



1、五年级上M8U1 Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy ' s school柳疃东付小学王静教材分析:本单元是第8模块第二单元,相对于第一单元,第二单元几乎没有生单 词,课文容是第1单元的延伸,主要是玲玲写信告诉大明,在英国的学 校生活,以与玲玲在学校发生的事情,让我们了解中西方校园生活习 惯,初步了解英语书信的格式。本模块主要句型yesterday I we ntto S am and Amy s school./ the bell rang at nine o' clock.They don' t start school at 8 o &

2、#39; clock./ they don ' t do morning exercises.二、学情分析:五年级学生根底较好。他们已掌握了一定的语音、词汇、语法、话题 表达等英语根底知识,具备了一定的听、说、读、写能力,形成了一定 的综合语言运用能力。因此,教学中,应从学生已有的知识、能力、经 验和兴趣出发,根据教学容,采用灵活的教学方法,精心设计有一定挑 战性的教学活动,促使学生在参与、实践、体验、合作与交流活动中学 习、运用并掌握知识,进一步开展综合语言运用能力,稳定英语学习兴 趣。三、教学目标:1、知识目标:1学生能听懂,会读“三会"单词:bell. rangring

3、 的过去式2学生能听懂、读、会说句型 yesterday I went to Sam and Amy ' s school. I skipped with girls. The bell rang at nine o' clock. Wewent into the classroom.3丨能谈论别人的作息时间安排。2、情感目标:1感受中西两国不同的校园生活习惯,培养学生的跨文化意识。2培养学生学会增进友谊3、能力目标能够用所学描述学校日常生活。四、教学重难点:重点:学生能结合第8模块第1单元和第2单元描述学校生活。 难点:学生能正确发音rang这个单词五、教学过程Stepl.

4、Warming up1. Greeti ngsT: Hello ,boys and girls. I' m Ms Wang.Ss: Hello, Ms Wan g.T: Today Group 1 and Group 2 are going to have a match. Let me seewhich group will be the winner this class. Please come on , OK?Ss: OK设计意图:说明本节课的规那么,全班分成两大组,进展PK2. Warm-upT: boys and girls , after three classes ,

5、you maybe very tired ,so let ' s have a re st and sing a song - I get up in the morning设计意图:活泼课堂气氛的同时,引入正题,让学生以最快速度融入英语课堂中Step2 review1火眼金睛,T: a good job, boys and girls. Yesterday we lear nt M8U 1 whattime does school start. let' s check what did you learn , pleasesay the words as quickly a

6、s you can. OK?Ss: OK.设计意图:把第8模块第1单元的重要的单词和短语以火眼金睛的方式呈 现,学生快速地读出来,以此来复习旧知2 I can reviewT : very good .now let ' s look at some pictures. Can you talk about the three pictures.学生根据第一单元所学自由发言师根据学生的发言,课件呈现上节课所学知识点。T:From the three pictures , we know lingling went to Amy ' s school , and very hap

7、py. So today we will lear n M8u2 I went to Sam and Amy'school.设计意图:在复习第一单元课文的同时,自然过渡我们的新课。Step3 New teachi ng1. listen ,chant and fillT: we know Amy walks to school , and play in the playgro und, nowl et' s listen a chant about Amy, then fill . ready ?Ss: yes设计意图:以填空的的形式,完成对chant的学习,学习新单词alw

8、ays2. listen ,repeat and answer.T: we know lin gli ng is in En gla nd, she is very miss Daming, so shewrite a letter to Daming . now let' s look at the letter together.Then an swer a questi ons. Ok?Ss: yes.设计意图:带着问题跟读第1遍课文,在学生初步感知课文之前,提出简单 的问题,让学生带着问题有目的的观看,初识课文。3 . listen,repeat and choose.T: L

9、ingling went to Amy ' s school , but Amy ' s school is different from Chin ese school. I n our school , we start school at nineo' clock, we do morning exercise every day.Whatabout Amy ' sschool?Let' s listen ,repeat and choose . ok ?设计意图:再次跟读课文第二段,以选择题方式,再次认读课文4. I ' m clever

10、.根据描述判断是中国的学校还是英国的学校?对第 2段进展 稳固T: are you clever? Let ' s guess, China or UK?5. listen ,repeat and judge Tor FT: in the morning , we go to school at eight. But in the UK is different from us. So let ' s listen and judge true or false.设计意图:再次跟读课文第三段,以判断对错的方式,分层次的理解课 文,教授新单词bell和rang,并进展过去式连线的

11、小拓展。6. read in groups.Step4 Con solidatio n1. I ' m the best!T : boys and girls , let ' s look at the letter again .let' s lookat who is the best! Who can retell the letter.让生根据图片分段复述设计意图:根据图片提示,对课文容进展输出和稳固2. can you choose ? 课文细节知识的考察Step5 writ ingWrite a letter to me.T:Today lingling write a letter to Daming. Now let ' s write aletter to lin gli ng , the n show us.设计意图,根据提示,以书信的方式写写自己的日常生活,锻炼学生的书写 能力。Step 6 summaryStep7 homework板书:M8U2 Y esterday I went to Sam and Am


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