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1、基于嵌套式装置的动压巷道支护物基于嵌套式装置的动压巷道支护物理模拟试验研究理模拟试验研究Physical simulation with nested device for support of mining tunnel subjected to dynamic pressure 汇报人:单仁亮单仁亮 教授教授Presented by Professor Shan Renliang中国矿业大学(北京)中国矿业大学(北京)力学与建筑工程学院力学与建筑工程学院目录目录( (Catalog) )一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制( (1. Development of

2、 physical simulation device with nested structure) )二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验( (2. Similar simulation experiments on support of mining tunnel subjected to dynamic pressure) )三、结论三、结论( (3. Conclusion) )一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制( (1. Development of physical simulation device with nested stru

3、cture) )一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制1.1设计思路设计思路(Design idea) 将巷道所受的采动作用简化为静载荷和动载荷两部分直接施加给模型巷道,静载荷模拟超前支承压力和侧向支承压力的影响,动载荷模拟回采过程中由采区顶板断裂、垮落等因素产生的振动作用。 Mining pressure can be divided into two parts, dynamic load and static load. During the similar simulation tests, two parts of mining pressure can b

4、e applied to the model directly. The static load is used to simulate change of lead abutment pressure and side abutment pressure. The dynamic load is used to simulate vibration caused by mining such as roof breaking and roof caving.一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制图1.1 工作面支承压力分布Fig.1.1 Distribution o

5、f lead abutment pressure in working face1.1.1 超前支承压力超前支承压力(Lead abutment pressure) 超前支承压力曲线的函数公式,如公式(1)和(2)所示。 Function formulas of lead abutment pressure, such as formula (1) and (2) 塑性区: 弹性区:一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制图1.2 超前支承压力的传播Fig.1.2 Propagation of lead abutment pressure(2) (1) 12365478

6、1 11 091 21 31 4工 作 面 一 侧煤 柱 一 侧450025003 0 0 05 2 5 05 2 5 03 0 0 01500巷 道图1.4数值模拟中的应力测点Fig.1.4 Measuring points of stress in numerical simulation1.1.2 侧向支承压力侧向支承压力(Side abutment pressure)一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制图1.3 计算模型Fig.1.3 Calculation model80m61.5m43m 通过数值模拟的方法获得侧向支承压力的变化曲线。 Variation

7、 of side abutment pressure can be obtained by numerical simulation. (a)测点9 (a) point 9 (b)测点10 (b) point 10 (c)测点11 (c) point 11 (d)测点12 (d) point 12 (e)测点13 (e) point 13 (f)测点14 (f) point 14图1.5 测点应力变化曲线Fig.1.5 Stress variation curves of measuring points一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制表1.1 应力变化曲线拟合

8、公式Tab. 1.1 Fitting formulas of stress curves一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制 采动巷道的静压效应表现为:巷道区域开始时处于原始应力场的作用,随着工作面的靠近,到某一距离时开始受到超前支承压力和侧向支承压力叠加作用的影响,当工作面邻近时,超前支承压力开始衰减,巷道主要受侧向支承压力的影响,直至最终回采结束。 Static pressure effects of mining are summarized as, roadway only affected by primary stress at the beginnin

9、g. With the distance between roadway and working face decreasing, the side abutment pressure start to affect together with lead abutment pressure. When working face close to the roadway, lead abutment pressure attenuates. So roadway will influenced by side abutment pressure till to the end. 一、嵌套式物理模

10、拟试验装置的研制一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制模拟的对象:Simulation object顶板断裂释放能量,以应力波的形式往外传播,对巷道区域产生振动作用。Stress waves from roof breaking. 采空区大面积顶板垮落,形成了冲击荷载,成为震源向四周传播,同样对巷道区域产生振动作用。Vibration effects of impact load from roof caving in goaf.1.1.3 采动动压效应采动动压效应(Dynamic pressure effects of mining)一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制

11、巷道上部震源传播方向水平方向震源传播方向图1.6 振动的分类Fig.1.6 Classification of vibration动压效应的简化:Simplification of dynamic pressure effects 震源在巷道的上部Seismic source locates the top of roadway震源在巷道水平的方向上Seismic source locates somewhere horizontal direction一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制1.2 试验装

12、置的研制试验装置的研制(Development of test device) 123 4 355图1.7 试验装置整体结构图Fig.1.7 Structure diagram of test equipment嵌套式结构(nested structure)1外框架 outer-frame2内框架 inner-frame3顶部静载油缸 top static-load cylinder4顶部振动油缸top vibrating cylinder5底部振动油缸 bottom vibrating cylinder 76851 09(a)3431 31 11 51 61 21 4(b)图1.8 试验装置

13、外、内框架图Fig.1.8 Outer-frame and inner-frame of test equipment6外框架顶梁top beam of outer-frame7外框架立柱column of outer-frame 8外框架底梁mudsill of outer-frame 9外框架支腿outrigger of outer-frame 10导轨guideway 11滚轮组rollers12内框架顶梁top beam of inner-frame13内框架立柱column of inner-frame 14内框架底梁mudsill of inner-frame 15挡板 baffl

14、e16可视窗口 window一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制1 11 061 21 371 8图1.9 滚轮组局部详图Fig.1.9 Detail of rollers1 51 71 661 21 92 01 48953图1.10 试验装置整体侧向剖视图Fig.1.10 Lateral cutaway view of test equipment18滚轮 roller19实验材料 test materials20有机玻璃板 organic glass一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制尺寸(size):外框架(outer-frame)

15、 宽3760mm(width) 高3670mm(height)内框架(inner-frame) 宽2430mm(width) 高2540mm(height)图1.11 内框架横截面图Fig.1.11 Cross section graph of inner-frame图1.12 挡板组装效果图Fig.1.12 Effect picture of assembled bafflesHW型钢作骨架、腹板两侧焊接钢板HW steel is used as frame and plates are welded on both sides of web 一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制一、嵌套式物理模

16、拟试验装置的研制图1.13 实验系统Fig.1.13 Test system表1.2 试验装置部分参数Tab.1.2 Some parameters of test equipment一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制一、嵌套式物理模拟试验装置的研制二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验( (2. Similar simulation experiments on support of mining tunnel subjected to dynamic pressure) )2.1.1 研究对象研究对象(Research object) 原型巷道为矩形巷道,尺寸为4.5m(宽

17、)3.0m(高),巷道平均埋深为400m,所处煤层的厚度为7.5m。 Prototype of roadway is a rectangular roadway, the width is 4.5m and the height is 3m. The average buried depth is 400m, and the thickness of coal is 7.5m. 表2.1 相似模拟试验涉及岩层情况表Tab.2.1 Strata conditions related to similar simulation test二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验2.1

18、 试验的设计试验的设计(Design of test)2.1.2 模型相似常数的确定模型相似常数的确定(Determination of similar constants) 二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验几何相似常数 Similar constant of geometric强度与应力相似常数 Similar constant of strength and stress重度相似常数Similar constant of unit weight力的相似常数Similar constant of force时间相似常数Similar constant of time2

19、.1.3 模型材料的分层模型材料的分层(Layered of model materials) 试验中涉及的四个岩层的分层厚度,如图2.1所示。 Thickness of stratums involved in the test are showed in Fig.2.1.18001400500100420380巷 道煤 层直 接 顶直 接 底老 底图2.1 模型分层图Fig.2.1 Layered-graph of model模型巷道尺寸(Size of model roadway):250mm167mm。二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验2.1.4 模型相似材料的选

20、择和配比试验结果模型相似材料的选择和配比试验结果(Selections of model materials and results of proportioning test) 相似材料similar material表2.2 材料参数表Tab. 2.2 Parameters of materials二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验嵌缝石膏 caulking gypsum河砂 river sand32.5级普通硅酸盐水泥 32.5# portland cement 2.1.5支护模拟材料的选择支护模拟材料的选择(Selection of support materia

21、ls) 采用锡丝模拟锚杆和锚索,没有过多地追求直径上的相似,主要考虑力学性能上(拉断力)的相似。 Bolt and anchor cable are simulated by tin wire, similarity mainly considering mechanical properties(tensile force), so the diameter is not controlling factor in selection.表2.3 拉断力测试结果Tab.2.3 Test results of tensile force二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验 钢

22、带和锚杆、锚索托盘均采用薄铁皮进行模拟;钢筋网则采用塑料网进行模拟;薄铁片固定在锚杆尾部模拟锚固段的锚固作用。 Steel strip and pallet of anchor cable are simulated by thin iron sheet. Mesh reinforcements are simulated by plastic net. Anchorage effect are simulated by thin iron sheet on tail of bolt. (a)锚杆 (b)锚索图2.2 锚杆和锚索模型Fig.2.2 Model of bolts and anch

23、or cables二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验2.1.6 监测点的布置监测点的布置(Distribution of monitoring points) 应力监测+位移监测+超声波监测 stress + displacement + ultrasonic monitoring(a)应力监测点(b)位移监测点图2.3 监测点布置Fig.2.3 Distribution of monitoring points二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验1 8 0 01400巷 道305 06 07 05060 1 2 3 4 6 7 5 81 8 0 01

24、400巷 道303 01801 8 01234567891 01 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 92 02 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 93 03 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 94 04 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 81 8 0 01400巷 道1 234566 06 06060模 型 体l探 头 1探 头 2声 波 检 测 仪(a)声波监测点(b)声波检测仪 (c)平测法图2.4 声波检测Fig.2.4 Sound wave test二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验2.1.7支护构件的埋设方法支护

25、构件的埋设方法( Burying support components) 正在申请一件关于埋设支护的发明专利:一种能定位导向的煤巷支护物理模型实验方法。 An invention patent during application about burying support:a physical model experiment method has locating and guiding effect about roadway support.(a)定位板(b)帮锚杆埋设(c)开挖巷道(d)安装支护二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验图2.5 支护的埋设Fig.2.5

26、 Laying the model support图2.6 常用支护方案图Fig.2.6 Common support2.1.8 支护方案支护方案(Support schemes)二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验30004 5 0 0螺 纹 钢 锚 杆 2 0 2 2 0 0 m m5009007 5 锚 索 2 1 .6 4 2 0 0 m m7 5 7 8 02 1 0 0 2 7 5 3 m m钢 带 托 板 2 1 .6 4 2 0 0 m m锚 索3 0 0螺 纹 钢 锚 杆 2 2 2 2 0 0 m m7 8 0 7 8 0 7 8 0 7 8 0 7 8

27、 03 0 03 0 04 2 0 0 2 7 5 3 m m钢 带螺 纹 钢 锚 杆 2 2 2 2 0 0 m m 2 1 .6 4 2 0 0 m m900锚 索202200mm钢 带 托 板3002753mm9009005003000900螺 纹 钢 锚 杆21.64200mm3600钢 带 托 板21002753mm锚 索图2.7 优化支护方案图Fig.2.7 Optimization scheme of roadway support二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验2.1.9试验过程试验过程(Process of test)二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动

28、压巷道支护相似模拟试验图2.8 静载油缸加载曲线Fig.2.8 Loading curve of static-load cylinder静荷载的加载 Loading of static load加载曲线 :时间间隔Time interval20min动荷载的加载 Loading of dynamic load 振动来源顶部振动油缸 source of vibration top vibrating cylinder 加载波形正弦波 waveform of loading wavesine wave 振幅0.2mm amplitude 振动频率8Hz vibration frequency 施

29、加振动时间第10级静荷载 vibration timelevel 10 of static load二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验图2.9 试验后巷道破坏图Fig.2.9 Roadway failure after test2.2 试验结果与分析试验结果与分析(Results and analysis of test)2.2.1 无支护巷道无支护巷道(Non-support roadway)冒落拱Caving arch横拱形片帮Rib spalling withtransverse archappearance二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验

30、无支护巷道试验过程如图2.10所示。 Test process of non-support roadway is showed in Fig.2.10 (a)40kN (b)90kN(c)回采开始 (d)166.8kN图2.10 无支护巷道围岩破坏过程Fig.2.10 Failure process of non-support roadway二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验2.2.2常用支护巷道常用支护巷道(Common support roadway)(a)试验前 (b)开始模拟回采(c)174kN (d)212kN(e)231kN (f)试验后(g)帮部破坏图2

31、.11 试验前后巷道对比Fig.2.11 Comparison of roadway pre and post test 常用支护巷道试验过程如图2.11所示。 Test process of common support roadway is showed in Fig.2.11二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验 两帮收敛量为6.36cm,是顶板下沉量的1.96倍。 The convergence between two side walls is 6.36cm, which is 1.96 times of convergence between roof and f

32、loor. 图2.12 常用支护巷道变形Fig.2.12 Deformation of common support roadway二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验图2.13 帮部测点位移曲线Fig.2.13 Displacement curves of measuring points on the side walls 13号测点的位移量分别为0.43cm、0.23cm和0.12cm,1号测点相比于2、3号的位移增加了87.0%和258.3%。 The displacement of No.13 measuring point respectively are 0.

33、43cm, 0.23cm and 0.12cm. The displacement of No.1 respectively increase 87.0% and 258.3% in comparison with No.2 and No.3.二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验 变形同步 Synchronously deformation 7号点位移值1.18cm,8号点1.08cm,9号点1.00cm,7号点较后两者增幅仅为9.3%和10%。 The displacement of No.79 measuring point respectively are 1.18c

34、m, 1.08cm and 1.00cm. No.7 respectively increase 9.3% and 10% in comparison with No.8 and No.9.图2.14 角部测点竖向位移曲线Fig.2.14 Displacement curves of measuring points on the corner二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验 变形同步 Synchronously deformation 13号监测点2.72cm,14号2.65cm,15号监测点2.49cm,13号较其他两者增幅分别为2.6%和9.2%。 The dis

35、placement of No.1315 measuring point respectively are 2.72cm, 2.65cm and 2.49cm. No.13 respectively increase 2.6% and 9.2% in comparison with No.14 and No.15.图2.15 顶板测点位移曲线Fig.2.15 Displacement curves of measuring points on the roof二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验图2.16 帮部竖向应力变化Fig.2.16 Stress variation

36、of vertical stress in the side walls 中间位置的3号压力盒,示数是三者中最大的,较2号测点增长了59.5%,较4号盒增长了113.6%。 The pressure of No.3 transducer located in the middle is largest, which respectively increase 59.5% and 113.6% in comparison with No.2 and No.4.二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验图2.17 角部竖向应力变化Fig.2.17 Stress variation o

37、f vertical stress in the corner 压力逐步向中等深处的围岩转移。 The pressure of surrounding rock shift to mid-depth. 巷道帮部支护不足引起的连带效应。 The process effects of low support strength in side walls.二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验(a)试验前 (b)开始模拟回采(c)170kN (d)231kN (e)试验后 (f)帮部支护效果图2.18 试验前后巷道对比Fig.2.18 Comparison of roadway p

38、re and post test二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验2.2.3 优化支护巷道优化支护巷道(Optimizing support roadway) 优化支护巷道试验过程如图2.18所示。 Test process of optimizing support roadway is showed in Fig.2.18. 两帮收敛量为2.45cm,而顶板下沉量为2.34cm,相对于原支护方案,降幅分别达到了61.5%和27.8%。 The convergence between two side walls is 2.45cm, and the convergen

39、ce between roof and floor is 2.34cm. They respectively decrease 61.5% and 27.8% in comparison with common support roadway. 图2.19 优化支护巷道变形Fig.2.19 Deformation of optimized support roadway二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验 1号测点位移量为0.41cm,2号为0.09cm,较常用支护降幅分别达到4.7%和60.9%。 The displacement of No.12 measuring p

40、oint respectively are 0.41cm and 0.09cm. They respectively decrease 4.7% and 60.9% in comparison with common support roadway. 图2.20 帮部测点位移曲线Fig.2.20 Displacement curves of measuring points on the side walls二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验 79号测点的最终位移值分别为0.86cm、0.83cm和0.82 cm,与常用支护相比,降幅分别达到27.1%、23.1%和18%

41、。 The displacement of No.79 measuring point respectively are 0.86cm, 0.83cm and 0.09cm. They respectively decrease 27.1%, 23.1% and 18% in comparison with common support roadway.图2.21 角部测点竖向位移曲线Fig.2.21 Displacement curves of measuring points on the corner二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验 1315号监测点的位移量分别为

42、2.36cm、2.20cm和2.13cm,较常规支护降幅达到了13.2%、17.0%和14.5%。 The displacement of No.1315 measuring point respectively are 2.36cm, 2.20cm and 2.13cm. They respectively decrease 13.2%, 17.0% and 14.5% in comparison with common support roadway.图2.22 顶板测点位移曲线Fig.2.22 Displacement curves of measuring points on the

43、roof二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验 增设了帮锚索,提高了帮部支护强度,帮部受力更加合理。 Set anchor cables in the side walls improve the support strength of side walls, and make the distribution of stress more reasonably.图2.23 帮部竖向应力变化Fig.2.23 Stress variation of vertical stress in the side walls二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验 角部应

44、力分布更加均匀。 The distribution of stress in the roadway corner become more balance图2.24 角部竖向应力变化Fig.2.24 Stress variation of vertical stress in the corner二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验以优化支护方案的巷道为研究对象Research object is optimizing support roadway施加了2次振动Vibrating twice表2.4 声波波速测试结果Tab. 2.4 Wave velocities of sound wave tests2.2.4振动荷载的作用分析振动荷载的作用分析(Analysis of vibrating loading)二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验二、动压巷道支护相似模拟试验(a)施加振动荷载前(b)施加1次振动荷载后(c)施加2次振动荷载后图2.25 顶板4号声波测段结果Fig.2.25 Sound wave tests results of No.4 test section on the


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