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1、11_ L _ ocusing on ways(stations)andt heofimprovingand upgrareportgrade,effective aftertheremovalofpofgrida ccountabilitymeoptimization park environme ntcertain ihe existi ng buildi ng "one house hol d,oneinspections,suppression,dembuilt i s.Toadhereto t he buil ding demolidocument" survey

2、andfile storage wolition workto e nsure thatthe new "zershe d, combi nation ofconstr uction aork must be unconditionalandfullcoverage. Main corridorleadi ng tothetdvillage".i onofdisposalAccordingto"fivehundred village s"created a nd shantytowns,villages,of relevant pr ovisi ons

3、ofthe regulati ons,effective fulfilment ofresponsiold house s,reconstrbilities, particularlyin eucti onoflectri city anddes",t he shackDi stricttransformation,and da ngerous ol droom transformation and "two roawatersuppl一.Iold plant,expanddsicreate,upgradingy,and other udes",se ries w

4、orkunits maycreates files,tnotbe new ilhe real"no unautorganic com bine dup,activelegal buildi ngstoI,- >> -horisedvillage" createdinto supplywater nd el ectricity _ 一do Rive r,and al ongdemolitionwo the benefit ofthe pesupply.While moreregork,an dmanpower a dvance villageople ofvery

5、goodthi nulation topr event perinthe,and olng.(B)to strictlymanagecount asunauta cyviolati ons.IllicittradiJ - I _ngindemoliti on work,to improvehori sed controls. Promoti ngthe"nen illegalconstr ucti on in the Mi nistre d masses housi ngconditionsand live ew"controlworkto movethecenter of

6、gravity,mnistryofpubli cse curitysectort ostrictlyfrom the-I. nvironment;three to put "three mity,managbleowm.eT hree istodified a split"as trantmeasure s too create a dditiditionallows tothefront,and ear- -cereporting sy. .-.nestlypinewunaut hori,and bulk industrystructuretraAccording to

7、_ nsformation upgrade of imi sed networkrebuil ding laportant isponsi bilit y.Sect ors such asla _,w and cov ersanareanitiativesto caug hof natureht,speed upand, housing and basic stations . _LJ,to report timelydegreea dvance industryPark,efdivide“mp oe ide a nd of u-t o, ral a ciee d - ln n mpo-e d

8、 and p uti deeopmet mtualpig toal ne, Imy m et pomoig wokaIed,toceaeIgIgIsTIiddepm n, les ntaon o see n, ten i i L mperte to SenntInespnsblrandmpo-e t Ie mecanims a nd m pe naonAlocliisanddearmenLsbecnnned Ia g gig al ou, mser ng sit w ok - itIe to e n_e tIt t IS yeas L - rr lut a* s at Ie 1010tF w

9、m uS Sre n n Ie deSp t o mpe mnt pa ntL at alelL ,ol d alas w ok nd r ua "ie te teamet, "e to-i" n a m t psiin, rr te mi n r os blr, mn de peronl y ea deL aeSe d and l of resonSiir rak trnsmSmpeSabiSedIcontaii r, Ind w ok t te to p e t Ie k of Ie me cInLm, a td efot pay atentintomp.Co

10、unty nog- n, to- t Iee o oe low n o frtIe pay a eai ng tI otl i negatd ad coodnatdoalknnss<onng,,I " "ectr"oitly fun tei resonSbltesomdteagnnonIe-lneandmnnaly Suat on Se -nd w e muL Sennt Ie n tIe teS m e ntain o tIe Goveno. R_ply Ie Gono gt telatn,oIgicl ua and rual bouL and"

11、iewte teamen", "Ire to slt wok rene -ro-e a en IdL md ealatonsstm,aae >u en. Cmbne d wI "dae ply, tre bnmk" Lyebidngieo oeraios larry o ad gin iLIandepeinneofspeSo,npaicla,o Ltegte n tIe focs o t Ie lng Sgs . et, "nme" suI issues on, ugd al leel L loge on dur i n pac

12、e te speory ass>nt to pomte Ibis Smultng - we.”- w mut SrenngIen-e ntton Lye. DpatmnS a al leeS tokinruaaesand"iewer tr_tmnt, Ire o slt is tanngcadrsfomaopafoms-mee agist l are exminnton rom, innpec de L wok peomace o te ig , te cnto ad te Ja pane Lepuld a wokoottaninn,dsorr a nd Leet o o c

13、des T In g ood ctI , iS to leneorentd.Paymesadde L a al leel L mut a Hee o te rua, tr cntoland te Jaa n ple d a gassooS "put n te sef laned pamatcLyetesitofpay,bec a becmak mde. Fou, w mutsengIm popgana -lesnatonCove InSe utlzt on of mc oceit m cob oging nnw me da min ng, smmai- nng god pb - w

14、ok n t Ie contrSde Ind "ie te teimnt, "tree oslt ne d pi n o gater poSie e nery or Ie cmmniy o seIereslSoflur wok i n tme n pulca enss patc p- ats Lit La- ad sppotPay10ng qig、a o nizt on a nd gas -SsuI ascoo scm nity Ie roe o依托环境智能监控系统的食用菌智能化种植解决方案信息化是现代农业的重要标志,更是现代农业发展的重大技术支撑,物联网技术应用可加速食用

15、菌现代化。物联网可以在产业结构方面实现信息化的综合;在农业经济活动的过程中实现宏观决策信息化、生产管理信息化、生产加工过程信息化、 投入品和产品市场信息化、农业气象等服务信息化的综合;通过生产信息获取、传输、存储、处理、反馈与控制的综合,加快传统设施食用菌栽培向高新技术转型。物联网提供的先进工具和技术手段,对加速改造提升和优化传统食用菌产业,促进培育信息化、智能化新兴食用菌产业和现代食用菌装备产业,大幅度提高生产效率、管理经营决策水平和市场化程度,促进资源和生产要素的高效合理开发利用、实现食用菌行业持续、稳定、安全、高效发展具有重大意义。传统的单纯以提高劳动生产率和依靠经验管理的农业生产模式对

16、于现代农业很难有突破性的发展。在食用菌生产中,温度、湿度、光照和CO2 浓度等是影响其生长的重要环境因子。传统的单纯以提高劳动生产率和依靠经验管理的农业生产模式,逐渐开始有知识化、信息化和智能化定量管理为特征的信息化生产技术的需求,但总体上仍处于起步阶段,与发达国家相比差距很大。食用菌工厂化生产效益好,但风险也高。食用菌栽培过程中,环境因素对食用菌的生长影响很大。保证菌菇房处在适宜的空气相对湿度、温度、氧气浓度、二氧化碳浓度和光照强度环境下,可以有效提高食用菌产量和品质。食用菌工厂化生产环境智能监控系统根据托普物联网平台而研制,通过各种传感器实时采集每间菇房的温度、湿度、氧气浓度、二氧化碳浓度

17、、光照强度以及外围设备的工作状态等参数,并通过 WSN和GPRS网络传输到用户手机或者监控中心的电脑上,并可根据食用菌的生长规律结合专家管理系统,自动控制风机、湿器、照明等环境调节设备,保证最佳生产环境。ofresponsibility rank transmission pressure esta blished hierarchical accountabilit y,andw ork together to pr omotet hework oftheme chanism, aconcerted effortpayattention to impl ementation.npla ce.

18、Through the supervisoryassessment,to promote habits,stimulatingpower.Third,wemuststrengthe n impleme ntationstyle.Departmentsatalllevelstowork i n ruralareas a nd"fivenergyforthe communityto seethe re sults ofour worki ntime, increase publicawa eness, partici pation rates, sati sfaction and sup

19、port.Playgong qingfu,a mass organizati ona nd grass-r oots such aandimpr ovei dlela nd ofutilizati on,reala chieve denvir onment improve d and pr oductivity development mutualpr omoting totalwi n.Five,firmlyimplement,promotingwork a head,to cre ate hig hlights.Thir dde ployme nt,impleme ntationofsev

20、e n,thenit i s imperativeto strengthen re sponsi bilitya nd im provet he mechanismsa nd im plementation.Alllocalities and department smust be convi nce dthat g oals,going allout,musteri ng spirit,w orktogethertoe nsurethat t his year's objectives carry outtask s, attheforefront.First,wem uststre

21、 ngthenthelea dership t o imple ment. Departmentsatalllevels shoul dalwaysw orka nd r ural"fivewatertreatment","threetosplit" in an im portant positio n,and carrythe mai n responsi bility,main lea der personall y,lea dersarreste d and layersCounty nongba n,flood,t hreeto onedow n

22、to further playa leadi ngcatchtotal, i ntegrated and coordinated roleof allkinds is"long","Sheriff""Inspector"to effectivelyfulfilltheirresponsibilities,formed the alignmenton the fire line and manageme nta livelysituati on.Se cond,w e must strengt he n thetest impleme

23、ntation of the Governor.RoleplaytheGovernorgot thebaton,foragricult uraland ruralfocusand "five watertreatment", "three tosplit"work, refine improveasse ssmentmethodsandevaluationsystem,a ccurate asse ssment. Combine d with"dare play,tree benchmark"stylebuil dingf ivema

24、jor operations, carryon and gain firsthand experienceofsupervision,in particular,to strengthe n thefocus ont he "long" signs "go left","names" such assupervisi on, urged alllevel s longer onduty iwatertreatment","threeto split" astraining ca dresfor major

25、platforms,competeagainstl arge examinationroom,inspection cadre swork performance ofthe ring ,watercontrol and theJa pane sepulleda work out, training, discovery a nd selecti on ofca dres.T han g ood catch up,first toexcellence-oriented.Partymembers and cadre satalllevel s must a dhere to the rural,

26、water controla nd the Japa nese pulle d agrass-roots, "putdowntheshelf,leaned"pragmaticstyle,the spirit ofplay,be comea benchmark model. Four,we must stre ngthen propagandaimplementation.Compre hensive utilizati onofmicr o-credit,mi cro-bl ogging, newme dia,mini ng, summarizi ng,good publi

27、cityw orkin t he countrysideand"fivewatertreatment","threetosplit"adva nce dmodels, poi nt togather positive eschool s,communityT herole ofocusg on wass Sa - t h- gan upgaepot gae, fete r . rrm-va -pofgdaao - blymedeel opmet of, e - ipt. Aipimain pak e-irn an ine ne.(C neg一d -ent

28、tt. A) * gap noI Ie n - egjatJg .una ulor0r-m>di_ITS esed ceae d T Ie ow nip " - unut,cie m en- - tiea_ r . l . ioie d" cratd tie eit ng bldm uie amb naio. D oikn S Ie mens ad . ( i L. To e - tng "ne iuie Io. one cios, sp - LLin, dm_L _ I _ Ie b>g . 一 be 一 ul aoe e Ma J . 一 .A d

29、ng - Ie Iunded lae L" ceatd and sIanr to-s Igesod Iu- L, recnSrts, paiclaynen eding to het . .ng.(B) ostie Ltrale wd-umnt surer ie .一 o- wok - e hLied c i nIB.-tat te ne- "ze- nt uCJn aork muto oeance. Serd le lon.d, publr L, mH -JIc iecriy, - a« ee ctji y,t*IL _ _ . _ 一b ne d eL - mp

30、oe t-reean pr oS os - te rguat os, Icie f t. espnSut m oecti and,eo te - S-S,t Ie SIakD Ltit trnSormain, and d ngeos old o so inand cty nge - ut as at latos taidmoto oko二、系统功能1 .环境信息采集、记录与分析一一通过各种传感器实时采集菇房环境数据信息, 并通过采集节点、汇聚节点和无线网关,传输到监控中心和服务器。这些环境信 息一方面形成报表和曲线,供技术人员和专家分析和决策,另一方面作为食用菌 的生产信息记录存档,可供质量安

31、全追溯使用。2 .环境智能控制一一根据食用菌生长阶段对环境参数的要求,用户可以过自动/集中控制/手动/远程等不同控制方式,开闭制冷(或加热)、加湿、换气、照明 等环境调节设备,以保证食用菌处于最佳生长环境。3 .报警功能一一系统可以根据用户设定的阈值和设备状态,进行异常报警,以避免环境因素和设备故障带来的损失。4 .远程监控一一用户可以通过手机、平板电脑、PC等终端,随时随地掌握菇房 内的环境信息和设备信息,并可以远程控制各种设备。收益回报随着该系统的实施,可有效提高食用菌生产工厂化、标准化、智能化生产效益, 降低农业生产成本、劳动强度。三、食用菌行业具有较高的产出率和附加值,物联网在食用菌种

32、植方面主要体 现在以下几点:ocuSrg on wy a nd a of ng and upgadg wokfut m of -hee tospa. A, fly gap nounauhoa sed ceae d bwnSI p no a iloisd" ce -d he exil ng buid ng "one houe ho d one docmen _rey andfeSoagewokmutbe-iandUlcoveae.Manco.dodigtotheown(oad,vag, tieCentalblip a o he Ow n on bo h Ses s be o

33、ceae a - unalhose d vage".A , o Ie hndedceed and sa ny towns Ws odhusesecontu- o ol d pa n epad ceae ud ingcs*esheea"-unuhoied vage ceae d no te be ne. o te p ope o y good h ( B) o s maag c- is unutlolsdconr-Pr.t - "new conol w o moe te ce e o gaVy . sr. o thefrd ear nety pi pel efeCv

34、ey A .ct uau -. neWok rsposi I* Secor s suh a s and - usi ng and bas c satOnsS-S and t he To-si p of gd acona bi* mehaismsmutbe»i cy n a corane hhe new egla oy rrqui ms efcee implmentainoftearaofespnsblyofhennw*nsectos,sppesiondltmwoko e nsue t hat te new -eo t ance.Secod,pubicdiywa« e ict

35、i ct, wa« ocans Ind ih - s 0sm-aboatIn, maret spevsiondpar ns shud » cl enore t he ileal cnsrc-ofdLposloreleanpr-sons of te e Ios ite ufrenorepinibltespat0*inelctiandwatesuplyadoheunismly nobeilealbbilin|s o sppy watr ad eec|py Wl e moe rgual on , peent pesna pia-W ons Ilct i ng n l l cnsu

36、dn n te Mni», o pblc secuiy sctoostO frm*teblwThreso ceae adit oa l oene e pori ng 3 em of inienlte sAcodngob.dng a nd 10vls a n ara o natu e, o rpor tme| dgredVdedepot gae fete aBr he rerovlof - tin i ne nies(C ntegaed irplerenaton-bi dng d olt on moiiain ue" mbinaiIn. lemHiin s he meas a

37、ndpuposebuitsTo adee to he luidnglem Use d m binnlton o csrucon and doltontd oihe d wh cmb ned efos o mppo-hesientfclevlothretospl seon, mut ply atni.to o slt ad fe hnded.d "ie te .amet -twe of te fur sds-heshacfsr c trnsormton and dagodromtasomatonandt r od s dis- sei s wok ogni c lo i ned up

38、a ct e RVer ad ang lemlt.wokandmnpor adenneVlgenth, and o d rei deniaie li . w ok o mpoe d mase s hus ng cndt ms .d ie e iomen threopu-thremdiidasltis rditoal lwandsmlland bulk inusy s-t Knamainupgaeompotntinitaivs o cugtseed up ne i ndu>,Pak fete-nt IP托普云农致力于中国农业信息化的发展!1 .食用菌产季与外观品质的光温水精准调控技术光温控

39、制是调控设施食用菌产季与外观品质的重要手段。综合考虑作物生长发育 对光温水条件的要求、产品的目标上市期与外观品质、以及设施光温水调控所需 的能耗,本系统能够很好的调控作物与能耗模型的作物产季与外观品质的光温 水,为作物产季与外观品质精准调控提供决策支持,实现节水灌溉等减排增效目 的,提高食用菌品质及收益。2 .主要病害防治报警技术项目生产中因温度、湿度不适宜,水分无法定量监测,灭菌时间不够,作业不规范导致病害多发而严重损失。本物联系统具有病害发生预警模型的设施作物主要病害防治报警系统功能,为及时有效地进行设施作物 的病害防治提供技术支持。最大程度降低作物风险,提高产量收益。主要参数:空气温湿度

40、、基质温湿度、光照强度、二氧化碳浓度等。今后一段时间,工程实施将重点围绕华北地区食用菌生产加工型企业的信息化技 术、智能化设施农业技术、农机装备信息化技术、节水灌溉信息化技术、农业市 场信息化技术服务、农业气象预警减灾服务等六个方面开展集成创新与示范,重点加强生产企业、出口基地,设施观光园、农业科研机构推广,力争在北京、河 北建立3-5个示范基地,取得突破性的进展,并在不同农业相关特色产业开展 示范。四、可以延伸的项目1. 食用菌信息化技术的研究开发与试验示范项目以现有食用菌为研究对象,重点研究作物生长参数无损监测与精确诊断技术、基 于模型的作物精确管理处方生成技术和作物生产区域布局与空间分析

41、技术。实现不同空间尺度下的精确作物管理,从而实现作物生产管理方案设计的精确化和科 学化,为精确栽培提供普适性的决策支持工具。以农用通为系统开发平台,把与作物生产管理相关的、大量的区域性农业信息与 具体的实物地图结合起来,进行空间分析处理,在地图背景下分析作物生产管理 信息,并通过相关的模型运算进行作物适应性评价、作物种植区划、种植制度评 价、农产品生态区划、农作生产潜力分析、栽培管理方案设计等,从而建立区域 作物生产管理与分析系统,对于农业资源信息储存、查询、分析应用及农业生产 辅助决策等具有重要意义。在设施食用菌方面,重点研究开发基于“物联网”的设施环境远程监测与自动控 制系统,为生产者、生

42、产管理部门以及设施农业产品的消费者实时了解设施内的 生产状况提供快速而便捷的查询平台,实现设施农业全过程自动化控制。2. 食用菌产季与外观品质的光温水精准调控技术ld mp oe l ld of uBat o, ral a chee d rei in n m proed a nd poduceiy leelomlnt mutul pomoingotlwn.e, y mpleret pomKg wok ae ad to c、 hgh. T h_ dpl oyet m e n - n o seen, hl i ismpeaieo»rnghhne sponkiy a nd mp o-e t

43、he mehaims ad mp-nnAl loalis a nd dea - es mutbeconcedtat10a s loi ng al out ms g s w ok t - the t o enue tht ti s yars obe "Is ou tak, at he o on. >i« w mutsrnghln the leaershpompleret pamens at al eelsshulda a. w ok and rual,ee w_r tratmnt, Ire o slt n anmpotnt sin, ad cay he manrepon

44、ki ly ma de pesay, leaes ae,d Ind laes of espns rak sisopesuee stal she d racial a coua y Indk oglhe o promoehewokotemehaism, a conetd for py atnin o m en-nCuy ogba n, 101a th - o one do- to u-e - a dgcath-l egatd andcordaedrof al k s s <og, ""hef" "pecoroek»ely full tei

45、rrsonsbitsomdteagmat o te - ie andmangere a iely siuaihcod, w ms steghenheesm enainotheGoeenor payt he Goer nor 10 tt he -n, fo agiulua anduaocsand-iete,"threosltwokrfempp-e ase sme m ehds ad ealut on sstm, a cuae asssmtCmbndwihdaepaytre bcmak sle bidngiemaoripeaoscar,oad1a >sta nd - peene o

46、 sue r-iin, parcua ostegtenheocsonthe-log-sgns-oet,"amr"suhis - peesin,u|e d al lees l oer on luy pace te suerisoy asemat to pomoe hai s stmuat ng r. Thi d w mus ste nghe n mpemetto sle Dea e ns a al leels to w ok r ua aes ad fewer tratmnt, Ire o slt Is tang cade s o mao HaBmsiompee agi ns

47、 are exmiaon rom, innpetocdrswkpeomnneotheringwtecto and te Jaanee pled a wokot -' ng dscoey and sle o c de. T h god cth up frt o exe leceoinmmbesld <adrs at al eel s mut adee to t he ua, trcro ad te Jaa se pule d a gas -os pu do-n he self ned pagatc sle, te sii o p, becme a benchmakmoellur w

48、mus ste ngten popgada m tonCmpehennieutzak o mico-dt micob iggng , new me da mi ng smmaiz ng god pubiiy w ok te conrs de and "ie wte , "thre to slt -eacld m-e s p ot o ghe-megy o teiommuy to se theresls o ou w ok tme, i ceae pbl c awaee 1s patc_t o rats sisaB ad sppot P gogqnguamassogaizai

49、onandgass-ssuhascoo scmmuty he roe oocusing on ways and meansI _| (stations)andtntmeasure s tothefront,and earnestlypi pes effectively.A strictnewunaut hori sed networkre sponsi bilit y.Sect ors such asla nd, housing and basic stationsAccordingto"fivehundred village s"created a nd shantyto

50、wns,villages,he existi ng buildi ng "one house hol d,onecreate a"no una uthorise dvillage".old house s,reconstr ucti onofnon bot hsi desmust be tod.Thetow nship"no unautold plant,expand_ 一 I -create,upgrading -horise d" created the real"no unautofimprovingand upgrahe To

51、w nshi pofgrida ccountabilitymeI L_lreportgrade,effective aftertheremovalofoptimization park environme ntcertain i ncentives. (C) integratedevel opment of"threeto split".(A) fullygrasp "nounastri ctlyina ccordancewit hthe newregulat ory requiremate d implementati on ", buil ding

52、demoliti on, m odificatised"creates, effective implementation ofthe- - u |> ron, use" combi nation.Dem olitionisthemeansand purposes.Toadhereto town (roa d, river)village,theCentralbuilt-up areaofthe townd fisheries, touri sm coll aborati on, marketsupervi sionde nt ific levelofthr ee t

53、osplit; second,we must payattentiopartmentsshould 一on to "threstrictlyenforTI e to split" and "five hundred" acethe illegalconstr ucti on ofdisposalnd "five watertreatment"of relevant pr. I,"threeofthe foursiovisi ondseosf",thte reghuelatsihackDi onsst,riecftf

54、tercatinvsefofrumlfilamtioenn,taofresponsi nbilities, particularlyin e lectri city andwatersuppl y,and other, Idsi des",se ries workunits maycreates files,tI 1notbe new il legal buildi u|>-.nsmay noe new egaorganic com bine dup,activedo Rivehorisedvillage"createdint o the benefit ofthe

55、pdemoliti on work,too create aditionallowstemofincentives.According to buil ding lansformation upgradeof importantiw and cov ersan area of nature ,nitiativesto caug ht,speed upadivide设施食用菌的上市期与外观品质是决定设施产品价格及生产经济效益的重要因素。 光温控制是调控设施食用菌产季与外观品质的重要手段。综合考虑作物生长发育对光温水条件的要求、产品的目标上市期与外观品质、以及设施光温水调控所需的能耗,建立基于作物

56、与能耗模型的作物产季与外观品质的光温水精准调控系统, 为作物产季与外观品质精准调控提供决策支持,实现节水灌溉等减排增效目的3. 主要病害防治报警技术项目生产中因温度、湿度不适宜,水分无法定量监测,灭菌时间不够,作业不规范导致病害多发而严重损失。研究设施作物主要病害发生预警模型,将病害发生预警模型与温湿度传感器相集成,开发基于病害发生预警模型的设施作物主要病害防治报警系统,为及时有效地进行设施作物的病害防治提供技术支持。4. 设施信息化项目重点研究开发标准化食用菌工程成套化的设施设备与环境调控技术及生产管理技术,研制食用菌规模出菇场智能控制系统。该系统对环境温度、湿度、通风、光照和有害气体浓度等环境参数进行监测,并根据食用菌生长


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