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1、Focus: Email EtiquetteFocus: Email EtiquetteAsk yourself:What impression am I making?How can I influence that impression?Well focus on:the basics, tone, and contentEmails: The BasicsKeep the email short, but include all the necessary informationNever send an empty emailInclude: subject, salutation,

2、message, and closing salutation (see next slide)Check for spelling, punctuation, grammarRemember: once you press send, theres no going backEmails: The EssentialsDear Professor Weishaar, My name is Lee Hana, and I take your English Reading and Writing class on Monday and Wednesday. I have a question

3、about our recent assignment. As I understand, the task is to write an appropriate email. Is it alright if I choose the topic? Id like to write an email to say thank you to my English Discussion and Presentation professor because she helped me so much.I look forward to your response.Regards,Lee HanaE

4、mails: ToneUse professional, polite languageAvoid: wanna, gonna, OK?, , ToTWrite positively when possible“When I finish my assignment,” not “If I finish my assignment.”Contractions (“Im” instead of “I am”) are alright, even friendlyBe civil, even when complaining (even when you are angry, use polite

5、 language)When Emailing your ProfessorsRefer to the class you are takingExplain the situation related to the question you are askingMention attachments (if you are attaching a homework assignment or some other document), and send as:DOC files (especially for foreign professors who may not have Hanso

6、ft or another Hangul program on their computer)remember that is not used internationallyEmails: ContentWhen complaining.briefly describe history or context of problemexplain what youve done so farshow why the problem needs to be fixedoffer suggestionsSubject: Late penalty for homeworkAttachment: Kim

7、YAessay1.docDr. Hong:I am in your Monday / Wednesday English writing class. The deadlines for the essay given in class and on the web were different. As a result, some students may have received a late penalty by mistake, if they followed the wrong deadline. According to my notes, the web deadline i

8、s 2 days after the deadline given in class. I would like you to consider removing the late penalty. There have been a number of complaints from fellow classmates who feel the same way. Please take this into consideration. I have attached my original essay with your score if you would like to review

9、my work before making your decision. Thank you.Regards,Yeona KimGood emailBad emailSubject: Hello!Hi Jack!Professor, I am very upset about the late penalty. You gave the wrong dates for the assignment. I wanna get a better score. Give me back 5 points because you made a mistake. Please, please, please, please! I am so sad if you dont help me ToT.Assignment1.Imagine your professor missed a class and set up a make-up class at a time that you could not attend. Because you missed the make-up class, your final grade for the semester fell from A- t


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