1、 多轴转向汽车的前轮定位Front Wheel alignments for car with multi-steering axis 在我国整个汽车行业普遍存在一个问题,即前轮(转向轮)早期磨损问题,一直困扰着我们。而归根结蒂,又都是归结为前束不准的问题。通过多年的研究和探索。我们在“汽车前束的由来与调整”一文中详细论述了有关汽车前束的各方面问题。由于影响汽车前束的因素非常多,前束既不能通过计算得来,也不能通过类比的方法得来。文中提出解决前轮磨损的唯一办法就是采用“力传感式动态车轮定位仪”将每辆车的前束调到最佳前束值,方可彻底解决车轮磨损问题。此仪器在多家汽车制造厂的多条总装线上使用,实践证
2、明是行之有效的。汽车前束由来主要有四:1、车轮外倾, 2地面和空气阻力, 3前桥结构的合理性与制造的精度。4车轮的结构和品质。对于前三者一般教科书均有论述,而对于第四者也是最主要因素,国内资料和教科书却只字未提,国内汽车设计者也普遍忽略了此问题。一般汽车特别是货车,都采用静态车轮定位仪或前束尺调整前束,或者在桥厂调整前束,这样调整出来的汽车前束值没有考虑到汽车各相关部件,特别是轮胎的制造误差对前束的影响。There is a very common problem that has been haunting the Chinese domestic auto industry is the
3、fast wear downs of the front wheels tires. This problem is caused by the inaccurate front wheel alignments. The article “The rationale and adjustments of automobiles front wheel toe-in” has discussed in great details on the many challenges to resolve this problem based on many years of research and
4、development. Due to the many complicated factors that affect the front wheel alignments, a good toe-in value cannot be reached through simple mathematical calculations or comparisons with other cars. The article suggests that the only way to completely resolve the front tire wear down problem is uti
5、lizing the “dynamic wheel alignment with resistance sensing techniques”. This technology, tested and approved by multiple assembly lines of many auto manufacturers, ensures the best alignment value for each individual vehicle.There are four reasons for automobiles to have front wheel toe-in: 1. Posi
6、tive Chamber values2. Fractions from air and ground surface3. The design and manufacturing accuracy of the structure of the front axles4. Structure and quality of tiresMost of the automobile books give great explanations on the first three reasons. However, the fourth reason, which is equally import
7、ant, hasnt been explored at all in most of the educational materials and references available domestically. Moreover, most of the domestic auto designers have generally overlooked this issue also.In general, cars, especially trucks, use static wheel alignment tools or rulers to adjust the front whee
8、l toe-in values when the vehicle is not in motion. This also includes adjustments done in axles manufacturers (桥厂). All of these wheel alignment methods dont put into considerations of the effects many components from the cars, especially the quality discrepancies of the tires have on the accuracy o
9、f the front wheel toe-in measurement.对于单轴转向汽车仅使用“力传感动态车轮定位仪”调整汽车前束即可将前轮前束调整到最佳值,使前轮直行时处于纯滚动状态。轮胎磨损最小。而对于多轴转向的汽车。其前轮定位远不止前束问题。还有多轴同步平行问题。如图一所示The ultimately efficient toe measurement, which results driving wheels in pure rolling state during straight movement can be established by using “resistance s
10、ensing dynamic wheel alignment” tool for cars with single steering axels. The pure rolling state creates minimum amount of damage to the tires. Nevertheless, front wheel alignment for multi-steering axis has far more challenges than simple toe-in measurement. Some of which includes parallelism and s
11、imultaneousness among the multiple steering axis (多轴同步). Demonstrated in Graph 1:首先,我们假设在 A、 B、 C、 D 四种情况下,前轮前束都没有问题,但由于前桥前轮的同步平行问题没有解决好。也会出现前轮严重磨损问题。A前前轮(第一桥)左偏行,后前轮(第二桥)右偏行。即两前轮总处于异向跑偏(即转向)状态。B 前前轮(第一桥)右偏行,后前轮(第二桥)左偏行。两前桥异向偏行。C 前前轮(第一桥)左偏,后前轮正。汽车也能直行。D 前前轮(第一桥)正,后前轮(第二桥)右偏,汽车也能直行。First of all, hyp
12、othetically, condition A, B, C and D all have the perfect toe-in measurements. The front wheels will still have serious wears due to front axels impairments on parallelism and simultaneousness during start.A. Front axels shifts to the left, rear axels shifts to the right. In other words, the two fro
13、nt wheels constantly shift between left and right (turning state).B. Front Axels shifts to the right, rear axels shifts to the left. In other words, the two front wheels constantly shift between left and right (turning state).C. Front Axels shifts to the left, rear axels is straight. Vehicle can mov
14、e in a straight line.D. Front Axels is straight, rear axels shifts to the right. Vehicle can move in a straight line also.上述情况,主要讲汽车直行时车轮磨损的原因。有时比较严重。宏观上就能发现,但差异较小时,就被前桥和轮胎的误差所掩盖。即使用很精密的静态定位仪也很难发现。仅0.5%的偏差也会造成前轮较严重的磨损。The above situations mainly address the cause of tire wears on cars during straigh
15、t movements. During more severe cases, the real cause can be spotted fairly easily. However, the real cause of the tire wears is more often overshadowed by front axel and tire problems when the shifts are much subtler. It is very hard to detect even with very accurate static wheel alignment tools. T
16、he end result can be severe pre-mature tire wears with only 0.5% shifting.目前,在我国,乃至全世界都未能彻底解决多轴转向汽车的前轮异常磨损问题。据我们初步调查,我国生产双前桥重卡的汽车厂有十多家,但都或多或少的存在这一问题。有些厂家用了很长时间调研,也花了很多钱,买了很贵的进口仪器,但并没有解决问题,其原因在于没有找到前轮磨损的根本原因,也不可能买到能彻底解决问题的设备或仪器。There is no existing method that can completely resolve the irregular tir
17、e wear problem domestically as well as globally. Base on a preliminary market analysis with more than ten automobile manufacturers in China that produce multi-steering axis heavy trucks, all face this challenge in various degrees. Some manufacturers spent a lot of time and money on research and deve
18、lopment, while others invested heavily on imported tools. None has seen their effort yield fruits mainly because they didnt find and target at the real cause of these irregular tire wears.如前(第一页)所述,造成轮胎异常磨损的因素有四,前三者都可以用现代高科技手段解决,但对于车轮的结构和品质,一般厂家是很难控制的,为了降低成本,汽车制造厂不可能用高出几倍的价格买进口的优质车轮,而国产轮胎又大多质量不稳定,这些
19、轮胎仅从外表是分不出优劣的,可装到车上后其劣性尽显,其端面跳动和径向跳动都很大,其动不平衡就更不用说了。而更可怕的还有其圆周上各点的侧向刚度不一样。这样的车轮在重载下向前滚动时产生呈周期性的侧向力波动,最大可到30-40KG。 这样的车轮按常规是很难找到适合于它的前束角的, 也根本找不到其理论旋转平面,因此,不管用多高级的静态定位仪也解决不了装用这种车轮的多轴转向汽车的前轮定位并进而彻底解决其前轮磨损问题。As described earlier (page 1), there are four causes of irregular tire wears. The first three c
20、auses can be eliminated by the modern methods or high-tech equipments. However, they have little effects on controlling the impacts from poor tire structure and quality. Most of the auto manufacturers cannot afford to buy better yet much more expensive tires due to profitability factor. It is especi
21、ally hard to justify the high cost when it is hard to visually differentiate the better tires from the inexpensive domestic ones with inconsistent qualities. However, the difference can be dramatic after the tires are installed on the cars. The domestic tires have large discrepancies on side bent (端
22、面跳动) and ridial bentin (径向跳动)addition to balancing problems. The more pressing issue is the inconsistent side weel stiffness (侧向刚度) spread around its circumference. These tires yield cyclical inconsistent 侧向力 (side force) fluctuations, which can reach 30-40kg during heavy towing. As a result, it is
23、nearly impossible to find one ultimate toe-in as well as theoretical 旋转平面 (spinning surface) for this kind of tires using conventional tools. In other words, the tire wear problem cannot be eliminated using any conventional static wheel alignment tools regardless their accuracy or superiority.以上所述仅是
24、造成多轴转向汽车直行时的前轮磨损问题另外,转向不同步也会造成转向轮的异常磨损。如图二所示车桥结构(特例)时:QQQQ是前前桥,QHQH是后前桥,O是转向中心,当前前桥转37度时,后前桥只需转30度就行了,即前前桥转向大于后前桥,且按一定规律进行(见图二)。The above is the cause for irregular front tire damage for cars with multi-steering axis during straight movement. In addition, un-simultaneous movement during turning can
25、also cause irregular damage on the turning wheels. As the axels structure demonstrated on Image 2, special case: QQ-QQ is front steering axis (前前桥) QH-QH is rear steering axis (后前桥) O is turn origin When front final drive is turning 37, rear final drive only needs to turn 30. In other words, the deg
26、ree of turn for front final driver is larger than rear final drive. Same applies for others. (see image 2)图中,1、QQ是前前桥,QH是后前桥,DD是后桥,0是转向中心点。我们仅就上图特例进行定性分析。2、当QQ左转35度时,由于梯形底角作用,右轮转32度,左轮转38度。此时QH转了28度,同样由于梯形拉杆作用,右轮转29度,左轮转31度。3、由此可见:a,由于梯形拉杆作用,内侧轮转向角大于外侧轮。b,由于前前桥与后桥之轴距大于后前桥与后桥之轴距,在同时绕0点转向时,四个前轮有不同的转向角
27、。四前轮转向角由内到外,由前到后分别是38度,32度,31度,29度。Image 2:1. use the special case above as reference: QQ-QQ is front steering axis (前前桥) QH-QH is rear steering axis (后前桥) O is turn origin 2. When QQ is turning 35 to the left, because of the properties of the bottom angles of trapezoid, right wheels turns 32, left
28、wheel turns 38. Now QH turns 28, because of steering rod(梯形 拉杆作用), right wheel turns 29, and left wheel turns 31.3. As a result:a. Because of steering rod(梯形 拉杆作用), inner wheels turning angle is larger than the outer wheels.b. Because the distance between front final drive and rear axels is longer t
29、han that of the rear final drive and rear axels, when it turns in accordance to O, all four front wheels have different turning angles. The are 38, 32, 31, 29 from the front to back, respectively.就图示情况(特例)分析,二桥传向角之比为35/28=1.25。而两桥与后桥轴距之比15/11.355=1.32The special case analysis: two final drives turni
30、ng angles have a ratio of 35/28=1.25. However, the ratio of the distance of two final drives (driveshaft) to the rear axels is 15/11.355=1.32上述二比值相差甚小,即是说,转向节臂设计时,必须与轴距相匹配,否则,也会造成前轮异常磨损。The above two ratios are very close. In other words, the design of steering axis has to be compatible with the len
31、gth of the driveshaft. Otherwise, irregular tire wear will occur also.上叙多种原因综合造成的前轮异常磨损是根本不可能用静态定位仪发现和解决的,而用“力传感动态车轮定位仪”就能一目了然。调整起来快速准确,迎刃而解。An irregular tire wear caused by any combination of the causes stated above is impossible to be detected and resolved by static wheel alignment tools. On the o
32、ther hand, it is a very easy diagnostic using a “resistance sensing dynamic wheel alignment tool”. Moreover, the adjustments are fast and accurate.早在上世纪80年代国外汽车研究机构就开始用检测汽车行驶中轮胎侧向受力的方法来确定汽车前束。82年北京吉普用此原理制造了“动态前束调整仪”调整汽车前束,彻底解决了轮胎磨损问题,并沿用至今。在此基础上参考美、日、德等国的相应技术我公司发明了“动态车轮定位仪”。彻底解决了汽车前轮磨损问题,它不但适用于货车也适用
33、于轿车的车轮定位。Foreign automobile research institutes have been trying to use the side impacts data while a vehicle was in motion to determine the toe-in value since 1980s. Beijing Jeep created the “dynamic toe-in adjustment” machine based on this theory in 1982, and completely resolved the problem of irr
34、egular tire wears. This technology has been used on their assembly line until today. Based on that technology combined with other researches from the US, Japan, and Germany, our company invented the “Dynamic Wheel Alignment” machine. This machine has ultimately resolved the irregular front tire wear
35、 problem. It can not only be used on trucks, but also on smaller cars.进一步改进后就能适应多轴转向汽车的前轮定位。专利号为99255977.4该仪器的平面结构图如下 图三This machine can be used to adjust front wheel alignment on multi-steering axis vehicles with some adjustments. The patent number for this technology is 99255977.4, and the 2 dimen
36、sion structure demonstration is shown below (Image 3):图上有四个小车,每个小车上有两个滚筒。汽车的四个转向轮分别架在滚筒上。小车A 和B装在前底盘6上它们之间由拉杆和传感器5连接起来。而小车A又由传感器8与底盘架连接。小车A和B的前后移动由传感器10 和9 监测着。小车C 和D有着与A和B相似的结构。假如一辆完全合格的车开到该仪器上,当仪器上的滚筒带动汽车前轮转动时,通过调整方向盘,可使仪器上的所有传感器仪表指零。As shown on the image, each of the 4 small carts has two rollers
37、. Vehicles four turning wheels will go on the rollers. Cart A and B are placed under the front 底盘(chassis) connected by rod(拉杆)and sensor (传感器) 5. Cart A is also connected to sensor (传感器) 8 and 底盘架. The back and forth movement of Cart A and B will be monitored by sensor (传感器) 10 and 9. Cart C and D
38、have similar structure as Cart A and B. With some adjustments with the steering wheel, all meters should read 0 when a car with perfect wheel alignment is running on the machine.但是,由于汽车各相关零部件(如桥、车轮、车架)的制造误差和装配误差的不可避免,导至不可能所有传感器仪表全都指零。然而,7个传感器中,11是位移传感器,它感知后前桥两车轮是否处于同轴状态,司机可通过调整方向盘使之为,零为最佳。However, n
39、ot all the readings from different sensors can read 0s due to manufacturing and assembly inaccuracies on different parts of the car, such as axels, wheels, and driveshaft. Out of 7 sensors, #11 is the sensor for shifting. It can detect whether the two wheels connect to the rear final drive are on 同轴
40、(axiality) state. Driver then can turn the steering wheel to adjust the readings to be as close to 0 as possible with 0 being the best result.16是力传感器,它感知后前桥两车轮前束是否合适,调整工可通过调整前束拉杆使之为零,零为最佳。17也是力传感器,它感知后前桥两车轮 是否同向偏行, 零为最佳, 不偏行。 5是力传感器, 它感知前前桥两车轮前束是否合适,调整工可通过调整前束拉杆使之为零,零为最佳。8也是力传感器,它感知前前桥两车轮 是否同向偏行,调整工
41、可通过调整同步拉杆使之为零,零为最佳,不偏行。只有当11为零使时,5,8,16,17方可调到零,而只有当5,8,16,17都为零时,即四前轮所受侧向力都为零时,前轮处于纯滚动的最佳状态,磨损最小。 Sensor 16 is resistance sensor. It can detect whether the toe-in readings are efficient for the two wheels attached to the rear steering axis. Adjusting technician can make the resistance to be 0 by ad
42、just the shaft that controls toe-in measurements, with 0 being the best. Sensor 17 is resistance sensor also. It detects whether the two wheels connecting to the rear steering axis shift to sideways or go straight. 0 means perfectly straight. Sensor 5 is resistance sensor. It detects whether the toe
43、-in value is efficient on the two front wheels connecting to the front steering axis. Adjusting technician can make the resistance to be 0 by adjust the shaft that controls toe-in measurements. 0 means perfectly straight. Sensor 8 is resistance sensor. It detects whether the two front wheels connect
44、 to the front steering axis shifts sideways in the same direction. Adjusting technician can make the resistance to be 0 by adjust the shaft that controls toe-in measurements. 0 means perfectly straight. Sensor 5, 8, 16, and 17 can only be 0 when sensor 11 reads 0. All four front tires are in the ult
45、imate pure rolling state, which results minimum irregular tire wears only when sensor 5, 8, 16, and 17 all read 0.该仪器现有大小两台样机,小的在北京方晓汽修为轿车作动态车轮定位,能快速准确的解决2吨以下汽车(包括卡车和轿车)车轮磨损和方向跑偏问题,大的在北汽福田欧曼重卡厂为其单前桥及双前桥重卡作前轮定位,有效地解决了北汽福田欧曼重卡厂的前轮非正常磨损问题。This machine is currently in production and is available in two
46、sizes. The smaller model is in Beijing Fangxiao Car Repairs. It targets at fixing irregular tire wears and pulling problems during movement by performing dynamic all wheel alignments for all kinds of cars and trucks lighter than 2000kg. The larger model is used by Beijing Futian Automobile- AUMAN (欧
47、曼) Heavy Truck to fix the irregular front wheel wear problem.调整步骤如下一、 班前准备1接通电源气源2 通气将各滚筒定位并制动3 对各传感器校零Operation Instruction:1. Pre-adjustment preparation1) Connect Power and air source2) Connect air flow and set rollers in place and in break position.3) Reset all sensors to 0二、调整工作开始 1将汽车开到仪器上 使四前轮
48、分别在四个小车上的滚筒之间 2开动仪器,仪器上的滚筒驱动前轮向前滚动。 3 司机看着后前桥的位移传感器11的显示表, 调整方向盘到仪表11显示为零时停下。 此时汽车后前桥(第二桥)与后桥平行。 4. 将A、B小车滚筒停转, 看着17和16两传感器显示表, 调整后前桥(第二桥)驱动线平行度及后前轮前束使两仪表皆为零,此时后前桥(第二桥)调完。 5 停止C、D 小车滚筒,重新启动A、B小车滚筒调整前前桥(第一桥)拉杆和转向同步拉杆。使传感器8和5显示仪表指零,前前桥也调整完。 6 重新启动C、D小车,四前轮同时转动,微量调整相关部件,使5、 8 、16 、17仪表均指零。 即表示四前轮不受任何侧向
49、力,而处于直线行驶的纯滚动状态。 7 前轮调整完毕,锁定各锁紧装置 8 开走汽车注:如有转向助力,必须将方向盘锁定在零转向位置后再调前束。 9 使用“专用侧滑仪”或叫“侧滑偏行仪”校验2. Start Adjustment1) Drive the vehicle onto the machine and secure each of the four front wheels between two rollers on each cart 2) Turn on the machine. The rollers will carry the four wheels rolling forwar
50、d3) Drivers watch senor 11, which connects to the rear final drive. Adjust steering wheels until senor 11 reaches 0. Now the vehicles rear final drive is parallel to the rear axel.4) Stop cart A and B, watch sensor 16 and 17. Adjust rear final drive line parallel (驱动线平行度) and the toe-in angles for t
51、he two wheels connects to the rear final drive until both sensors reach 0. Now the rear final drive is adjusted.5) Stop Cart C and D. Restart Cart A & B and re-adjust the rod (拉杆) for the front final drive and steering synchronizer rod(同步拉杆). Adjust until senor 5 and 8 both reaches 0. Front final dr
52、ive is now adjusted.6) Restart cart C and D. With all four wheels turning, make micro adjustments on relative parts until sensor 5, 8, 16 and 17 all reach 0. Now all wheels are in the pure rolling state without any resistance.7) After adjustments are completed, lock down all equipments.8) Drive the vehicle off the machine.Note: If the vehicle has power steering, steering wheel has to be locked down or secured a
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