已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Section BI . Material analysis本节课是第八单元话题二的第二课时,将继续学习有关旅行的话题,主要活动是1a。通过简和周伟伦谈论去云南旅游的景点和需要带的物品,学习征询别人意见和给予建议的 表达方式;还通过听力活动训练学生听懂关于旅行的对话,并从中获取细节信息一一需要 携带物品的能力,同时复习表示计划的表达法;小组讨论帮助学生学习如何制定旅行计划, 以及如何运用表达计划的句型写出旅行计划的短文。n . Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims能够根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并运用于情景对话中:hometown, anytime,

2、camera, tent能够应用征询别人意见和给予建议的表达方式,如:(1) What places should I visit in Yunnan?You should visit Dali and Lijiang.(2) What should I take with me?You' d better take a camer a, a pair of sunglasses, a map and so on.(3) You shouldn ' t miss Xishuangbanna.2. Skill aims能够听懂征询和提出建议的对话;能够听准细节信息并完成表格;能够

3、征询和提出建议;能够在图画的帮助下理解阅读内容;能够运用本话题所学内容写出有关旅行计划的小短文3. Emotional aims能够积极与同学合作参与课堂活动,大胆实践;乐于和他人分享和交流。田.The key points and difficult points能够熟练应用征询别人意见和给予建议的表达方式IV. Learning strategies培养学生借助图片及问题猜测内容的能力。V. Teaching aids多媒体、录音机和黑板VI. Teaching proceduresStepInteracti on patternsStudent activityTeacher activ

4、ityIntroducti1.The wholeI.Focustheir1.Greetstudentson (6class work.attention on thenormally. Point out theminutes)teacher. Answerpictures in 2 on the screenthe questions :and help revise the2.The wholeS1: I would likeexpressions learned lastclass work.to visit.class.3.Pair work.S2: I would likeT: Su

5、mmer holidays areto take coming. Where would youS3: I want tolike to visit? What wouldvisit .you like to take? (老师让S4: I plan to学生分别用上节课所学的句visit.型回答)2.Read the sounds2.Show some sounds andandwordswords on the screen and lettogether;studentsreadtheme.g. yes, yell,together.my, lazy, sure,3.Give stude

6、nts some timevacation.to makeup short dialogs in3.Make up shortpairs according to 1a indialogs in pairsSection A and then chooseand share yoursome pairs to show theirdialogs.dialogs.PresentatiI.Individua1.Do 1a. Look at1.Point out the picturesonl work.the pictures andin 1a and the table in 1b.(15ans

7、wertheAskstudentssomeminutes)questions :questions.T:Where are theseThen play the tape and ask2.Individuaplacesofstudents to get the mainl erest?idea of the dialog: Where3.The wholeclass work.51: Yunnan.T: How is the weather there?52: The weather there is always fine all year round.Thestudent

8、slistento thetape and give the answer“YunnaH'.2.Readthepassage and point outthequestions : e.g. Can you tell.Theweatherthere.Whatplaceshould.? 怎么翻 译? Then learndoes Jane plan to go?2.Give students 2 mins to read the passage and give answers to the students ' questions. Then point out the key

9、 sentences in 1a on the screen: What places should.You should visit.What should .You' d better take.And lead students to guess the meanings of hometown and anytime . Then teach the usage of the verb sound.e.g. The music sounds nice.3. Play the tape again and let students read after the tape.thew

10、ordshometown, anytime and the usage of sound.3.Read after the tape again and pay attention to the intonation.Then read it in roles.Consolidation (8 minutes)I.Individual work.2.Pair workand individual work.1 .Do 1b. Fill in the blanks by yourselves; Then checktheanswers.2 .Do 1c. Make up new conversa

11、tions using the key sentencesinpairs; Then share your1 .Let students f川in theblanks by themselves.2 .Give students 2mins to work in pairs and make up new conversations about their hometown using the keysentences in1c;Choose some pairs to show theirconversationsandthen point out the key sentences on

12、the screen and let students try toconversationswith the wholeclass and try to recite the keysentences on thescreen.rememberthembythemselves.(同Presentation中的 2)Practice(10 minutes)I.Individua l work and pair work.2.Group work.1 .Do 2. Listen and check the things they want to take;Check the answers in

13、pairs;Finally, listen, follow and pay attention to the key sentences in the passage.2 .Do 3a. Discuss the questions in groups.1 .Point out the pictures in 2 on the screen. Play the tape and let students listen to the tape and check the things they want to take. Play the tape again, then let students

14、 try to follow the tape and pay attention to the key sentences in the dialog.2 .Point out the sentences in 3a, and let students work in groups and discuss the questions on the screen.Production(6minutes)Group work.Do3b. Try to fill in the blanks in groups and report the table to the class. Write a p

15、assage about the traveling plan.1 .Point out the table and let students fill in theblanks in groups; Choose some students to report the table in class.2 .Assign the homework: Review the words and useful expressions in the section;Write a passage about the summer holiday plan;Preview the words and 1a in Section C.Teaching reflection:本节课的重点是要求学生通过图片及表格猜测教学内容,继而学习教学内 容。通过这种方式,教会学生自己发现、自己试图解决问题,逐渐培养学生自 主学习的能力,使我们的英语教学不断渗透对学生学习能力的培养。8VU. Blackboard designTopic 2 The summer holidays are coming.Section B1. What places should I visit


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