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1、http:/http:/第三阶段第三阶段 十八、如何给文章润色十八、如何给文章润色写好句子写好句子1.熟悉并掌握形成完整句子的基本框架结构。单词、语法是学习、掌握和运用语言的基础, 然而只靠它们拼凑句子是远远不够的, 耗时费力不说, 拼凑出来的也多是汉语式的英语, 很不地道。因此, 考生平时必须牢记所学过的“固定搭配”及“词组句型”, 并会活用。2.一个句子一个重心, 句意清楚, 合乎逻辑。3.句子开头首字母要大写, 句末要使用正确的英语标点符号。 http:/http:/连接词的运用连接词的运用1.熟悉并掌握表示并列、递进、转折等关系的过渡词熟悉并掌握表示并列、递进、转折等关系的过渡词(tr

2、ansitional words)。并列:and, as well as, also.递进:besides, in addition, moreover, whats more.转折转折:but, yet, however, although, otherwise, in spite of, despite, instead of.顺序:while, when, soon after, before, afterward, finally, first, then, next, as soon as.对比:like, unlike, on the contrary, on the other

3、hand.总结:in a word, in general, in short, above all, after all, generally speaking.具体:in other words, that is to say, for example, for instance, such as.因果:as a result, so, thus, therefore.http:/http:/2.时间时间 一就:the moment/on doing/as soon as/immediately/directly不久:it was not long before., after a whi

4、le, soon 然后:after that, then, so, next同时:at the same time, meanwhile3.条件条件if, as long as, so long as, on condition that, unless4.强调强调It was.that/who., So she did., I do hope.she did help me. It really worked., besides, furthermore, moreover, whats more, certainly, actually, in facthttp:/http:/5.其他其他

5、不得不做某事:have to do sth., have no choice but to do sth., have nothing to do but do sth.有必要做某事:There is no need(for sb.) to do sth., it is necessary (for sb.) to do.最好做某事:youd better do sth., its better to do sth.做某事没困难:have no difficulty in doing sth., have no trouble in doing sth.感谢某人:thank sb., be t

6、hankful to sb., express ones thanks to sb., be grateful to sb., thanks to.求助某人:turn to sb. for help/ask sb. for help, with the help of, with ones help惊奇:to ones surprise, in surprise, surprisingly, only +不定式(表意外结果)结果:as a result, therefore, thus, to总结:in a word, in short, above all, after all, gener

7、ally speaking, to sum up, in all, altogether, as is known to all表达观点:in my opinion, I think, I believe, Im sure, I guess原因如下(很多):The reasons are as follows., Here are many reasons for it.浪费金钱(时间):its a waste of money, time.http:/http:/即时练习即时练习请在下列句子中填上恰当的关联词或意思有联系的短语。请在下列句子中填上恰当的关联词或意思有联系的短语。1. Li M

8、ing was walking in the street he heard someone cry for help.2. He advised that I hire a car I could travel around in the west.3. It was not long the police came.4. he heard the cry for help, he jumped into the water to save the girl.5. Do you agree with my arrangement? , do write to me soon.6. We ca

9、n go downtown and do some shopping. , we can pay a visit to some places of interest.7. I shared the cost of the gas with my friends. , I saved $80.suddenly/when so/thatbeforeThe momentIf soAfter thatIn other wordshttp:/http:/1.学校生活及学习成绩学校生活及学习成绩 work hard at. put ones heart into. be interested in. b

10、e fond oflike chemistry bestbe tired of. be good at. be poor at. do well in. be weak in. make progress in. improve oneself in. fail in. pass the examination give sb.a passing grade get a doctors degree常用句型及短语常用句型及短语http:/http:/learn about succeed in. be active in class (work)take an active part in.l

11、earn.by heart work out a (maths) question get 90 marks for (English) get an “A” in the exam have a good command of. lay a good foundation in (language study) the first/top three winnersIm getting on well with ones study take several courses at schoolhave English (Chinese, Physics.)every (other) day

12、He has the best record in school. (English is/sounds)more interesting to sb.won the first prize/got the first place in the competition http:/http:/2.师生关系师生关系get on well with sb.like to be with students be gentle with us be kind to sb.be a strict teacher be strict with ones pupils be strict in work b

13、e satisfied with.We think of him (her) as. help sb. with sth.praise sb. for sth. blame sb. for sth.give advice on. question sb. on. give sb. a lot of work teach sb. sth.try to teach sb.good study habits teach sb.to do sth.devote all ones time to workmake ones lessons lively and interestingAdmire (sb

14、.for) his devotion to the cause of education correct the studentshomework carefully and prepare for the next day http:/http:/3.课余活动及周末生活课余活动及周末生活enjoy doing things by oneself go swimming go for an outing/a picnic see the sights of Beijing have a swim play the piano (violin) play chess (basketball) g

15、o to the cinema have a partyhave a picnic over the weekend have dances on weekend should a sports meeting do some reading http:/http:/help sb. do sth.enjoy a family trip get everything ready for ride ones bike with sb. to (the park) have a wonderful timeThere are a lot of activities at (the beach).

16、She would like to bring sth. to the picnic. We enjoy a change from our busy life in the cityEnjoy myself/ourselves have an outing at (the seashore)There are good programmes on TV on weekends.spend ones time in many different ways It was a very relaxing Sunday.http:/http:/4.彼此沟通信息彼此沟通信息take a message

17、 for sb.send a message to sb.hear from sb.talk about/of sth.tell/ask sb.to do sth.get information about. express ones idea (feelings) in Englishwrite sb. a letter saying. apologize to sb. for. make a speech at the meeting thank you for. explain sth. to sb. look upon sb. as.think of sb. to be. take s

18、b.s side http:/http:/5.事件中人的态度事件中人的态度would like to do allow sb. to do force sb. to do call on sb. to dofeel like doing insist on doing drive sb. off speak highly of sb.speak ill of sb. think highly of sb.be afraid to do (be afraid of.)offer to do refuse to do agree to do prefer to do A rather than d

19、o B had better do/ not do regret doing would rather (not) do keep sb. from doing prevent/stop sb. (from) doinghttp:/http:/6.事情过程事情过程have the habit of doing.have no trouble doing make up ones mind to do prepare sb./oneself for. give up doing. do sth. as usual sb. is prepared for/to do do what he want

20、s us to do set about doing;/set out to do try/do ones best to do.(=go all out to do) get into trouble help sb. out do ones bit for ones country do some good deeds to people wait for sb. to dofind a way to do make friends with sb.Show (tell) sb. how to do.Take (send) sb. to. pass the time doing feel

21、a little excited about doing.cant help doing. be prepared for more hard workSome are (doing sth. A), others are (doing sth. B), and still others are doing (sth. C).http:/http:/7.感观活动与思维活动感观活动与思维活动look around for. look up (down) at. catch sight of. take a look at.hear sb. do (doing) take notice of. t

22、ake view of. have a good understanding of. consider sb. (sth.) to be. come to know. realize that. know that +从句 welcome/welcomed sb.at/in front of the gate Everyone is welcome to attend the lecture/activity.http:/http:/8.情感与欲望情感与欲望be pleased with. be delighted in doing. take a pleasure in doing be w

23、orried about feel surprised at. be sorry for. be angry with sb. for sth. be angry about. look forward to doing.wish to do expect to do long for (long to do) be sick for ones home have a strong desire to do.http:/http:/9.健康状况及治疗健康状况及治疗be in good shape be in good poor health feel weak/well/terrible/si

24、ck have got a high/slight/fever have a slight/bad/cold take ones temperaturehave got a pain in. be good/bad for ones health/eyesIts nothing serious. stay in bed until. save ones life http:/http:/10.其他其他It (take) sb. some time to do. It is said that. be fit for be short of be well dressed miss the le

25、cture (train) o.waste/spend time doing be busy doing have no choice but to do I cant help it.http:/http:/be in need of. be mistaken about. fall behind. catch up withtake sth. by mistake have trouble (in) doing sth. on behalf of instead of be welcome to do. say goodbye to sb.see sb. off Run

26、ning, biking and swimming are popular in summer. Skiing and skating are my favorite winter sports.http:/http:/句式要有变化句式要有变化 1.并列句并列句(1)I turned on the TV. I watched it. I turned on the TV and watched it.(2)He was tired. He went to bed.He was tired, so he went to bed. (3)The child hid behind his mothe

27、rs skirt. He was afraid of the dog. The child hid behind his mothers skirt, for he was afraid of the dog.(4)He made a promise. He didnt keep it. He made a promise, but he didnt keep it. 2.复合句复合句 I still remember the day. I first came to Beijing on that day. when) I still remember the day when I firs

28、t came to Beijing.http:/http:/3.感叹句(1)How happy I was when I received your letter!(2)What a kind boy he is! (3)How disappointed he was!4.强调句强调句(1)It was this young boy that helped the old granny.(2)It was not until I grow up that I realized the mistake5.倒装句倒装句(1)Only in this way can you solve this p

29、roblem.(2)There comes the police car.(3)Hardly had they got to the station when they met the young man.http:/http:/6.省略句省略句They read while walking or riding on a bus.7.with短语短语I saw a young lady walking slowly in the street with a handbag in her hand.8.定语从句定语从句In my opinion, cyber cafs should be a p

30、lace where we can find much useful information.9.各种名词性从句各种名词性从句 Thats what I should do.http:/http:/10.各种状语从句各种状语从句 As soon as Lien Chan and his wife arrived at the airport, they were warmly welcomed. On arriving at the airport, Lien Chan and his wife. Lien Chan and his wife were warmly welcomed dire

31、ctly/the moment they arrived at the airport. No sooner had Lien Chan and his wife arrived at the airport than they were. Hardly had Lien Chan and his wife arrived at the airport when they were.http:/http:/其他注意事项其他注意事项1.明确表达文章主题, 内容要点全面, 不要节外生枝。(1)要点安排得当, 使之文通字顺, 合乎逻辑, 层次清晰。(2)注意养成写完后自我检查的习惯, 应重点检查:

32、要点有无遗漏;句法、词法有没有问题;单词拼写有无错误; 大小写、标点符号有无问题;字数是否在题目要求范围之内。2.应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性。值得注意的是语法结构或词汇方面虽有些许错误, 但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致; 具备较强的语言运用能力。3.常见的不足(1)汉语式英语;(2)无过渡语; (3)句式单一, 平铺直叙;http:/http:/实例剖析实例剖析请根据下述情况写一篇80120个单词的英语新闻。广播稿, 准备在你校广播台播出。1. 时间:昨天下午放学后2. 地点:回家路上3. 人物:高一(2)班两名男生田力和段凯4. 事件:边骑车边谈笑, 后追逐一辆公交车, 觉得好

33、玩。公交车遇红灯停下, 两人来不及刹车, 摔倒在地。一人左手臂摔断, 一人腿部受伤。5. 警示:严格遵守交通规则, 切忌在马路上嬉笑玩耍。(学生作文) http:/http:/ An accident happened to two students in our school yesterday afternoon. School was over. Tian Li and Duan Kai from Class 2, Grade 1 were riding bikes side by side on the way home after school. They were talking

34、and laughing loudly. When they saw a car which was passing by, they started to run after it. They thought it was very interesting. The traffic lights turned red. They found it was too late to stop the bikes. They fell off the bikes. Tian Li broke his left arm and Duan Kai hurt his leg. I had a good

35、idea. If we dont obey traffic rules, we might die. http:/http:/分析讲解分析讲解1. (中式英语)An accident happened to two students in our school yesterday afternoon. (典型病句)There was an accident happened to two students in our school yesterday afternoon. (定语从句)There was an accident that happened to two students in

36、 our school yesterday afternoon. (高级词汇)An accident occurred to two students in our school yesterday afternoon.2. Tian Li and Duan Kai from Class 2, Grade 1 were riding bikes side by side on the way home after school. They were talking and laughing loudly. (用分词合并)Tian Li and Duan Kai from Class 2, Gr

37、ade 1 were heading home by bike, talking and laughing happily.http:/http:/3. When they saw a car which was passing by, they started to run after it. They thought it was very interesting. (用分词合并)Seeing a passing car, they started to chase it, thinking it great fun.4. The traffic lights turned red. Th

38、ey found it was too late to stop the bikes.(连接词)The lights turned red, but they found it was too late to stop their bikes. (用分词合并)Seeing the red traffic lights, they tried to stop but it was too late. (用时间状语从句和结果状语从句)Unfortunately, the bus stopped the moment the traffic light turned red. The two stu

39、dents were so close to the bus that they were not able to stop their bikes in time.http:/http:/5. They fell off the bikes . Tian Li broke his left arm and Duan Kai hurt his leg. (避免用相同结构和词汇)They fell onto the ground . Ones left arm was broken while the others leg got hurt.(高级结构)They were brought dow

40、n to the ground. One had his left arm broken while the other got his leg hurt. (the other was badly hurt in the leg.)(高级介词短语/独立主格结构)As a result, they were knocked off the bikes, one with his left arm broken and the other with his leg hurt.6. I had a good idea.A good idea occurred to me.I came up wit

41、h a good idea.7. If we dont obey traffic rules, we might die. If we go against traffic rules, we might lose our lives. If we go against traffic rules, we might end up in hospital.Going against traffic rules might cost us our lives.Dont risk our lives going against traffic ruleshttp:/http:/【润色后的文章】 A

42、n accident occurred to two students in our school yesterday afternoon. After school was over, Tian Li and Dun Kai from Grade 1 were heading home by bike, talking and laughing happily. Seeing a passing bus, they started to chase it, thinking it was great fun. Unfortunately, the bus stopped the moment

43、 the traffic light turned red. The two students were so close to the bus that they were not able to stop their bikes in time. As a result, they were knocked off the bikes, one with his left arm broken and the other with his leg hurt. In addition, I came up with a good idea that dont risk o u r l i v

44、 e s g o i n g a g a i n s t t r a f f i c r u l e s . http:/http:/强化训练强化训练I. 组句组句(非谓语动词非谓语动词)1. T hey arrived at the school. They felt the happy atmosphere. 2. I will be given another chance. I will succeed. 3. He wants to improve his English. He studies hard. 4. When he arrives, please give me an

45、e-mail. They arrived at the school, feeling the happy atmosphere. Given another chance, I will succeed.To improve his English, he studies hard. Please give me an e mail with him arriving.http:/http:/5. 听到这个消息, 他们变得很激动。 the news, they got excited.6. 尽管被告知许多遍, 他仍然重复这个错。 many times, he still repeated t

46、he mistake.7. 除非被邀请发言, 你应该在会议上保持沉默。Unless to speak, you should keep silent at the meeting.(On) hearing Told/Informed invitedhttp:/http:/II. 巧用倒装结构增强句子的表现力巧用倒装结构增强句子的表现力1. He didnt realize his foolishness until he returned home.Not until_.2. We can save the earth by changing the way we live.Only_.3.

47、He is clever but he does not work hard. _as/though, _4. The clock tower stands on the other side of the street. On the other side of the street, _.he returned home did he realize his foolishness. by changing the way we live can we save the earth. Clever as he is he does not work hard. stands the clo

48、ck tower.http:/http:/It was not until he had read the news in the newspaper that he knew what had happened.I do hope I can pay a visit to you next year. /It is next year that I hope I can pay a visit to you.How puzzled Tom was! What great fun to climb the hill! . http:/http:/Tom likes singing songs,

49、 so does Mary. Not only does John like to study, but (also) he likes to play.Weak as/though I am, Ill make the effort.It was not long before the firefighters came.What surprises him is that the little girl knows so many things.http:/http:/ In recent years, Beijing has been advancing very fast makes

50、peoples lives convenient, pleasant and colorful.Beijings economy, the peoples lives are becoming convenient pleasant and colorfulIn recent years, Beijing has been advancing fast all the peoples lives are becoming convenient, pleasant and colorful.http:/http:/. 给下面文章润色给下面文章润色 Now students in China ce

51、lebrate their birthdays in many ways. Usually, a party is held. Best friends and relatives will come to the party. They usually buy a gift. They show their best wishes. Sometimes, people send short messages too and it is becoming very popular. But I think that its better to help other people. We know that its important to learn to help other people. Helping other people can do us a lot of good. People will help you because youve helped them and youll be happy. http:/http:/ Nowadays students in China celebrate their birthdays in various ways. Usually, a party is he


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