1、stressed t hat prom i Ing Ie com pree nsVe r iaiai on Soul d focus onecnomc cnstucin a s Ie cental focus wt, ,. spe cal atent on t 、” Ie imp e ntaton of fve . met concept*moigthe al round ope nig ”, esuig a nd m proving ,e”s ioodsteg the const ucton of e col ogial ciizai on,fve ,i o
2、r.es, pay development mX To -new.met cnce pt measure work, a nd comma, act on, a nd tra nig - d n e nt meme ntatin new d etpmet concepti nle l ook ngUnites,andbu hghighs, ad exa nd advantage, t i ful eenig rfm, bre ak bound Ie a specs ceae. v m iy of -temmechaismobstaces;toacve adva nce ul a sects o
3、pe nig, palic pain i the cast E cnomic .or st andimprovdIVelhoodsrongywonpoveybate;tostengthei ng ecoigi - cv .lincnst ucti n, fr susa nabie ve opment r ve. space for future ge ains if Sy *. “、ee, ad waer .earofbeehomes.mus in depth impllmetimpl -enain ne w d l opme nt concet i ns d to ecnomic unst
4、- in for Ceee I, m, ht d l opme I ftislist p! oiy a bsorbe d mike cnstrcin, heat nodistactons-ught-veopment,spedupdlopment、X big idty, idethimplemetaion Irre big egi neei ng, ictve ceae w lig e nvrnme, out of a atceqialymoehigh,adbe neis bete, ad st . ue moentoftasfmaindlopme adTsengt heeclogca cnst
5、ujin. On Ma U 22, the d_ p t - uig eami nnd a nd a doped the opinion I n pedeji ng cmienain mlchani of eclogica pr-e ci dI-loretheesablsmetofdies-declogcacm peinmlcha , prog * eaiat on of fts grssa nns, .s a nd I Ie ara s of fo_s a nd k. e clogc, fuUi on a nd ote mpor at rrginnl -g-l cmpe nsainc-agg
6、e Ie eclgi ca adva na of Ie rrgi on wl be f urte highlghe d. nned I go gre e e cbuli ng - t he sse-tal pol cy i stic accrra n wit t heSte of mai uncin rrgincnnltucinreuirmetscaeuimpleain and XaooigamountansforrstecolgialprotecionandeconomcestuctuigplafrIecnntrcinIfsybue - A cs pr ohi td by piki ng u
7、p the emaii ng i n sandig tmbe. To focus onfes esurcnsevaion,icrale the a _uiiin ad suev sin of col d stage nobuy fri, ecurge supo. teadigeerpisesworkes copeaivs - a uni, t he cntrct manget of fores resu-s,theainapr otct on and ul in of rrsouces T .work actvy t owads pol cy ai mid fom the lve of the
8、 Stae Foresy - iistainfmulae d rrguat ins t o prote c fes esur cis as soon a s po be I a chiee a w ad e.laintpr otct fres esucs. Shoudf-s on forrst fie prevetion.Fiesaeys the is priry混凝土夹渣、蜂窝修补方案一、工程概况:龙州县第一中学学生食堂工程三层柱x(E、(D、柱现浇根部、(F-(B轴屋面板底出现严重夹渣、蜂窝现象。现针对本工程混凝土现 浇结构外观质量缺陷,包括剪力墙、柱、结构梁、楼板、楼梯等结构部位 上出现
9、的夹渣、蜂窝制定混凝土夹渣、蜂窝处理方案。二、混凝土外观质量缺陷划分根据国家标准 GB50204-2002(2011年版)混凝土结构工程施工质量验 收规范第八章第一节之规定,混凝土现浇结构外观质量缺陷划分为九种 情况(见下表)。名称现象严重缺陷一般缺陷露筋构件内钢筋未被混凝土包裹而外露纵向受力钢筋有露筋其他钢筋后少量露 筋蜂窝混凝土表面缺少水泥 砂浆而形成石子外露构件主要受力部位有 蜂窝其他部位有少量蜂 窝孔洞混凝土中孔穴深度和 长度超过保护层厚度构件主要受力部位有 孔洞其他部位有少量孔 洞夹渣混凝土中夹有杂物且 深度超过保护层厚度构件主要受力部位有 夹渣其他部位有少量夹 渣疏松混凝土中局部不
10、密实构件主要受力部位有 疏松其他部位有少量疏 松裂缝缝隙从混凝土表面延 伸至混凝土内部构件主要受力部位有 影响结构性能或使用 功能的裂缝其他部位有少量不 影响结构性能或使 用功能的裂缝stressed t hat prom i Ing Ie com pree nsVe r iaiai on Soul d focus onecnomc cnstucin a s Ie cental focus wt, ,. spe cal atent on t “as imp e ntatonof fve . “met concept * de epe nig efoma. pr omoig t he al ro
11、und ope nig ”, esuig a nd m proving ,e”s ioo*stag the const ucton of e col ogial ciizai on,fve ,ior.es, pay development mX To -new .met cnce pt measure wk,a nd comma, act on, a nd tra nig - d n e nt meme ntatin new d etpmet conceptinle look ngUnites,and bu hghlg I s, ad _a nd a .vant” t o ful eenig
12、rfm, break bound Ie a specs ceae. v m iy of -temmechaismobstace s; to a cve adva nce ul a sects ope nig palic pain i thecast E cnomic .or st nteesa nd impr ovd IVel hood srongy w on povey bate; t ostengt hei ng ecoigi - cv .lincnst ucti n, fr susa nabie ve opment r ve. space for future geains if Sy
13、*. “、ee, ad waer .earof bee homes.mus in depth impllmet impl -enain new . lopme nt concet insd to ecnomic unst - in for CeeeI, m, ht d l opment ths fs pr oiy a bsorbe d mike cnstrcin, heat nodistactons -ught- veopment, s-d up. lopment、X big idty, in dept himple metaion trre big egi neeing, ictveceae
14、 w lig e nvrnme, out of a atceqialy moe hig h, ad be neis bete, ad st . ue moe nt of tasfmaind lopme a d Tsengt heeclogca cnstujin. On Ma U 22, the d_ p t - uig eaminnd a nd a dope. the opinion I n perect ng cmienainmlchaniof l.cl proteci dt - l ore the e sablsmet of diesie. e clogca cm peinmlcha ,
15、pro. . eaiat on of fts grssa I ds n.s and I te ara s of fo_s a nd k. e clogc, fuUi on a nd ote mpor at rrginnl eclgi l cmpe nsainc-agge te eclgi ca adva na of te rrgi on wl be f urte highlghe d. nne. t go gre e e cbuli ng - the - se、lpol cy i stic accrra n wit t heSte of mai uncin r.incnnltucinreuir
16、mets eu impleain and Xaooig amountans forrst ecolgial pr otecion a nd e conomc est uct uig pl afr te cnntrcin I f sy bue - A cs pr ohi td by piki ng up the emaii ng i n sandig tmbe. To focus onfes esurcnsevai on, icra - the a _uiiin ad suev sin of col d stage nobuy fri, ecurge supo. teadig eer pises
17、 workes copeaivs - a uit the cntrct manget of fores resu-s, the aina pr otct on and ul in of rrsouces T .work actvy t owads pol cy ai midfom the lve of the Stae Foresy - iistainfmulae d rrguat ins to prote c fes esurcs as soon a s po be t a chiee a w ad e.laintpr otct fres esucs. Shoud f-s on forrst
18、 fie prevetion. Fi e saey s the is priry连接部位缺陷构件连接处混凝土缺 陷及连接钢筋、连接件 松动连接部位有影响结构 传力性能的缺陷连接部位有基本不 影响结构传力性能 的缺陷外形缺陷缺棱掉角、棱角不直、翘曲不平、飞边凸肋等清水混凝土构件有影 响使用功能或装饰效 果的外形缺陷其他混凝土构件有 不影响使用功能的 外形缺陷外表缺陷构件表面麻面、掉皮、 起砂、沾污等具有重要装饰效果的 清混凝土构件有外表 缺陷其他混凝土土构件 后不影响使用功能 的外表缺陷现浇混凝土结构,由质检部、工程部对施工现场现浇混凝土外观质量 和尺寸偏差进行全面检查,作出记录,并按本方案对缺
19、陷进行处理。对经 处理的部位,应由质检部重新检查验收。下面对混凝土外观缺陷夹渣、蜂窝麻面进行描述、原因分析,并提出相应的预防和修补措施1、夹渣:混凝土中夹有杂物且深度超过保护层厚度,分为严重缺陷和一般缺陷两种 (1)、构件主要受力部位有夹渣现象。(2)、构件其它部位有少量夹渣现象。1.1、 原因分析1.1.1、 砂石等原材料中局部含有较多的泥块未及时清除。1.1.2、 模板安装完毕后,现场遗留大量的垃圾物如锯末、木屑、小木块等, 工程用水冲洗时不仔细,大量的垃圾物聚集在一起,最后未及时清理。1.1.3、 现场工人的掉落工具、支撑小方木等杂物及丢弃的小模板等卡在钢 筋中未作处理。1.2、 预防措
20、施stressed t hat prom i Ing Ie com pree nsVe r ia i on Soul d focus onecnomc cnstucin a s Ie cental focus wt, ,. spe cal atenti on t nasp imp e ntaton of fve . “met concept*moigthealroundopenig”,esuigandmprovig,e”s 1)0.the const uctonof e col ogial cvizai on,fve pl or.es, pay develop
21、ment mX To -new.met cnce pt measure wk,a nd comma, act on, a nd tra nig - d n” e nt meme ntatin new d etpmet concepti nle l ook ngUnites, and buid hghlg I s, ad _a nd a .vant” t o ful eenig rfm, bre ak bound Ie a specs ceae. viaiy of temmechaismobstace s; to a cve adva nce ula sects ope nig, palic p
22、ain i the cast E cnomic Crridor -st nteesandimprovdIVelhoodsrongywonpoveybate;tostengtheingecoigicv Izaincnst ucti n, fr susa nabie ve opment r ve. space future ge ains if Sy *. “、ee, ad waer .earofbeehomes.mus idepth impllmetmplenain ne w d l opme nt concet i ns d to ecnomc unst - in for Ceee I, m,
23、 ht d l opment ths fs pr oiy a bsorbe d mike cnstrcin, heat nodactons-ught-veopment,spedupdlopment、X bg idt y, i dept hLple metain trre bg egi neei ng, ictve ceae w e nvrnme, out of a a“qialymoehigh,adbeneisbete,adst.uemoent of tasfmaind lopme adTsengtheeclogcaunstujin.OnMaU22,thed_ p t - uig eaminn
24、d a nd a doped the opiin I n perect ng cmienain mlchani of sse-tal pol cy i stic accrra n wit t heSte of mai uncin rrgincnnltucinreuirmetscaeuimpleain and XaooigamountansforrstecolgialprotecionandeconomcestuctuigplafrIecnntrcinIfsybue - A cs pr ohi td by piki ng up the emaii ng i n sandig tmbe. To f
25、ocus onfes esurcnsevaion,icrale the a _uiiin ad suev sin of col d stage nobuy fri, ecurge supo. teadigeerpisesworkes copeaivs - a uni, t he cntrct manget of fores resu-s,theainapr otct on and ul in of rrsouces T .work actvy t owads pol cy ai mid fom the lve of the Stae Foresy - iistainfmulae d rrgua
26、t ins t o prote c fes esur cis as soon a s po be I a chiee a w ad e.laintpr otct fres esucs. Shoudf-s on forrst fie prevetion.Fiesaeys the is priry拆模过早表面局部有麻面现象时),用1:3水泥砂浆进行补强。D.养护:表面补强12小时后,对该部位进行洒水养护,养护时间不少于5天。2、蜂窝:蜂窝是指硅表面无水泥浆,骨料间有空隙存在,形成数量或多或少的窟窿,大小如蜂窝,形状不规则,露出石子深度大于5 mm,深度不漏主筋,可能漏箍筋。2.1 原因分析、模板漏
27、浆,加上振捣过度,跑浆严重。、硅塌落度偏小,加上欠振或漏振形成。、硅浇筑方法不当,没有采用带浆法下料和赶浆法振捣。、硅搅拌与振捣不足,使硅不均匀,不密实,造成局部砂浆过少。2.2 预防措施混凝土表面出现麻面的预控,在混凝土浇筑前,应认真清除模板内的 杂物,模板表面要洁净,木模要充分湿润,钢模隔离剂要涂刷均匀,模板 安装必须严密,防止漏浆,浇筑时应分层浇筑、振捣密实以使气泡充分排 除,硅拌制时间应足够,分层厚度不得超过规范规定,防止振捣不到位。2.3 修补方法小蜂窝可按麻面方法修补,大蜂窝采用如下方法修补。、将蜂窝软弱部分凿去,用高压水及钢丝刷将结合面冲洗干净。、修补用的水泥品种必须与原硅一致,
28、砂子用中粗砂。、水泥砂浆的配比为1: 2到1: 3,并搅拌均匀,有防水要求时,在水泥浆中掺入水泥用量1%3%的防水剂,起到促凝和提高防水性能的目的。、按照抹灰工的操作方法,用抹子大力将砂浆压入蜂窝内,刮平,在棱角部位用靠尺将棱角取直。stressed t hat prom i Ing Ie com pree nsVe r iaiai on Soul d focus onecnomc cnstucin a s Iecental focuswt, ,. spe cal atent on t“as imp e ntaton of fve . “met concept * de epe nig efo
29、ma. pr omoig t he al round ope nig ”, esuig a nd m proving ,e”s ioo*stag the const ucton of e col ogial ciizaion,fve ,ior.es, pay development mX To -new .met cnce pt measure wk,a nd comma, act on, a nd tra nig - d n e nt meme ntatin new d etpmet concepti nle l ook ngUnites,and bu hghlg I s, ad _a nd a.vant” to ful eenig rfm, bre ak bound Ie a specs ceae. v m iy of -temmechaismobstace s; to a cve adva nce ul a sects ope nig palic pain i the cast E cnomic .or st nteesa nd impr ovd IVel hood srongy w on povey bate; t ostengt hei ng ecoigi - cv .lincnst uc
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