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1、牛津译林版单元复习学案 (9A Unit 2)基础自测一、词汇拓展1. influence (n.)_ (v.)(同义词)影响2. relaxed (adj.)_ (v.)放松_(adj.)令人轻松的_(n. )轻松3. sadness (n. ) _ (adj.) 忧伤的_(adv.)伤心地 _(adv.)(反义词)高兴地_(adj.)高兴的,开心的_(n.)幸福4. purity (n.)_(adj.)纯洁的5. require(v.)_(n.)要求;需要_(v)(同义词)需要6. difficulty (n.)_(adj.)困难的_(adj.)(同义词)困难的7. worried ( a

2、dj.)_(v)担心_(adj.)令人担心的8. method (n. ) _(n.)方法9. stressed ( adj.)_(n.)紧张,压力10. warmth (n.)_(adj.)温暖的;热情的二、短语归纳1. 就在刚才_2. 影响情绪 _3. 事实上 _4. 产生温暖感 _5. 让某人高兴振作起来 _6. 使某人想起某事 _7. 热情的颜色_8. 受雇于 _9. 宁愿而不愿_10. 感到一点压力 _11.很相配 _ 12. look good on sb. _13. change moods _14. make us feel happy _15. represent new l

3、ife _16. have difficulty ( in) doing sth. /have difficulty with sth._17. make a decision (to do sth. ) _18. hope for _19. be used for ._20. in the past _21. according to _22. calm down _三、句型再现1. Theres nothing wrong with pink. (theres nothing wrong with sth为固定句型,意为“某物有没有毛病”;在前面我们提到过theres something

4、wrong with sth意为“某物有毛病”。) (1)那台机器什么毛病都没有。 _ _ _ _ the machine. (2)我的电脑出了些问题,它不工作了。There is_ _ _ my computer. It doesnt work.2. Yellow is the color of the sun, so it can remind you of a warm, sunny day. (remind sb. of sth.意为“提醒某人,让人想起”。remind用法还有remind sb.+ that从句,意为“提醒某人”:remind sb. to do sth.意为“提醒某

5、人做某事”)(1) 看这部电影让我想起了自己的童年。Seeing the film_ _ _my childhood.(2)Ive forgotten his name - will you_ _ _ _?(提醒我一下)3. This may help when you are having difficulty making a decision. ( have difficulty in doing sth.是固定句型,意为“做某事有困难”,其中in可以省略。) 暑假期间游客们很难找到旅馆。 Visitors_ _ _ _hotels during summer vocation. 要点聚

6、焦一、词汇精讲1. influence v. 影响课文:Some people believe that colours can influence our moods. 一些人认为颜色可以影响我们的心情。拓展:have influence on对有影响influencevi. & vt,“影响”主要指对行为、性格、观点等产生潜移默化的影响;affectvt,“影响”是及物动词,主要是一时的影响,着重影响的动作effectn.“影响”vt. “实现产生”用法与influence基本相同,have effect on“对有影响”,但是指一时的影响。bring into effect“实行,贯彻”

7、。 What you read influences your thinking. 你读的东西对你的思想有影响。 The news had no effect on her at all. 这条消息对她没有一点影响。活学巧用在influence,affect,effect中选择合适的单词填空 The results didnt _ her at all. Television has a strong _on people. We have protested(抗议),but it has no _.2. instead of代替,而不是 课文:Should I go home instead

8、 of waiting for my classmates? 我应该回家而不是等我的同学吗?辨析:instead of,instead 单词 词性 含义用法instead of介词短语代替,而不是用于句中,其后跟名词、代词或动名词,是前者代替后名;用于句首时是后者代替前者; instead副词代替,反而通常用于句末,是后者代替前者;用于句首时,起连接上下句的作用,通常是上句含否定意义,然后用于引出下旬并提出相反的情况。 He will be on duty instead of me tomorrow. 明天他将替我值日。 They didnt go swimming. They went t

9、o play football instead. 他们没去游泳而是去踢足球了。 活学巧用在instead of, instead中选择合适的单词填空 Shall we have fish _meat today? _of complaining about whats wrong, be grateful for whats right.相约中考(2014.淮安) I hope everyone will encourage people to do all that they want by themselves _(而不是) telling them they cant do it.3.

10、promise vt. 承诺,允诺,答应课文:We promise that this method can help you change your moods, or you will get your money back. 我们承诺这种方法能够帮助你改变心情,否则你可以取回你的钱。拓展:promise作及物动词,后接名词、代词、动词不定式或从句作宾语;promise作可数名词,意为“诺言”。 I promise you. 我向你保证。 If you make a promise, you should keep it. 如果做出了承诺,就应该遵守。活学巧用他答应要帮助我。(翻译句子)

11、_I will try to come, but I cant _(保证). You should _ _ _(遵守承诺). 相约中考(2013.常州) -I will buy you a new bike if you learn how to swim this summer. -Is that a _? Im sure Ill get the bike. A. chance B. promise C. trick D. treat二、句型突破1. And Im not sure if blue looks good on you. 但是我不确定你穿蓝色是否好看。点津:(sth.) loo

12、ks good on (sb.)为固定句型,意为“某物穿在“某人身上很好看”,这个句型可转化为:( sb.) looks+ good in (sth.) 意为“某人穿某物很好看” Dark blue looks good on your mother. = Your mother looks good in dark blue, 活学巧用露西穿红色很好看。(同义句转换) Red looks good on Lucy. _ 2. Some people believe that colours can influence our moods. 一些人认为颜色可以影响我们的心情。 点睛:本句是th

13、at引导的宾语从句,宾语从句是指在复合句中充当宾语的句子。 (1) 宾语从句可以用在主句动词和形容词后,如: I think that he can go swimming pool tomorrow. 我认为他明天能去游泳。 She is sure that red can bring her good luck 她确信红色将为她带来好运。 (2)当宾语从句是由陈述句转换而来时,即转述他人的话时,由that引导。如: I heard that you had passed the exam. 我听说你通过了考试。 (3)that引导的宾语从句中,that不作任何成分,故可以被省略。如: Sh

14、e thinks blue is better than red. 她认为蓝色比红色好。活学巧用翻泽下列句子你认为颜色会在很多方面影响到我们的生活吗? _ I think that if you have lost the book borrowed from library , you must pay for it.3. People in cold areas prefer warm colours in their homes to create a warm and comfortable feeling.点津:prefer sth. 为固定句型“更喜欢”;prefer.to.,pr

15、efer A to B意为“与B相比,更喜欢A”;prefer doing A to doing B意为“宁愿做A事,而不愿做B事”。与此类似的用法还有would rather than.,than的前后要用两个同类词性的词或短语# would rather do sth. than do sth. 意为“和(做其他事)相比,更愿意做 ”。 She prefers helping her father on the farm than playing the piano. 她宁愿去农场帮助父亲,也不愿弹钢琴。 I would raIher clean my room than watch TV

16、. 我宁愿打扫房间也不愿看电视。活学巧用(1) 我宁愿待在家里也不愿去购物。 I would rather _ _ _than _ _. I prefer _ _ _to_ _.(2) 相对于蓝色我更喜欢粉色。(翻译句子)_ 4. Wearing red can also make it easier to take action. 穿着红色衣服也能使采取行动更容易。点津:本句用到“make + it+形容词(比较级)+to do sth. ”结构,意为“使做某事”或“使做某事更”。其中it为形式宾语,动词不定式为真正的宾语,形容词(比较级)作宾语补足语。具有类似用法的单词还有:feel,ke

17、ep, think. believe, consider等。 Working in groups makes it more relaxing to learn English. 小组合作使学习英语更轻松。 I think it is necessary to repeat it. 我觉得有必要重复一下。活学巧用查字典可以更容易理解这个单词。(翻译句子) Looking up dictionary _ _ _to understand the word.5.You may wonder whetherif colours influence our moods. 你可能想知道颜色是否会影响到我

18、们的心情。点睛:本句是由一般疑问句转变而来的宾语从句,由if或Whether引导。 (1)连词whether或if表达“能否,是不是”之意,在从句中不充当成分,在口语中多用if。 如:Tom wonders ifwhether his grandpa will come next week 汤姆想知道他爷爷下星期是否会来。 (2)whether或if引导的宾语从句,虽然具有疑问意义,但从句语序应用陈述语序。 如:I dont know if,whether he has come here. 我不知道他是否来过这儿。 注意:由whether或if引导的宾语从句的时态要和主语的时态保持一致。活学

19、巧用将下列句子转换为宾语从句 Did Mary clean the classroom yesterday? Mr. Hu is asking. _ She wonders, Can I keep this dictionary for one more week? _ 易错防范一、动词不定式作目的状语典例呈现( )The soldiers did what they could _ the people out of the buildings in the earthquake area. A. save B. to save C. saved D. saving. 【答案】B【易错剖析】

20、本题易受could影响而误选动词原形save。设空处表目的应用动词不定式,不定式作目的状语时可放在句首或句尾,主要用来修饰动词,表示某一动作或状态的目的,其逻辑主语通常是句子的主语。二、if和whether的用法辨析典例呈现( ) Her father is worried about _ he losses his work.A. whether B. if C. what D. that【答案】A【易错剖析】whether意为“是否”常放在动词(短语)ask,see,say,know和find out之后。whether和if都可以表示“是否”。一般情况下两者可以互换,在口语中多用if。但

21、下列情况只能用whether: (1)在动词不定时前只能用whether;(2)在or not的固定搭配中,只能用whether; (3)在介词后,只能用whether; (4)在主语从句中位于句首时,只能用whether。三、in和on的用法辨析典例呈现 ( ) He is always _ his green shoes. A. wear B. on C. put on D. in【答案】D【易错剖析】in表示穿戴的状态;意为“穿着,戴着”,其后接表示服装类的名词或表示颜色的词;on的用法是(sth.) look good on( sb.),一般将服装类的名词或表示颜色的词用作主语,放在句

22、首。wear表示穿的状态,后面接表示衣服或帽子等名词;put on强调穿的动作。巩固训练一、单项填空( )1. Green represents _ and nature. When you feel weak, you can wear green. A. sadness B. purity C. joy D. energy .( )2. Id rather _ than _. A. read books; watch TV B. reading books; watching TV C. to read books; watch TV D. read books; to watch TV(

23、 )3. Blue can remind people _ a sad day. A. to B. of C. on D. about( ) 4. -Fangfang failed in the singing competition She must be very sad. -Lets go and _ . A. wake her up B. cheer her up C. pick her up D. bring her up( ) 5. Its clear that her painting has been _ by Picasso. A. affected B. effected

24、C. influenced D. caused( )6. -What a terrible weather it is! -I heard _ itll get worse later. A. which B. that C. what D. how( )7. Please dont put _ into the rubbish bin because its very dangerous. A. something hot B. hot something C. anything hot D. hot anything( )8. Daniel prefers playing computer

25、 games _ . A. to shop B. to shopping C. than shop D. than shopping( ) 9. Its believed that our moods are sometimes _by colours. Many scientists are doing some research (研究) on this subject. A. required B. chosen C. influenced D. explained( ) 10. Kevin prefers _to light music _ when he is in a bad mo

26、od. A. listening; calming down B. to listen; calming down C. listening; to calm down D. to listen; to calm down ( ) 11. Wearing red can make _ for you to take actions. A. that easily B. this easier C. it easily D. it easier( ) 12. -What should I do when the earthquake happens, Dad? -First of all, it

27、s important to _ and then hide yourself in the corners of the room. A. calm down B. put down C. get down D. fall down( )13. You never know how much difficulty we had _ the problem. Luckily, we managed to solve it with Mrs. Wus help. A. working out B. work out C. worked out D. to work out( )14. - _do

28、 you know so much about UFO? -I usually get the information by surfing the Internet. A. How B. What C. Which D. Where( ) 15.-Are you confident about this months exam, Kate? -_.Im well prepared and feel Ive got everything ready. A.I hope so B. Its hard to say C. Sure, I am D. Im afraid not二、词汇运用A.根据句

29、意、汉语提示写出单词的正确形式,每空一词1. Have you made a _(决定)to give up watching too much TV?2. He threw it forward with all his _(力量). 3. Dont _(承诺)her anything if you dont want to get into .trouble.4. The stress from parents and teachers makes me _(有压力的). 5.You never allow _(个人的)problems to affect your performance

30、.6. Some people believe that the pollution can_(影响)moods.7.The sun can give us light and _(温暖). 8.My family cant decide _(是否)to go on a picnic in the park this Sunday.9. We should keep a _(平衡)between study and entertainment.10. We should come up with a new_(方法)to solve the problem.B. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空

31、1. Shakespeare_(create) many comic characters. 2. The boy is very lazy and his parents feel very _ (worry) about him.3. Mary _ (prefer) milk to coffee when she was young.4. After taking the driving test, the man feels _(relax).5.1n China, red is used for _ (celebrate).6. You will have less _ (diffic

32、ult) learning English with your teachers help.7. You will be _ (require) to take a test if you want to get this job.8. _ (remind) her to come earlier tomorrow morning.9. Columbus _ (discover) America in 1492.10. I _ (trust) in your ability.三、完成句子1. 实际上,颜色能够使我们感觉精力充沛或昏昏欲睡。 In fact, colours can make u

33、s _ _ _ _.2. 我的汽车出毛病了,所以我不得不步行上班。 _ _ _ _ _ my car, so I have to walk to work.3. 我的英语老师对我有很大影响。 My English teacher _ _ _on me.4. 我宁愿步行去上班也不愿意乘公共汽车。Id rather _ _ _ _ _ _ take a bus. 5. 他对电脑游戏有兴趣。 He _ _ _ playing computer games.6. 她起床如此晚以至于错过了早班公共汽车。She got up _late _she didnt catch the early bus. 7.

34、 对你们的价格打些折扣,易于促销。 Some discounts on your price would _ _ _ to promote sales. 8. 她在完成这项任务上有困难。 She _ _ _ _the task. 9. 这件裙子穿在你身上很好看。 The dress _ _ _you.10. 在我进城时你提醒我去买一个笔记本,好吗?_ me_ _ notebook when I am in town. would you? 答案基础自测一.l. affect 2.relax; relaxing; relaxation 3.sad sadly; happily; happy; h

35、appiness 4.pure 5.requirement. need 6.difficult; hard 7. worry; worrying &way 9.stress 10. warm二、1. just now 2.influence moods 3.in fact 4.create a warm feeling 5.cbeer sb. up 6.remind sb.of sth. 7.the colour of heat 8.work for 9.would rather than. 10. feel a little bit stressed 11.a good match 12.狂某人身上很好看13.改变心情 14.使我们感到高兴15.展现新生活16. 做某事有困难17.决定(做某事)18.期望19. 被用来20. 在过去21. 根据22. 平静下来三、1.(1)


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