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1、CHIMEI INNOLUX DISPLAY CORPORATIONLCD MODULESPECIFICATIONCustomer: ZJ070NA-01P 2012/01/11 01MDate:Name:Version: PreliminarySpecification Final SpecificationFor Customers AcceptanceApproved byReviewed byPrepared byChou2012/02/01Wenyi Wang2012/02/01David Lee2012/01/31Approved byCommentCHIMEI InnoLux c

2、opyright 2004,Copying forbidden.Record of RevisionVersionRevise DatePageContentPre-Spec.012012/01/11Initial Release.CHIMEI INNOLUXContents1.2.3.General Specifications1Pin Assignment2Operation Specifications53.1. Absoluteum Ratings53. Operation Conditions6Current Consumption7Ba

3、cklight Driving Conditions73.2. Power Sequence83. Electrical Characteristics9Input Clock and DaDiagram9DC Electrical Characteristics10. 11Data Input Format124.5.6.Optical Specifications13Reliability Test Items17General Precautions186.

4、5.Safety18Handling18Static Electricity18Storage18Cleaning187.8.Mechanical Drawing19Package Drawing208.1. Packaging Material Table208.2. Packaging Quty208.3. Packaging Drawing21CHIMEI INNOLUX1. General SpecificationsDate :2012/01/11Page:1/21Note 1: Refer to Mechanical Drawing.No.ItemSpecificationRema

5、rk1LCD size7.0 inch(Diagonal)2Driver elementa-Si TFT active matrix3Resolution1024 3(RGB) 6004Display modeNormally White, Transmissive5Dot pitch0.05(W) 0.15(H) mm6Active area153.6(W) 90.0(H) mm7Module size165.75 (W) 105.39(H) 4.8(D) mmNote 18Surface treatmentGlare9Color arrangementRGB-stripe10Interfa

6、ceDigital11View direction(Gray Inversion)6 OClock12Backlight power consumption3.564W (Typ.)13Panel power consumption0.35W (Typ.)14WeightTBD(Typ.)CHIMEI INNOLUX2. Pin AssignmentDate :2012/01/11Page:2/21FPC Connector is used for the module electronics interface. The recommended m FH12A-40S-0.5SH manuf

7、actured by Hirose.isPin No.SymbolI/OFunctionRemark1VCOMPCommon Voltage2VDDPPower Voltage for digital circuit3VDDPPower Voltage for digital circuit4NC-No connection5ResetIGlobal reset pin6STBYBIStandby mode, Normally pulled high STBYB = “1”, normal operation STBYB = “0”,controller, source driver will

8、 turn off, all output aigh-Z7GNDPGround8RXIN0-I- LVDS differential data input9RXIN0+I+ LVDS differential data input10GNDPGround11RXIN1-I- LVDS differential data input12RXIN1+I+ LVDS differential data input13GNDPGround14RXIN2-I- LVDS differential data input15RXIN2+I+ LVDS differential data input16GND

9、PGround17RXCLKIN-I- LVDS differential clock input18RXCLKIN+I+ LVDS differential clock input19GNDPGround20RXIN3-I- LVDS differential data input21RXIN3+I+ LVDS differential data input22GNDPGround23NC-No connection24NC-No connection25GNDPGround26NC-No connectionCHIMEI INNOLUXDate :2012/01/11Page:3/21I:

10、 input, O: output, P: PowerNote1: If LVDS input data is 6 bits ,SELB must be set to High;If LVDS input data is 8 bits ,SELB must be set to Low.Note2: When CABC_EN=”00”, CABC OFF.When CABC_EN=”01”, user interface image. When CABC_EN=”10”, still picture.When CABC_EN=”11”, moving image.When CABC off, d

11、ont connect DIMO, else connect it to backlight.Note3: When L/R=”0”, set right to left scan direction.When L/R=”1”, set left to right scan direction. When U/D=”0”, set top to bottom scan direction. When U/D=”1”, set bottom to top scan direction.27DIMOOBacklight CABC controller signal output28SELBI6bi

12、t/8bit mode selectNote129AVDDPPower for Analog Circuit30GNDPGround31LED-PLED Cathode32LED-PLED Cathode33L/RIHorizontal inversionNote334U/DIVertical inversionNote335VGLPGate OFF Voltage36CABCEN1ICABC H/W enableNote237CABCEN0ICABC H/W enableNote238VGHPGate ON Voltage39LED+PLED Anode40LED+PLED AnodeCHI

13、MEI INNOLUXNote: Definition of scanning direction. Refer to the figure as below:Date :2012/01/11Page:4/21CHIMEI INNOLUX3. Operation SpecificationsDate :2012/01/11Page:5/213.1.Absoluteum Ratings(Note 1)Note 1: The absoluteum rating values of this product are not allowed to be exceededat any times. Sh

14、ould a module be used with any of the absoluteum ratingsexceeded, the characteristics of the module may not be recovered, or in an extreme case, the module may be permanently destroyed.ItemSymbolValuesUnitRemarkMin.Max.Power voltageDVDD-0.35.0VAVDD6.513.5VVGH-0.342.0VVGL-20.00.3VVGH-VGL-40.0VOperati

15、on TemperatureTOP-3080Storage TemperatureTST-3080LED Reverse VoltageVR-5VEach LEDLED Forward CurrentIF-60mAEach LEDCHIMEI INNOLUXDate :2012/01/11Page:6/213.1.1.Typical Operation Conditions( Note 1)Note 1: Be sure to apply DVDD and VGL to the LCD first, and then apply VGH.Note 2: DVDD setting should

16、match the signals output voltage (refer to Note 3) of customers system board.Note 3: LVDS, Reset.Note 4: Typ. VCOM is only a reference value, it must be optimized according to each LCM. Be sure to use VR;ItemSymbolValuesUnitRemarkMin.Typ.Max.Power voltageDVDD3.03.33.6VNote 2AVDD10.81111.2VVGH19.7202

17、0.3VVGL-6.5-6.8-7.1VInput signal voltageVCOM2.7(3.7)4.7VNote 4Input logic high voltageVIH0.7 DVDD-DVDDVNote 3Input logic low voltageVIL0-0.3 DVDDVCHIMEI INNOLUXDate :2012/01/11Page:7/213.1.2.Current Consumption3.1.3.Backlight Driving ConditionsNote 1: The LED Supply Voltage is defined by the number

18、of LED at Ta=25 and IL =360mA.Note 2: The “LED life time” is defined as the module brightness decrease to 50% original brightness at Ta=25 and IL =360mA. The LED lifetime could be decreased if operating IL is lager than 360mA.ItemSymbolValuesUnitRemarkMin.Typ.Max.Voltage for LED backlightVL-9.910.5V

19、Note 1Current for LED backlightIL-360420mALED life time-20,000-HrNote 2ItemSymbolValuesUnitRemarkMin.Typ.Max.Current for DriverIGH-0.251.0mAVGH =20VIGL-0.251.0mAVGL = -6.8VIDVDD-3860mADVDD =3.3VIAVDD-2030mAAVDD =11VCHIMEI INNOLUX3.2. Power SequenceDate :2012/01/11Page:8/21a. Power on:20msVDD50us500u

20、sRESET35msLVDSSignalNormal signal20usVGL40usVGH120msB/Lb. Power off:VDDSTBYBRESET LVDSSignal=0msNormal signalAVDDVCOM100msVGL50msVGH=0msB/LCHIMEI INNOLUXDate :2012/01/11Page:9/213.3.CharacteristicsAC Electrical Characteristics3. Clock and DaDiagramParameterSymbolValuesUnitRemarkMin.Ty

21、p.Max.Clock frequencyRxFCLK40.851.267.2MHzInput data skew marginTRSKM500-psClock high timeTLVCH-4/(7* RxFCLK)-nsClock low timeTLVCL-3/(7* RxFCLK)-nsCHIMEI INNOLUXDate :2012/01/11Page:10/213.3.3.DC Electrical CharacteristicsParameterSymbolValuesUnitRemarkMin.Typ.Max.Differential input high Threshold

22、voltageRxVTH-+0.1VRXVCM=1.2VDifferential input low Threshold voltageRxVTL-0.1-VInput voltage range (singled-end)RxVIN0-2.4VDifferential input common mode voltageRxVCM|VID|/2-2.4-|VID|/2VDifferential voltage|VID|0.2-0.6VDifferential input leakage currentRVxliz-10-+10uACHIMEI INNOLUX3.3.4.Date :2012/0

23、1/11Page:11/21ItemSymbolValuesUnitRemarkMin.Typ.Max.Clock Frequencyfclk40.851.267.2MHzFrame rate=60HzHorizontal display areathd1024DCLKHS period timeth111413441400DCLKHS Blankingthb90320376DCLKVertical display areatvd600HVS period timetv610635800HVS Blankingthb1035200HCHIMEI INNOLUX3.3.5.Data Input

24、FormatDate :2012/01/11Page:12/216bit LVDS input8bit LVDS inputNote: Support DEmode only, SYNC mode not supported.CHIMEI INNOLUX4. Optical SpecificationsDate :2012/01/11Page:13/21Test Conditions:1. DVDD=3.3V, IL=360mA (Backlight current), the ambient temperature is 25.2. The test systems refer to Not

25、e 2.ItemSymbolConditionValuesUnitRemarkMin.Typ.Max.Viewing angle (CR 10)L=180(9 oclock)6575-degreeNote 1R=0(3 oclock)6575-T=90(12 oclock)6070-B=270(6 oclock)6575-Response timeTONNormal =0-1020msecNote 3TOFF-1530msecNote 3Contrast ratioCR500700-Note 4Color chromaticityWX0.260.310.36-Note 2Note 5Note

26、6WY0.280.330.38-LuminanceL400500-cd/mNote 6Luminance uniformityYU7075-%Note 7CHIMEI INNOLUXNote 1: Definition of viewing angle rangeDate :2012/01/11Page:14/21Normal line=9012 oclock direction=0LTRB=180=0Active Area=2706 oclock directionLCMFig. 4-1 Definition of viewing angleNote 2: Definition of opt

27、ical measurement system.The optical characteristics should be measured in dark room. After 30 minutes operation, the optical properties are measured at the center point of the LCD screen. (Response time is measured by Photo detector TOPCON BM-7, other items are measured by BM-5A/Field of view: 1 /He

28、ight: 500mm.)Normal line =0Photo detector=9012 oclock direction500mmActive Area=180=0LCM=2706 oclock directionFig. 4-2 Optical measurement system setupCHIMEI INNOLUXDate :2012/01/11Page:15/21Note 3: Definition of Response timeThe response time is defined as the LCD optical switching time interval be

29、tween “White” state and “Black” state. Rise time (TON) is the time between photo detector output intensity changed from 90% to 10%. And fall time (TOFF) is the time between photo detector output intensity changed from 10% to 90%.White (TFT OFF)White (TFT OFF)100%90%10%0%TOFFTONFig. 4-3 Definition of

30、 response timeNote 4: Definition of contrast ratioContrast ratio (CR) = Luminance measured when LCD on the White stateLuminance measured when LCD on the Black stateNote 5: Definition of color chromaticity (CIE1931)Color coordinates measured at center point of LCD.Note 6: Definition of luminance:Meas

31、ured at the center area of the panel when LCD panel is driven at “white”state. The LED driving condition is IL=360mA .Photo detector output (Relative value)Black (TFT ON)CHIMEI INNOLUXNote 7: Definition of Luminance UniformityActive area is divided into 9 measuring areas (Refer to Fig. 4-4 ).Every m

32、easuring point is placed at the center of each measuring area.Date :2012/01/11Page:16/21BminLuminance Uniformity (Yu) =BmaxLActive area lengthWActive area widthLFig. 4-4 Definition of measuring pointsBmax: The measuredum luminance of all measurement position.Bmin: The measured minimum luminance of a

33、ll measurement position.WW/6W/3W/3L/6L/3L/3CHIMEI INNOLUX5. Reliability Test ItemsDate :2012/01/11Page:17/21(Note3)Note 1: Ta is the ambient temperature of samples. Note 2: Ts is the temperature of panels surface.Note 3: In the standard condition, there shall be no practical problem that may affect

34、the display function. After the reliability test, the product only guarantees operation, but dont guarantee all of the cosmetic specification.Note 4: Before cosmetic and function test, the product must have enough recovery time, at least 2 hours at room temperature.ItemTest ConditionsRemarkHigh Temp

35、erature StorageTa = 80240hrsNote 1,Note 4Low Temperature StorageTa = -30240hrsNote 1,Note 4High Temperature OperationTs = 80240hrsNote 2,Note 4Low Temperature OperationTa = -30240hrsNote 1,Note 4Operate at High Temperature and Humidity+60, 90%RH240hrsNote 4Thermal Shock-30/30 min +80/30 min for a to

36、tal 100 cycles, Start with cold temperature and end with high temperature.Note 4Vibration TestFrequency range:1055Hz Stroke:1.5mm Sweep:10Hz55Hz10Hz2 hours for each direction of X. Y. Z. (6 hours for total)Mechanical Shock100G 6ms,X, Y, Z 3 times for each directionPackage Vibration TestRandom Vibrat

37、ion :0.015G*G/Hz from 5-100HZ, -6dB/Octave from 100-200HZ2 hours for each direction of X. Y. Z. (6 hours for total)Package Drop TestHeight:60 cm1 corner, 3 edges, 6 surfacesElectro Static Discharge 2KV,Human Body Mode, 100pF/1500CHIMEI INNOLUX6. General PrecautionsDate :2012/01/11Page:18/216.1.Safet

38、yLiquid crystal is poisonous. Do not put it in your mouth. If liquid crystal touches your skin or clothes, wash it off immediately by using soap and water.6.2.Handling1. The LCD panel is plate glass. Do not subject the panel to mechanical shock or to excessive force on its surface.2. The polarizer a

39、ttached to the display is easily damaged. Please handle it carefully to avoid scratch or other damages.3. To avoid contamination on the display surface, do not touch the module surfacewith baands.4. Keep a space so that the LCD panels do not touch other components.5. Put cover board such as acrylic board on the surface of LCD panel to protect panelfrom damages.6. Transparent electrodes may be disconnected if you use the LCD panel underenvironmental conditions where the condensation of dew


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