1、A-570-900InvestigationProprietaryProprietary DocumentDocumentOffice 9: CBDATE: March 23, 2006MEMORANDUM TO: The FileFROM: Carrie BlozyProgram Manager, Office 9John D A LaRoseSenior International Trade Compliance AnalystSUBJECT: Verification of the Sales and Factors Response of Hebei Jikai Group Indu
2、strial Co., Ltd. in the Antidumping Investigation of Diamond Sawblades and Parts Thereof from the Peoples Republic of China主题:在对金刚石锯片及其配件的反倾销调查中,对河北冀凯的销售和要素的核查The verification of Hebei Jikai Group Industrial Co., Ltd. (“Hebei Jikai”) took place fromFebruary 21 through February 25, 2006 in Shijiazhua
3、ng, China. The attached report outlines the procedures followed at the verification and describes our findings. We have appended a separate list of Exhibits compiled at the verification. Exhibit 2 includes the list of participants at the verification.对河北冀凯的核查开始于2006年2月21日,结束于2006年2月25日,在中国石家庄进行。所附的是
4、报告大纲及随后的在核查中的程序和我们的发现。我们已经附加了一个单独的在核查中搜集的附件列表。同时我们还附上了一份参与核查的人员名单。The purpose of this verification report is to provide parties with a factual report of the methods, procedures and results collected and obtained during the Departments verification exercise. See 19 C.F.R. 351.307(c). This report does
5、 not draw conclusions as to whether the reported information was successfully verified, and further does not make findings or conclusions regarding how the facts obtained at verification will ultimately be treated in the Departments determinations.本核查报告的目的是向各团队提供商务部在核查过程中搜集的和得到的结果的方法及程序。见19 C.F.R. 3
6、51.307(c)。关于所报告信息是否被成功的核查,本报告并没有提出结论,进一步说就是,关于核查中的所得是如何被用到商务部的裁决中的,并没有作出决定。Verification of Sales and Factors Response of Hebei Jikai对河北冀凯销售和要素的核查对河北冀凯销售和要素的核查The verification steps listed in outline format below were presented to Hebei Jikai in a letter from the Department dated February 10, 2006. B
7、elow each step, we have described the verification procedures performed and cited to the applicable verification exhibit, or exhibit from the questionnaire response containing information provided by Hebei Jikai that relates to the procedure.核查的步骤列在了大纲的下面,这个大纲是商务部在2006年2月10日发给河北冀凯的。下面的每一步,我们都描述了核查的步
8、骤及列出了可用的核查的附件,或者是列出了博深在问卷中的答复。I I、SUMMARYSUMMARY OFOF ISSUESISSUESI I、问题摘要、问题摘要The following is an illustrative list of issues and factual observations that arose during the course of our verification, which may require further consideration by the Department. The Department provides this list as a
9、convenience in order to better aide the parties preparation of comments before the Department. However, this list is not all inclusive, as all items included within this report are subject to comment and further consideration.下面是一份在核查过程中作出的问题及实际情况的列表,这些可能是商务部需要进一步考虑的事项。商务部作出这一列表是为了便于、或更好的帮助当事人在商务部评论
10、之前准备解释。不过,这份列表不能涵盖所有的问题,因为包括在报告中的是应该需要结实和考虑的事项。1. For U.S. sales of subject merchandise to two customers, * and *, the Department found that Hebei Jikai paid the international freight cost of shipping the merchandise from China to the United States. Hebei Jikai had reported in its response that sale
11、s to these customers were made on a FOB basis. Although Hebei Jikai claimed that they were reimbursed by the customer for the cost of the international freight, company officials were unable to provide documentation to support the claim of reimbursement. We found that the international freight was p
12、rovided by a non-market economy carrier. For the sales to *, we noted that the merchandise was shipped via air. See Exhibit 20.1、销售给美国两客户的货物美国商务部发现冀凯承担了从中国到美国的运费,而冀凯报告中说他们发给这两个客户的货物价格是FOB 价,尽管冀凯声明这两个客户退还了运费,但他们提供不出相关的证明。我们发现为他们发货的是非市场经济的承运人,而且是空运。2. During the plant tour, we discussed with company o
13、fficials the use of certain materials, considered by Hebei Jikai to be auxiliary, in the production of diamond sawblades, including nitrogen gas, hybrid gas, graphite molds, and aluminum plated bags. Company officials explained that nitrogen gas is used to protect the powder at the self-made powder
14、mixing stage. Hebei Jikai reported that it used * cubic meters of nitrogen gas during the period of investigation (“POI”), a POI usage factor of * cubic meters per kilogram. The nitrogen gas was purchased from a company in *. Company officials explained that a hybrid gas mixture is used in the laser
15、 cutting machine. Company officials explained that the gas mixture may only be purchased from the vendor that sold the laser cutting machine. During 2005 calendar year, Hebei Jikai withdrew from stock * 13 liter bottles of the hybrid gas mixture. The hybrid gas mixture was purchased from a company i
16、n *. Company officials explained that graphite molds are only used in the production of laser-welded diamond sawblades, with sintered diamond sawblades using steel molds. They explained that graphite molds are replaced after approximately * uses and steel molds, some of which are self-produced, are
17、replaced after approximately * uses. There were * kilograms of graphite molds purchased during the POI. Hebei Jikai did not have information regarding consumption of graphite molds. The factor usage per converted production quantity was *kilograms per piece. The supplier of the graphite molds is loc
18、ated in *, a distance of * kilometers from Shijiazhuang. In the plant tour, we noticed that the self-made powders and excess diamond mixture powders are stored in aluminum plated bags. The bag were purchased from a supplier in *. During the POI, Hebei Jikai purchased * bags. The factor usage of the
19、bags during the POI was * kilograms per kilogram. See Section XIV for more information.2、在冀凯车间,我们与他们讨论了这列材料的用途,这些材料冀凯认为是生产金刚石锯片的辅助材料,包括:氮气、混合气体、石墨模具及铝铂袋子。冀凯的人解释说氮气是用来保护在自制的混料机中的粉料的。冀凯说在涉案期内他们使用了*立方米的氮气,每公斤使用*立方米。氮气是从位于 的一家公司购买的,冀凯的人结实说混合气体是用在激光切割机上,这种混合气体只能从卖给他们激光切割机的公司购买。在 2005 年,冀凯共购入 瓶 (13 公升/瓶)混
20、合气体,这种混合气体是从位于 的一家公司购进的。冀凯的人说石墨模具只用来生产激光焊锯片,而烧结锯片使用钢模具。他们解释说石墨模具大概用 次就要更换,而钢模具,有一些是公司自己做的,大概使有 次就要更换,在核查期内,冀凯共购进了 公斤石墨模具。冀凯不能提供石墨模具的消耗量。要素每种产品的转换的数量是公斤每片。石墨模具的供应商在 ,距离石家庄 公里。在工厂,我们注意到冀凯自制的粉末和金刚石混合粉末是储存在铝铂袋子里,这种袋子从 购买的。核查期内,冀凯共购买了 袋,涉案期内这种袋子使用要素是每公斤 公斤。3. In the course of the plant tour, Department o
21、fficials noted that Hebei Jikai stocked steel according to its grade (e.g., 30CrMo) and dimension. We requested that Hebei Jikai report all dimensions and grades of steel used to produce the merchandise under investigation. From its ERP system, Hebei Jikai provided such a list. See Exhibit 18. Steel
22、 plate 30 CrMo ranges in size from 2.6 mm x 350 mm to 3.0 mm x 500 mm. Steel strip 30 CrMo has one dimension only: 2.2 mm x 220 x L. Steel plate 65 Mn ranges in size from 1.8 x 300 to 2.3 x 350. Steel strip 65 Mn ranges in size from 1.23 x 98 to 2 x 250. A3 plate ranges in size from 3 to 4 mm in thi
23、ckness.3、在参观工厂的过程中,商务部的官员们注意到河北冀凯有关于钢材的等级(如30CrMo)和密度的记录。我们要求河北冀凯报告生产涉案产品所使用的所有钢材的等级和密度。从它的ERP系统中,河北冀凯提供了这样一个列表。见附件18。钢盘30铬钼的尺寸是从2.6 mm x 350 mm到3.0 mm x 500 mm。钢带30铬钼的尺寸只有2.2 mm x 220 x L。钢盘65锰的尺寸是从1.8 x 300到2.3 x 350。钢带65锰的尺寸是从1.23 x 98到2 x 250。A3盘的厚度尺寸是从3到4mm。4. We found that for certain U.S. sal
24、es observations, the gross weight was less than the net weight. Company officials explained that this discrepancy was due to the fact that while net weight was actual, gross weight was based on the packing list. See Section XI.4、我们发现对于某个抽样的美国销售,毛重比净重少。公司的官员解释到,这个差异是因为净重是实际重量,而毛重是以包装清单为基础的。见附件XI。5. W
25、e found that yield loss was calculation on the basis of actual consumption rather than standard consumption. See Section XIV, Steel for more details. 5、我们发现,收益损失是根据实际消耗计算的,而不是标准消耗。见附件XIV,更多的情况见钢材。II.II. MINORMINOR CORRECTIONSCORRECTIONS PRESENTEDPRESENTED PRIORPRIOR TOTO VERIFICATIONVERIFICATIONIIII
26、、核查前微小的更正、核查前微小的更正Hebei Jikai submitted corrections to its questionnaire responses which resulted from its verification preparation. A detailed list of corrections to the sales file are located in Exhibit 1.河北冀凯提交了在进行核查准备时发现的一些小问题的更正。附件1是这些更正的一个清单。Each of the corrections is addressed in the relevant
27、 section of the report. We instructed Hebei Jikai to hand-serve these corrections on interested parties as indicated in the outline.每个更正都在报告相关部分进行了报告。根据大纲中指出的,我们指导河北冀凯将这些更正交给了相关的利益团体。Procedure:Procedure:过程:过程:Department officials received two minor corrections from Hebei Jikai.商务的官员们检查了河北冀凯的两个更正。Res
28、ults:Results:结果:结果:Hebei Jikai reported that the Cost of Goods Calculation Chart provided at Exhibit V-2-2 of its September 20, 2005, response contained an error in the quantity and value of beginning inventory for October 2004. Company officials explained that this error was due to the misapplicati
29、on of Hebei Jikai reported a correction to its Factors of Production (“FOP”) table provided at Exhibit SD-29 of its November 3, 2005, response. Company officials explained that for three product codes/CONNUMs, they had failed to convert the usage amount from grams to kilograms for copper plate. We e
30、xamined the bill of materials (“BOM”) for each of the affected product codes and confirmed that the usage rates per the BOM were in grams. Because the FOP table indicated that the usage rates were expressed in kilograms, it was necessary to multiply the usage factors by 1000.河北冀凯在9月20日提呈附件V-2-2中提供了产
31、品成本计算表,答复中2004年库存期初的数量和价值有一个错误。公司的官员们解释到,产生这一错误的原因是误用了2005年11月3日附件SD-29中生产要素数据表中一个更正的数据。公司的官员们解释到,有三个控制编码,它们没有将其用量的单位由克转换为公斤。我们检查了每个受影响的产品编码的BOM,确定了BOM中用的单位是克。因为在FOP表中,要求单位用公斤,所有需要将这些用量乘以1000。III.III. CORPORATECORPORATE STRUCTURESTRUCTURE ANDAND ORGANIZATIONORGANIZATIONIIIIII、公司结构及组织结构、公司结构及组织结构A. R
32、eview the organizational and corporate structure of Hebei Jikai and the activities of all divisions of Hebei Jikai involved in the production, sale and distribution of certain diamond sawblades and parts thereof (“diamond sawblades”) to all markets, as identified in your submissions.A、检查河北冀凯(河北冀凯的公司
33、官员应该会见商务部的官员,并带上必要的文件满足商务部官员的要求的信息)的组织结构及集团架构,及河北冀凯的生产活动,销售活动。这些要与报告的相同。Procedure:Procedure:过程:过程:We reviewed with company officials the charts for organizational and corporate structure that Hebei Jikai provided in its August 25, 2005, response at Exhibits 2 and 3 and discussed the operations of th
34、e individual members of the Hebei Jikai group.我们检查了公司提交的表格。Results:Results:结果:结果:Regarding the reason the assets of Shijiazhuang Economy & Technology Zone Zhongmei Zhihu Equipments Co., Ltd. (“Zhongmei Zhihu”) were transferred to Shijiazhuang Zhongmei Equipments Co. Ltd., company officials explained
35、 that Hebei Jikai received preferential tax treatment for relocating the operations to the Shijiazhuang New and High Tech Knowledge Development Zone. We examined the financial statements for Zhongmei Zhihu for 2003, 2004, and 2005 and noted that there was no sales income in 2005. See Exhibit 5 (2003
36、, 2004, and 2005 financial statements for Zhongmei Zhihu).关于石家庄经济技术开发区中煤支护设备公司(中煤支护)的财产被转到石家庄中煤设备有限公司的原因,公司的官员解释到,由于重新在石家庄高新技术产业开发区开始经营,公司可以享受到税收优惠。我们检查了中煤支护2003年、2004年和2005年的财务报告,发现在2005年没有销售收5入。见附件5。Regarding Shijiazhuang Guoda Industrial Co. Ltd. (“Guoda”), which Hebei Jikai reported as producing
37、 liquid crystal displays, company officials explained that Guoda is still in the research and development phase of operations and has not made any sales. We confirmed that Guoda had no sales income in 2004 or 2005. See Exhibit 5 (2004 and 2005 financial statements for Guoda). We confirmed that Shiji
38、azhuang Jikai Tool Co., Ltd., which company officials reported as a dormant company, had no sales income in 2004 or 2005. See Exhibit 5 (2004 and 2005 financial statements for Shijiazhuang Jikai Tool Co., Ltd.).关于石家庄国大工业有限公司(国大),河北冀凯报告这个公司是生产液晶显示器的,公司的官员们解释到,国大还只是在研发阶段,没有进行销售。我们确认了国大在2004年或2005年没有销售
39、。我们确认石家庄冀凯工具有限公司在2004年和2005年没有销售,公司的官员们解释到,这个公司是一个隐藏的公司。We also examined the most recent copy of the capital verification report and the business license for each of the subsidiaries of Hebei Jikai to confirm their ownership and their business operations. See Exhibit 5.我们还检查了河北冀凯的每个子公司的验资报告,确认了它们的股权
40、及它们的经营运作。B. Using the fiscal-year balance sheet covering all of the POI review the account and subaccount detail for all short- and long-term investments and holdings by Hebei Jikai and affiliated companies involved in the sale or production of diamond sawblades. If the fiscal-year balance sheet cov
41、ering all of the POI is not available, then provide the balance sheet that covers the majority of the POI. If percentage of Hebei Jikais investments and holdings are not observable from this account detail, calculate these percentages separately.B、用覆盖POI的年度平衡表,检查短期和长期投资会计科目及二级科目及河北冀凯及关联公司在销售或秤金刚石锯片中
42、的财产。Procedure:Procedure:过程:过程:We examined Hebei Jikais long-term investments at the beginning and end of the POI. See Exhibit 6.我们检查了河北冀凯的长期投资。Results:Results:结果:结果:At the beginning of the POI, Hebei Jikai had investments in Shijiazhuang Jikai Tools Co., Ltd., Shijiazhuang Zhong Mei Equipments Co.,
43、Ltd., and Jikia Oil Technology Co., Ltd. (“Jikai Oil”). Company officials explained that the assets of Jikai Oil were liquidated at the end of October 2004. We confirmed the ownership percentages using the audited financial statements of the subsidiary. We noted that the owners of Hebei Jikai Tools
44、are Hebei Jikai Group and Guoda. The owners of Zhongmei Equipment are Hebei Jikai Group and Hebei Jikai Tools. The owners of Guoda are Hebei Jikai Group and a collection of * individuals, whom also have ownership in Hebei Jikai.在POI期初,河北冀凯在石家庄冀凯工具有限公司、石家庄中煤设备有限公司和冀凯石油技术有限公司有投资。公司的官员解释到,冀凯石油的资产2004年1
45、0月份进行了清算。我们用审计报告确认了子公司之间的股权。我们发现,河北冀凯工具的所有者是河北冀凯集团和国大。中煤支护的所有者是河北冀凯集团和河北冀凯工具。因大的所有者是河北冀凯集团及 个自然人,这几个人在河北冀凯也有股权。C. Review the nature of any affiliations between Hebei Jikai and other companies, including, but not limited to, all suppliers and customers, as reported in your submissions.C、根据提交的报告,检查河北冀
46、凯与其它公司之间关联的性质,包括,便不限于,所有供应商及客户。Procedure:Procedure:过程:过程:We asked Hebei Jikai whether it has any affiliation with any other diamond sawblade producers or exporters or its suppliers or customers of diamond sawblades. Department officials noted that Hebei Jikai made sales of diamond sawblades to *, wh
47、ich the Department determined to be affiliated with Gang Yan Diamond Products Inc., itself an affiliate of Beijing Gang Yan Diamond Product Company (“BGY”), in its Preliminary Determination.我们问河北冀凯是否与其它金刚石锯片生产商或出口商有关联,或者与它的供应商或客户有关联。商务部的官员注意到,河北冀凯向 销售金刚石锯片,关于个公司,商务部已确定了是与钢研金刚石制品公司相关联的,而且,在初裁时,它本身也是B
48、GY的一个关联公司。Results:Results:结果:结果:Hebei Jikai reported that it had no affiliation with other diamond sawblade producers or exporters or its suppliers or customers of diamond sawblades. Hebei Jikai said that it was unaware that * was associated with BGY. They noted that for the sales to *, Hebei Jikais
49、 contact was with the company, *, a foreign trade company, and that * required them to identify * as the importer. They indicated that they had begun doing business with * after receiving a telephone inquiry from them a year prior. In the course of reviewing the prepared sales traces for the pre-sel
50、ected sales, we noted that the invoices for the *sales identified the purchaser as *. Both the invoice and the bill of lading, which company officials explained was provided by * to Hebei Jikai at the beginning of the investigation process, indicated the destination port as *. 河北冀凯报告到,它与其它金刚石锯生生产商或出
51、口商或它的供应商或客户之间没有关联关系。河北冀凯说,它不清楚 是与BGY相关联的。他们发现对于向 的销售,河北冀凯的合同是与这个公司签定的, ,一个外贸公司,并且 要求他们将 当作一个进口商。他们指出,他们是在一年前,通过一个电话与 建立起商业关系的。在检查所抽样产品的销售的跟踪过程中,我们发现,给 的发票证明了购买者是 。发票和提单,都是由 在调查开始时提供给河北冀凯的,上面标明了目的港口是 。D. Identify the shareholders and officers in Hebei Jikai and every affiliated company involved in th
52、e production and sale of diamond sawblades.D、确定与生产和销售金刚石锯片相关的河北冀凯的股东及官员及其所有关联公司。Procedure:Procedure:过程:过程:We reviewed the chart prepared by Hebei Jikai identifying the shareholders and officers of Hebei Jikai as provided on pages 3 through 4 of its August 22, 2005, supplemental questionnaire respons
53、e on the separate rates application.我们检查了河北冀凯准备证明股东和河北冀凯官员的表格。Results:Results:结果:结果:For each shareholder in Hebei Jikai, we asked company officials what, if any, role that shareholder had with Hebei Jikai or one of its subsidiaries. The following shareholders work at Guoda: *. The following sharehol
54、ders work at Jikai Tools: *. The following shareholders work at Zhongmei Equipment:*. The following shareholders work at Hebei Jikai:*.对于河北冀凯的每一个股东,我们询问了股东在河北冀凯或它的子公司所扮演的角色。下面这些股东在国大工作: 。下面这些股东在冀凯工具工作:*。下面这些股东在中煤支护工作:*。下面这些股东在河北冀凯工作:*。E. Discuss the employment history of each of your managerial and
55、administrative employees, including how long each one has been employed and the employees previous place of employment. Be prepared to show supporting documentation.E、讨论关于管理的和行政的员工的雇用历史,包括每个人被雇用了多长时间,及之前和工作岗位。准备支持性文件。Procedure:Procedure:过程:过程:We reviewed the chart prepared by Hebei Jikai indicating
56、the employment history of each of its managerial and administrative employees as provided on pages 4 through 5 of its August 22, 2005, supplemental questionnaire response on the separate rates application.我们检查了河北冀凯准备的关于它的经理人及行政人员的表格。Results:Results:结果:结果:Mr. Feng Chunbao, the general manager of Hebe
57、i Jikai, explained that prior to 1992, he was employed by a coal mining machinery factory, under the coal production ministry of China. He said that he was a section chief of the supply department of that factory. He explained that he started the business now known as Hebei Jikai as a result of new
58、rules allowing the formation of private businesses. With respect to the other employees, company officials descriptions of their employment history were consistent with what was provided in the response.冯春宝先先生,河北冀凯的总经理,解释到,在1992年以前,他受雇于一个煤矿机械厂,这个工厂是中国煤矿部下属的工厂。他说,他是这个工厂供应部的工长。他解释到,他是在允许设立私营企业之后才开始经营河
59、北冀凯的。关于其它的员工、公司官员的历史的描述与所报告的相符。F. Review the history of Hebei Jikai. Be prepared to discuss and document either the purchase or construction of any facilities or equipment. Have the following original documents available for review for Hebei Jikai and its affiliated companies: Company Business Licen
60、se, Report of Inspection of Capital Investment, Investors Agreement, Articles of Incorporation, Shareholder Name List, and Notice of Availability of Enterprise Name.F、检查河北冀凯的历史。准备讨论及证明工具或设备的购买及建筑。对于河北冀凯及其关联公司,请准备以下几种证明的原始材料:公司营业执照,验资报告,投资协议,公司章程,股东名单及企业名称核准通知单。Procedure:Procedure:过程:过程:We reviewed o
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