



1、布什哥对伦比亚号失事英语演讲稿My fellw Americans, this day has brught terrible news and great sadness t ur cuntry. At 9:00 a.m. this mrning, Missin Cntrl in Hustn lst cntact with urlumbia. A shrt time later, debris was seen falling frm the skies abve Teas. The Clumbia is lst; there are n survivrs.n bard was a crel

2、nel Rick Husband; Lt. Clnel Michael Andersn; Cmmander Laurel Clark; Captain David Brwn; Cmmander William McCl; Dr. Kalpana Chawla; and Ilan Ramn, a Clnel in the Israeli Air Frce. These men and wmen assumed great risk in the service t all humanity.In an age when space flight has cme t seem almst ruti

3、ne, it is easy t verlk the dangers f travel by rcket, and the difficulties f navigating the fierce uter atmsphere f the Earth. These astrnauts knew the dangers, and they faced them willingly, knwing they had a high and nble purpse in life. Because f their curage and daring and idealism, we will miss

4、 them all the mre.All Americans tday are thinking, as well, f the families f these men and wmen wh have been given this sudden shck and grief. Yure nt alne. ur entire natin grieves with yu. And thse yu lved will always have the respect and gratitude f this cuntry. The cause in which they died will c

5、ntinue. Mankind is led int the darkness beynd ur wrld by the inspiratin f discvery and the lnging t understand. ur jurney int space will g n.In the skies tday we saw destructin and tragedy. Yet farther than we can see there is cmfrt and hpe. In the wrds f the prphet Isaiah,Lift yur eyes and lk t the

6、 heavens. Wh created all these? He wh brings ut the starry hsts ne by ne and calls them each by name. Because f His great pwer and mighty strength, nt ne f them is missing.The same Creatr wh names the stars als knws the names f the seven suls we murn tday. The crew flumbia did nt return safely t Ear

7、th; yet we can pray that all are safely hme.May Gd bless the grieving families, and may Gd cntinue t bless America.布什总统就哥伦比亚号失事发表讲话我的美国同胞们,今天传来噩耗,巨大的悲痛降临我们的国家。今早9点钟,位于休斯敦的航天地面指挥中心同我们的哥伦比亚号航天飞机失去了联系。此后不久,便发现得克萨斯州的上空有残骸飘落。哥伦比亚号失事,无一人生还。机上的7名机组人员是:里克?赫斯本德空军上校、迈克尔?安德森空军中校、劳蕾尔?克拉克海军中校、戴维?布朗海军上校和威廉?麦库尔海军中



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