





3、的工作进行了简单总结,归纳了不足之处以及进一步工作的要点。【英文摘要】With the development of integrated circuit technology, the market puts forward higher requirement about chips, they must be multifunction but more smaller,and have lower power consumption with the more reasonable price to gain a foothold in the fierce competition o

4、f market. Today IPreuse-based SoC has become the mainstream in chip design field, time-consuming SoC verification normally account for 70% of the entire design cycle, whose verification difficulties are 3 to 5 times of the traditional chip. So traditional verification methods can no longer meet curr

5、ent needs, verification has become one of the most challenging and valuabletopics.Firstly,this paper discussed the position and the common methods of functional verification, analyzes thedevelopment trend of functional verification and applied them in practice.Then on the basis of the analysis of th

6、e AVS video decoder chip architecture and interfaces, an appropriative functional testbench was proposed. When it comes to the practical application of testbench, we analyzed theverification strategies of the entire chip and use the stimulus generation strategy-a combination of constraint-based rand

7、om testing and directed testing, the coverage convergencestrategy considering the code coverage and functional coverage, and the coverage-oriented verification flow with results back to the test side in the integrate verification. In order to improve the verification efficiency, the SystemVerilog-ba

8、sed reference modules replaced the modules whose designs were not complete yet, so that integrate verification could be activated in the case of uncompleted verification at the block level. Combined with the verification strategy the functionaltestbench showed its excellent performance, more verific

9、ation efficiency and more code reuse compared to traditionaltestbench, thus the design cycle time was reduced. Finally, the paper carried out a brief summary of the entire work, and summarized the shortcomings and the main points of further work.【关键词】系统级芯片 验证 SystemVerilog 功能验证平台【英文关键词】System-on-Chi

10、p VerificationSystemVerilog Functional Testbench【目录】AVS视频解码芯片功能验证平台的研究与实现8-911-1714-16业化15-16ABSTRACT9符号说明10-11摘要第一章 绪论1.2 课题来源1.2.2 AVS标准的产第1.1 研究背景及意义11-141.2.1 AVS标准概述14-151.3 论文的主要内容及论文结构16-17二章 SOC功能验证技术17-3317-20证法20-2121-22术25-282.1 SOC设计流程与验证2.2.1 黑盒验2.2 功能验证方法与技术20-292.2.2 白盒验证法212.2.4 动态验证

11、技术22-252.2.3 灰盒验证法2.2.5 静态验证技2.3 功能2.2.6 软硬件协同验证技术28-292.3.1 验证层次的抽象化验证的发展趋势29-33302.3.2 验证过程的自动化30-312.3.3 验证资源的重用化31-3232-3333-582.3.4 激励的随机化及验证的并行化第三章 AVS视频解码芯片功能验证平台设计3.1 AVS视频解码芯片分析33-373.2.1 验证语言38-393.2 验证语言3.2.2 验证3.3.1 传统和验证工具37-40工具39-403.3 功能验证平台架构40-45验证平台的结构40-4141-45结构45-46序48-513.3.2 分层次的验证平台3.4.1 顶层文件3.4.3 验证平台程3.5 验证平台的3.4 功能验证平台设计45-553.4.2 接口设计46-483.4.4 验证环境组件51-55工作流程55-5858-7160-6163-6565-6769-7


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