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1、义务教育课程标准实验教科书义务教育课程标准实验教科书渠县中滩乡中心学校渠县中滩乡中心学校 刘华刘华 读句子读句子,看看看看不同不同在哪里?在哪里? I use the telephone. My mother cooked breakfast every day. Jim has collected stamps for two years. The telephone is used by me. Breakfast was cooked by my mother every day. Stamps has been collected for two years by Jim. 各种时态的

2、被动语态构成各种时态的被动语态构成一般现在时:一般现在时:一般过去时:一般过去时:情态动词:情态动词:一般将来时:一般将来时:现在进行时:现在进行时:现在完成时:现在完成时:过去进行时:过去进行时:过去完成时:过去完成时:S+am/is /are +doneS+was/were +doneS+ can/must/should + be+ doneS+ will/be going to +be+ doneS+ am/is/are + being + doneS+ have/has + been+ doneS+ was/were+being+ doneS+ had +been +doneexerc

3、ise11. The boy cleaned the desk a moment ago. The desk _ by the boy a moment ago.2. We will plant 2000 trees next year. 2000 trees _by us next year.3.You must keep the room clean and tidy. The room _clean and tidy by you.4. The police have caught the thief. The thief _by the police.5. The farmers ar

4、e cutting down the trees on the hill. The trees on the hill _by the farmers.will be plantedwas cleanedmust be kepthas been caughtare being cut down 1.Its said(据说) that the long bridge_(build)in two months 2. The old man is ill. He _ (must send) to the hospital. 3.Which language _the most widely_(spe

5、ak)in the world? 4. Some flowers _ (water) by Li Ming already 5.The food _ (smell) delicious.will be builtmust be sentisspokenhave been wateredsmells用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空Exercise 2(提高题)(提高题)1.I saw him play basketball last Sunday.He _play basketball last Sunday.2.I turned off the radioThe radio _(b

6、y me). 3.I bought him a bookHe _a book by me. A book _ him by me. 4.We hear her sing in the room every day.She _sing in the room every daywas turned offwas seen towas boughtwas bought foris heard to ( )1.(2011广东深圳)Mum, can I go to the zoo with Linda? When your homework _, you can. A. is finished B.

7、was finished C. finishes D. finished ( )2. (2011重庆)It _ to drive after drinking wine. A. is allowed B. is not allowed C. is made D. is welcomed ( )3.(2010河北)I wont go to her party unless my good friend Jack_. A. will invite B. will be invited C. is invited D. invites ( )4.(2010 广西南宁) The students _

8、not to swim in the river. A. are told B. tells C. telling D.told历年中考题型历年中考题型ABCA ( )5.(2010 上海) Chongqing is really a modern city now! Many tall buildings _ everywhere. A. can be seen B. can see C. cant see D.can be see ( )6.(2009 湖北) How do you like the material? - Very much. It _ soft and nice. A.

9、 feels B. is felt C. is feeling D. felt ( )7.(2009 北京) Who closed the door? - Nobody. It _. A. was closed by itself B. had closed itself C. was closed itself D. closed itself AAD 完成句子练习。 1. 昨天的会上问了很多问题。(10年中考) Many questions _ _ in the meeting yesterday. 2.去年我们学校建了一个新的游泳池。(09年中考) A new swimming pool

10、 _ _ in our school last year. 3.这些花必须天天浇水,否则就会枯死。(08年中考) All the flower _ _ _ everyday, or they will die. 4.每年街道两边种很多树。 Many trees _ _ on both side of the street this year. 5.下周三我们学校将举办一场关于电脑的讲座。 A talk on computer _ _ _ in our school next November. were askedwas builtmust be wateredare plantedwill

11、be given 设计意图: 单项填空 熟悉,强化被动语态的构成,让学生形成条件反射,一见到 这种构成就想到被动语态。 连词成句 同学熟悉了被动语态的构成,就要动手去做,进一步强化他们 单一使用被动语态。 方框选词 选择方框中的词并用其正确形式填空。这是一道综合性比较强 的题,学生既要分辩词,又要分辩时态,同时想出各种时态的构成,难度加大。 因为考虑到有个别学生会掌握的不好,这样在小组学习中能够互相讨论,合作学习,共同完成,达到面对每一个学生,对每一个学生都负责的理想状态,同时,既能培养合作意识,又能减少学生思考和回答问题时的紧张和压力,有利于脑的学习。 被动语态是动词复习里的一个重要的部分,

12、是学生必须要掌握的一个重要内容。在英语考试中,不管是在听力、单项选择还是在阅读中都有大量的运用。我认为要掌握好被动语态,必须掌握以下几各方面的内容:被动语态的定义、用法、构成以及主动语态和被动语态之间的转换步骤及注意的事项。本人在2013年5月2日在华侨中学上了一节被动语态的专题复习课。在教学过程中我通过一些图片来练习被动语态的句子,而且图片的内容与生活密切练习。通过图片引入来复习,通过对比被动语态和主动语态的区别,让学生理解被动语态。同时,利用讲练结合的教学方法,引导学生学会归纳总结语法知识,学会自主学习,自己复习,巩固知识。一节课上完后,我感觉大部分学生能跟上我的节奏,跟我一起转,对被动语态的定义、用法和构成及转换步骤等重点内容掌握得较好。但是对于难点知识主动语态和被动语态之间转换时应注意的问题,效果不怎么好,值得深思。对于怎样上好一节语法复习课,我觉得要解决好以下几个方面的问题:1. 如何激发学生的学习兴趣。语法课一般比较枯燥乏味,大多数学生都不感兴趣。因此,上语法课要想达到好的效果,一定要激发学生的学习兴趣。2. 语法讲解的深度和广度要把握好。语法讲解


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