1、Work In structi onCreate Ven dor Inv oicePurposeSAP adheres to the docume nt pri nciple, which means that each posti ng is stored in the form of a docume nt. Each docume nt is composed of a docume nt header and line items. Each posti ng, or docume nt, must have at least the follow ing in formati on:
2、 docume nt and post ing dates, docume nt type, compa ny code, curre ncy, post ing keys, accou nt n umbers, and amou nts. In order to post a docume nt, it must bala nee; the debits must equal the credits. Required fields are validated duri ng en try.Note: Trade accou nts payable source tran sacti ons
3、 primarily come from the Materials Man ageme nt (MM) module. Purchases costs and varia nces are also gen erated and assig ned from the MM module. FI is used for record in g ven dor in voice in formatio n and match ing aga inst the MM source.There is a validati on by system for ven dor in voice to pr
4、eve nt duplicate en try. The check ing rule is;Compa ny codeDocume nt dateHeader refere nee (ve ndor in voice n umber)Curre ncyVendorIn voice amou ntPrerequisitesNAMenu PathTo go to the Create Ven dor In voice scree n, use the followi ng menu path:?Accou nti ng Finan cial Accou nti ngAccou nts Payab
5、leDocume ntentryIn voiceTran sacti on CodeFB60/F-43Work StepsYou can press <En vir onment -> Set compa ny code> or press F7 to cha nge the compa ny code. Make sure you are working at the right company code before posting.FB60:1. On the header scree n, the follow ing fields can be en tered:F
6、ieldR/O/CDescripti on/Acti onBasic data TabVendorRVen dor accou nt n umberDocume nt DateRDate of the origi nal docume nt.Posti ng DateRDate the accou nt bala nces are updated.Docume nt Refere neeOReference information if desired.En ter ven dor in voice n umberAmou ntRIn voice Amou ntCurre ncyRCurre
7、ncy IDDocume nt Header TextOText pertaining to the entire document.Press En ter keyG/L Accou ntRGen eral ledger accou nt n umberFieldR/O/CDescripti on/Acti onDocume nt Curre ncyAmou ntRDuring docume nt en try, en ter amou nt man ually.In the last line item, you can enter a“ * ” theAmou nt will bala
8、nee the previous en tries.D/CRDebit / Credit in dicatorTxCTax codeCost cen terOCost Object, for cost ing and expe nse G/L accou nt this field is required.Profit cen terThis field will auto select by system for costing and expe nse G/L accou nt.Press En ter KeyPress vPayme nt> tab2. On the header
9、scree n, the followi ng fields can be en tered:FieldR/O/CDescripti on/Acti onBaseli neDtRDate to which the periods for the cash discou nt and the due date for net payme nt referPayme nt TermsODefaults to the value stored in the ven dor master record and can be overwritten.Also on the “ Ven dor In vo
10、ice En ter ” scree n, additi onal Tabs: Tax, Detail, Note and Localcurr.exist for more detailed in formatio n in put for the in voice being en tered.Press the icon simulate to display the docume nt overview.Review/Cha nge Li ne ItemsSelect Docume ntSimulate or the Simulate butt onto view your in put
11、.If you wish to cha nge any data, double click on the line item and make your cha nges.Double click on the line item, you can display and change the detail of line item fields.Post Docume ntWhe n the debits equal the credits, selectDocume ntPost to post the docume nt orselect the save icon.The syste
12、m the n updates the docume nt file, the ven dor accou nt bala nee and the G/L accou nt bala nee.Retur n to Main Me nu. (Select Yellow up Poi nti ng Arrow, Shift F3)ResultDocume nt 3220000007 was posted in compa ny code TWHHFaxconnF-43:Enter V&tidor Invoice: Header Pa faHfM donwiwt Act 対onrnt nra
13、xM.G电 Item teret entr r Post with reipi enceDocuiwnt ctabr04/10/005TypeKRCompmn!1 cedePoking drte04/29/20 0-5PflW-4lv?oD«UHiNitriiirreeiTirmkvuondreRfferenr1234SnoDfxt?rl | Trffirrt Fhmwm*|Tkfldlna ”t EtAF星 line HetnTiNEJtFpeP1K|i1 )1 ACCOuIlLTiAhWIBCHSp.GitF43 chwDI O¥R3. On the scree n,
14、the followi ng fields can be en tered:FieldR/O/CDescripti on/Acti onDocume nt headerDocume nt DateRDate of the docume nt.En ter origi nal docume nt date in here.TypeRSystem will default a kind of docume nt type.Compa ny codeREn ter compa ny code.TWHH: for Hon HaiBSGP: for GPE.USCS: for CASEDGENLCS:
15、for CSDEUCNHF: for HFJPosti ng DateREffective date of posti ng.Defaults from the system date but you can cha nge.PeriodRSystem will default posti ng period accord ing to posti ng date.Curre ncyREn ter docume nt curre ncy.RateOSystem will tra nslate docume nt curre ncy amou nt to compa ny code curre
16、ncy amou nt by this rate if the rate in n ot empty.FieldR/O/CDescripti on/Acti onDocume nt n umberOThe n umber is internal assig ned by system. Do not n eed to in put.Tran slati on dateOSystem will tra nslate docume nt curre ncy amou nt to compa ny code curre ncy amou nt accord ing to this date '
17、;exchange rate table (M type).The priority of excha nge rate determ in ati on is;1. Curre ncy rate if this field is not empty2. Tran slati on date 'rate if this field is not empty3. Posting date 'rate if this field is not emptyRefere neeORefere nee docume nt n umber.En ter origi nal docume n
18、t n umber in here for referen ce.Docume nt header textODocume nt header text.Li ne item 1PstkyR21 ” for debit entry in ven dor accou nt31 f for credit entry in ven dor accou ntAccou ntREn ter ven dor code for first line item.Press ENTER£nier Vendor in voice: A dd Vendor item& Hof? cKa Act 頌
19、jnnit mo(>|G.1 «te«n last曰血皿阳和话吩UTNWF IKHNCl (XfYr 叱Gi'I tK?21110000An)(H 討IJSOPrlTt IHrUKiBAth* dhteDec. hnv1KPOO04/9005Pin« bkxkFhnmt rretliedDm 伽cwtFned矽 long twtPiWF40 AccouiE 73100.'0Mew SjCOde;Akjiinwn Tmctf43-"0VROn the screen, the following fields can be entere
20、d:FieldR/O/CDescripti on/Acti onAmou nt in doc. curre ncyRThe amou nt for this line in docume nt curre ncy.Tax codeORequired only if a tax category has been specified for that account' s master record.Cost cen terOCost cen ter for all costi ng and expe nse accou nts.Profit cen terOProfit cen ter
21、 for all reve nue accou ntsAssig nment n umberOThe program can display the account line items sorted according to the content of this field.TextOLine item textLi ne item 2PstkyR40 ” for debit entry in general voucher50 f for credit entry in gen eral voucherAccou ntREnter G/L account number for first
22、 line item.New co.codeREn ter ano ther compa ny code if this is a cross- compa ny code tran sacti on.4.B -J '9 ©辺6国(3总曲Press ENTERJi £j Q 口 G 同QfEcMa址tiisMignEt 叩odel “ Gl 嵐etn 怙st entrir Taa flfrmntsEnter Vendor invoice: Correct G/L account itemG/l 亦(M *731UOOOOl轴MWF TFITHOIOtV, INC.I
23、tMH 1 / Oht oriH Y f 4QusoCWit rlln西口创0ar netRrirflt cFrtPfCaOQTordprdoc,QLdiniYAstgmnientTest宙 Lang testIfert E足 t£inPsAK|rAccounE邱jG/LTiafBJtjifPfrNew toxode;-F-43 =il dwO3 CWR3. On the scree n, the followi ng fields can be en tered:FieldR/O/CDescripti on/Acti onAmou nt in doc. curre ncyRThe
24、amou nt for this line in docume nt curre ncy.Tax codeORequired only if a tax category has been specified for that account' s master record.Cost cen terOCost Cen ter for all costi ng and expe nse accou nts.Profit cen terOProfit Cen ter for all reve nue accou ntsAssig nment n umberOThe program can
25、 display the account line items sorted according to the content of this field.TextOLine item textPress En terSimulat ing the Posti ngSelect DocumentSimulate . This optional step will create any automaticallygen erated docume nt lines such as in ter-compa ny en tries and allow you to view them before posti ng.Enter Vendor /ft voice: Display Overview® CMsplar currcncr Tases 恥setDixuiwit ctitrTri*ETPcnl 闻(W101/29/2005PfliMj4 1USDINTERNAL200s|Trnrviiiilkwi 咖04/29/2005I1Z34(icm-OC F&
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