofostercompany w
36、ind clea r,and gas are,a nd heartShun of culture atmosphere ;strengtheni ng lovehelpe dtrapped, care difficultemployee s;carried outstyle a ctivitie s,rich employee s life;strengt heni ng hea lthand labour prote ction, organi zation career health me dical, controlcar eer against ;continues to im ple
37、mentati on psychologi calwar ning prevention system, traini ngempl oyees health of chara cter,a ndsta bleofmood a nd e nterprising ofattitude,created friendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment.ostrengthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure t hatthe busi nessof"zero risk". To stre ngthenedbusi ness pl
38、a ns manageme nt,will business business planscov erto alllevel,e nsurethe businessca n controli ncontrol ;to cl ose concer n fina ncial, a nd coal electri linkage,and energy-savingscheduling ,national policytrends,strengt heni ng track,a ctiveshould;t oimplementati onState-ow ned assetsmethod,furthe
39、r specifi cation busine ssfina ncialma nagement;t operfectri sk tube controlsystem, achi eved riskrecogniti on,a nd mea sure,a nd a ssessment,and report,and controlfeedba ck ofclosedri ng management , improverisk preventi on capacit y.Tofurtherstandar dizetrading, andstriveto achieve"accordingt
40、o la w,standardi ze andfair." Innovationofperformance management,to e nsure t hat potentialem ployee s"zerofly".T o stre ngthe nperformance management, pr ocess control,e nhanceempl oyee evaluati on andlevel sofeffectivecommunicationtoimpr oveperforma nce ma nagement. ofurtherqua ntif
41、yand refineemployeestandards .Work,fullplay party,and bra nch,and members in "five type Enterprise" constr ucti on in t he of core role, a ndfighti ngfortressrole a nd pioneer modelrole ;tocontinuest ostrengthening "fourg ood" leadership con struction第十二条文科实验室的建设应按计划进行,合理分配和使用学校划
42、拨的实验室建设经费。第十三条文科实验室应努力创造条件,积极申请筹建更高层次的重点实验室、 实践性教学示范点以及精品课程示范点等,以适应高科技发展和高层次人才培养的需要。第十四条文科专业实验室应积极创造条件,认真努力工作,建设好人文学院的以建设实践性教学平台为中心,以人文学院的网页和以教和学论坛为教辅点的“一个中心,两个教辅点”的目标要求。第五章 实验教学管理第十五条为了充分调动实验课程教师和实验室人员的积极性,搞好实践性教学工作,特制定如下办法:1、实验人员须对所管理的实验室设备进行日常维修、维护及保养,以保证较高的设备完好率。2、每学期第1 周至第 3 周为实验准备时间,原则上不安排实验,如
43、果教学上需要使用实验室,相关教研室应在前一学期末通知实验室。3、每学期有实验教学安排的教师应在教学计划下达后根据教学计划填写人文学院文科实验室实验预约登记表报送学院教学秘书,并注明所需要安装的软件。学院教学秘书应将人文学院所有的登记表收齐汇总后确认,再提交给相关领导签字。实验室根据各教学秘书提供的汇总表配合安排的教学实验工作,制定本学期实验课程lay levels ca dresin enterpri se deve lopme nt inthe ofbackbone back bone role; tofullstrengt heni ng membersyouth work,fullpla
44、y y outh em ployee s in company devel opment i n theofforce r ole;to im prove inde pendent Commissi on agai nstcorruption w ork level,stre ngthe ningonenter prise busi nesskey link ofeffectiveness m onitore d.,Andmaintainstabilit y. Tofurtherstre ngthe n publi cityand e ducation, improve theoveralll
45、egalsy stem.We must stre ngthensafety management,establish an d improve t heeducation, supervision,and evaluationasone ofthetrafficsafetymanagementmecha nism.oconscienti ously sum up theOlympi cse curity control s,pr omoting integrated managementto ahigherl evel, hig her standards,ahig herlevelofdev
46、el opme nt.Empl oyees,todayis lunarcal endaron December24,theox Bell isabout to ring,at thistime ofyear,we clearlyfeelthepulseofthe XX powergeneration company to flourish,t omore clearlyhear XX power ge neration com panie s mature andsymmetrybreathi ng.Recalli ng past oneanother a cross araili ng,we
47、 aree nthusiasticandfull ofconfidence. FuturedevelopmentWewillconti nue to im prove the company'sinter nalcontr olsystem, andsteady improvementina bilityto manage andcontrol,optimize businessprocesses,t o ensure smooth processe s,responsibilities i n place; to furt herstrengt hen i nternal contr
48、 ols, playacontrolpost inde pendent oversightrol e ofevaluation complying wit hthird -partyresponsi bility;to a ctivelymakeuseof internal audit tools detect pote ntialmanagement ,streamline,standar dize relate dtransa ctions,stre ngthe ningoperations in accorda ncewith law.De epeningt heinformation
49、managementtoensurefull communication "zeroresistance".oconstantlyperfectERP ,and BFS+,and PI,a nd MIS, andSCM,information system based constr uction,full i ntegration i nformation system, achieved i nformation re sourcesshared;to expand Portalsystem application of breadth and dept h, playi
50、nformation system on e nterpriseofAssistantrole; to perfect daily r unmainte nance operationofrecords,prom oteproblem reasons a nalysis andsystem handover ;tostre ngtheni ng BFS+,and ERP , a nd SCM,technology application oftraining,impr oveempl oyees a pplicationinformation systemofcapa cityand leve
51、l.Humanisticcare t oensure "zero."Tostrengtheni ng Humanitiescare,conti nuestofostercompanywind clea r,and gas are,a nd heartShun of culture atmosphere ;strengtheni ng lovehelpe dtrapped, care difficultemployees;carried outstyle a ctivitie s,rich employees life;strengt heni ng hea lthand l
52、abour prote ction, organi zationcareer health me dical, controlcar eer against ;continues to implementati on psychologi calwar ning prevention system, trainingempl oyees health of chara cter,a ndsta bleofmood and e nterprising ofattitude,created friendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment.ostrengthe
53、n riskmanageme nt,ensure thatthe busi nessof"zero risk". To stre ngthenedbusi ness pla ns manageme nt,will businessbusiness planscov erto alllevel,ensurethe businessca n controli ncontrol ;to cl ose concer n fina ncial, a nd coal electri linkage,and energy-savingscheduling,national policyt
54、rends,strengt heni ng track,a ctiveshould;t oimplementationState-ow ned assetsmethod,further specification busine ssfina ncialma nagement;t operfectri sk tube controlsystem, achi eved riskrecogniti on,a nd mea sure,and a ssessment,and report,and controlfeedba ck ofclosedri ng management , improveris
55、k preventi on capacit y.Tofurtherstandar dizetrading, andstriveto achieve"accordingto la w,standardi ze andfair." Innovationofperformance management,to ensure t hat potentialemployee s"zerofly".Tostre ngthe nperformance management, process control,e nhanceemployee evaluation andl
56、evel sofeffectivecommunicationtoimpr oveperforma ncema nagement. ofurtherqua ntifyand refineemployeestandards .Work,fullplay party,and branch,and members in "five type Enterprise" constructi on in the of core role, andfighti ngfortressrole a nd pioneer modelrole ;tocontinuestostrengthening
57、 "fourgood" leadership construction总表。制定好的本学期实验课程总表交各任课教师审核确认, 如有问题与协同教学秘书协商通过。最终制定好的实验课程总表在执行过程中,如无特殊情况,不能随意更改。如遇实验室无法承担的实验,应由院、系、实验室负责人协调解决。4、随着实验室的建设和发展,应及时提交给院教学秘书一份实验室软件安装情况一览表。软件安装表中未涉及到的、而教学中确实需要的软件应由相关专业系和任课教师提供,并指定教师协同实验教辅人员一起安装调试。5、教学过程中需要调整实验时间的实验任课教师应填写计算机系实验室实验预约调整表,由任课教师所在系系主
59、度,随时解决出现的各类问题。lay levels ca dresin enterpri se deve lopme nt inthe ofbackbone back bone role; tofullstrengt heni ng membersyouth w ork,fullplay y outh em ployee s in company devel opment i n theofforce r ole;to im prove inde pendent Commission agai nstcorrupti on w ork level,stre ngthe ningonenter prise busi nesskey link ofeffectiveness m onitore d.,Andmaintainstabilit y.Tofur
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