



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上太莪中心小学春季学期第三次月考试题六年级英语班级_ 姓名_ 得分_一、选出不同类的一项,将序号填在括号里(5分)( ) 1. A. first B. four C. fifth D second( ) 2 A. teacher B. worker C. faster D. doctor( )3.A yesterday B. important C. large D. warm( )4.A. June B. March C may D.

2、60;September( )5.A .went B. made C. watch D. came二、选出单词划线部分读音与其它三个不同的选项(5分)( ) 1. A. face B.apple C. lake D. make( ) 2. A us B. bus C.use D. fun( ) 3.A. kite B like C. live D. hiking( ) 4.A. pen B. red C. leg D. she( ) 5.A. short B. before C . for D. work

3、三、按要求写单词。(10分)1. see(过去式)_2.doesnt(完全形式)_3. have(过去式)_4. good(比较级) _5. leaf(复数形式) _6.swim (ing形式)_7. three(序数词) _8 heavy(比较级)_9. foot (复数形式) _10. do(第三人称单数)_四、用所给汉语完成句子。(5分)1. I am _(更瘦的) than Zhang Peng.2. How does she feel? she has a_(感冒)

4、.3. Im going to_(骑自行车) my bike.4.Li lei and Jim often _(钓鱼) fishing.5.My father_(拍照) pictures yesterday.五、用所给单词适当形式填空。(5分)1. She _(see) a film last Sunday.2. My mother _(have) breakfast at six ev

5、ery day.3. Lily is_(thin )than Lucy.4.Mrs Smith_(buy) a shirt for her son yesterday.5. Lilei _(play) football now.六、选择(20分)( )1. I have a friend. He is_than me.A. stronger B. strong C. stron

6、gest ( )2. I usually eat breakfast_ seven o'clock in the moming.A at B on C of( )3.-_you clean the room last night? -Yes. I cleaned the room.A. Did B . Do C.  Does( )4. Wu 

7、;Yifan drank it and suddeny he_ good.A. feel B. felt C .feels( ))5.A: What happened? B: He_off  his bike.A. fall B. fell C. falled( )6. Is this _ hat? A. you B. your C. him( )7. I will buy some flower

8、s_my mother. A. to B. at C. for( )8. My father _a book now. A. is read B.read C. is reading( )9. Tomorrow is Sunday. We _go to the park. A. go B. will go C. went( )10. I want _a new book. A. to buy B. buy C. bought( )11.How many_ do you want?A. orange B. an orange C. oranges( )12. How do you go

9、 to school? -_. My school is near. A.On foot B. By plane C. By plane( ) 13. How many_ are there in the classroom mow?Three.A. childs B. people C. peoples( )14. -_? Its a red pen. A. What colour is the pen? B. Whats that? C.Is it a pen?( )15. Your pen is longer than_.A. me B. mine C. her( )16. What _

10、Amy _last weekend? A. did ; do B. do ;do C. does; do ( )17. Can I have some Coke? A. No. B. Sure, here you are. C. Thank you.( )18. Happy Childrens Day. A. Thanks. B. OK. C. Good.( )19. Li Ming is two _ older than Mike. A. years B. cm C. year( )20. -Is this your pencil?-Yes, _. A. this is B. it is C

11、. it isnt 七、选词填空(5分)A. go B. be C. a D. went to E. by1. I _a forest park. 2. It looks like _mule.3. Did you _to Turpan? 4. We went there_ plane.5. They won't _ready till August.八、从B栏中出与A栏相对应的答请,并将其序号填入括号内(10分)A B1. How much is it? A. She

12、0;is going to the cinema.2. Did you go to the cinema last night? B. Yes. I did.3. What did you do last Sunday? C.  Very well. Thanks.4. Where is the football? D. I did

13、60;my homework.s. How are you today? E. It's under the desk6. What day is it today? F. Thank you.7. Where is she going? G. At 7:00.8. Happy birthday! H. Its sunny. 9.  Whats  the weather

14、 today? I. One dollar.10. What time is is ? J. Monday.九、情景对话,将其标号填入题中的横线上(10分)A . Yes.I did B. I went boating C.Where did you gotD.I went there by train E. How was your last summer holiday?M

15、ike: Hello!_Lulu:  It was very good, We took a long trip.Mike: Wow! _Lulu: We went to Beijing.Mike: How did you go there? Lulu:_Mike: What did you do on your holiday

16、?Lulu:_and took many pictures.Mike: Did you have a good time? Lulu:_十、按要求完成句子(10分)1、My sister is 1.65 meters tall. (对划线部分提问)_ _ is your sister?2、Mike watched TV yesterday evening.(改为一般疑问句)_Mike _ TV yesterday evening?3、Tom is short. But Jenny is tall. (改为

17、比较句) Jenny is _ _ Tom.4、in、 I 、now 、 active、 class、am、 very(连词成句)_.5、my、in 、no 、was、 school、there、library、old(连词成句)_.十一、阅读理解(10分)My name is Jim. My favorite day is October 18th, because its my birthday. I am very happy that day.I eat eggs for breakfast. Then my friends come to my

18、 home and play with me. We sing and dance. Someone play the piano and someone play the guitar. Lunch is very nice. After lunch, my parents take me to see a movie. My favorite moves are comedies and action movies. After supper, my parents, my sister and I Watch TV. Then I go to bed at ten thirty. I dont do my homework on that day. I am very tired but happy on my birthday.( ) 1. Jims birthday is on _.A. October 8  B. October 18 C. December 8th  D. December 18th.( )2. Jims favorit


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