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1、7AUnit1-Unit8&7B Unit1-Unit8部分动词用法归纳一、Doing 型1. love/like/enjoy doing sth.喜爱做某事喜爱踢足球喜欢/享受听音乐喜欢玩电脑游戏2. practise doingsth.练习做某事练习打排球3. hate doing sth.讨厌做某事讨厌去购物4. dislike doing sth.不喜欢做某事不喜欢打篮球 5. be good at doing sth擅长/善于做某事 擅长游泳 6. do well in doing sth. 在做某事方面表现出色网球打得好7. Thank +sb.+for+doing sth

2、.(为做某事而感谢某人/感谢某人做某事)谢谢你帮助我学英语8. Sb+spend+时间/金钱+doing sth.(某人花费时间/金钱做某事)他每天花三个小时完成回家作业。她花了100元买了这条牛仔裤。9. be interested in doing sth对做某事感兴趣 他对听音乐感兴趣。10. have fun doing sth 做某事有乐趣have a good time doing sth.开心地做某事11. be fit for doing sth.适合做某事运动鞋适合爬山12. What about doing sth做某事好不好? How about doing sth? 做

3、某事怎么样?去山里散步怎么样?14.talk about doing sth 谈论做某事15.think about doing sth.思考、考虑做某事16.Reading is fun. 动名词(doing)做主语多吃水果和蔬菜对我们的健康有益。17. I can learn a lot about the world from reading.从阅读中我能了解很多有关世界的知识。18. 害怕做某事 be afraid of doing sth.她害怕晚上一个人出去。She is afraid of going out alone at night.19.为.而担心/发愁worry abo

4、ut doing sth.=be worried about doing sth.20.期待做某事/盼望做某事look forward to doing sth.我们期待着尽快见到你。We are looking forward to meeting you soon.21.停止做某事stop doing sth我们的鼻子和耳朵从不停止生长。Our nose and ears never stop growing.(比较:停下来去做某事stop to do sth.)我们累了,让我们停下来休息一下吧。We are tired. Lets stop to have a rest.22.没有做某事

5、without doing sth他没吃早饭就上学了He went to school without having breakfast.23.看见某人正在做某事see sb doing sth昨天下午三点我看见他们在打篮球。I saw them playing basketball at three yesterday afternoon.比较:see sb do sth 看见某人做了某事我经常看见他在操场上打篮球。I often see him play football in the playground.类似的感官动词还有:hear/watch/notice/find sb do st

6、h 听见/观看/注意/发现某人做了某事 hear/watch/notice/find sb doing sth 听见/观看/注意/发现某人正在做某事24. 练习做某事practise doing sth他经常和他的朋友练习打排球。He often practises playing volleyball with his friends.25.阻止某人做某事stop sb(from)doing sth我们应该阻止孩子玩火柴。We should stop children (from) playing with matches.26.如果你喜欢的话,养蛇没有什么不好。There is nothi

7、ng wrong with keeping a snake if you like it.二、do 型1.let sb do sth. 让某人做某事我们一点半在校门口见面吧。让我带你参观我们的学校。2.make sb do sth. 使某人做某事它使我感到很棒。这身运动服使班尼看起来很精神。3.情态动词(can/must/may/should/shall/would等)do sth.它可能对你有帮助。It may help you. =It may be helpful to you.我希望每个人都来观看比赛。I hope everyone can _and _the game.我们去山里走好

8、吗?Shall we_ walking in the hills?4.祈使句当你出去时带上这件黄色的外套。_ this yellow coat with you when you go out. 5.为什么不做某事呢?Why not do sth?为什么不参观我们本地的剧院观看京剧呢?Why not visit our local theatre and enjoy Beijing Opera?三、to do 型1.want to do sth.想要做某事 我想向她问好。I want _hello to her.我想买些和埃米不一样的礼物。I want_ some presents diffe

9、rent from Amys.2. would like to do sth. 想要做某事/愿意做某事我想住在饭店隔壁I would like to live next to a restaurant.3.need to do sth.需要做某事你需要多锻炼并多吃健康的食物。You need _more and eat healthy food.他不必这么早到学校。He doesnt need _to school so early.4.need sb. to do sth. 需要某人做某事我需要你拎所有的包。I need you _all the bags.5.need sth. to do

10、 sth. 需要某物做某事我需要零花钱来买零食。I need pocket money _snacks.6.plan to do sth. 计划做某事我计划多吃水果和蔬菜。I plan _ more fruit and vegetables.他计划每周去他家附近的游泳池游泳。He plans _ swimming in the swimming pool near his home every week. 7.hope to do sth 希望做某事我希望有一天拜访你家。I hope to visit your home some day.她希望每天少一点回家作业。She hopes _(ha

11、ve) less homework every day.8.be glad to do sth很高兴做某事我很高兴和你一起去野炊。I am glad to_(go) on a picnic with you.9.have much time to do sth.有很多时间做某事他今天没有很多时间玩电脑游戏。He doesnt have much time _computer games today.10.have enough time to do sth有足够的时间做某事他们种树没有足够的时间。They dont have enough time _trees.12. have enough

12、 money to do sth.有足够的钱做某事埃米有足够的钱给桑迪买发夹。Amy has enough money_ the hair clips for Sandy.13. It is time to do sth. 该是做某事的时候了该是放烟火的时候了It is time to _ off the fireworks.14. It is time for sb to do sth. 该是某人做某事的时候了我们该做早操了。It is time for us _ morning exercises.15. It +takes +sb+时间+to do sth. 花费某人(多少)时间做某事每

13、天他步行到校要花十多分钟。It takes him about more than ten minutes_ to school on foot every day.做眼保健操花费我们不到五分钟。It takes us less than five minutes to do eye exercises.16. 特殊疑问词+to do sth.(跟在动词后作宾语)你在担心穿什么去参加派对和怎样设计你的家吗?Are you worrying about what to wear to a party and how to design your home?埃迪不知道怎样照顾他的电子狗。Eddie

14、 doesnt know how _after his e-dog.有些狗就是不知道怎样玩乐。Some dogs just dont know how _fun.我正在考虑穿什么。Im thinking about what _.17.动词不定式(to do sth.)作目的状语这里的中国人总是举办聚会来庆祝中国新年。The Chinese people here always have a party to celebrate the Chinese New Year.我们可以用零花钱给他们买这些东西We can use our pocket money to buy them these

15、things.他爷爷每天锻炼来保持健康。His grandfather takes/does exercise to keep fit/healthy.他朝自己的衣服上泼水来保护自己。 He poured water over his clothes to protect himself.你采取任何措施来保护自己了吗?Did you do anything to protect yourself?17. 动词不定式(to do sth.)作后置定语,修饰前面的名词、代词客厅是聊天和看电视的最佳地方。The living room is the best place to chat and wa

16、tch TV.你能找到某个人在作业上帮助你吗?Can you find anyone to help you with your homework?在阳光镇有许多事情可做。There are lots of things to do in Sunshine Town.这个购物中心是会见朋友和玩乐的好地方。This mall is a good place to meet friends and have fun.蔡伦找到了一种造纸的新方法。Cai Lun found a new way to make paper.18. 喜欢做某事like to do sth晚饭后,我们喜欢在那儿看电视、聊天

17、。After dinner, we like to watch TV and chat there.19.喜爱做某事love to do sth我们喜爱坐在那儿并朝外看海滩和大海。We love to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea.20.第一个做某事be the first to do sth.他总是我们班第一个来到学校的。He is always the first to come to school in our class.21.请某人做某事/叫某人做某事ask sb. to do sth.你能请他给我回电话吗?Can y

18、ou ask him to call me back?西蒙想请人修他的电脑。Simon wants to ask someone to fix his computer.请某人不要做某事/叫某人不要做某事ask sb. not to do sth.22.邀请某人做某事inivte sb. to do sth.我想邀请我的朋友周末和我一起看电影。I would like to invite my friends to watch films with me at the weekend.让我们邀请他们和我们一起吃晚饭好吗?Shall we invite them to have dinner w

19、ith us?23. 做某事怎么样.It is + adj+to do sth.住在那样的一个小区真好。It is good to live in a neighbourhood like that.24.幸运地做某事be lucky to do sth.You are lucky to live in a neighbourhood like that.25.准备做某事/乐意做某事be ready to do sth.一些大学生乐意帮忙。Some college students are ready to help.26.等某人做某事wait for sb. to do sth.你将等我回电

20、话吗?Will you wait for me to call back?27.高兴地做某事be happy to do sth .他们将很高兴给你一些建议。They will be happy to give you some ideas.28.肯定做某事be sure to do sth.29.记得做某事remember to do sth.请记住要关灯。Please remember to turn off the lights.记住带上你的手机。Remember to take your mobile phone.30.准备做某事prepare to do sth./get ready

21、 to do sth.31.惊讶地做某事be surprised to do sth.安迪惊讶地在灌木丛中发现了一只小猫。Andy was surprised to find a little cat in the bushes.32.需要做某事need to do sth我们需要保持我们的家干净。We need to keep our house clean.你需要多读、多说You need to read more and speak more.她需要在地理方面表现的更好。She needs to do better in Geography.33.尽力做某事/试图做某事.try to d

22、o sth艾丽丝试图穿过那扇门,但她太大了。Alice tried to go through the door, but she was too big.34.用某物来做某事use sth. to do sth.(=do sth with sth)她用桌上的钥匙来开了门She used the key on the table to open the door.鲁班用竹子来做风筝。Lu Ban used paper to make kites.(= Lu Ban made kites out of bamboo.)35.开始做某事begin/start to do sth(=begin/st

23、art doing sth)中国人两千多年前开始做风筝。The Chinese began to make kites over 2,000 years ago.他六岁时开始弹钢琴。He started to play the violin at the age of six.36.决定做某事decide to do sth.她决定进入花园。She decided to enter the garden.37.忘记做某事forget to do sth他又忘记做回家作业了。He forgot to do his homework again.38.太而不能做某事 too+adj/adv+to do sth.她太小了够不到桌上的钥匙。She was too small to reach the key on the table.39.足够。可以做某事 adj/adv +enough to do sth.艾丽丝足够小可以穿过那扇门了。Alice was small


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