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1、( ) 1. Henry _be at home because he phoned me from the farm just now.A. mustntB. isnt able toC. may not( ) 2. Peter could hardly see the words on the blackboard, _?A. did heB. couldnt heC. didnt he( ) 3. Well go for a picnic if it _this Friday.A. wont rainB. isnt rainingC. doesnt rain( ) 4. There wi

2、ll be a volleyball match in our school, _?A. be thereB. is thereC. will there( ) 5. Buses and cars _ stop when the traffic lights are red.A. canB. mustC. mayD.need( ) 6. -How do you like Hangzhou, Miss Read? - Sorry, I _ there.A. have gone B. have beenC. havent gone D. haventbeen( ) 7. -Listen! Some

3、body is singing in the next room. Who _ it be? Is it WeiFang?-No. It _ be her. She is at school now.A. will, may not B. must, mustnt C. may, cantD.may,wont( ) 8. -Excuse me. Will you please tell me the way to the railway station?-Oh, sorry, but I dont know. You _ go and ask that policeman.A. mayB. m

4、ustC. wouldD.should( ) 9.Whats wrong with my bike?Its broken, but it _ in an hour.A. can be mendedB. must mend C. can mend D. must be mended( ) 10. -Children all bike this book.I think it _ very interesting.A. need beB. must beC. may beD.can be( ) 11. -May I go to the cinema, dad? - No, you _. You m

5、ust finish your homeworkfirst.A. mustntB. wontC. mustD.may( ) 12. To make our hometown more beautiful, you _throw rubbish into the river.A. needntB. mustntC. mustD.may( ) 13. She _know the answer, but Im not sure.A. maybeB. may beC. mayD.must( )14. The city cleaners repeat their work many times a da

6、y during the dust- storm season.A. mayB. canC. mightD.have to( ) 15.Must I go with them tomorrow?No, you _ .D. cantD. could heD. dontD. wontA. mustntB. shouldntC. needntD.cant( ) 16. _I have your name, please? -Yes, Michael. M-I-C-H-A-E-L.A. MustB. WillC. MayD. Would( ) 17. _you pass me a pen? Id li

7、ke to write down the telephone number.A. NeedB. CouldC. MustD. Should( ) 18. _you be happy!A. MayB. CanC. MustD. Would( ) 19. Since the road is wet this morning, _ last night.A. it must rain B. is must have rained C. it must be rainedD. it must have been rainedit again.you read todays newspaper? Not

8、 yet.you in Grade One last year? Yes, Iyou enjoy living on the farm?( ) 38. The temperature _ below zero after twelve at night.) 20. Isuch a mistake again.A. shall never makeB. can never doC. will never makeD. need never do) 21. IA. would like you to readB. would like that you readC. would like you

9、readingD. would like you read) 22. You had betterlate next time.A. not beB. not to beC. being notD. to be not) 23.open the door for you?A. Would you like that IB. Do you want meC. Will ID. Shall I) 24. As the English is difficult enough, Istudy it.A. cannotB. am not able toC. cantD. am not able) 25.

10、 Heto meet us at the station, but didnt see us.A. did goB. did wentC. goesD. had) 26. Ive lost my watch.you seen it anywhere?A. HaveB. hadC. hasD. having) 27.A. DidB. HaveC. AreD. Has) 28. Whatit mean?A. doesB. isC. hasD. was) 29. Workcome first.A. canB. mayC. shouldD. must) 30. The animals in cages

11、be happy.A. arentB. cantC. dontD. doesnt) 31. Hecome here tomorrow.A. dont needB. doesnt need toC. neednt toD. needs not) 32. What timethe Reads usually have supper?A. areB. doesC. haveD. do) 33.A. Are, amB. Were, wasC. Are, wasD. Was, was) 34. Li Pingill in bed, so hego to school today.A. was, wasn

12、tB. was, dontC. did, didntD. was, didnt) 35. Wherethe twins last night?A. wereB. wasC. areD. did) 36.A. DoB. AreC. CanD. Have) 37. Hecome here tomorrow.A. needntB. neednt toC. doesnt needD. needs notA. will beB. wontC. is going toD. doesto dance with my classmates on Sunday afternoon.you have breakf

13、ast yesterday morning?) 47. I dont know when she _ to Beijing. When she _ there, her daughter will go with her.) 52. -Can I go to see a film tonight, Dad? -) 55. -May I take these magazines out of the reading room? -No, you) 56. Mary can hardly believe her eyes,you show me the way to thestation?A. c

14、antsheB. can sheC. doesntsheD. does she) 39. I think itfine tomorrow.A. isB. wasC. will beD. be) 40. IdA. lovesB. wantC. hopeD. like) 41.A. DoB. DidC. AreD. Were) 42. Li Lei and Wu Dongon the maths problem when I left.A. are workingB. workC. was workingD. were working) 43. In our school, classroomsc

15、leaned every Saturday.A. will doB. shall doC. must beD. can be) 44. Many treesevery year.A. was plantedB. must plantedC. must be plantedD. must be plant) 45. Can the museumnext year?A. builtB. be builtC. buildD. will be built) 46. The teachersA. must be listened to carefullyB. must listen to careful

16、lyC. must strict with their studentsD. should listen to by the studentsA. will go, will goB. will go, goesC. goes, will goD. goes, goes) 48. The twinsa little Chinese from then on.A. were speaking) 49. -Please donA. cantB. was able to speakt use my computer. - Sorry! IB. must not) 50. How oftenyouA.

17、 do, goB. did, go) 51. -A. MustC. could speak D. have been able to speakdo it again.C. wontD. shouldto the park when you were in Beijing?C. will, goI hand in the work now? - No, you neednD. have, got.B. MayC. ShallD. NeedA. Yes, you mustB. Yes, you need C. No, you canD. No, you wont) 53. He _A.cantb

18、e in his office, fo I saw him in the street just now.B. shouldntC. mustntD. neednt) 54. -Must we clean the classroom right now? - No, you _. Youclean it after lunch.A. neednt, mustB. mustnt, canC. neednt, mayD. mustnt, mustA. wontB. dontC. needntD. mustnt) 57. Excuse me,A. mustB. shallC. mayD. could

19、( ) 58. You _ return the book now; you can keep it till next week.A. cantB. mustntC. dont( ) 59. I cant do it, so I _your help.A. needB. will needC. neednt( ) 60._ you lend me you pen?Sorry, Im using it. YouA. May, mustB. Can, mayC. Can, needD. Would, will( ) 61. Sir, you _ sit here, its for women o

20、r children only.A. dontB. cantC. wontD. neednt( ) 62. -Can you write a letter in English? No, I _.A. cantB. may notC. shouldntD. mustnt( ) 63. My boy, you _ talk to your father like that.A. wontB. may notC. shouldntD. has to( ) 64. -Hello, may I speak to Mr. Smith, please? - _.A. canB. mustC. canD.

21、should( ) 65. She said that he _ smoke there.A. Yes, you mayB. Sorry, you cantC. Yes, I am( ) 66. Dont play with the knife. You _ hurt yourself.A. mightB. mustntC. wouldD. should( ) 67. Dont play with the knife. You _ hurt yourself.B. shouldC. have toD. need( ) 68. He said that he_speak a little Eng

22、lish.A. mightB. couldC. wouldD. should( ) 69. You _ be late next time.A. mustntB. canC. needntD. need( ) 70. When the traffic lights are red, you _ go.A. cantB. needntC. may notD. mustnt( ) 71. -You must be here at half past five tomorrow morning.- Sorry I _ be here so early.A. needntB. mustntC. can

23、tD. may not( ) 72. -May I smoke here? -No, you _ .A. mustntB. dontC. wontD. need( ) 73. -_ I take the book out? -Yes, but you _ returnitbefore next Thursday.A. Can, mayB. May, mustC. May, needD. Need, must( ) 74. _ you lend me your dictionary?A. CouldB. NeedC. ShouldD. Must( ) 75. You_ go to see a d

24、octor at once if you have hurt yourself badly.D. needntD. dont needborrow Marys.D. Hold on, pleaseA. mayA. mustB. shallC. mayD. couldA. canB. needC. mustD. may( ) 76. The traffic _ stop when the lights are red.A. mustB. needC. mayD. can( ) 80. -Must I stay in till this evening? _ No, youA. cantB. mustntC. needntD. wont( ) 81. -Do you have to write to your pen-friend? -Sorry, but I really _ .A. cantB. mustC. haveD. should( ) 82. -Could I borrow your pen? -Yes, you _ .A. couldB. canC. were ableD. may( ) 83. -_ I watch TV now, Mum? -No, you _ finish your homework first.A. must, needntB.


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