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1、Planes, boats and trainsUnit 1 Tony has the longest journeyModule7青州市苏埠屯初级中学 孙莉Lets learn the new wordsjourney旅行旅行ferry渡船渡船subway地铁地铁taxi 出租车出租车crowded 拥挤的拥挤的modern 现代的现代的 Liu Xiang runs fast. He is the best sportman in our country快的快的最好最好的的 Lingling Daming farthestTonyfar-farther-farthestfarfarther

2、最远地最远地Check your homework一 、1,lingling,2, Daming, 3Tony 4, Bettys dad 5, Daming 6, 4, Bettys dad 二、上个模块的学习中我们已经学会形容词的比较级,下面请你仔细阅读课本149页,回答下面的内容:1,当我们需要对三个或三个以上的人或物进行比较需要对三个或三个以上的人或物进行比较来表达最高,最快,最远等意义的时候,我们用形容词或副词的最高级来表达。 2,最高级的表达方式有 两种方式,一种是在词尾加 est ,另一种是自词前加most 。观察149页上得表格,你发现了什么? 加est的与加er的是一类,加m

3、ost的与加more的是一类。 3,最高级和比较级相比,有什么不同?(看谁找的全,你要仔细阅读哦!)比较级有比较对象,最高级没有,最高级没有than, 形容词的最高级前面加the,副词前可加可不加。 4,通过学习,你知道哪些不规则的最高级? far-farther/further-farthest/farthestGood-more-most等等How do you get (go) to school ?I get/go to school by bus by bicycle/bike by caron footWhat other transportation (交通方(交通方式)式)do

4、 you know?8What can you see in the pictures?听前说听前说 完成完成a1Listen and Match the wordsbus ferry plane subway taxi traincheap comfortable crowded famous large modern(2)Listen and fill in the blanks Bettys mum: How Tony get to school? Betty:He lives from the school , so he has the journey. He goes by . I

5、ts the way to school. Bettys mum: How does Daming get to school? Betty: He has the journey because he goes by .doesfarthestbusbestget tofastestbicyclePart two Bettys mum: But its the way. And what about Lingling ? Betty: Her home is to the school, so he walks. Does Dad always go to work ? Bettys mum

6、: Yes,its the_ _way, but its The way. He sometimes the train, but its the most uncomfortable way to go to work !.Most dangeroustheclosestbytaximostexpensivemostcomfortabletakes(3)Listen to the tape and answer these questions1: How many people are Betty and her mum talking about ? Who are they ? 2, H

7、ow does Tony get to school? 3, How does Daming get to school?(Four)They areTony ,Daming ,Lingling and Bettys DadBy bus.By bicycle.任务二、阅读训练任务二、阅读训练 Read and fill the tableNamesjourneyway tobyTony _The best way by busDamingfastest_ _Lingling _The cheapest way _Lingings dad _by taxifarthestdangerousBy

8、bicycleclosestwalksThe most expensive and the most comfortable探究任务三、小组合作,根据所出示的重探究任务三、小组合作,根据所出示的重点短语翻译课文,并找出文章中的疑难知点短语翻译课文,并找出文章中的疑难知识点。识点。l1, get to 到达 l2,the best way to do sth 做什么最好的方式l3,far from 远离 l4,close to 靠近 l5,what about you? 你呢?你要大声你要大声的朗读课的朗读课文哦文哦Please read loudly!四四精精讲讲点点拨拨一一1,journey

9、名词,意为名词,意为“旅行,旅程旅行,旅程”。go on a journey 去旅行去旅行2,How does Tony get to school?句中的句中的how 意为意为“如何,怎样如何,怎样”可以对表示方法可以对表示方法,手手段,状态等进行提问,本句是对交通工具进行段,状态等进行提问,本句是对交通工具进行提问,回答可以用提问,回答可以用by bus, by bike, on foot等等来回答。来回答。3, by +交通工具表示乘交通工具表示乘坐坐,在句中往往,在句中往往做方式状语,而做方式状语,而take +冠词冠词+交通工具,在句中做交通工具,在句中做谓语。谓语。I go to

10、school by bus.=I take a bus to school.形容词和副词的最高级形容词和副词的最高级当我们需要对三个或三个以上的人或事物进行比较,来表达当我们需要对三个或三个以上的人或事物进行比较,来表达最高、最远、最快等意义的时候,我们可以用形容词和副词最高、最远、最快等意义的时候,我们可以用形容词和副词的最高级形式来表达。的最高级形式来表达。构成方法:构成方法:1 一般在词尾加一般在词尾加-est.2 以字母以字母e结尾的形容词结尾的形容词/副词,直接加副词,直接加-st.3 以重读闭音节结尾的形容词以重读闭音节结尾的形容词/副词,应先双写该字母,再加副词,应先双写该字母,

11、再加-est.4 多音节或少数双音节的在词前加多音节或少数双音节的在词前加most四四精精讲讲点点拨拨二注意:注意:形容词的最高级前形容词的最高级前一定要加定冠词一定要加定冠词the, 而而副词的最高级前则副词的最高级前则可加也可不加可加也可不加the。The red apple is big.The yellow apple is bigger.The green apple is the biggest of the three.big.The blue car is small.The yellow car is smaller than the blue one.The red car

12、 is the smallest of all/the three.smallsmallersmallestLinglingDamingFangfang Fangfang lives close to the school.Daming lives closer to the school.Lingling lives closest to the school.closecloserclosestdifficultChinese is difficult.Maths is more difficult than Chinese.English is _of all.the most diff

13、icult Work in pairs. Ask and answer.How do you get to school?I go by bus because I live farthest from the school. How about you ?I go by bicycle because 一 翻译下列短语1 骑自行车 2 到达 3坐出租车 4 乘飞机 5远离 6靠近by bike get toby taxiby planefar fromclose to二、选择 ( )1 He jumped _in our class.A the hightest B highter C high D most high ( )2,Li,Ning lives farthest _ the school.A to B from C away D in ( )3 Luch draws the _ of the four.A better B well C good D best ( )4 I usually come home by bike, but sometimes I _ _A walk B on foot C take bus D by a bus ( )5 Whats the most expe


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