Unit4 Green world高三英语课件2 新课标 人教版 课件_第1页
Unit4 Green world高三英语课件2 新课标 人教版 课件_第2页
Unit4 Green world高三英语课件2 新课标 人教版 课件_第3页
Unit4 Green world高三英语课件2 新课标 人教版 课件_第4页
Unit4 Green world高三英语课件2 新课标 人教版 课件_第5页
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1、ProcedureProcedure in production 生产过程生产过程 Break the normal procedureprocedure 打破常规打破常规 Legal procedureprocedure 法律程序法律程序 A bunchbunch of flowers/sheep/keys/ The bestbest of the bunchbunch精华精华Merely=onlyMerely=only I merelymerely asked his namename. Not merelybutmerelybut also No herbherb will cure l

2、ove.ClassifyClassify the books by (according to) subjectsIdentificationIdentification card/paper 身份证身份证 Under identificationidentification 在鉴别中在鉴别中 Identify vMaleMale femalePromotePromote the love of learning 鼓励学习的热诚鼓励学习的热诚PromotePromote the growth /prosperity/understandingBotanicalBotanical garden

3、botany植物植物PrivilegePrivilege n =special treat Lead a cosycosy life cosycosy house /chair/ bed To sbs appetite appetite 和和的口味的口味( (心意心意) )食欲不振食欲不振 Lose appetiteappetite Get up ones appetiteappetite开胃开胃 An appetiteappetite for learning 求知欲求知欲 A good appetiteappetite is a good sauce. 饥不择食饥不择食WealthWeal

4、th n wealthy A man of wealthwealth 富人富人 A wealthwealth of learning 丰富的学识丰富的学识 A wealthwealth of A lot of 大量的大量的AppointAppoint a time for meeting a time for meeting 约约定开会的定开会的时间时间AppointAppoint sb to a post sb to a post 派某人任某派某人任某职职AppointmentAppointment Make /fix an Make /fix an appointmentappointme

5、nt with sb with sb 与某人与某人约约会会 Break an Break an appointmentappointment违约违约, ,失失约约 Keep ones Keep ones appointmentappointment By By appointmentappointment 按照按照约约定定CalculateCalculate the cost of the journey the cost of the journey Its Its calculatedcalculated that. that.据据计计算算CalculateCalculate on/upo

6、non/upon 指望着指望着, ,期待着期待着AstronomyAstronomy n astronomer astronaut Spare no expense expense 不惜代价不惜代价ExpenseExpense account 支出帐目支出帐目Look out forLook out for pick-pocketsLook out forLook out for spelling mistake when you check your homework. Some countries are preparing for war on a on a large scalelar

7、ge scale The strike involvedinvolved many people. 这次罢工涉及了许多人这次罢工涉及了许多人InvolveInvolve sb in in (doing) sth 使某人卷入某事使某人卷入某事 A man of enterprise enterprise 有进取心的人有进取心的人 有进取精神有进取精神 A spirit of enterpriseenterprise Undertake (take on) an enterpriseenterprise 开创事业开创事业 come to an settlement settlement 和解和解,

8、解决解决AccumulateAccumulate stamps/booksAbandonAbandon oneself to 沉湎于沉湎于陷入陷入AbandonAbandon oneself to despair 悲观失望悲观失望,自暴自弃自暴自弃Pass awayPass away 作为作为的报酬的报酬 As a rewarda reward for Be rewardedrewarded by success 获得成功获得成功 In rewardreward of 为酬答为酬答,作为奖赏作为奖赏 Cash rewardreward 现款奖金现款奖金 Just rewardreward合理的

9、奖金合理的奖金 labour rewardreward劳动报酬劳动报酬NowhereNowhere to be foundGet nowherenowhere 一事无成一事无成,毫无进展毫无进展Be (come to) nowherenowhere名落孙山名落孙山AltogetherAltogether=entirely=completely=entirely=completelyI dont altogetheraltogether agree with you.Judge by appearanceappearance 以貌取人以貌取人At first appearanceappearance乍看起来乍看起来OutputOutput inputDistinguishDistinguish right from wrong明辨是非明辨是非DistinguishDistinguish good f


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