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1、.FOCUS ON LIVING: Portraits of Americans with HIV and AIDSA Touring Photograph Text Exhibit ChrisComm ManagementPost Office Box 77, Lehman, PA 18627570-675-4933; 570-606-3808 - faxchriscom; "The “Focus on Living - Portrait of AIDS” exhibit was a very powerful and personable

2、 way to reach young people regarding AIDS and its impact on everyday human beings without actually lecturing them. This exhibit enabled the student to be the seeker of knowledge, rather than a passive recipient of it." - University of Minnesota, Student Health. Crookston, MN Dear Friend,Over 90

3、0,000 Americans are living with HIV. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.) One quarter of these Americans are unaware of their infection. An estimated 40,000 new HIV infections are reported each year in the United States. Of these newly infected, half are under 25 years of age. The new touri

4、ng photograph-text exhibit, FOCUS ON LIVING: Portraits of Americans with HIV and AIDS, showcases sixteen Americans living with HIV and AIDS. This exhibit offers a powerful HIV/AIDS education resource for communities.  Focus on Living is the work of acclaimed photographer/writer, Roslyn Banish,

5、author of four books exploring human issues by combining photographs and text. Focus on Living is based on the book, Focus on Living, (U. Mass Press) with introduction by Paul A. Volberding, M.D., Vice-Chair of the Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco. Young and old, gay,

6、straight from many geographic, economic, racial, and ethnic backgrounds Focus on Living subjects speak candidly about their lives, relationships, and how they have come to terms with the presence of this chronic and potentially deadly disease. What becomes clear in these interviews is that HIV is ev

7、erybody's diseaseit knows no boundaries. Focus on Living travels nationwide to middle/high schools (8-12,) colleges and universities, health and social welfare agencies, medical schools, public libraries, community centers, museums, conferences, hospitals, workplaces, and places of worship. Alli

8、ances of community organizations may also jointly sponsor the exhibition. The exhibit arrives in one sturdy trunk and is very easy to display. Each exhibit consists of approximately sixteen 16” x 20” framed photographs. One or more companion text panels - which include both adolescent and adult text

9、 versions - accompany each photograph. You may elect to use some or all of the exhibit elements (based on your available space.) The exhibit comes with detailed instructions. We also send you promotional materials to promote your exhibition. Focus on Living needs to be booked well in advance. Please

10、 review the enclosed materials. Feel free to call (570-675-4933), or email us at chriscom with any questions or to schedule the exhibit. We look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely,Christopher MillerFOCUS ON LIVING: Portraits of Americans with HIV and AIDSA Touring Photograph Text Exhibit ChrisCom

11、m ManagementPost Office Box 77, Lehman, PA 18627570-675-4933; 570-606-3808 - faxchriscom; Exhibition Rental Information· Non-Profit Organizations:· Churches:· Schools K-12:· Libraries: Conference rental (up to 1 week) 600.002 week exhibition rental1,000

12、.00 4 week exhibition rental1,500.00 8 week exhibition rental2,500.00 · Colleges and Universities:Conference rental (up to 1 week) 600.002 week exhibition rental1,200.00 4 week exhibition rental1,800.00 8 week exhibition rental3,000.00 · Corporations - For Profit:Conference rental (up to 1

13、 week) 600.002 week exhibition rental2,500.00 4 week exhibition rental4,000.00 Longer exhibit term: Fee negotiated at booking. To Reserve your Exhibition:A non-refundable reservation deposit of 50% of the exhibit rental fee is required along with the signed contract. Receipt of your deposit wil

14、l ensure your reservation. The rental fee balance is due upon exhibit arrival. The only other charge is shipping each way (if coming from our warehouse) or, if coming to you from another exhibitor, one way (shipping the exhibit from your facility to the next exhibit site.)Special Note: Due to demand

15、, exhibits need to be reserved well in advance of desired showing date.  Please make checks payable to: "ChrisComm." FOCUS ON LIVING: Portraits of Americans with HIV and AIDSA Touring Photograph Text Exhibit ChrisComm ManagementPost Office Box 77, Lehman, PA 18627570-675-4933; 57

16、0-606-3808 - faxchriscom; Praise for Focus on Living, the exhibit, and the book: "An inspiring and educational book. . . Banish's portraits rivet and resonate. In the tradition of Dorothea Lange and James Agee, Focus on Living documents social and psychological phenome

17、na in a way that makes readers look at what they otherwise might avoidand in the looking, see with fresh eyes." - From Jeanne Braham, co-author of Starry, Starry Night: Provincetown's Response to the AIDS Epidemic"As a community, we learned so much from having the exhibit here. Each ph

18、oto and caption so clearly showed a "Focus on Living"-that an HIV positive diagnosis doesn't mean that life is over. It was great for students and teachers alike to receive this message-to see people who are living with (and not dying of) HIV/AIDS-so that we can overcome the stigma tha

19、t so often accompanies this positive test result. One Seventh Grade student "learned that you can move on even though something so terrible has happened to you. You shouldn't be stuck in a rut and say, 'Oh well, it's over; I should just wait for the end to come.' Instead of that

20、, you should use your knowledge and experience to inspire others to do good. You should live in the present, because if you live too far in the future, you don't happen.' " Kent Place Middle School, Summit, NJ“Focus on Living accomplishes mightily what it sets out to do: Re-empower the

21、icon of the individual in the face of an epidemic too often symbolized by the anonymity and sterility of statistics.” From AIDS Health Project, University of California, San FranciscoBanish's unadorned portraits, often shot at her subjects' homes, are subtle and dignified, and the narratives

22、 have a lucid strength, even in despair. Banish takes care to include people from all walks of life, fostering an expanded sense of community and further breaking the silence and statistics that surround people living with HIV and AIDS. " - From Publishers Weekly" Photographer and intervie

23、wer Banish successfully reveals the diversity of HIV's victims: they are of all races, ages, sexual orientations, and social classes, and they live in cities, towns, and rural areas. . Banish's photographs serve primarily as illustrations to the text and wisely try not to detract from the in

24、dividuals' stories." - From Library JournalAbout the exhibit creator, photographer Roslyn Banish:Roslyn Banish's photography has been exhibited in the United States and England.  She is the author of four books exploring human issues by combining photographs and text.  Ms. Ban

25、ish studied photography under Aaron Siskind and Arthur Siegel at the Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, where she received a Master's degree in Photography.  FOCUS ON LIVING: Portraits of Americans with HIV and AIDSA Touring Photograph Text Exhibit ChrisComm Man

26、agementPost Office Box 77, Lehman, PA 18627570-675-4933; 570-606-3808 - faxchriscom; EXHIBITION CONTRACTThe undersigned sponsoring group or individual, takes responsibility for Focus on Living exhibit while it is on exhibit at: _ from the dates _ to_. I/we agree to pay the exhi

27、bit rental fee in the amount of $_. I/we may also pay the cost of shipping of exhibit to my facility if arriving from ChrisComm warehouse. I/we will directly pay the cost of shipping exhibit to the next site via Fedex or UPS 3 Day Guaranteed (according to specific instructions.) I/we agree to pay a

28、50% deposit of the exhibit rental fee in the amount of $, and to return this signed contract to secure my/our exhibit reservation. I/we also understand that the 50% balance of the deposit in the amount of $_ is due prior to exhibit arrival. The deposit and balance due are payable to ChrisComm Manage

29、ment and mailed to the address at the top of this contract.If I/we cancel my/our booking in the two months prior to the exhibit showing, this deposit will be non-refundable, although ChrisComm Management will credit this deposit for a different time period. If I/we cancel in the last month prior to

30、exhibit showing, the deposit will be non-refundable, unless ChrisComm Management can re-book the exhibit during my/our booking period. I/we agree to take an initial inventory upon the exhibit arrival and to notify ChrisComm of any missing or damaged photos or text. If there is any damage to the exhi

31、bit, or if any photos or text panels are lost while in my/our physical possession, I/we will be responsible for repair and/or replacement costs. The replacement cost for each framed photograph is $150.00 and $20.00 for each text panel. I/We will not be held responsible for any damage to the exhibit

32、that occurred while in transit from the prior exhibitor or at any time prior to the exhibits arrival to my/our site.I/we understand that prior to the end of my exhibit period, I/we will be notified of where the exhibit should be sent next. I/we agree to ship the exhibit to the next site on the next

33、business day after the exhibit is disassembled (unless there are other instructions given,) insuring it for 2000.00, via FedEx or UPS 3 day guaranteed. If I/we ship the exhibit to the next site after the agreed upon shipping date because of my/our oversight, requiring extra cost in order to arrive o

34、n time at the next site, I/we will pay the difference in the cost. Focus on Living Exhibition Contract, pg. 2I/we agree to provide ChrisComm, via email or phone, the FedEx or UPS tracking number after the exhibit has been shipped to the next site. I/we understand that if I/we ship the exhibit to the

35、 next site after the agreed upon shipping date because of my/our oversight, requiring extra cost in order for exhibit to arrive on time to the next site, I/we will pay the difference in cost.I/we hereby agree, warrant, and represent that I/we will indemnify and hold ChrisComm. harmless against any a

36、nd all legal claims and any claims infringing the rights of any individual or individuals, or corporation, or entity, or any third party or parties arising out of my/our performance under this contract. An authorized representative of the sponsoring organization must sign this contract.Sponsoring Or

37、ganization:_Representative Signature:_Title:Date:* SHIPPING INFORMATION to ensure proper exhibit delivery, please print clearly:Shipping contract person:Phone:E-mail address:Address exhibit is to be shipped to (cannot be a PO Box) include room/floor/suite, and person responsible to receive the exhib

38、it, if any._*Note: Please specify specific shipping address youd like exhibit shipped to! For Accounts Payable: ChrisComm FOCUS ON LIVING: Portraits of Americans with HIV and AIDSA Touring Photograph Text Exhibit ChrisComm ManagementPost Office Box 77, Lehman, PA 18627570-675-4933; 570-606-3808 - fa

39、xchriscom; Excerpts from Focus on Living: "Dillon came into my life as a foster baby born with HIV. Within the first five minutes I knew I could love this kid for the rest of my life. I had fallen in love with him. Because he had tested positive for HIV antibodies, I broug

40、ht him to the HIV Clinic at Children's Hospital in Oakland, California. His doctor there did not think Dillon was going to survive his first year. One month after bringing him home, he was started on AZT and began monthly infusions to beef up his immune system. He has been on medications ever si

41、nce and we go to a monthly support group at Children's. He has been pretty a-symptomatic.Last year we moved up to the Russian River from Oakland. We fell into an incredibly supportive community where a lot of the guys have HIV. We spent all summer on the beach together, watching Dill play in the

42、 river, talking about viral loads and T cell counts and new medications. At Dillon's various schools, I had to do the educating. I'd sit in front of a staff meeting and talk about my son and why he's not dangerous to the other students in the school. Once they understood Dillon's sit

43、uation, there have been several teachers who go out of their way and make sure they catch his eye and smile and say, Hi. From Dill's perspective he knows he has HIV. I think he understands it's a virus and that the virus can kill people. His birth mother who had HIV died when he was five. He

44、 knew her pretty well. He knows that he has to eat well to keep his body strong so that it can keep fighting the virus. My world is pretty insulated. A lot of the people in it are either living with HIV or understand it. And Dillon can easily float wherever I go and be loved. Most of my world center

45、s on providing Dillon with a really good life. That's my main focus, keeping the world safe for Dill." - Deborah, mother of DillonCopyright, 2002, Roslyn Banish.  All rights reserved. *Excerpts from UMass Press book catalog website, 2003.Paper - ISBN 1-55849-395-6; jacketed cloth ISBN

46、1-55849-394-8FOCUS ON LIVING: Portraits of Americans with HIV and AIDSA Touring Photograph Text Exhibit ChrisComm ManagementPost Office Box 77, Lehman, PA 18627570-675-4933; 570-606-3808 - faxchriscom; Excerpts from Focus on Living:"How I got AIDS remains a mystery. It must have been from a boyfriend that pre-dates my marriage. When I look back on what happened to me, it was just ignorance, thinking that someone like me couldn't get this disease. "A nice, white middle class girl can't get HIV." But even if you


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