



1、ILLNESS PERCEPTION QUESTIONNAIRE (IPQ-R)DateNameY OUR VIEWS ABOUT Y OUR ILLNESSListed below are a nu mber of symptoms that you may or may not have experie need since yourillness. Please indicate by cirelingYes or No, whether you have experieneed any of these symptomssi nee your ill ness, and whether

2、 you believe that these symptoms are related to your ill ness.I have experieneed thisThis symptom is related tosymptom since my illnessmy illnessPainYesNoYesNoSore ThroatYesNoYesNoNausea YesNoYesNoBreathless nessYesNoYesNoWeight LossYesNoYesNoFatigueYesNoYesNoStiff JointsYesNoYesNoSore EyesYesNoYesN

3、oWheez in essYesNoYesNoHeadachesYesNoYesNoUpset StomachYesNoYesNoSleep DifficultiesYesNoYesNoDizz in essYesNoYesNoLoss of Stren gthYesNoYesNoWe are in terested in your own pers onal views of how you now see your eurre nt ill ness.Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following stat

4、ements about your illness by tick ing the appropriate box.VIEWS ABOUT Y OUR ILLNESSSTRONGLYDISAGREEDISAGREENEITHER AGREE NORDISAGREEAGREESTRONGLYAGREEIP1My ill ness will last a short timeIP2My illness is likely to be permanent rather tha n temporaryIP3My illness will last for a long timeIP4This ill

5、ness will pass quicklyIP5I expect to have this ill ness for the rest of my lifeIP6My ill ness is a serious con diti onVIEWS ABOUT Y OUR ILLNESSSTRONGLY DISAGREEDISAGREENEITHERAGREE NOR DISAGREEagREESTRONGLYAGREEIP7My illness has major consequences on my lifeIP8My ill ness does not have much effect o

6、n my lifeIP9My ill ness stron gly affects the way others see meIP10My illness has serious financial consequencesIP11My ill ness causes difficulties for those who are close to meIPI2There is a lot which I can do to con trol my symptomsIP13What I do can determ ine whether my ill ness gets better or wo

7、rseIPI4The course of my ill ness depe nds on meipi5Noth ing I do will affect my ill nessIP16I have the power to in flue nce my ill nessIP17My actions will have no affect on the outcome of my ill nessIP18My ill ness will improve in timeIP19There is very little that can be done to improve my ill nessI

8、P20My treatment will be effective in curing my illn essIP21The n egative effects of my ill ness can be preve nted (avoided) by my treatme ntIP22My treatme nt can con trol my ill nessIP23There is nothing which can help my con diti onIP24The symptoms of my con diti on are puzzli ng to meIP25My illness

9、 is a mystery to meIP26I don ' t understand my illnessIP27My illness doesn' t make any sense to meIP28I have a clear picture or un dersta nding of my con diti onIP29The symptoms of my ill ness cha nge a great deal from day to dayIP30My symptoms come and go in cyclesIP31My ill ness is very un

10、 predictableIP32I go through cycles in which my ill ness gets better and worse.IP33I get depressed whe n 1 think about my ill nessIP34When 1 think about my ill ness I get upsetIP35My illness makes me feel angryIP36My ill ness does not worry meIP37Having this illness makes me feel anxiousIP38My ill n

11、ess makes me feel afraidCAUSES OF MY ILLNESSWe are in terested in what you con sider may have bee n the cause of your ill ness. As people are very differe nt, there is no correct an swer for this questi on. We are most i nterested in your own views about the factors that caused your ill ness rather

12、tha n what others in cludi ng doctors or family may have suggested to you. Below is a list of possible causes for your illness. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree that they were causes for you by tick ing the appropriate box.POSSIBLE CAUSESSIRONGLY DISAGREEDISAGREENEITHER AGREE NORDISAGR

13、EEAGREESIRONGLY AGREEC1 Stress or worryC2Hereditary - it runs in my family-C3A Germ or virus-C4Diet or eati ng habits-C5Chance or bad luck-C6Poor medical care in my past-C7Pollution in the environment-C8My own behaviourC9My men tal attitude e.g. thinking about life n egativelyC10Family problems or worries caused my illn essTnOverworkC12My emotional state e.g. feeling down, Ionely, an xious, emptyC13Agei ngC14AlcoholC15Smoki ngC16Accident or injuryC17My pers on alityC18Altered immu nityIn the table below, please list in rank-or


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