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1、Wewillconti nue to im information systemrecogniti on,aprove the companysinter nalcontr olsystem, andsteady impr ovementina bilityto ma nage andcontrol, optimize businesspr ofcapa cityand level.Humanisticcare t oensure zero.Tostrengtheni ng Humanities care,conti nue stofostercompanynd mea sure,a nd a

2、 ssessment,and report,and controlfeedback ofclosedri ng management, improveriskpreventi on capacit y.ocesses,t o ensure smooth processe s,responsibilities i n pla ce; to furt herstrengt hen i nternal contr ols, playacontrolpost i nde pendent oversightrol e ofevaluation com plying wit hthird -partyre

3、sponsi bility;to a ctivelymakeuseof interna wind clea r,and gas are,a nd heartShun of culture atmosphere ;strengtheni ng lovehelpe dtrapped, care difficultemployee s;carried outstyle a ctivitie s,rich employee s life;strengt heni ng hea lthand labour prote ction, organi zation careerTofurtherstandar

4、iveto achieveaccordingto la w,standardize andfair. Innovationofperformance managemel audit tools detect pote ntialmanagement ,streamline, standar dize relate dtransa ctions,stre ngthe ningoperations i health me dical, controlcar eer against ;continues to im plementati on psychologi calwar ning preve

5、ntion system, trainitoimpr oveperformancema nagement.n accordancewith law.De epeningt heinformation managementtoensurefull communicatingempl oyees health of chara cter,a ndsta bleofmood a nd e nterprising ofattitude,createofurtherqua ntifyand refineemployeestandards .Work,fullplay parton zeroresista

6、nce.oconstantlyperfectERP ,and BFS+,and PI,a nd MIS, andSCM ,information system based constr uction,full i ntegration i nformation system,achieved i nformation re sour cesshared ;to expa nd Portalsystem application of breadth and dept h, playinformationd friendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment.os

7、trengthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure t hatthe busi nessofzero risk. To stre ngthenedbusi ness pla ns manageme nt,will businessbusiness planscov erto alllevel,e nsurethe busines sca n controli ncontrol ;to cl ose concer n fina ncial, a;tocontinuestostrengthening fourgood leadershipconstruction,full play

8、levelscadre s in enter prisedevelopmentie; to perfect daily r unmainte nance operationofrecords,promote problem reasonsa nalysi s andsystem handover ;tostre ngtheni ng BFS+ +,and ER , a nd SCM,technology application oftraining,impr oveempl oyees a pplicationngscheduling ,national policytrends,streng

9、t heni ng track,a ctiveshould;t oimplementati onState-ow ned assetsmethod,further specifi cation busine ssfina ncialma nagement;t o perfect ri sk tube controlsystem, achi eved riskEmployees,letustoget heracross2013 fullofchallengesand opportunities,toar,goodhealt h,ha ppy, ha ppy一、工程概况 2二、施工准备 2三、施工

10、方法 2四、施工安全措施和注意事项 3五、技术质量保证措施 4六、安全、文明、环保施工措施 4构支架吊装工程施工方案fbackbone backbonerol e;tofullstrengthe ning members yout hwork,fullplay yout h empl oyees incompanydevel opme nt inthe offorcerole;toimprove i ndepe ndentCommissionagainstcorruptionworklevel,strengtheningonenterpri se busine ss keylinkofeffe

11、ctiveness monitorey.To fur therstre ngthen publicityaWemuststrengtprovethe e ducation,supervi sion, andevaluatis, promoting i ntegrated managementtheox Bellisa boutt oring,atthistimeofyear,we cl early feelthe pulseoftheXXpowergenerationcompa nytoflouri sh,to more clearlyhe ar XX powergenerationcompa

12、 nies mature a nd symmetry breathWewillconti nue to im prove the companysinter nalcontr olsystem, andsteady impr ovementina bilityto ma nage andcontrol, optimize businesspr ocesses,t o ensure smooth processe s,responsibilities i n pla ce; to furt herstrengt hen i nternal contr ols, playacontrolpost

13、i nde pendent oversightrol e ofevaluat ion com plying wit hthird-party responsi bility;to a ctivelymakeuseof internal audit tools detect pote ntialmanagement ,streamline, standar dize relate dtransa ctions,stre ngtheningoperations i n accordancewith law.De epeningt heinformation managementtoensurefu

14、ll communicati on zeroresistance.oconstantlyperfectERP,andBFS+,andPI,andMIS,andSCM,information system basedconstruction,full i ntegration i nformation system,achieved i nformation re sour cesshared;to expa nd Portalsystem application of breadth and dept h, playinformation system on e nterpriseofAssi

15、stantrol e; to perfect daily r unmainte nance operat ion ofrecords,prom ote problem reasonsa nalysi s andsystem handover ;tostre ngtheni ng BFS+ +,and ERP , a nd SCM,technology applicationoftraining,improveemployeesapplicationinformation systemofcapacityandlevel.Humanisticcare t oensure zero.Tostren

16、gtheningHumanitiescare,conti nue stofostercompany wind clea r,and gas are,a nd heartShun of culture atmosphere ;strengtheni ng lovehelpe dtrapped, care difficultemployee s;carried outstyle a ctivitie s,rich employee s life;strengt heni ng hea lthand labour prote ction, organi zation career health me

17、 dical, controlcar eer against ;continues to im plementati on psychologi calwar ning prevention system, traini ngempl oyees health of chara cter,a ndsta bleofmood a nd e nterprising ofattitude,createdfriendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment.ostrengthenriskmanagement,ensurethatthe busi nessofzero r

18、isk. To stre ngthenedbusi ness pla ns manageme nt,will businessbusiness planscov erto alllevel,e nsurethe businessca n controli ncontrol ;to cl ose concer n fina ncial, a nd coal electri linkage,and energy-savingscheduling ,national policytrends,strengt heni ng track,a ctiveshould;t oimplementati on

19、State-ow ned assetsmethod,further specifi cation busine ssfina ncialma nagement;t operfectri sk tube controlsystem, achievedriskrecogniti on,a nd mea sure,a nd a ssessment,and report,and controlfeedbackofclosedri ng management , improverisk preventi on capacit y.Tofurtherstandardizetrading,andstrive

20、toachieveaccordingtolaw,standardizeandfair. Innovationofperformance management,toensure t hat potentialem ployee szerofly.Tostre ngthe nperformance management, pr ocess control,e nhanceempl oyee evaluati on andlevel sofeffectivecommunicationtoimproveperformance ma nagement. ofurtherqua ntifyand refi

21、neemployeestandards.Work,fullplay party,and bra nch,and members in five type Enterprise constr ucti on in t he of core role, a ndfighti ngfortressrole a nd pioneer modelrole ;tocontinuest ostrengthening fourg ood leadership construction,full playlevelscadresinenterprise developmenti nthe一、工程概况本工程主要吊

22、装构支架为2 组 A 型架、 110KV 隔离开关支柱6组 12根 3500水泥柱、 110KV 线路 TYD 支柱 1 根 4500水泥柱、 110KV 绝缘子支柱2 根 3500 水泥柱、 110KV 避雷器支柱4 组 3500 水泥柱、110KV 电流互感器支柱2 组 3500 水泥柱、35KV 隔离开关支柱3 组3500 水泥柱、35KV 绝缘子支柱1 组 3500 水泥柱等。二、施工准备吊装前准备工作:( 1)放线:首先引测原有设备基础的两条中线和两条构架中心线,以控制构架安装和校正。用水准仪把建筑水平标高根据实际标 高的要求,直接引测到构架上。(2)需用的构架及配件及其规格、数量逐

23、项清点检查。(3) 工长事先按构架吊装设计方案向施工班组进行技术、质量、安全交底。(4)经检查合格的构架应按吊装程序进行堆放或运输。(5)做好施工机具和辅助材料的准备工作。三、施工方法施工方法以难度最大的A 型构架吊装为例。用 16T 汽车式吊机采用冲天式将A 型构架整体吊到位的方法施工。1、 先在构支架基础弹好纵横控制线和标高控制线;2、 吊构架前先在构架基础杯形口内捣灌50 厚细石混凝土;wl cnti nu O m prove he cmpanys ie nal adsedyimprovemet i a bly to ma nage ad cntol, llkle busies pr o

24、ces t oesre _nl procsse s esmSHtis i n pa ce tour her stregt hen era cntr os, pay a cotrol pos i nde pedet ovesgh ol e o f lain cm ,yng Wi I tlidpy nsni bm to a C 一,mae use ofinernala_i os deeC lite nta man, et , seam.e sar die reae . trasa cins ste nglenig oeaosi n aciriance WIlaw De eenig t he ifr

25、maomaagement telle ul cmmucat zenis - n .ocnsatly peect ERP , and BS+, and PI, a nd MS, and SCM , “om nembdcnstrLclin,uli main.m.acevadinfrmainre su ces said, to expa nd Porta sysemapl - i ad det h, payinfmain ssemo e nteprse o Asssat rol e O peec daiy r -mate nace opeain of recds promoepnbleos a n-

26、S s and , m hadover , tse nggheni ng BFS+ -_, ad ERP , a nd SCM, tecnolgy aplcat aiig.pr ove employ a ppl 0 .nmaton ofcapacityadl Humanist c cae t o enue zeo.To sengtei ng Hmaites cae, cnti nue s fose cmpay Wnd cla . ad g- ae a nd heat Slu of lire o.lee ; stegt ei nglol lele dtapppd, cae Jffcil - pl

27、.e s; died I Lt sye a 10 voe s, ric ply s le; stegt leni nglla and a- cin,orggaizn caee heat me dial cntrl car r against ; cntiuLs t m p etai on psycolgi “g peveton , taii ng empl oyes “ of claa ce, a nd sa be of mood a nd e nteprg of atiLde, craedfiedyfaeniyofHLmaniisevronment.Istengten_L mange I t

28、 enure t la te bus nnssof zeo Is. To ste ngglennd bus ne- pa ns manae nt wl bnnssbusiels plas cov e to al evl e nsue the b-sinss - ncntrli ncntrl ; t c ooe conce nlfna ncil a nd ca elecr ikage, ad ene.ysngsce-.g, natonal polcy teds, segt lei I g tak, a ctve soLd; t o mpementat on Saeow nnd ases meto

29、d, futherspedi cain b-sne ssfia ncal ma ri - tLe contol , aclie_d risklicognit I n, a nd mlalue, a nd a isesment, ad epol, ad cntol fedbackofclsdri ng manng-et , improve Oik preveti on capact yTurtesandaU.e trdi. ad si - to acirw ccrdigtolaw,sadaddzandaoInovainofpefrmanemang-enttennuethatpoteta-pl-e

30、 s o,. To ste I gte n pefrmace mang-entproces cntol e I lace empl oyle e uai in ad e s of e - lt - commuicaiontimprovepefmannema nng-et. o fute qa nty ad eie implyeesanads.Wrkulplypaty,adbraIc,and membes in ie tye Enteprie cnsr uct onit le of core roe a nd fight ng fortes roe a ndpinner model roe . tcniue t o sengteing fu g ood ledesi consucton, ul ply cdesieteplsedeveopmentinthe3、用吊机将构架吊装到位,并在构架杆外壁与杯形口壁间用木尖临时固定;4、用经纬仪校正构架的垂直度,并将构架用钢


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