1、英文版百科知识总 8 页- 本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可 - 内页可以根据需求调整适宜字体及大小 -My native hom8 is colored gresn on the mapEar Iy i n the 19th cen tury. about 60 milli on b i son Ii ved on the Great Plai ns i n North Ameri ca ? They were central to the ex i stenee of the Plains peopIe? Then from 1830 to 1889 theyn eared ext
2、 in cti on. withI ess than 1.000 still roaming ? Today, they are a protected animal and there are we I I over 200,000 I i v i ng i n protected areas and ran ches?wi? i ters.roam Ii ve i n North America, however. I have some cIose re I atives i n Europe.i n plains regions? I am able to surv i ve co I
3、don the Great Plains of North Amer i ca.and pr i vate ran ches a hump over my front shouIders and sharp Iy poin ted horns? I have a th i ck coat ofdark brow n and bI ack ha i r.? I am about feet (2 meters) taI I and about 9-12 feet meters) long.?rm quite heavy. I can weigh 1800-2400 pou nds (850-110
4、0 kg)?I eat lots I eaves and lots of grass? I have he Ip gett ing protecti on now, because I was n ear ext in cti on. But I do have hornsand I usuaI Iy hang out in a group with my fr ien ds.? I f i rst came to North Amer i can i n preh i storic times when I crossed the Ber ing Strait land br idge fr
5、om Eurasia ?译文 野牛一一地图上涂绿色的地方是我的家有趣的常识:早在十九世纪,约六千万野牛生活在北美大草原上。它们曾是草原人民的生活中心。然而从1830年到1889年,它们濒临灭绝,只有1000只野牛尚存。 今天,它们是保护动物,并且超过 20万只野牛很好地生活在保护区和 农场。?我生活在北美,然而,我有一些近亲在欧洲。?我生活在草原地区,我能 在寒冷的冬天生存。?我在北美大草原上露天闲逛,大局部是在保护区中和私 人牧场。?我有一个大大的头,前肩上面有个隆起和一个锋利突出的 角。?我有看黑棕色的 厚粗外衣和黑色的头发。?我大约英尺2米高,约9T2英尺米长。?我非常 重,我能重达18
6、00-2400磅850T100千 克。?我吃大量的树叶和草。?现在我受到 了保护,因为我正濒临灭绝。 但是我有角,我通常和朋友结伴出行。?在史前时 期,我从欧亚大陆穿越白令 海峡、走过陆地、桥第一次来到了北美。Red-crowned Cranes 丹顶鹤I am named for the "cap" on top of my head ? 在中 国我是和平与桔祥的象征。我们栖息在开阔的平原、沼泽、湖泊及近水滩涂。集中生活在中国的黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、长江中下游、台湾等地。俄罗斯、日本、朝鲜也是我们喜欢的聚居 地。I am an excellent flyer and I c
7、an fly long d i stances? Durng the spr i ng andsummerl fIy east to the wetlands in warmEast Asia.我们在那里繁殖后代。我们在那里繁殖后代Do you know I have many extremes之最I am one of the most endangered 濒危的crane species.我是濒危物种之一, 是国家一级保护动 物。I F one of the wor Id* s largest bi rds ?我是世界上最大的鸟类之一。I have one of the most bea
8、ut i fu I dan ces i n my b i rd wor I d ? 我拥有鸟类世 界中最优美的舞姿。I am the heaviest crane of the cranesweighing up to 24 pounds or 11kg .我也是所有鹤种中最重的鹤。ino saursdur i ngare repti les 爬行动物 the Mesozoic era 中生代meat eaters or pI antBut they do not ex i st any morewho I i ved mainly the I and .They often huge? Th
9、ey areatersWhat killed the dinosaurs? Evidenee 证据shows that ahuge meteor 陨 石 hit the earth about 65 mill i on years ago. It ra i sed mi I Ii ons of tons of dust into the sky. caused volcanoes to erupt 火山爆发,acid rain 酸雨 and even tsunami s 海啸.Scient i sts think that a I I the d i nosaurs d i ed becaus
10、e of these cha nges to the env i ronmentWhat does the word "dinosaur" meanand how are dinosaurs named?Si r Richard Owencoined 造 字the word dinosaur. meaning "fearfuI Iy极 great lizard." i n 1842? In Greek. HdeHi nos" means fearfuI Iy great" and "sauros" means &q
11、uot;I izard? "There are many different ways to choosea dinosaur name? Sometimes the dinosaur is given a namethat descr ibes something unusuaI about its body, head or feet. Some are named after the I ocation 位置 where they are found ? Others are named for thei r behaviour行为 or size, and some are
12、named to honour尊敬 a person ? The name has to be approved 扌比 ; 隹 by the I nternational Commi ss i on on Zoo logical Nomenc I ature国际动物学命名委员会 ?A hotPftPStor i c史前的p I ants. Size: About toIfiketWin gspa nPterosaur 翼龙Diet: Meat eater It ate fish and squid 僦鱼.Size: 翼展of 4-22 feet longStegosaurus剑POaet11f
13、eet long and 4 feet ta I Idino saur. who had the largest "bra in to body" rat ioteI I them apart pretty eas i Iy a Iarger body and big, floppystubbyA?恐手龙拥有最大的爪。它的爪可长至 30厘米! Dei noche i rus had the Iongest of all dinosaur cIaws which could reach 30 cm in length!B?锯齿 龙的脑袋跟身体比例是最大的,所以最聪明。Troo
14、don was the smartesttty native home is colored blue on ttia map.比例!There are two major kinds of eIephants - Afr ican and In dia n. You canby the i r s i ze ? The Afr i can eIephant has ears, while the Indian eIephant is alittle smaI I er and has smaI I,? I live on the con ti nent of Afr i ca and i n
15、 the countryofIndia ? I live on plains and deserts and in tropicaI rain forestsand r i ver vaI Ieys ? rm too b i g to have a house?I rare Iy I i e dow n and usuaI IysIeep sta nding up. ? I have a Iarge body with wr in kIedsk i n and tusks made out of ivory? I a I so have a very Iong nose that I use
16、to smeI I, maketrumpet calls, r i p I eaves off trees and spray water on myseIf. ? I am gray, tan or Ii ghtbrown with ye I Iow i sh- wh i te tusks? ? I am very ta I I - usuaI Iy between 10 and 15 feet(between 3 and meters)! ? I'm huge! I can weigh between 11,000 and 15.000 pounds (between 5.000
17、and 7, 000 k i Iograms)! ? I eat as much as 500 pounds (about 225 ki Iograms) of food each day! And 50 gaI Ions(aImost 90 liters) of water! MymeaIs other pI ants. ? My only reaI enemies ivory tusks?Even thoughi ncIude I eaves, grasses and are human hunters who vaIue myvery fast. I have few enemiesI
18、can*t waIkthat are wild animals? I don*t seemake upfor it!and lets me ta Ik to my fr iends.very well, but my ears and nose me to smeII food (or danger!)译文 大象地图上涂蓝色的地方是我的家有趣的常识:象分为两大类一非洲象和印度象。 根据它们的大小, 你能很容易将它们区分 开。 非洲象身躯比拟大,耳朵大且松软下垂,而印度象要小一些,耳朵小且粗 厚。?我住在非洲大陆和印度。 ? 我生活在草原、沙漠、热带雨林和河谷。 ?我 太大 了以至于不能有个房子
19、。我很少躺下,一般站着睡觉。 ?我有一个满是褶 皱皮肤 的庞大身躯和尖尖的象牙。 我还有个非常长的鼻子, 我用它闻味儿,当 喇叭叫, 从树上剥叶子,给自己洒水。 ?我是灰色、茶褐色或浅棕色的,象牙 黄白色。? 我非常高一通常在 10-15 英尺之间约米之间! ?我是巨大的!我 的体重在 11,000-15,000 磅之间约 5,000-7.000 千克之间! ?我每天吃 500 磅的食物!喝 50 加仑将近 90 公升的水!我的饭包括叶子、草和其它植 物。 ?我唯一真正的敌 人是人类捕猎者,他们认为我的象牙很值钱。虽然我不 能走得很快,但是我却 没有什么野生动物为敌。 ?我的视力不是很好,但是
20、我 的耳朵和鼻子却弥补了这 个缺点!我著名的鼻子使得我能闻食物 或嗅到危 险!儿并且让我和朋友交谈。Sc i entists agree that the dolphin i s a very smart anima I. It commun i cates we I I andI ear ns tr i cks and quickly and eas i ly. The dolphi n sometimes is cal led a porpoise? Butthe dolphin has a bottle- shaped nose and cone-shaped teeth while t
21、he porpoise has a flat nose and ch i seI-shaped teeth.I i ve iam found most often I山the Atla ntic andPac i fi cOcea ns.body?I'm best known for Ii v i ng i n the saIt-water oceans ? But I have been known to live in some fresh-water r i vers, espec i a I Iy the Amaz on in South Amer i ca? I make i
22、 n water but have to come to the surface to breathe.my homelong. rounded nose ? There i s a ho Ie onhave a sIe nderthe top of my headthat I use for breath ing. My mouth is full of sharp, con e-shapedteeth.? I * m ofte n show n on TV as bIue. but rm actually more of a gray color with a white belly.If
23、 I live in the Pacific Ocean. I can be gray with bI ack spots. ? I can be quite smaI I. about 4 feet meters) long or pretty big, up to 30 feet (about 9 meters) log from nose to ta i I!a I can be many d i fferent we i ghts, from a Imost 150 pounds (about 65 ki lograms) to a Imost 1.500 pounds (about 650 ki lograms)! ? I eat a lot of fish and squid each da
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