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1、语法系列复习专题-介词、连接词介 词一、表示时间介词注意点:时间介词in、on、at、by、during的用法1.介词in用来表示一天中某段时间,指天、年、月、季节、周次等。如:in the morning in一段时间in一段时间¢s time(与将来时连用)如:We¢ll meet in three days in three days¢ time within一段时间(用于各种时态) 如:You must finish reading the book within a week.你必须在一周内读完这本书。 2.介词on用来表示某一天或星期几,指明具体的时间

2、。如:on a rainy day on Christmas Day 3.介词at用来表示特定的时间、节日、年龄等。如:at noon at Christmas4.介词by表示的时候、到、等到已经等用在天、时间的前面。如:by 2 oclock5.up to nowuntil now, from morning till night, for the time being暂时, at times有时,day by day一天天地,in no time立刻。 6.during是介词,不能引导从句。二、注意一些表示地点场所介词短语的引伸、比喻含义 in the mud在泥中,beyond hope

3、绝望, in freezing在严寒天气中,in danger在危 险中,in trouble在困境中,in public在公共场合中,under construction在建设 中,on business出差,in the same boat处境一样,on sale在出售三、表示方式、手段、工具等介词(by,with,on,in) 1.by: The blind men thought they could learn what the elephant looked like by touching it./ make a living by teaching/ by hand手工地,靠手

4、工地,by letter, by post, by electricity, learn sth. by heart, struck by the beauty因美丽而着迷 by means of用手段,方式;by way of经由,取道于 learn English by/ over/ through/ on the radioHe was paid by the hour/ the day/ month/他按时/日/月/被付给工钱。 by plane/ train/ ship/ air/ water/ sea/, 2.on: live on food, kneel on one¢

5、s knees, lie/ sleep on one¢s back / side / face 仰/侧/俯卧(睡) 3.in: in English, in ink, in silence, in one voice异口同声地,in a hurry匆忙 地,in surprise惊讶地 4with: write with a pen, work with one¢s hands, smell with one¢s nose, beat the horse with a whip(鞭子)四、时间介词用法辨析时间介词in与after 的用法辨析介词in + 一段时间用

6、于一般将来时。如:Well go to school in two weeks.介词after + 一段时间用于一般过去时。如:My mother came home after half an hour.介词after + 时间点常用于一般将来时。如:Well go out for a walk after supper.时间介词for与since的用法辨析介词for 表示一段时间如:I have been living here for 10 years.介词since 表示从过去某一时间以来如:I have been living here since 2000.时间介词during与f

7、or的用法辨析当所指的时间起止分明时用介词during如:He swims every day during the summer.如果一段时间不明确则用介词for如:I havent seen her for years.时间介词before与by的用法辨析介词before表示“在之前”如:He wont come back before five .介词by表示“到时为止,不迟于”如:The work must be finished by Friday.时间介词till与until用法的异同till和until用在肯定句中,均可表示“直到为止”,如:I will wait till(un

8、til)seven o'clocktill和until用在否定句中,均可表示“在以前”或“直到才”。如:Tom didn't come back till(until)midnighttill多用于普通文体,而 until则用于多种文体,并且在句子开头时,用until而不用till。如:Until he comes back,nothing can be done不用介词表达时间的几种情况当表示时间的词前有this, that时,其前面不用介词,如:this morning当表示时间的词前有next时,其前面不用介词,如:next Sunday当表示时间的词前有last时,其前

9、面不用介词,如:last Sunday当表示时间的词前有one, any, each, every, some或all时,其前面不用介词,如:You can come any day.五方位介词与地点介词的用法辨析方位介词on, over, above的用法辨析介词on表示一物放在另一物上面,两者紧贴在一起,如:The book is on the table.介词over表示一种垂直悬空的上下关系,即“在上方”,如:Is there any bridge over the river?介词above表示一般的“高于”,“在之上”,如:There was an electric clock a

10、bove his bed.方位介词under与below的用法辨析介词under是over的反义词即“在下方”,如:They were seen under the tree.介词below是above的反义词即“低于”,“在之下”,如:They live below us.方位介词across,、through、over,、past的用法辨析介词across着重于“从一头或一边到另一头或另一边”,强调从表面穿过。如:She went across the street to make some purchases.介词through着重于“穿越”,强调从一定的空间内穿过。如:The sunl

11、ight was coming in through the window.介词over多表示从“上方越过”,如:He failed to go over the mountain; he had to go round it.介词past表示从“面前经过”,如:Someone has just gone past the window.方位介词in、on、at的用法辨析介词in表示“排、行、组”,如:We are in Team One.介词on表示“左、右”,如:Li Ping is on my left.介词at表示“前、后”,如:I sit at the front of the cl

12、assroom.方位介词to、for的用法辨析介词to表示目的地或去的目的,如:Wil you take a train to Tianjian.介词for表示动身去某地,如:He got on a train for Shanghai.地点介词at与in的用法辨析介词at表示较小的地方,如家、村、乡村等,如:He lives at a small village.介词in表示较大的地方,如大城市、国家、洲等,如:He lives in Beijing.地点介词at与on的用法辨析介词at用于门牌号,如:He lives at No.200, Nanjing Road.介词on用于路名,如:H

13、e lives on Nanjing Road.地点介词in、on、to的用法辨析介词in表示“包含”如:Beijing is in the north of China.介词on表示“紧邻”如:Canada lies on the north of the U.S.介词to表示“没接触”如:France lies to the south of England.六其他易混介词的用法辨析动作介词to与toward的用法辨析介词to表示向某处移动,如:They were driving to work together.介词toward 表示移向某处,如:We're moving tow

14、ard the light.原因介词because、as、for的用法辨析介词because表示“因为;由于”指直接的、明确的原因,用来回答why的问句,语气最强。如:The boy was absent because he was ill.介词as表示“由于;鉴于”指一种显而易见、谈话双方已知的理由。如:She stayed at home as she had no car.介词for表示 “因为;由于”指一种间接原因,甚至只是一种附带的说明。如:It must have rained last night, for the road is wet.材料介词of和from的用法介词of用

15、于成品与材料的性质不变时,如:The desk is made of wood.介词from用于成品与材料的性质已变时,如:Wine is made from grapes.表示“用”的介词in、with、by的用法辨析介词in表示“用材料、语言”如:Can you say it in English?介词with表示“用工具、某物”如:with a pen介词by表示“用、以、靠、通过方法”如:He prefers traveling by car.介词between与among的用法辨析介词between 表示“在两者之间”如:Dont sit between the two girls.

16、介词among表示“在当中(三者或以上)”如:They lived among the mountains in the past.介词besides与except的用法辨析介词besides表示“除之外(全部计算在内)”如:We have seen the crocodile besides Li Fang.介词except表示“除之外(不计算在内)”如:We are all Chinese except Tom in our class.七、相近介词(短语)辨析1. on“关于”,学术性强:a lecture on computerabout“关于”,知识性或随便谈论:a discussi

17、on about the plan 2. go/come/walk/run后只能用into, put/sit down/throw/jump/fall后可用in/into 3. in an hour一小时后,用于将来时 after an hour一小时后,用于过去时 4. beside在旁边 besides除之外(还有) except除之外 except for除(非同类事物)之外 5. a hole in the wall a picture on the wall a piece of news in the newspaper the words in the envelop the m

18、onkey in the tree the apples on the tree(树上的苹果。表示长在树“上”的果实要用介词“on”) 6. the tallest boy of(in) the class/school/(像class这类群体单位名词前可用 of或in) the tallest(boy) of the ten boys(像boys这类非群体名词前,只能用of) 7. with the help / the permission of 在 帮助/允诺下 under the leadership / the care of 在领导/关心下 8. be familiar with

19、sb./sth. 熟悉某人/某物 be familiar to sb. 为某人所熟悉9. be absent from meeting/class开会/上课缺席 Be absent in sp. 不在某处 12. be strict with sb. 对某人严格要求be strict in sth. 严格对待某事 13. Shanghai lies in the east of China. 上海位于中国的东部(在中国境内) Korea lies on the east of China. 朝鲜与中国的东部接壤。 Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国的

20、东部(不接壤)。 14. at least 至少 in the least 丝毫,一点 15. in the air 空中,在流传 on the air播出 16. shout to 呼喊,向喊 shout at对吼,责骂 17. in the way挡路,障碍,妨碍 in a way在某点上,在某种程度上 by the way顺便问一下 on one¢s way(to) 在路上 18. at the corner在拐角处(外角) in the corner在拐角里,在角落里(内角) on the corner在角落上(外角) 19. on fire着火,失火 on the fire

21、在火上 at the fire在炉边 20. in the endat lastfinally by the end of到末止 at the end of在结束时,在末端,at the end最后。 21. after a timeafter some time过一段时间后 behind time迟到,过期 ahead of time提前,超前 sometime某时 some time某段时间,某一时期 sometimes有时 at a timeeach time每次 at one timeonce曾经介词考点分析 1My uncle lives_ 105 Beijing street. (

22、NMET) A.on B.at C.to D.of 析:门牌号码前要用at。 2He slept well_all the windows open. (NMET) A.when B.while C.with D.because 析:A、B、D都是连词,其后应接句子(与slept相应,open应为opened)故都不合此题。 with all the windows open是“with名词形容词”独立结构,在此作方式状语。 故答案为C。 3We offered him our congratulations_his passing the college entrance exams.(NM

23、ET) A.at B.of C.for D.on 析:congratulate sb. on sth.对某人的某事表示祝贺,这是固定说法;offer/express congratulations on sth./doing sth.对某事/做某事表示祝贺。在这一结构中也用 on。故此题答案是D。 4If you keep on, you¢ll succeed_. (NMET) A.in time B.at one time C.at the same time D.on time 析:四个选项中in time有“终究”。“迟早”意,在此合用,故此题答案为A。 5Great men

24、never give up_difficulty. (NMET) A.in face of the B.when facing with C.in the face of D.when facing by 析:in face ofin the face of表“面对”意。此题是“面对任何困难”意,为泛指, 并非特指,所以答案为C。 6The train leaves at 6:00 p.m. So I have to be at the station _ 5:40 p.m.at the latest. (NMET) A.until B.after C.by D.around 析:by可表“不

25、迟于(no later than)”意。until与 I have to be at the station 连用,要以“notuntil”形式出现,故在此不合;after在此也不合;around表 “大约”意,太笼统了。故此题答案应为C。连 接 词一、连词分类: 1并列连词:是指连接对等的词、词组和句子,而不是连接主句与从句 的连词,如: and, bothand, neithernor, not onlybut also, as well as, but, however, while(而), still, yet, or, eitheror, otherwise, so, fo

26、r, therefore, thus 等。 2从属连词:指连接主句与从句的连词,如:that, whether, if, before, after, as , as soon as, once, since, ever since, till, until, when, whenever, while, because, since, now that, sothat(既然), suchthat, so that, in order that, as if,as thouth,though, although, even though, no matter who/whoever/, unl

27、ess, as/so long as, in case(以防)等。二、使用连词注意点: 1for是并列连词,它所引出的理由是一种补充说明,语气很弱。它所引导的分句几乎 可以放在括号里。其引导的分句不能放在句首。 例如:He might have gone to bed, for the light went out. 2though和although引导从句时主句前不能用but。例如下面句子是错误的: Although/Though he was ill, but he went to school.(改正的方法是将but去掉, 或将although, though去掉)。 3because,

28、as引导原因状语从句时,主句前不能用so。例如下面句子是错的:As / Because there are no classes tomorrow,so they will go on a picnic.(改正 的方法是去掉as, because或去掉so。) 4当because用来解释或说明某一动作时,不能用for来代替。Why开头的问句要用 because开头引出原因,而不能用for开头引出原因。连词考点分析 1She thought I was talking about her daughter,_in fact I was talking about my daughter.(NME

29、T) A.whom B.where C.which D.while 析:空白处需填一个表示转折对比的连词,while可表“而”、“却”意,故答案为D。 2He hasn¢t yet arrived. He may,_, come later. A.but B.though C.or D.however 析:从空白处看,前后都有逗号,however适合填入,又因however意“然而”,“但是”, 填入空白处后,前后两句意思连贯,故D为正确选项 3 I don¢t like fish_ chicken. I don¢t like fish_ I like chick

30、en very much. A.and; and B.and; but C.or; but D.or; and 析:观察第一句,谓语为否定式,其空白处应该用or来连接并列事物,故可排除A、B。 观察第二句,显然空白处需用一个转折连词,故答案为C。 4Good technique in medicine means less pain and fewer deaths and,_ ,it is our duty to master it.(上海高考题) A.altogether B.therefore C.otherwise D.however 析:从上下文看,前后为因果关系,故应选B。 5Mo

31、ther was worried because little Alice was ill, especially_ Father was away in France.(NMET) A.as B.that C.during D.if 析:首先可排除C。因为during是介词,不能引导从句。that和if虽然可以引导从句, 但不能表述Mother was worried的原因。故只能选A。 6_ you don¢t like him is none of my business.(上海高考题) A.What B.Who C.That D.Whether 析:从题干看,需要空白处填一词

32、引出you don¢t like him这样一个事实,显然只有选 C.That合适。 7The day breaks_ the birds are singing. A.because B.as C.since D.for 析:若选A、B、C,则The day breaks(天亮)的原因就是the birds are singing(鸟叫), 显然这是不成理的,只有for引出的句子作为一种附加说明才成立。介词、连词专练 1The place isn¢t too bad, is it? _ it¢s a bit too crowded. A.No, but B.Ye

33、s, though C.No, because D.Yes, yet 2Five minutes earlier,_ we could have caught the last train. A.but B.and C.so D.or 3They may go to London, but they are not certain_. A.still B.yet C.already D.however 4This word may be used both as a noun_as a verb. A.as well as B.nor C.and D.or 5I have read one o

34、f his plays_a lot of his poems. A.but B.while C.as well as D.as well 6We can¢t see air, _,it does exist. A.and B.but C.however D.still 7Do what you have been told,_ you will be punished. A.and B.but C.or D.after all 8She was ill,_she can¢t come. A.for B.therefore C.but D.or 9I thought he h

35、ated TV. You are right,_he still watches the program. A.besides B.also C.then D.yet10_you are dismissed. A.Either you go or B.Whether you go or C.Both you go and D.Not only you go but also11It is strange, _ it is true. A.if B.or C.so D.and12I asked her to stay for tea,_ I had something to tell her.

36、A.but B.for C.or D.and13I remember_ this used to he a quiet village. (NMET) A.when B.how C.where D.what14It will be hours_ she comes back. A.before B.since C.after D.by15I had no idea about it_ he told me. A.until B.there C.that D.where16Air to us is _ water to fish. A.what B.that C.which D.of which

37、17When you read the book, you¢d better make a mark_ you have questions. A.where B.at which C.at where D.the place where18I had no idea where he had been_ he told me. A.when B.until C.except D.because19_,Mother will wait for him to have dinner together. (NMET) A.However late is he B.However he i

38、s late C.However D.However late he is20It worried her a bit_ her hair was turning gray. (NMET) A.while B.that C.if D.for21I don¢t doubt_ he can pass the entrance examination. A.whether B.when C.that D.how22Never believe anything_ any other person has believed it.Use your own mind. A.that B.when

39、 C.because D.nor23Don¢t stop_you meet with a word you don¢t understand. A.at that time B.each time C.sometimes D.before24Take an umbrella_ it rains. A.in case B.in any case C.because D.for25_the teacher found goodness, he praised it. A.Wherever B.However C.As D.Because26I saw a stranger_ a

40、 distance of ten yards. A.at B.in C.by D.to27She went to Shanghai_ way of Nanjing. A.by B.on C.in D.to28Mr.Smith set out_ USA last week. A.about B.in C.to D.for29_the leadership of the Party,we should not have succeeded. A.Under B.With C.Having not D.But for30It¢s well-known_ all of us that Tai

41、wan belongs_ China. A.by; to B.to; to C.for; to D.to; of 31_what age do children begin to go to school? A.Of B.From C.For D.At32My aunt came back_ three days. A.after B.in C.around D.about33What did people say_ me? A.with B.by C.forward D.of34In this company we are paid_the month. A.on B.at C.by D.for35Students who live in crowded homes find it difficult to st


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