1、国际上比较著名的教育技术专家 国际上比较著名的教育技术专家 搜狐博客 > meier > 日志 > 教育技术学类
2、60; 2009-10-15 | 国际上比较著名的教育技术专家 标签: 国际上比较著名的教育技术专家 下面介绍的是国际上比较著名的教育技术专家,读者可以通过Google查找他们的文章和著作,可以帮助同学们尽快了解教育技术发展的前沿信息。
3、 例如,你把第一个专家的名字和学校输入到Google进行搜索,立刻可以看到他的一篇文章:Research on Cognitive Load Theory:Application to E-Learning(认知负荷理论在数字化学习(e-Learning)中的应用),然后你把这篇文章翻译出来,首先进行学习,然后,你可以结合中国的国情进行研究,当然,你也可以很快地写出分析文章。
4、0; . 夸美纽斯(J. A. Comenius)近代教育教学理论的奠基人之一 2斯金纳(B. F. Skinner)行为主义心理学家 3皮亚杰(Jean Piaget)心理学家、教育家 4. 戴维·奥苏贝尔(David P. Ausubel)心理学家、教育家 5. 克劳德. 艾尔伍德. 香农(Claude Elwood Shannon)数学家、信息论的创始人 6. 哈罗德 拉斯韦尔(Harold Dwight Lasswell)社会学家和传播学家 7杰罗姆·布鲁纳(JEROME SEYMOUR BRUN
5、ER)心理学家、教育家 8.爱德华· 桑代克(Edward Lee Thorndike)心理学家、实验动物心理学创始人 9. 威尔伯L. 施拉姆(Wilbur Lang Schramm ) 世界闻名的传播学大师 10卡尔·罗杰斯(Carl Ranson. Rogers)人本主义心理学的理论家和发起者、心理治疗家 11. 罗伯特 · 加涅(Robert M · Gagnè)心理学家、教育家、世界著名教育技术学专家 12. 罗伯特·班杜拉(Albert Bandura,1925 ) 教育家、社会心理学家 13孔子(前551 前479)中国
6、早期的思想家、教育家,儒家的创始人 14. 昆体良(Marcus Fabius Quintilianus, 公元3596 )古罗马时期的著名律师、教育家和皇室委任的第一个修辞学教授 15赫尔巴特 (Johann Friedrich Herbart,1776-1841) 德国教育学家、哲学家、心理学家,有“教育学之父”的称谓 16约翰&S226;杜威(John Dewey,18591952)哲学家、教育家、心理学家和20世纪对东西方文化影响最大的人物
7、60; 1supportLists->1<!-endif->David H. Jonassen <!-if !supportLists->2<!-endif->Michael Hannafin <!-if !supportLists->3<!-endif->Marcy P. Driscoll <!-if !supportLists
8、->4<!-endif->Edward P, Caffarella <!-if !supportLists->5<!-endif->Thomas M Duffy <!-if !supportLists->6<!-endif->Charles M Reigeluth <!-if !supportLists->7<!-endif->Barbara A Seels
9、 <!-if !supportLists->8<!-endif->Ann Thompson <!-if !supportLists->9<!-endif->Rita C Richey <!-if !supportLists->10 <!-endif->David Williams &
10、#160; 1.David H. Jonassen Distinguished Professor, Learning Technologies School of Information Science and learning Technologies in Townsend Hall University of Missouri Columbia <!-if !supportLists->? &
11、#160; <!-endif->Research Interests: Designing constructivist learning environments Cognitive tools (Mindtools) for learning Cognitive modeling/Cognitive task analysis Systems d
12、ynamics/systems modeling Problem solving <!-if !supportLists->? <!-endif->CURRENT RESEARCH INTERESTS Problem Solving Knownedge Repres
13、entation Cognitive Modleing Cognitive Simulations Systems Modeling/Systems Dynamics Externalizing Knowledge Representations Mapping Knowledge Represen
14、tations in Software Conveying, Assessing, and Acquiring Structural Knowledge <!-if !supportLists->? <!-endif->TECHNOLOGIES Computer Mindtools for Critical Thinkin
15、g (Cognitive Tools) Expert Systems for Student Modeling and Cognitive Simulations <!-if !supportLists->? <!-endif-> INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN AND LEARNING Designin
16、g Constructivist (Problem-based) Learning Environments Cognitive Task Analysis <!-if !supportLists->? <!-endif->The Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology
17、; Published in 1996 Granted by AECT 7 Parts, 42 Chapters, Total 1245 Pages 2.Michael Hannafin Dr. Hannafin earned his MS in Psychology from Ft. Hays State College in Kansas in 197
18、4, and his Ph.D. in Educational Technology from Arizona State University in 1981. Dr. Hannafin is the Charles H. Wheatley-Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Technology-Enhanced Learning, and Director of the Learning and Performance Support Laboratory at the University of Georgia.
19、0; Dr. Hannafin's research focuses on developing and testing frameworks for the design of student-centered learning environments, especially those that are open-ended in nature. The mission of the LPSL is to engage in research and development in several
20、areas, including:? interactive learning environments, cognition and learning with emerging technologies, electronic performance support systems, assessment of technology's impa
21、ct and effect on learning and performance, and educational applications of telecommunications and information technologies. Three major themes characterize the mission and spirit of the LPSL: a commitment to th
22、eoretically grounded research, both basic and applied, that contributes to our understanding of how learning and performance may be enhanced by technology; a commitment to research and development that will establish a leading-edge capability in the state of Georgia for
23、 technology-enhanced learning, performance assessment, and information access at all levels of education, training, and work; and a commitment to developing partnerships and research collaborations with other institutions, businesses, and agencies in the state, the nati
24、on, and internationally. 3.Marcy P. Driscoll Marcy P. Driscoll is Professor and currently the Department Chair of the Educational Research Department at Florida State University. She is the author or co-author of four textbooks in learning and ins
25、truction, including Psychology of Learning for Instruction, which won the 1995 Outstanding Book Award in Instructional Development from the Association of Educational Communications and Technology, and, with Robert M. Gagné, Essentials of Learning for Instruction. She has
26、 also published numerous articles in professional journals on learning, instructional theory, and educational semiotics. In teaching, Professor Driscoll has won the Outstanding Instructor Award from the students in Instructional Systems and Educational Psychology in 1990-91, 1991-92, and 1994-95 and
27、 a What do she see as the future of IT? “I see the field broadening and becoming even more interdisciplinary, drawings from research areas that perhaps to date have not had much impacton the field. This will probably raise more questions about who we are
28、 andwhat we are about, but I see these discussions as healthy. 4. Edward P, Caffarella professor of educational technology at the University of Northern Colorado. He is the President-Elect of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology
29、 and will assume the Presidency in Dallas during the November, 2002 international conference. Dr. Edward Caffarella 5.Thomas M Duffy B.A., Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology (University of Illinois). Thomas M. Duffy, Professor of
30、 Education and Cognitive Science, is the Barbara B. Jacobs Chair of Education and Technology and the Director of the Center for Research on Learning and Technology in the School of Education, Indiana University. He came to Indiana from Carnegie Mellon where he was Director of the Communications Desi
31、gn Center and an Associate Professor of English and Psychology. Duffy's work over the last ten years has focused on the use of technology to support the design of inquiry based learning environments as well as on the implications of constructivism and situated cognition for the design of instruc
32、tion. He has published over 100 articles as well as co-authoring, Online Help: Design and Evaluation and co-editing Constructivism and the Technology of Instruction: A Conversation and Designing Environments for Constructivist Learning. <!-if !supportLists->?
33、; <!-endif->Research Interests: Research and teaching focuses on the design of learning environments that support inquiry and problem solving. Recent work has been focused on the design of distance education environments based on work in cog
34、ntive science on how people learn. More generally my interest is in the use of technology to support inquiry learning in post-secondary education and training. 6.Charles M Reigeluth Reigeluths Elaboration Theory - Reigeluth doctorate student of Me
35、rrill (originally developed jointly); a sequencing aproach consistent with Component Display Theory; A "Zoom lens" sequencing approach - simple to complex, repeated general-to-specific; Steps - (a) present overview of simplest and most fundamental ideas, (b) add complexity to one aspect, (
36、c) review the overview and show relationships to the details, (d) provide additional elaboration of details, (e) provide additional summary and synthesis. 7.Barbara A Seels She is Associate Professor of Education, Instructional Design and Technolo
37、gy, Department of Instruction and Learning, University of Pittsburgh. <!-if !supportLists->? <!-endif->Research Interests Her Research Interests includes Instructio
38、nal Design Diffusion of Innovations Visual Thinking & Learning Message Design 8.Ann Thompson Professor & Chair, Curriculum and Instructional Technolo
39、gy Curriculum & Instruction,Iowa State University <!-if !supportLists->? <!-endif->Research Interests Research interests include: curriculum and instructional technology, technology collabo
40、rative between teacher education and K-12 schools, assessing effects of technology experiences on student learning 9.Rita C Richey Dr. Rita C. Richey is Professor and Program Coordinator in Instructional Technology for the College of Education at
41、Wayne State University. She received her B.A. in English from the University of <!-if !supportLists->? <!-endif->Research Interests Dr. Richey's teaching and research interests include Instr
42、uctional Design, Research and Theory in Instructional Technology, History and Trend in Instructional Technology. " To provide leadership and innovation in workplace learning, training and performance improvement by conducting collaborative research, professional dev
43、elopment and serving as a resource for best practices information. " 10.David Williams Professor, Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Optics, Ophthalmology, and Biomedical Engineering <!-if !supportLists->?
44、; <!-endif->Research Interests David Williams is William G. Allyn Chair of Medical Optics, Director of Center for Visual Science in University of Rochester Gary Anglin, Department of Curriculum and Instruction,&
45、#160; University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 2 Brock S. Allen, Department of Educational Technology, San Diego State University, San Diego, California 3 Eun-Ok Bae
46、k, Department of Instructional Technology, California State University, San Bernadino, California 4 Bela Banathy, Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center, San Francisco, California
47、;5 Sasha A. Barab, School of Education, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 6 Ann E. Barron, College of Education, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
48、0;7 Louis Berry, Department of Instruction and Learning, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 8 Gary Boyd, Department of Education, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec,
49、 Canada 9 John K. Burton, Department of Teaching and Learning, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 10 Blacksburg, Virginia Alison Carr-Chellman,
50、Department of Instructional Systems Program, Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 11 Kathryn Cunningham, Distance Learning Technology Center, University of Kentucky, Lex
51、ington, Kentucky 12 Vanessa Paz Dennen, Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 13 &
52、#160; Michael A. Evans, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 14 Karen Fullerton, Celeron Consultant, Bothell. Washington 15 Evan M. G
53、lazer, College of Education, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 16 Barbara Grabowski, Department of Instructional Systems Program, Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvan
54、ia 17 Margaret Gredler, Department of Educational Psychology, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 18 Charlotte Nirmalani Gunawardena, College of Education,
55、; University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 19 Mark Guzdial, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 20 Seungyeon Han, Department of I
56、nstructional Technology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 21 Mike Hannafin, College of Education, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 22 James Hartley, P
57、sychology Department, University of Keele, Keele, Staffordshire, United Kingdom 23 Philip H. Henning, School of Construction and Design, Pennsylvania College of Technology, Williamsport,
58、0;Pennsylvania 24 Janette Hill, Department of Instructional Technology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 25 Denis Hlynka, Centre for Ukrainian Canadian Studies, &
59、#160;University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada 26 Bob Hoffman, Department of Educational Technology, San Diego State University, San Diego, California Laura J. Horn, 27
60、160; Patrick Jenlink, Department of Educational Leadership, Stephen Austin University, Nacogdoches, Texas 28 David W. Johnson, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Minnesota, Minneap
61、olis, Minnesota 29 Roger T. Johnson, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 30 Steven Kerr, Department of Education, University of
62、160; Washington, Seattle, Washington 31 James Klein, Department of Psychology in Education, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 32 Randy Koetting, Department of Curricul
63、um and Instruction, University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, Nevada 33 Janet L. Kolodner, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 34 Kath
64、y Krendl, College of Communications, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 35 Jung Lee, Department of Instructional Technology, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Pomona, New Jersey
65、 标签: 国外教育技术专家简介 <!-if !supportLists->1<!-endif->David H. Jonassen <!-if !supportLists->2<!-endif->Michael Hannafin
66、60; <!-if !supportLists->3<!-endif->Marcy P. Driscoll <!-if !supportLists->4<!-endif->Edward P, Caffarella <!-if !supportLists->5<!-endif->Thomas M Duffy <!-if !supportLists->6&l
67、t;!-endif->Charles M Reigeluth <!-if !supportLists->7<!-endif->Barbara A Seels <!-if !supportLists->8<!-endif->Ann Thompson <!-if !supportLists->9<!-endif->Rita C Richey
68、;<!-if !supportLists->10 <!-endif->David Williams 1.David H. Jonassen Distinguished Professor, Learning Technologies School of Information Science and learning Technologies in Townsend Hal
69、l University of Missouri Columbia <!-if !supportLists->? <!-endif->Research Interests: Designing constructivist learning environments Cognitive tools (Mindtools) fo
70、r learning Cognitive modeling/Cognitive task analysis Systems dynamics/systems modeling Problem solving <!-if !supportLists->? <!-endif-
71、>CURRENT RESEARCH INTERESTS Problem Solving Knownedge Representation Cognitive Modleing Cognitive Simulations Systems Modeling/Systems Dynamics
72、; Externalizing Knowledge Representations Mapping Knowledge Representations in Software Conveying, Assessing, and Acquiring Structural Knowledge <!-if !supportLists->? &
73、#160; <!-endif->TECHNOLOGIES Computer Mindtools for Critical Thinking (Cognitive Tools) Expert Systems for Student Modeling and Cognitive Simulations <!-if !supportLists->?
74、160; <!-endif-> INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN AND LEARNING Designing Constructivist (Problem-based) Learning Environments Cognitive Task Analysis <!-if !supportLists->?
75、; <!-endif->The Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology Published in 1996 Granted by AECT 7 Parts, 42 Chapters, Total 1245 Pages 2.Mic
76、hael Hannafin Dr. Hannafin earned his MS in Psychology from Ft. Hays State College in Kansas in 1974, and his Ph.D. in Educational Technology from Arizona State University in 1981. Dr. Hannafin is the Charles H. Wheatley-Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Technology-
77、Enhanced Learning, and Director of the Learning and Performance Support Laboratory at the University of Georgia. Dr. Hannafin's research focuses on developing and testing frameworks for the design of student-centered learning environments, especially those that are open-e
78、nded in nature. The mission of the LPSL is to engage in research and development in several areas, including:? interactive learning environments, cognition and learning with emerging technologies,
79、160; electronic performance support systems, assessment of technology's impact and effect on learning and performance, and educational applications of telecommunications and information technologies. Three major themes characterize the mission and spirit of the LPSL:
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