



1、 高三英语研究性学习教案 课题名称:利用网络资源收集杰出科学家的资料和图片 课时安排:约4课时 选题目的: 1、帮助学生了解杰出的科学家的事迹,培养学生探究科学、崇尚科学的精神和正确的科学观,使学生懂得科学探求的步骤和方法。 2、通过开展研究性学习活动,各个学习小组的学生围绕这一个共同的研究课题在课前进行学习和互相帮助,锻炼学生查找、搜集资料的能力,小组合作的意识和交际能力,发现问题并解决问题的能力和创新能力。3、通过与同学们共同分享成果,学会发现和欣赏他人的优点、学会理解和宽容、学会客观地分析和辩证地思考问题。 活动方式:上网查找、搜集资料,去图书馆查找资料,小组合作制作课件,在课堂上展示研

2、究成果,交流研究的心得体会。 活动过程: 第一阶段:明确活动要求 按照英语教学的需要,依据学生的学业水平、能力倾向、个性特征等方面的差异把全班6个学习小组,然后给各个小组布置不同的任务,要求各个小组的学生利用网络资源查找有关科学家的信息资料和图片,制作幻灯片准备在课堂上呈现出来,并用英语进行介绍。 第二阶段:小组合作,搜集整理信息 第一小组整理并介绍阿基米德 (Archimedes)的有关资料图片(附插图1); (插图1)Archimedes, Ancient Greek (287-212 BC), a mathematician. He found that if you put an ob

3、ject into water the water pushes the object up. It rises and partly floats. The force of the water pushing it up is the same as the weight of the object. 第二小组小组整理并介绍查尔斯.达尔文(Charles Darwin)的有关资料和图片(插图二) (插图二)Charles Darwin, Britain (1808 - 1882) The Origin of Species was published in 1859. It explain

4、ed how plants and animals had changed over time to fit in with a changing environment. At the time it was published it was very controversial. Many people believed the Bible when it said that God made the first two people (Adam and Eve) and that all other people came from these two. Darwin's boo

5、k showed that people had developed from apes instead. So this caused a lot of argument between religious and scientific people. However Darwin's idea became very influential and is still accepted today. 第三小组整理并介绍居里夫人(Marie Curie)的有关资料和图片(插图三) (插图三) Marie Curie, Polish and French (1867-1934) She

6、was born in Poland and came to study in France in 1891 and she lived there for the rest of her life. In 1898 she discovered radium. She received two Nobel prizes, one ( with Pierre Curie ) for physics (1903) and one for chemistry (1911). She is the only person to have been so honored. On the death o

7、f her husband she took over his job at the Sorbonne in she began a new scientific area of research. She was the first woman Paris. Her work on radioactivity and the discovery of radium meant that to receive a Nobel Prize and the first woman to teach at the Sorbonne (索邦神学院:巴黎大学前身). 第四小组整理并介绍爱迪生(Thoma

8、s Edison)的有关资料和图片(插图四) (插图四)Thomas Edison, American (1847- 1931). He was already an inventor of other electrical devices ( phonograph电唱机, electric light bulb) when in 1882 he designed a system for providing New York with electricity from a central power station. This was a tremendous achievement, wh

9、ich had previously been thought impossible. 第五小组整理并介绍张衡(Zhang Heng)的有关资料和图片(插图五) (插图五) Zhang Heng, Chinese (78- 139) .He invented the first seismograph(测震仪、地震仪) to indicate in the direction of an earthquake. It was in the shape of a cylinder(圆筒形) with eight dragonheads round the top, each with a bal

10、l in its mouth.Around the bottom were eight frogs directly under a dragon's head. When an earthquake occurred, a ball fell out of the dragon's mouth, making a noise. 第六小组整理并介绍史蒂芬.霍金(Stephen Hawking)的有关资料和图片(插图六) (图六) Stephen Hawking, British (1942-) He has worked in astronomy and studied bla

11、ck holes in space. He has shown that black holes do not only absorb everything around them but, from time to time, throw out matter as well. This may mark the beginning of new galaxies. This is an advance on the old theory which said that black holes "eat” everything they come across. 第三阶段:成果交流 交流方式:学生以小组为单位进入小教师角色,各小组成员上讲台展示他们制作的PowerPoint课件,用英语介绍相关科学家的资料,和全班的其它小组同学分享和交流学习成果;要求:(1)每个小组至少要展示一件成果,有引用的地方要注明出处。(2)要注意图片的排版及相应的文字说明。 第四阶段:学习评价对学生的研究成果及其在研究过程中的度、方法和相互之间的合作与交流情况给出一个公正、客观、科学的评定,具体从以下方面进行评价。1活动是否积极参与,有无责任感2小组中的每一位成员是否团结协作,共同克服困难3独立查询资料数量及个人承担的任务情况4活动中学到的新知识和新技能(用实例加以说明)5活动成果


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