Module 6 The World s Cultural Heritage共5课时[TY]ppt 新课标外研英语选修七全部课件二_第1页
Module 6 The World s Cultural Heritage共5课时[TY]ppt 新课标外研英语选修七全部课件二_第2页
Module 6 The World s Cultural Heritage共5课时[TY]ppt 新课标外研英语选修七全部课件二_第3页
Module 6 The World s Cultural Heritage共5课时[TY]ppt 新课标外研英语选修七全部课件二_第4页
Module 6 The World s Cultural Heritage共5课时[TY]ppt 新课标外研英语选修七全部课件二_第5页
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1、What is your first impression of the pictures?What do you know about the pictures above?Do you know what happened in the place above in June 2004?Task: Get the information you need, then make a report to the whole classes that what happened in Suzhou in June 2004?Tips: Pay attention to the following

2、 years: 1972 1985 2003 2004Task: 1) Which of the items do you think are part of a countrys cultural heritage? 2) which do you think are the most important items? Give your reasons and share with your partner.What do you know about the pictures above?In 1929In 1937In 1949In 1987A compete skull was di

3、scover.Excavations stopped and most of the fossilsdisappeared.The work started again and it became an important tourist attraction.It was listed as a world heritage site.Answers: some prehistoric human bones almost 200 items four sites fewer than 5% Japan invaded China in December 1987Answers: Rain

4、and exposure to the air Nearby cement factories The site should be closed and repaired The government and the general publicWhy The Zhoukoudian Beijing Man Site is the one of the most important world heritage sites in China?Do you think its a good idea to continue the excavations ? Why?Do you think

5、its worthwhile to spend so much money on the excavations?Do you think its just only the jobs for government to do something for the site? If not , why? In 1920s, archaeologists _ some prehistoric human_ ,which came from an unknown _ of man ,and were the first _ of primitive human life in China long

6、before. Evidences showed that they knew how to use fire and even made _ of bones. Today , however, the remains are in serious _.Parts of the cave have been badly affected by the nature. _ has also contributed to the problem. So the Scientists have suggested that the general public be _ to help with

7、the problem. bone danger discover encourage evidence pollution species tooldiscoveredbonesspeciesevidencetoolsdangerpollutionencouragedDo you know what it is?Stonehenge (巨石阵巨石阵) Answers: site astronomers buried weigh amazing steep1. wonderfulTask: Role A: tourist guide Role B: tourist Imagine you ar

8、e a tourist guide , can you give a short introduction of Stonehenge to the tourist? How did the tourists get to the site ? What was the weather like ? 3. Was the tourist guide enthusiastic about his work? 4. Did the tourists enjoy the visit ? By bus.Stormy.No, he wasnt.Not really. suremysteryimporta

9、nt reasonlooked at the starsreligious placea burial groundWales As we know, the weather in British is unstable. No one is completely sure when it will be rainy or sunshine. Well , dont worry! If you have a raincoat, youll be OK. Anyway, it doesnt matter what happens, youre going to have a good time

10、while you are in here. Even if you get wet, I promise youll have a day you wont forget.As it is going to rain, we should get back in the bus now!No one knows for sure.not to worry as long as you got a matter what happens,youll have a day to better get back into the bus now C

11、an I suggest that you all bring an umbrella in case it rains? As long as youve got a raincoat, youll be OK. Even though its the middle of July, we recommend that you take warm and waterproof clothing with you. Even if you get wet, I promise youll have a day to remember. No matter what happens, youre

12、 going to have a marvelous time. Wherever you look, you can see part of our cultural heritage. place condition concession Can I suggest that you all bring an umbrella in case it rains? As long as youve got a raincoat, youll be OK. Even though its the middle of July, we recommend that you take warm a

13、nd waterproof clothing with you. place condition concessioncondition condition concession Even if you get wet, I promise youll have a day to remember. No matter what happens, youre going to have a marvelous time. Wherever you look, you can see part of our cultural heritage. place condition concessio

14、nconcession concession place Answers:Bring an umbrella because it may rains later.If you take a raincoat, youll be OK.Its a fact that its the middle of July, but surprisingly, you should still take warm waterproof clothing with you.If you get wet, surprisingly, youll still have a day to remember.Any

15、thing may happens, but youll still have a marvelous time.You can look anywhere and you can see part of our1. cultural heritage.Answers: Even though Even if No matter As long as1. In caseThey have recommended that the site be closed and repaired.We have requested that the government get involved.A pr

16、ofessor at the Academy has proposed that a fund be established to raise money.They have suggested that the general public be encourage to help with the problem.My colleagues and I insist that something be done about it immediately. shouldshouldshouldshouldshouldThey have recommended that the site be

17、 closed and repaired. (a) “In our opinion, we think you had better close the site and repair it.” (b) “We have closed the site and are going to repair it.”We have requested that the government get involved. (a) “We are very pleased that the government has decided to get in involved.” (b) “Leaders, p

18、lease do something about this problem.”3. A professor at the Academy has proposed that a fund be established to raise money. (a) “I think we should raise to help with the work.” (b) “We have already raised money to help with the work”They have suggested that the general public be encourage to help w

19、ith the problem. (a) “We want the general public to get involved.”4. (b) “We order the general public to get involved.”虚拟语气在某些从句中的应用虚拟语气在某些从句中的应用I suggest we set off tomorrow morning.He insisted that we take up the matter at the meeting.It is important that we study both Chinese and English well whe

20、n we are young.It was ordered that all the work be finished with two weeks.The suggestion that senior students have classes at weekends was turned down.6. My idea is that we have a picnic in the coming weekend.宾语从句宾语从句主语从句主语从句同位语从句同位语从句“ We should close the site to the public for ten years.” The Aca

21、demy of Sciences proposed that they _ _“ The public should be involved in the conservation project.” He suggested that_“Will you please allow us to excavate the caves?” The archaeologists requested that _“We must be paid on time.” The workers insisted that_close the site to public for ten years.the

22、public be involved in the conversation project. they be allowed to excavate the caves. they be paid on time .1. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it_ A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D. had been broken 2. I insisted _to see a doctor, but he insisted nothing _ wrong wi

23、th him A. on him to go; should be B. he went; be C. he go; was D. he should to; is 3. I was ill that day, otherwise I _ the sports meet A. would have taken part in B. took part in C. had taken part in D. would take part in4. Mikes father, as well as his mother, insisted he _home A. stayed B. could s

24、tay C. has stayed D. stay 5. It was requested that the play _again A. should put on B. would put on C. be put on D. put on 6. He requested that the students _them get in crops A. help B. to help C. helped D. helping 7. My suggestion is that the meeting _off till nest Sunday. A. be put B. put C. shou

25、ld put D. had been put 8. The teacher demanded that the exam _ before eleven. A. must finish B. would be finished C. be finished D. must be finished What can you see in this picture?Do you think Kunqu Opera is part of cultural heritage?If so, does it belong to tangible or intangible cultural heritag

26、e?4. In your opinion, what is intangible cultural heritage?Whats the difference between “tangible” and “intangible” world heritage?Can you give an example of oral heritage?What kind of people are living human treasures?What makes a language endangered?Give a example of traditional music that is thou

27、ght to be part of an intangible cultural heritage.Answers:“tangible” heritage consists of building and objects such as paintings; “intangible” heritage means traditional songs and poems, people who can perform traditional works, languages and music.Story-telling- things which are passed on orally fr

28、om one generation to the next.People who know the traditional songs, poems, games, etc.When it is spoken by only a few old people and is not taught to the young.1. 5. Kunqu opera.Intangible Cultural HeritageDiscuss: what your choice is called and what it is? where in the world it is seen or heard? w

29、ho it belongs to and who they are? why its part of your cultural heritage?tangiblecultural heritageintangiblecultural heritageKunqu Opera the Great wallthe Forbidden CityChen-style Tai ChiMogao Caves at Dunhuangthe Qin Terracotta, Warriors and HorsesGuqin Music Confucius Temple at QufuShaolin kung f

30、uWhich items will be included in a bid to be added to the UNESCO list?Which are other examples of Chinas intangible cultural heritage?Traditional Chinese Medicine and Mid-Autumn Festival.Shaolin kung fu, the worlds longest epic poem of Tibetan King Gesser and Chen-style Tai ChiEvery two years the di

31、rectory is enlarged by giving each country the chance to recommend one candidate. The application for TCM would highlight the fact that traditional Chinese medicine is a culture the has exited for thousands of years.With more than 50 million Chinese living and working overseas, the Mid-Autumn Festiv

32、al reminds them of their Chinese origins and would help to unite Chinese people all over the would.UNESCOs agenda for the worlds tangible and intangible heritage is also to act as a warning system for sites which are at the mercy of redevelopment, pollution or even the effects of tourism, and cultur

33、al activities which are in danger.Protecting an item of world heritage begins_. A. when it has been included on the list. B. as soon as the bid is made C. once every two years D. if the bid to UNESCO is successfulIncluding TCM on the UNESCO List will highlight_. A. that it is old-fashion and still d

34、eveloping as a medical science B. the advantages of its treatment, its legal status abroad and its use in medical research C. the theories and experiences of its practitioners D. its advantage in treating AIDS and malariaThe bid to include the Mid-Autumn Festival on the UNESCO list_.A. suggests it i

35、s in dangerB. is an example of cultural activity with unites Chinese people all over the worldC. is an opportunity to recommend symbolic ambassadorsD. reflects Chinese cultural traditionsThe UNESCO list of world tangible and intangible tect sites and items in danger of disappearingboth c

36、elebrates and protects sites and items of cultural importancecelebrates world cultural activities and traditions protects sites of cultural importance which are in danger TCM is being recommended as candidate for the UNESCO list because_The Mid-Autumn Festival reminds Chinese people overseas of thei

37、r origins ,so_If a site is not protected, UNESCO_A successful bid requires_TCM is being recommended as candidate for the UNESCO list because its an important tradition.2. The Mid-Autumn Festival reminds Chinese people overseas of their origins ,so it helps to unite Chinese people all over the world.

38、3. If a site is not protected, UNESCO may take it off the list of World Heritage Sites.4. A successful bid requires cultural diplomacy and knowledge of UNSCOs system.Work with your group members , then make a listof sites and items from your local or regional cultural heritage. Which ones would you

39、bid to beadded to the UNESCO list? Give your reasons.Language points for Reading Some areas are almost completely covered in weeds, causing serious damage. causing serious damage是动词的现在分词作结果状是动词的现在分词作结果状语。语。 汤姆的祖父两年前去世了,留给他一大笔钱。汤姆的祖父两年前去世了,留给他一大笔钱。Toms grandfather died two years ago, leaving him a bi

40、g fortune.现在分词动作与谓语动词同时发生用一般式现在分词动作与谓语动词同时发生用一般式doing,如果现在分词的动作发生在谓语动词之前,表示已完如果现在分词的动作发生在谓语动词之前,表示已完成动作,主动语态用完成式成动作,主动语态用完成式having done;被动语态则被动语态则用用having been doneWalking along the street, I met a friend of mine.Having finished their work, they had a rest.现在分词和过去分词都可以做状语,表示时间、条件、现在分词和过去分词都可以做状语,表示时

41、间、条件、原因、伴随、结果、让步、程度。原因、伴随、结果、让步、程度。Turning to the left, he suddenly found the shop he was looking for.Disturbed by the noise, we had to finish the meeting early.Being ill, he went home.Working this way (=If they work this way), they will reduce the cost.If bitten by (=Bitten) a snake, you should sen

42、d for help and not walk.Born a free man, he was now in chains.They went out of the hall, talking and laughing.He dropped the plate, breaking it into pieces.时间状语时间状语原因状语原因状语条件状语条件状语条件状语条件状语让步状语让步状语伴随状语伴随状语结果状语结果状语2 . Pollution from nearby cement factories has also contributed to the problem. contribu

43、te to : to be one of the things that help to make something happen They can help by contributing to the cost of repairing the caves.contribute to : to give money or your time and effort in order to achieve something e.g contribute to the Red Cross 向红十字会捐献向红十字会捐献contribute to a literary journal 向文学杂志

44、投稿向文学杂志投稿 这个新发现将对全人类作出贡献。这个新发现将对全人类作出贡献。This new discovery will contribute to all humanity.双方父母都给孩子们提供生活费用。双方父母都给孩子们提供生活费用。Both parents contribute to the maintenance of their children.事实上,我们很少有人承认考试对学生的学习会起什事实上,我们很少有人承认考试对学生的学习会起什么真正重要的作用。么真正重要的作用。Actually, few of us admit that examinations can cont

45、ribute anything really important to the students academic development.3. This is a very serious matter and Chinese Academy of Sciences is trying to raise public awareness about it. raise / increase awareness of : 唤醒唤醒的意识的意识 e.g 这项运动旨在使人们意识到被动吸烟的危害。这项运动旨在使人们意识到被动吸烟的危害。The campaign aims to raise aware

46、ness of the dangers of passive smoking.There was an almost complete lack of awareness of the issues involved.对有关问题几乎是一无所知。对有关问题几乎是一无所知。 They have suggested that the general public be encouraged to help with the problem. 在表示建议在表示建议( (suggest)suggest)、要求要求( (demand, insist)demand, insist)和命令和命令( (order)order)等动词后的宾语从句中,不论主句谓语动词用等动词后的宾语从句中,不论主句谓语动词用何种时态,宾语从句中的动词一律用何种时态,宾语从句中的动词一律用“(“(should)+ should)+ 动动词原形词原形”结构来表示虚拟语气。结构来表示虚拟语气。 e.g 她建议我们用另一种方法做这项工作。她建议我们用另一种方法做这项工作。 She suggested that we (should) do the work in another way.


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