



1、高三英语写作课Travel journal教学案例一、教学内容以人民教育出版社教材中"Travel journal"话题为背景,根据写作要求提示,组织材料写一篇自己亲身游记。二、教学目标1、写作技能目标:在学习"Travel journal"之后,掌握用英文写游记体裁文章的基本技能。2、学习策略目标:(1)指导学生学会欣赏游记,并能模仿写出自己的旅游经历与体会。(2)培养学生选择使用工具书的技能,促进写作水平的提高。3、情感目标:提高学生的业余生活质量,欣赏美丽河山,热爱和保护自然,同时加强情感交流。三、教学重点与难点1、如何做好阅读与写作的衔接。 2、

2、对学生模仿游记的评论与评价。四、教学过程Pre-writing Activity 1. Show the students some sentences from the reading in this unit to remind them of the travel experience of Wang Wei and Wang Kun.1. I had dreamed about taking a great bike trip.2. She loves to go for long bike rides in the countryside.3. She gave a determin

3、ed look-the kind that said she wouldn't change her mind.4. When are we leaving and when are we coming back?5. At first the river is small, clear and cold. Then it begins to move quickly. It becomes a rapids as it passes though deep valleys.At last, the river's delta enters the South China Se

4、a.6. To climb the mountain road was hard work but going down the hills was great fun.7. We are reaching Dali in Yunnan Province where our cousins Dao Wei and Yu Hang will join us. We can hardly wait to see them.At the same time, the teacher asks the students to pay attention to the underlined words,

5、 from which they could learn ways to describe their trips and share their afterthoughts with us. (本教学环节可以起到承上启下的作用,学生脑海中可以复现本单元游记的场景;通过回忆下划线的词语或句型,即可复习巩固,又为新的写作训练架起“引桥”。)Activity 2. Travel around our countryT: Do Wang Wei and Wang Kun enjoy their bike trip? (S: Yes.)And have you made a trip somewher

6、e in our country/our town/our area? Or "Have you ever had such experiences as Wang Wei and Wang Kun?" (For students living in towns, most of them will say "Yes", for others the teacher may choose the one the students are familiar with.)For me, traveling around is exciting and the

7、re are a lot of places of interest to see in our motherland. Look at the pictures and guess where it is. (Show some slides or pictures.)Hainan Island; Hongkong; Tian'anmen Square; The Great Wall; Mountain Tai; Qingdao; Huanghe, Temple of Heaven etc. (对于大多数学生而言,英语写作不轻松,也比较乏味。通过师生互动的课堂活动和欣赏图片,既能较好

8、地激发学生的兴趣,引领学生欣赏名胜古迹,又在一定程度上使学生为之振奋,从而激发写作欲望。)While-writing: Activity 3. Talk about the writing topic. ( handout ) 假设你是李华,今年五一节,你们班组织了集体登泰山活动,请你根据当时的场景写一篇游记。记述你们班为什么选择登泰山?在登山前做了哪些准备工作?如何到达山顶?途中观察到什么?有什么感受?1. Do you want to go traveling around these places? (Yes.) So do I. If we had enough time and en

9、ough money, we would go there some day. By the way, I was told that your class went to Mountain Tai during the Labour Day. Am I right? Would some of you share the ideas with me? 2. Brainstorming: Get the students to ask and answer the question: Why did you choose to go to Mountain?The students may g

10、ive some answers as follows:A. Mountain Tai is quite beautiful/famous/close to nature. B. We want to have an interesting trip there.C. During the climb, we students can help each other, which will strengthen the friendship between us.D. We had dreamed about climbing Mountain Tai together for long.E.

11、 It's in our province, and we feel proud of it.F. We want to make a study of the wildlife there.G. We should try to overcome any difficulty, no matter how hard it is.H. Mountain climbing is really exciting. (For the above questions, the teacher asks the students to give as much information as po

12、ssible, and do the same with the following ones. )1. What did you do before your trip?2. How did you get to the top of the mountain? (本阶段属于本节课的核心内容。由景而入,激发了学生的兴趣;通过“大脑风暴”活动,既活跃了课堂气氛,拓展了学生的思维,又能够锻炼学生口头表述事实和交流信息的能力,这些可理解的输入为下一步的写作做好了语言上的准备。同时,本环节也体现了读写一体的原则,即每个句子的正确性为整篇文章的写作打下了良好的基础。) Activity 4. Put

13、the ideas into sentences and then into passages1. First, ask the students to write down some sentences about their climbing. Ask them to make out an outline, topic sentences of the paragraphs, and some key words and phrases. They can also combine the answers to the above questions and then revise th

14、em with the advice from others. 2. Next, get the students to put their sentences in order. And share their writing with their partners. (Before getting the students to start, remind them of the differences between a diary and a journal.)3. Then, students write the travel journey, using linking words

15、 and relative pronouns. While carrying out this work, the teacher may walk around the students to give some help when necessary. (由问题的互动,学生积累了写作素材;同时,学生写作技能的培养在这里也得到了集中体现。从整理思路,组织素材,到列出提纲,遣词造句,写出文章,整个过程是连贯的,是一体的。在这个环节中,教师使用了“任务型”教学法,通过学生的班级活动,小组活动,促进了学生之间的交流、合作能力。在小组交流过程中,老师应尽量参与到讨论当中,并能适时地加以指导,也就是说

16、教师的身份应该是活动的组织者,学生的指导者和启发者;学生才是课堂的主体,一切活动也围绕学生来展开。)Post-writing: Activity5. Get the students to evaluate their compositions in groups.1. Exchange their writing with other members in the groups (two or four students in a group), and ask the students to give some comments on the one he or she has read.

17、2. The teacher should get the students to pay attention to the following points to make necessary corrections while reading their partners' writing.(1). Basic skills (spelling, capitalization, punctuation)(2). Key points (3). Suitable words and expressions(4).Grammar (tense, voice, sentence stru

18、ctures) (5). Logical problems (conjunctions, orders)3. Get each group to recommend one or two passages and share it with the rest of the class. And the teacher chooses one or two of them to mark them in class with the help of overhead projector and gives some comments.)4. Ask the students to make necessary changes in their writing and copy them in their exercise book for further correction.(同伴评价实际上


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