



1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 高一英语单词(模块一)过关检测1. Our country has _great changes in the last thirty years.(经历)2. No girl who _herself would be dressed like that for the important meeting.(尊敬)3. The great inventor was given a prize for his scientific _.(成就)4. He had an _ time when he studied in Britain. (enj

2、oy)5. He thought it better to begin our work _(立刻,马上)6. We often study Shakespeares plays in our _ class.(文学)7. She accepted her friends _to swim across the lake.(挑战)8. I am sure Mr. White needs no _.(introduce)9. After graduation I c_ to devote myself to doing this research.10. All the members are

3、r_ to attend the meeting.11. He _to me for stepping on my foot.(道歉)12. We are _nuclear weapons to do away with nuclear weapons.(发展)13. Missing the flight m_ waiting another 3 hours.14. Their grades are well above _. (平均)15. She is d_to be thin, so she takes a lot of weight-loss pills. 16. Upon _the

4、homework, he went out to play.(完成)17. I _to say that the job has been filled.(遗憾) 18. I like cats while she _pandas.(更喜欢)19. A_ $150 million is to be spent on improvements.20. After _from university, he went to China to study music.(毕业)21. Peter felt upset because he had an a_ with his parents. 22.

5、The government has an interest in importing (进口)scientific e_.23. He _me that our class teacher asked me to go to the office.(通知)24. You must have the idea _by your teacher and then go home.(通过,同意)25. Are you _of the result?(有信心的)26. I was u_ at first, but soon I stopped worrying.27. When you write,

6、 you must make it clear and _ as soon as possible.(吸引人的)28. We should make _after thinking twice.(decide)29. I have moved into a flat where a G_ professor has lived for 3 years.(德国)30. All the students are making _ for the word test.(prepare)31. An a_ is a group of people gathered together for a par

7、ticular purpose. 32. The football match was b_ live across the world.33. No one goes to the school during the v_.34. Will you be p_ by your parents if you cant get well-prepared for the coming English test? 35.A dictionary _(解释)the meaning of each word.36. I have taken c_ of your class tomorrow so y

8、ou must do well as I tell you.37. The car accident was not the drivers f _as there was a man suddenly running across the road. 38.This kind of film is suitable( 适合的 ) for both children and a_.39. The room was a m_ after the party.40. Please take the g _or rubbish with you when leaving the theatre.41

9、. The first s_ in the second act contains a very long speech.42. I failed the test, so I am so u_ now.43. Their _ standards are high.(学术的)44Professor Wang often gives some good a _on how to learn English well.45. He was to change dramatically during his _. (青春期)46. The policeman followed the person

10、whose _(行为 )was so strange for a while and then caught him. 47. This kind of pop music is popular with the _( 青少年 ).48. I realize there is probably an _ for why the house is so dirty. ( 解释 )49. I think that you should accept the plan without _(争辩). 50. Children are _(禁止) to smoke.51. It is known tha

11、t poor housing significantly a_ educational achievement. 52. He wastes so much of his valuable time_(聊天)on line.53. .He told me not to buy it, but I bought it a_. 54. I want to do things that _me(感兴趣). 55. Im allowing him his_(自由).56.Every pupil is _ to be in his classroom at 9 a.m. (应该)57. I got on

12、e of the top_(得分)in the class.58. The film r_ him of what he had seen in Paris. 59. The branch b_but didn't break when the boy climbed along it.60.You werent _(应该,应当)to come home until tomorrow.61. I cant w_ to know the result of the exam. 62.Miss Xu _up(混淆,弄乱)my results with someone elses yeste

13、rday.63. What f_ it is to swim in such hot weather!64 S_slim means everything to him.65His father is very short,which he often feels _(害羞的)of.66Zhou Jieluns songs are _(受欢迎的)among young people.67I _(后悔)telling him the secret. 68Every woman wants a slim _ (体型).69He was r_ from the serious illness,whi

14、ch made his parents very happy.70Teenagers may want to be part of the group, yet d_independence. 71 The audience wouldnt stop talking, and the speaker began to feel a_.72I studied English very hard last year; h_, I didnt make any progress.73You must wear gloves when handling any of these c _. 74He d

15、id not put any p_on her to take the job. 75Do you want to pay in c_ or by credit card? . 76I cant _(支付得起的费用)a trip to Europe.77 Amy is suffering from hair loss, and she has tried lots of t_ but all of them failed. 78The bank has _(分行)all over the country.79The citys population is _(扩大,膨胀).80Surely t

16、here is some way of ordering our busy lives so that we can live in c_ and find spiritual harmony (精神上的和谐)too. 81We have a_what we set out to do. 82This is a factory with modern_(设备).83He hasnt r_from the failure of the maths exam. 84We have to b_ the needs and the tastes of all our customers. 85We f

17、elt that the quarrel was badly _.(处理).86He keeps listening to tapes to _(提高)his listening skill.87After finishing so much work,he felt quite_(放松的). 88He suddenly _(增加)the speed of the car.89There is only small _(数量)of food.90Those girls, including my elder sister,are now learning performing in the s

18、chool. They dream of becoming famous_ in the future.(演员) 91What made you feel so _ just now?(尴尬的)92Im sorry, I didnt mean to u_you. 93What really _is whether you have good computing skills. (重要)94. Stop talking and c_on your work. . 95. Modern farming methods can have a negative (负面的)e_ on the envir

19、onment.96. Parents should teach their children to behave p_ in public.97. He came home late last night, so his parents f_him to play computers for a week. 98. Many young girls, who want to lose weight, are always going on d_.99. Shes always had a good _(身材). 100. This drink doesnt _(含有) any alcohol.

20、 101. We examined the rock to find out its c_.102. The question is so hard, and we're getting c_.103. Dont d_your health for a slim and attractive figure. 104. The union said that they would take action to d_ their member's jobs.105. He felt that he did mot d_ to be given such a great honour

21、.106. Can I have some fruit instead of the d _?107. He remained _ from the people he worked with.(疏远). 108. A new skyscraper has been put up _. (市中心)109. A d_is a period of time during which a country is ruled by members of the same family. 110. Your education will equip you to e_ a good living.111.

22、 The plane is carrying e_ supplies for refugees ( 难民).112. What he needs most is e_and support.113. If you are e_ in what you do, you have a lot of enthusiasm and determination.114. An e_is something you have done which is considered to be incorrect or wrong, or which should not have been done. 115.

23、 An e_is something that happens, especially when it is unusual or important. You can use e_to describe all the things that are happening in a particular situation. 116. If two or more people e_ things of a particular kind, they give them to each other at the same time.117 Someone who is e _ at doing

24、 something is very skilled at it.118. If something is e_, you have to pay more money for it in addition to what you are already paying for something. 119. The marriage was a f_and they both wanted to be free of it. 120. She studied eight foreign languages but is f_ in only six of them.121. He is f_o

25、f English and studies it very hard. 122. It is f_of you to do such silly things. 113.Of swimming and football he much preferred the f_.114. Miriam was too f_to tell her family what had happened.115. Students can g_ valuable experience by working on the campus radio or magazine.116. People retiring t

26、oday are wealthier than the previous (以前的)g_.117. Many people have given us advice and g_about the baby. 118. All dogs are capable of doing h_to human beings.119. Barcelona was chosen to be h_of the 1992 Olympic games.120. The band played many songs, i_some of my favourites. 121. Someone's i_ is

27、 the fact that they do not rely on other people.122. If one thing or person is i_of another, they are separate and not connected, so the first one is not affected or influenced by the second.123. He i_that he was innocent(无辜的).=He i_on his innocence。124. We have been treated with such k_ by everybod

28、y,which pleases us. 125. The rain l_ for three days, which made us upset. 126. There is no l_ to how much fresh fruit you can eat in a day.127. Her l_criticism (批评)focuses on the way great literature suggests ideas.128. L_ of sleep does do harm to our health. 129. You should speak clearly in case yo

29、u get m_. 130. My friends are _teachers (大多) 131. He didnt like anything to interrupt his n_daily life. 132. One evening, she made a rare o_to the local mountain.133. Being even moderately(轻度) _ increases your risk of developing high blood pressure. 134. If a part of your body is p_, it hurts becaus

30、e it is injured or because there is something wrong with it. 135. He is a teacher with great p_. 136. Our two nations have enjoyed several decades of p_ coexistence (共存).137. P_activity promotes good health.138. In r_ times the price of just about everything has gone up. 139. The club is r_ by us st

31、udents. 140. I felt great s_ when I heard that people laughed at me for being overweight. 141. Hearing that he passed the exam, he went home with s_. 142. She makes a big contribution to modern _.(雕塑).143. If you s_ something, you choose it from a number of things of the same kind.144. I think I'

32、;ve been very s_. I've been mainly concerned with myself.145. Our feet s_ into the mud as we walked. 146. Her daughter started s_ school,which made her parents very worried. 147. You use s_ to say that you do not know or cannot say how something was done or will be done.148. S_ is the main langu

33、age spoken in Spain, and in many countries in South and Central America. 149. Our house has got a s_ view (风景)across to the Cotswolds. 150. A number of the prisoners we saw are _.(饿死).151. A s_is a long and difficult attempt to achieve something such as freedom or political rights. 152. The present

34、s_ of funding (经费)for higher education is unsatisfactory. 153. If you t_ to someone or something, you pay attention to them and deal with their problems and needs. 154. Their story is the subject of a new book t_ 'The Golden Thirteen'. 155. I cannot t_ you making so much noise in public plac

35、es.156. Use our head and perhaps we can solve the problem with w_. 157. The weight-loss pills which Amy took w_,.As a result, she lost weight 5 pounds in a week, which made her mother w_. 158.Computers would be u_ without software writers. 159. Many patients are not getting the medical t_ they need

36、160. The gym t_ to get very busy at about six oclock. 模块1 词汇 Key:1. experienced 2.respects 3.achievements 4.enjoyable. 5.immediately 6.literature 7.challenge 8.introduction 9.continued 10.required 11.apologized 12.developing 13.means 14.average 15.dying 16.finishing 17.regret 18.prefers 19.appointme

37、nt 20.graduating 21.argument 22.equipment 23.informed 24.approved 25.sure 26.upset 27.attractive 28.decisions 29.German 30.preparations 31. assembly 32. broadcast33. vacation 34.punished 35.explains 36.charge 37.fault 38.adults 39.mess 40.garbage 41.scene 42.upset 43. academic 44.advice 45.adolescence 46.behavior 47.teenagers 48.explanation 49.argument 50.forbidden Affects 52.chatting 53.anyhow 54.interest 55.freedom 56.supposed 57.scores 58. reminded 59.bent 60.supposed 61.wait 62.mixed 63.fun 64.staying 65.ashamed 66.popular 67.regret 68.figure 69.recovering 70.desire 71.annoyed 72.ho


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