九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Body language Using English 教案 牛津广州版_第1页
九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Body language Using English 教案 牛津广州版_第2页
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九年级英语上册 Unit 1 Body language Using English 教案 牛津广州版_第5页
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1、Body Language一、Teaching aims and demands1.Topics1)Talk about body language2)Describe gestures and facial expressions3)Practice making offers and requests4)Write an imaginary story2.Function:1. Learn to use the expressions to make offers and requests and show thanks:4.Grammar:The -ing Form (2)used as

2、 Subject, Object and Predicative二、Teaching Time:Six periods 1st period ;Speaking (Warming up与Speaking以及Workbook 中的Talking) 2nd period;Listening (Listening和Workbook 中的Listening) 3rd period; Reading (Pre-reading ,Reading,Post-reading) 4th period; Language study( Language study 与Wor

3、kbook 中Practicing) 5th period;Extensive Reading (Integrating skills中 Part I 与Workbook 中Reading) 6th period; Writing (Integrating skills中 Part 2 writing与Workbook 中writing)三、Teaching procedures:Period 1(一)明确目标1. Learn body language.2. Study the language points connected with warming up. List

4、ening and speaking. (二) 整体感知 Step 1 Greetings and Lead-in(p175)Step 2 Presentation.People communicate with each other in many ways:body language, writing, speaking, typing. Make a dialogue in pairs using body language.(三)教学过程Step 3 Warming-up(p176)Go through warming up and make sure the students und

5、erstand it and can match each picture with the correct emotion and the correct sentence.(1)Action show:Try to use your body to act out the next actionsStop!     Come here.   You are very good.     It's ok.     Bye-bye. (What i

6、s  body language?  Body language is the movements or positions of our body. We use them to show other people what we are thinking about and how we are feeling.)(2)Match each picture with the correct emotion and the correct sentence. Possible answers: Picture 1: Confused; I don't know w

7、hat to do. Picture 2: Angry; I can't believe she said that! That is so unfair! Picture 3: Sad; I've lost my wallet! Picture 4: Happy; I got an A in my exam! Picture 5: Tired; It's been a long day. I can't keep my eyes open.(3)Talk about the pictures1)How does the man in Picture 1 fee

8、l?   He feels very confused because he doesn't know what to do.2)How does the man in Picture 2 feel?He feels very angry because he thinks it was unfair for Mary to say that to him.3)How does the man in Picture 3 feel?  (He feels very sad because he has lost his wallet.)4)How does

9、the man in Picture 4 feel? (He feels very happy because he has got an A in maths.)5)How does the man in Picture 5 feel?He feels very tired and he nearly cannot keep his eyes open.(4)Answer the questionsStep 4  Speaking(1)Choose one of the situation to act out using the useful expressions in the

10、 blanks:Situation1: An old man is carrying a very heavy suitcaseSituation2 : Somebody is late for a flight and wants to go ahead of the queue.Situation3: An old and sick person is on a crowded bus and wants to sit down.(2)Phrases to accept offers/refuse offers:1)That's very nice of you. 

11、60;     Thanks./ Yes, please.     Thank you for your help.      That's very kind.2)No, thanks. I can manage it myself.  It's all right.  Thank you.   I can manage.(3)Sample:Situation 1Asking for helpO=old man

12、0;    P=Paul O:Excuse me, young man. Could you give me a hand with  this, please? It's very heavy.P:Oh, of course, I'd be happy to. There we go.O:Thank you.P:You're welcome.O:Oh my, this is heavy. Excuse me, sir, could you help me with this bag?P:Certainly. Where shou

13、ld I put it?O:Thank you. Just put it over there, please.P:There you are.O:Thank you, that's very nice of you.Offering helpP:That bag looks very heavy. Do you need some help with that?O:Oh, thank you. Could you please put it over there?P:No problem. There you are. Is there anything else I can do

14、for you?O:No, thank you. Thanks you for all your help.P:Would you like some help?O:Oh, yes, please. This bag is simply too heavy for me. Could you give me a hand with it?P:Sure. My, this bag is heavy! Ah, there we go. Where shall I put it?O:Over there, please. Thank you so much!P:You're welcome.

15、Situation 2J = Jim  A = Passenger A  B = Passenger BJ:Excuse me, but I'm late for my flight. Could I please go ahead of youA:Why sure. My flight doesn't leave for another hour. Are these bags yours? Shall I help you with that?J:No, thanks. I can manage it myself. (To the passenger

16、standing at the check-in counter.) Hi.May I cut in front of you? I don't want to miss my plane.B:Go right ahead. I'm still looking for my ticket. Do you need some help with that bag?J:Yes. Could you please help me put it up here? Thank you.B:You're welcome.J:Oh no! I'm late for my fl

17、ight.A:Excuse me, but did you say that you were late? Would you like to go ahead of me? My flight doesn't leave for another hour.J:Thank you, that's very nice of you! Could you help me with this bag, please?A:Sure. There you are. Would you like me to bring it up to the counter?J:Oh, no, than

18、k you. I can manage it myself now.Situation 3(O = Old person;      P = Passenger)O:Oh my, this bus is crowded. Excuse me, could you please help me with this bag?P:Certainly. There you are. Here, please take my seat, you look a bit tired. O:Thank you. Yes, I'm not feeling

19、 well today. I think I have a bit of cold. Could you please tell me when we reach Long Street? I'm afraid I can't see where we are when the bus is this crowded.P:Sure. I' ll let you know when we get there. P:Shall I help you with that?O:No thanks. I can manage it myself. But could please

20、 let me sit down for a while? I'm not feeling well.P:Oh, of course. Please take my seat.O:Thank you. That's very nice of you.P:Not at all.Step 5 Language points1keep my eyes open使眼睛睁开着 keep跟带形容词的复合结构,例如:Good food keeps you healthy好的食品使你健康。Please keep the boy quiet请让这男孩安静。 另外keep还可以跟带分词、介词短语、

21、副词的复合结构。She kept we waiting outside.她让我在外面等着。He kept his eyes shut and stayed where he was他闭着眼睛待在原地。if your hands are cold,keep them in your pockets如果你手冷,把它们放在口袋里。The cold weather kept in doors寒冷的天气使我们待在家里。2. be sure ofto doHe is sure of success = he is sure that he will succeed. He is sure to succe

22、ed= he will certainly succeed.I'm sure of the fact我确实相信这件事。.Be sure not to forget千万别忘记了。3. Can you tell how they are feeling today by the way they sit or stand? (Warming up)  tell在句中作“说出,判断,看出”解,常与情态动词can / could连用或用于不定式结构中。如: It was so dark that I couldn't tell that it was you. 天太

23、黑了,我认不出那就是你。 It's difficult to tell when it will be finished. 很难说得准何时完成这项工作。  另外,与之相关的短语有:tell apart意为“把区分开”;tell from(by)意为“从(以)可以看出”;tell . from . 意为“把与区分开来,分清,区别”。 I really can't tell which is which by their appearances.         我从外表实在看不出哪

24、个是哪个。 I can't tell Jane from Sarah (=tell Jane and Sarah apart) they look so alike.  我分辨不出简和萨拉,她们长得太像了。4. The customer said “I don't want to talk” by avoiding eye contact. (Listening)  avoid 意为“避开,避免”,为及物动词,后可接名词、代词及动词-ing形式。如: I avoided him as much as possible.  我尽量

25、避开他。 They all avoided mentioning that name.  他们都避免提及那个名字。 She braked suddenly and avoided an accident.  她紧急刹车,避免了一场事故。5. interested adj. 感兴趣的 (1) He looked interested. 他看起来很感兴趣. (2) He is very interested in the study of English. 他对学英语很感兴趣。 (3) He is interested to know her persona

26、l history.     他对她的经历感兴趣(想知道她的经历)。 interesting也是形容词,表示“某人或事令人感兴趣,能引起兴趣,有趣的”. (1) an interesting game /boy有趣的比赛男孩 (2) This plan is interesting to us. 这个计划令我们感到有趣o (3) I have something interesting to tell you.我有一件有趣的事要告诉你. (4) It is interesting to watch birds.赏鸟非常有趣. 6. lean vi. 倾斜;屈身;依

27、靠、倚靠 (1) The tower is leaning slightly. 那座塔轻微倾斜。 (2)He leaned forward (down) to hear what she said.     他俯身向前<弯下身子)想听她说什么。 (3) He leaned against the tree. 他倚靠着那棵树。 7. communicate v. 传达、表达(信息);取得联系 (1) He communicated his intention to me. 他把他的意向告诉了我。 (2)We communicate with each othe

28、r by letter. 我们用书信彼此联络. communicate的名词形式为communication. Language is a major means of communication. 语言是主要的交际工具。8. in a hurry 匆忙,仓促 (1) He left them in a hurry. 他匆忙离开他们. (2)Don't be in a hurry. There is plenty of time.   =Don't hurry. There is plenty of time. 别忙,时间还多着呢。  9disagree w

29、ith=not agreeEven friends some times disagree既使是朋友,有时意见也不相同。The reports from Rome disagree with those from Milan  来自罗马的报导与来自米兰的报导不一致。The climate disagrees with me我不适应这气候。 agree v. 同意,答应 agree to do sth. 同意(赞成)干某事   agree that. 同意     agree to sth同意某事 agree with sb/

30、sth. 赞成某人/ 某事   agree on sth. 对取得一致意见 (1) I asked him to help me and he agreed. 我要他帮我的忙,他同意了。 (2) They agreed that it was a mistake. 他们同意这是一个错误。 (3) He didn't agree to the plan.他不赞成那个计划。 (4) They don't agree with one another.他们之间互不同意。 辨析:agree with,agree to,agree on (1)agree with的意

31、思是“同意”,“赞成”,后面接指人或表示“意见”“看法”的词。  We quite agree with what you said.我们同意你说的话。 (2)agree with还有“与一致”,“(气候、食物等)适合”的意思。  The verb must agree with the subject in person and number.    动词在人称和数上应与主语一致。   The climate here doesn't agree with him. 他不适应这里的气候。 (3)agree to的意思是“同意”“赞成”

32、,后面接表示“提议”“办法”“计划”等的词。  Do you agree to this arrangement?你赞成这个安排吗? (4)agree on的意思是“对取得一致意见”。主语常常是协商一件事的人们或单位,后面常接表示具体协议的文件、计划、行动等名词。After discussion, the two sides agreed on a cease-fire. 经过讨论,双方达成了停火协定。10manage vt. & vi. 设法做好;想法达到(常与can,could连用);经营;管理 (1) This kind of TV set is difficult t

33、o repair but I can manage.   这种电视机很难修理,但我能设法修好。 (2) The box was heavy but he managed to carry it. 那箱子很重,但他仍设法搬动它。 (3) He is managing the business for his father.他代他父亲做生意。 (4) The store was badly managed.这家商店的经营不善。 比较:manage to do sth. / try to do sth. / try doing sth. (1) manage to do sth意为“设法完

34、成”,表示经过努力达到了目的。   Though we left home very late, we managed to catch the last bus.   尽管我们出门很晚,但我们赶上了末班车。 (2) tryto do sth表示“尽力去做某事”,不包含是否成功的意思。   He tried to climb the tree, but he failed. 他试图爬上这棵树,但失败了。 (3) try doing sth试着去做某事 You'd better try carrying out the experiment in anoth

35、er way.   你最好试试用另一种方法做这个实验。 Let's try knocking at the back door. Maybe he is sleeping.    咱们敲敲后门试试。可能他在睡觉。 (四)总结、扩展Step 6  Summary and homework(p178)Finish off the exercises in the workbook.(五)随堂练习:1. When we_with others we    ourselves    not ju

36、st by words. (make, talk understand)2. Nodding the head _ agreement, while _ it _ disagreement. (mean, shake)3. The gestures are _ both by Chinese and English speakers as the same meaning.(have, accept)4. Scientists _ some research on "Touch" in different countries. They _ Pairs of people

37、who       in college coffee-shops for at least an hour. They      how many times the People _ each other. (touch, do, sit, watch, count)5. In Arab countries, you      using the fingers of your right hand and the left han

38、d is not _ at all. (use, eat)6.In parts of Asia you must not       with your feet       at another person. (sit, point)   Answer:   1. talk; make; understood      2. means; shaking; means &#

39、160;     3. accepted; having     4. have done; watched; were sitting; counted; touched    5. eat; used           6. sit pointing(六)板书设计(七)教学反思Unit 21  Body LanguageThe first periodUseful phrases:

40、  1)Make requests:1. Could you help me with?P58  2. Do you need some help with that?P58  2)Make offers:1. Would you like me to? P58 2. Would you like some help? P58          Period 2(一)明确目标1. Learn to communicate with body language.2. Train the

41、students reading ability.(二)整体感知Step 1 Greetings and Revision(p179)Step 2 PresentationRead the passage "Body Talk", and let the students know people from different parts of the world use different body language.(二)教学过程Step 3 Pre-reading(1)Exercise1. shrug:     

42、0;    A. I don't know.        B. I agree.          C. I'm happy.2. eye contact:      A. I dislike you.        B. I hate you.  &

43、#160;    C. I notice you.3.roll one's eyes:    A. I'm interested in it.   B. I don't believe it.   C. I know it.4.wave hands:      A. Good luck.         B. Good-bye. &#

44、160;      C. Good day.5.hold up one's head: A. I'm proud.         B. I'm sad.          C. I'm angry.(2)Discuss the following questions with your partner.(p59)1. Can you guess

45、 what someone is thinking or feeling by looking at his or her body language?Yes: A person's body language can tell us what he or she is feeling. For example, if someone is nervous, his or her hands may shake. If a person smiles but his or her eyes don't look happy, we can guess that there is

46、 something wrong.No: It is difficult to tell what a person is thinking by looking at their body language. People use body language in different ways and gestures may have different meanings in different areas. People don't always think about their body language, so we may misunderstand them if w

47、e try to guess what they are thinking or feeling. It is also possible for people to learn to use their body language to hide what they are really feeling or thinking.2. Do people from different parts of the world use different body language? What about people who live in different parts of China?I t

48、hink people from different parts of the world and from different parts of China use the same body language. For example, waving one's hand is to say “Goodbye” in both our country and foreign countries.I think different countries have different body language. For example, men in Russia, France an

49、d Arab countries kiss each other when they meet, while men in China or Australia shake hands instead of kissing. People in different parts of China almost have the same body language.3. How do you communicate the following with body language?     Thank you!    No.&

50、#160;      Yes.     I don't know.     Come here!Step 4 Reading (1)Fast reading:Two questions on p180 and then choose.1. How can we communicate with other people ?    A. using words   B. using body language 

51、  C. using e-mails   D. both A and B2. In what countries does shaking one's head mean  “yes”?     A. Russia and China          B. Bulgaria and Iran   C. parts of Greece      &#

52、160;     D. both B and C3. What's the best example of universally understood body language ?   A. OK     B. a smile    C. I'm full    D. thumbs up4. In what countries is a visiting friend greeted with a kiss on t

53、he cheek?          A. Russia and France   B. Japan and China    C. Germany and Japan(2)Main idea (Pay attention to the first and last sentence).Para 1:We communicate with people not only by words but also by body language.(We use both

54、words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people.)Para 2:Body language varies from culture to culture.(Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture.)Para 3:The same body language has different meanings in some different coun

55、tries.(People in different countries show the same idea in different ways.)Para 4:Some gestures are universal.(Some gestures seem to be universal.)Para 5:Smile is the best example of universally understood body language.(Perhaps the best example of universally understood body language is the smile.)

56、 *Teachers can also ask students how many parts we can divide the whole text into and what the main idea of each part is. Three parts:Part 1(1)Body language (We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people. )   Part 2(

57、2, 3)Differences (Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture.)            Part 3(4, 5)Universal gestures(Some gestures seem to be universal.)(3)Circle all the gestures of body language mentioned in the text and listM

58、eanings of  the following gestures  in different countries Gesture Country Meaning eye contact some countries a way to showone's interest  other countries rude or disrespectful thumbs up the US great or good job  Nig

59、eria rude  Germany the number one  Japan  making a circlewith one'sthumb and index finger most countries OK  Japan Money  France Zero  Brazil Rude  Germany  moving the index finger

60、in a circle in front of the ear some countries crazy  Brazil You have a phone call. Shaking one's head Bulgaria, parts of Greece, Iran Yes  Other countries No Kiss on the cheek France, Russia Greet friends  A firm handsha

61、ke Other countries  A loving hug   A bow/a nod of head   Universal body language Meaning Gesture I'm tired  Pressing one's palm together and rest one's head on the back of one's hand.  I'm full Moving the

62、hand in circles over the stomach. I'm hungry Pat one's stomach before a meal. Almost any emotion smile (4)课文理解题1.  Eye contact _.A.  is actually spoken language            B.  is watching a person

63、directlyC.  has different meanings inside a country   D.  is different in some part of the world2.  Which is NOT true about the gesture of smiling?A.  It's suggested in the text that people should smile a lot in their lives.B.  Smiling can help us to build up o

64、ur self-confidence.C.  A person will probablly smileto his/her friends when he/she feels down.D.  Smiling is widely used in different situations and is of great help.3.  What does the "crazy" gesture mean in Brazil?A.  It means "great".    

65、               B.  It means "number one".   C.  It means "you have a phone call".     D.  It means "rude".4.  When you make a circle with your thumb a

66、nd index finger, people _think you're rude.A.  in France    B.  in Germany     C.  In Nigeria    D.  all over the world5.  In which two countries does the thumbs-up gesture mean the same thing?A.   In the Us and

67、 Nigeria.            B.  In Japan and Germany.     C.  In Nigeria and Germany.           D.  In Japan and Brazil.6.  If a person is hungry, perhaps he will

68、 _.A.  press his palms together           B.  rest his head on the back of his handC.  rub his stomach before a meal      D.  rub his stomach after a meal.7.  Which of the following can serve as the topic sentence o


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