初二上册英语UNIT3语法复习形容词及副词复习 音标破擦音 半元音 舌侧音 鼻音_第1页
初二上册英语UNIT3语法复习形容词及副词复习 音标破擦音 半元音 舌侧音 鼻音_第2页
初二上册英语UNIT3语法复习形容词及副词复习 音标破擦音 半元音 舌侧音 鼻音_第3页
初二上册英语UNIT3语法复习形容词及副词复习 音标破擦音 半元音 舌侧音 鼻音_第4页
初二上册英语UNIT3语法复习形容词及副词复习 音标破擦音 半元音 舌侧音 鼻音_第5页
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1、 中小学1对1课外辅导专家精锐教育学科教师辅导讲义讲义编号_学员编号: 年 级:初 二 课时数:3学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师: 学科组长/带头人签名及日期 学员家长签名及日期课 题U3语言点及语法复习、音标学习授课时间:2009-10-16备课时间: 2009-10-14教学目标1. 通过练习复习和巩固U3语言点和语法知识 2. 继续学习上次课的音标知识重点、难点1U3中重要语言点的掌握 2. 形容词的比较级和最高级的规则及不规则变化3. 形容词比较级和最高级的运用考点及考试要求1. 养成预习的好习惯 2. 形容词是中考的必考内容教学内容Step Homework-checking

2、1. 检查课文背诵。 2. 复习上节课的音标学习。 chop and change善变的A good Jack makes a good Jill.夫贤则妻善。dry a dress晾干一件衣服How can you trust someone who never speaks truth? 你怎么能相信一个从不说真话的人? Barry says he wants some nuts. Barry说他想要一些坚果。 The businessman needs lots of funds to start his company. 那个生意人开公司需要大量的资金。Step Revision 1.

3、 在U3中找出下列重要词汇和有用表达。词汇和短语:hardly, be unaware of, be dependent on, rarely, for the time being, essential, make mistakes, otherwise, drive, contain, leavealone, communicate, share, raise, hold, be made of, probably, else, research, linktogether, wide, instant messages, more importantly, have great unde

4、rstanding of, be able to do, be better at sth/doing sth,etc.2. 从练习1中的词汇和短语找出与下面中文相对应的英语表达。 犯错: 不知道: 暂时,目前: 重要的,关键的: 依赖,依靠: 紧急信息: 抬起,引起,升起: 对有很深的了解: 更重要的是: 其他,另外: 很少,几乎不: 能够做: 更擅长: 共享,分享:3. 单词拼写。 1)The new meeting room can _(容纳) more than 500 people. 2) People h_ used mobile phones twenty years ago.

5、3) The students _(举起)their hands quickly when the teacher said “begin”. 4) The Internet l_ people all over the world together. 5) S_ your happiness with others, and you will be happier.4. 重要句型及表达。 1) Now they seem to be everywhere. 2) You are more dependent on computers than you know. 3) It is essen

6、tial for these people not to make mistakes. 4) However, computer languages are not spoken language like Chinese or English but written language. 5) It gets angry when you leave it alone.5. 翻译练习。 1)天空似乎要下雨了。(rain, it可指代天气) 2)现在好像每个人都有手机。(mobile phone) 3)那个小女孩非常依赖她的父母。 4)笔记本电脑比台式电脑更受欢迎。(laptop, deskto

7、p, popular) 5)在学习英语中,敢于犯错误很关键。 It is _ to _ in English learning. 6)最终,是Mr. Li坐了牢而不是Jill. 7) 雨后的天空一片晴朗。(sunny)Step Grammar形容词的比较级和最高级(the comparative and superlative of adjectives)一、形容词的比较等级分为三种即原级、比较级和最高级。原级就是它们的原形,常用结构有: 1. A + as + adj.原级 + as +B (A和B指代进行比较的任意两种事物, A=B,即A与B一样) Eg. Our classroom is

8、 as big as theirs (= their classroom). 2. A + not + so/as + adj.原级 + as +B (A不及B) Eg. Our classroom is not so big as theirs (= their classroom).二、形容词的比较级和最高级的构成和用法 1. 构成: 1)单音节和以er、ow等结尾的双音节adj常在词尾加er、est构成比较级和最高级 tall-taller-tallest low-lower-lowest clever-cleverer-cleverest 2)以e结尾的adj,在词尾加r、st构成比较

9、级和最高级 fine-finer-finest large-larger-largest 3)以单个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节adj,要双写词尾辅音字母,再加er、est big-bigger-biggest hot-hotter-hottest 4)以辅音字母加y结尾的adj,改y为i,再加er、est heavy-heavier-heaviest easy-easier-easiest 5)多音节adj(三音节或以上),在原级前加more、most构成比较级和最高级 beautiful-more beautiful-most beautiful expensive-more expensiv

10、e-most expensive 6)不规则变化: good/well-better-best bad/ill-worse-worst much/many-more-most little-less-least far-farther/further-farthest/furthest old-older/elder-oldest/eldest三、用法:比较级表示“更”,最高级表示“最” 1.比较级是两者作比较,形容词前可用副词much(很多), far(远远), even(甚至更), a little(一点)等修饰, 句中常用than或表示两个人或物的词来暗示。Eg. Your right

11、hand is dirtier than the left one. Which is more useful, computer or telephone? Your hands are a little dirtier than his. Computer is much more useful than telephone.2当三个或三个以上的人或物作比较时,表示最高程度,用最高级 结构为sb/sth be the adj.最高级 of/in/among短语,有时用表示三者或以上的词来暗示 注意:形容词的最高级前一定要用定冠词the。 He is the tallest boy amon

12、g the students. I think maths is the most important subject of all.、practice Which one of those two houses would you buy? I would buy the _ one, because I have a big family. A. larger B. largest C. smaller What bad weather! Yes. The radio says it will be even _ later on.If you want to know _ what a

13、word means , you can look it up in a dictionary .A exactly B mostly C carefully 1. A horse is _ than a dog A. much heavy B. more heavier C. much heavier D。 more heavy2. Emma always makes a lot of mistakes . She is _ A. care B. careful C. carefully D. careless3. Which subject is _ , physics or chemis

14、try ? A. interesting B. most interesting C. more interesting D. the most interesting4. I think YaoMing the famous basketball player , will be _ new Star in NBAAHot B. hotter C. hottest D. the hottest 5. In our city its _ in July ,but it is even _ in August AHotter hottest B. hot hot C. hotter hot D.

15、 hot hotter6. Hainan is a very large Island .It is the second _ island in chinaALarge B. larger C. largest D. most largest 7. An elephant is _ than a tiger AHeavy B. very heavy C. the heaviest D. heavier8、The bread is _ than these cakesA、Very delicious B. much delicious C. more delicious D. as delic

16、ious9. Lin Tao jumped _ in the long jump in the school sports meeting A. Far B. farther C. farthest D. quite far10. When they met in the hotel . They talked and laughed _A.Happily B. happy C. happier D. happiest11.which is _ season in Beijing ?A.Good B. better C. best D. the best Step 破擦音dtrdrtsdz1.

17、 辅音是破擦音中的一个清辅音,发音时舌侧接触上齿两侧,与发的舌位相似。 change, choose, child, chat, lunch, such, eachcatch, match, kitchen, fetch, watch, batchfuture, feature, nature, culture, gesture, question绕口令:1) chat over lunch午餐时聊天 2) chop and change善变的 3) The future is full of changes.未来充满了变化。2.d job, jealous, joke, jeep, jade

18、 gentle, German, general, genius, hugebridge, judge, ridge, badge, knowledge绕口令:1) jump for joy欢欣鼓舞 2) A good Jack makes a good Jill.夫贤则妻善。 3) Joyce keeps jumping from job to job.乔伊斯总是在跳槽。3.tr tree, try, truck, trouble, true, trouser, trust, trim绕口令:1) trace a track找一条小路 2) tricks of the trade职业的惯用手

19、段 3) How can you trust someone who never speaks truth? 你怎么能相信一个从不说真话的人?4. dr drill, dry, drug, drum, drink, drive, dress, drip绕口令:1) dry a dress晾干一件衣服 2) draw a dragon画一条龙 3) a drop of rain一滴雨5. ts coats, cats, nuts, goats, seats, sheets, rats6. dz deeds, needs, funds, lids, rods, beds, roadsStep 半元

20、音w、j,舌侧音l和鼻音m、n、1. 半元音w发音时双唇略收圆并突出。气流经口腔有双唇间空隙而出,双唇略有摩擦,上齿不能接触下唇。 发音规则:wind, well, warm, twin,twice, sweet, swallowwhat, why, which, white, when, where, whetquestion, quite, quiet, quick,request, language绕口令:1) walk forward向前走 2) swing between two waters摸棱两可 3) of one own 某人自己的 4)Words are but wind.

21、人言不可信。 发音比较:vet wetveal wheelvest westvine wine2 半元音j是浊辅音,发音时声带振动。发音时舌尖翘起,舌两侧抵住两边牙齿。 发音规则:yet, you, young, yes, year绕口令:1)year after year年复一年 2)Be yourself!镇静一点,别慌张! 3) make somebody yawn使人厌倦3舌侧音l是浊辅音,发音时声带振动。在单词中,舌侧音l由于受到前后音素的影响而发生发音的变化,形成两个变体:清晰l和含糊l。清晰l发音时舌身自然放松,口型扁平;而含糊l发音时舌身抬高,舌尖抵上齿,口型略圆。注意含糊l与

22、r发音区别,它们的区别关键在于舌是否与上齿龈接触。发音规则:level, lead, law, leave, let, hardlyfull, kill, fall, tall, tell, sell绕口令:1) tell a lie撒谎 2) last but not least最后但不是最不重要 3) All is not gold that glitters.发光的不一定都是金子。发音比较:rock lockright lightfly fryglass grass4. 鼻音m发音时双唇闭住,形成阻碍,舌身自身自然平伸,气流由鼻腔而出。发音规则:matter, month, woman,

23、 remember, him, swim绕口令:1) the man in the moon虚构的人 2) a man of mark著名人士 3) make up ones mind下定决心 4)Money is a good servant but a bad master. 钱是好的奴隶,但却是坏的主人。5. 鼻音n发音时舌端抵上齿龈,形成阻碍,气流由鼻腔出,发音时声带振动。注意n与舌侧音l的区别。 发音规则:now, nap, winter, enough, in, alone, learnknow, knowledge, knife, kneel,knight绕口令:1) next

24、to nothing差不多没有,很少 2) run against碰上,撞上 3) in ones senses神志清醒,头脑健全 4)Necessity knows no law. 事急无法律。6. 鼻音发音时舌后抬高,与软腭形成阻碍,气流由鼻腔而出,有一定的长度。在词尾时m必须闭唇,n不能闭唇,但舌端需抵住上齿龈,也不闭唇,但发音时舌前端要自然下垂。 发音规则:Hongkong, Strong, long, ring, evening, sing Think, pink, twinkle, sink, wrinkle, single绕口令:1) sing a song唱一首歌 2) a l

25、ong evening一个漫长的夜晚 3) You took a wrong ring to the wedding? 你在婚礼上拿错了戒指?发音比较:thin thingwin wingran rangfan fang 灵动你的舌头: It is raining, raining, raining all around.It is falling, falling, falling on the ground.It is raining, raining, raining night and day.Where can the little ones go and play?Step Homework 1st Day: 1. 完成课本B中所有的语法练习2. 复习6个破擦音的发音及其发音规则 3. 记忆下面的词汇和短语:hardly, be u


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