1、牛津 5AM1Unit1CanIdothis?教案module 1 getting to know you unit 1 can i do this? content (含课时)look and learn & say and act (p2)the first periodaimsbasic aims1. using the introductory 'there' to express facts. 2. using imperatives to give instructions?. using imperatives to express prohibition
2、s4. using nouns to identify objectso developing aims 能辨别和 表达交通灯的颜色和指示。education aims教育学生要遵守交通规则, 注意安全。language focusl. words and phrases.2. know the traffic light for both pedestrians and driversteaching aidspictures, cards, tape procedures step teachers' activity students' activity purposep
3、re-task preparationl. warming up.2. sing a song: rainbow3. ask questions:how are you? what day is it today? what' s the weather like? what colour is/are ?what can you see in the classroom?4. introduce: lightl. warming up.2. sing a song: rainbow3. answer questions: i' m fine.it' s it'
4、 s it' s/they' rei can see a books.i can see four lights.- -4. repeat: light创设英语学习氛围。通过师生对话引入单词 light,并自然过渡到新授内容。while-task procedurel. introduce: traffic i来源网络整理,仅供供参考light in the street/ on the road(1) show the picture of the traffic light.t:this is the traffic light.(2) write: traffic lig
5、ht(3) t: where can you see the traffic light?2. introduce: stop! wait! go!(1) change the traffic light' s colour. t: what colour is the traffic light?can we go?(2) write: the traffic light' s red. stop!the traffic light' s yellow. wait!the traffic light' s green. go!(3) play a game:
6、if we' re drivers.teacher says the sentences.t: the traffic light' s red.- -3. introduce: cross! don' t cross!(1) show the traffic light for pedestrians.t: now we' re pedestrians. look at the traffic light for pedestrians.t: what' s in this traffic light?t: yes. can we go? t: goo
7、d! we can' t cross the road. it's dangerous.(2) write: don t cross!(3) show the green man and let students say ' cross by themselves. (4) play a game: if we' re drivers. ask students work in groups of four.4. say and act.(1) play the cassette: in the street.(2) act students to act ou
8、t the dialogue. 1. learn: traffic light 共 9 页,当前第 1 页 123456789in the street/ on the road(1) look and listen.(2) repeat: traffic light(3) s1: in the street. s2: on the road.2. learn: stop! wait! go!(1) look and answer.if s red.it' s yellow.it' s green.yes./no.(2) repeat:the traffic light'
9、;s red. stop!the traffic light's yellow. wait!the traffic light' s green. go!(3) play a game.students response and do the actions.ss: stop!(do the actions)。3. introduce:cross! don't cross!(1) look and try to answer.sl: there s the red man.sl: no.(2) repeat: don't cross!(3) look at th
10、e traffic light and say: there's the green man. cross!(4) play a game: if we' re drivers. students work in groups of four. one says the sentences. the others do the actions.4. say and act.(1) students listen and repeat.(2) work in pairs. act out the dialogue创设直观情景,激发学生兴趣。并用启发式教学,培养学生 主动探究的能力
11、。通过游戏,一方面调动学生的学习积极性,另一方 面巩固已学知识,强化学生的记忆。通过角色扮演表演对话,让学生体会生活,学会用英语表达交通灯的指示。post-task activity1. askstudents to read the words and sentences.2. quick response.teacher says the sentences.3. education.t: we must obey the traffic rules, so we can cross the road safely. 1. read the words and sentences toge
12、ther.2. quick response.students response and do the actions.3. listen and remember. 适时进行交通安全教育。板书设计unit 1 can i do this? in thestreet/ on the road stop! traffic light wait! go!don' t cross!cross!content (含课时)100k and say & ask and answer (p3)共 9 页,当前第 2 页 123456789the second periodaimsbasic
13、aimsl. using modals to ask for permission.2. using formulaic expressions to reply to requests.developing aims能用 can i / we?征求 别人的 意见。education aims教育学生要尊重父母。language focususing' can i /we ?' to ask for permissionteaching aidsthe traffic light, a picture of dinner time, tape procedures step t
14、eachers' activity students ' activity purposepre-task preparations sing a song.2. quick response.t: there s the red man.3. revision: can i/we ?show a pedestrian traffic light on the board. point to the red man and ask: can you cross the road?then point to the green man and ask: can you cross
15、 the road?can i cross the road?can we cross the road?write the sentences on the board.1. sing a song.2. quick response.ss: do" t cross the road.- - 3. revision: can i/we - ?look, listen and answer:no, we cad t.yes, we can.yes, you can.no, you cant.yes, we can./no we can' t.repeat the senten
16、ces.培养学生的听说能力。复习已 学知识,为新授做铺垫。while-task procedure1. introduce: go out(1) tpretends forgetting something out of the door. say: can i go out ? then take something and knock the door, say: may i come in?(2) write' come in' and 'go out' on the board(3) ask: can i go out? tell students th
17、at we also can say: may i go out?2. introduce: dinner time(1) show the picture t: who's she? what is she doing?look, children. dinner is ready. it's dinner time.(2) write: dinner time(3) development: school time class time lunch time 3. look and say(1) play the cassette. let students listen
18、and answer.can ben go out? why?can kitty and ben watch television?can ben have some sweets? why?can kitty have some juice?(2) play the recording again.(3) ask students work in groups of three.(4) select groups to read and act out the dialogue.1. learn: go out(1) look and listen. try to know the mean
19、ing.(2) repeat: come in/go out(3) s1: yes, you can./ no, you can' t.2. learn: dinner time(1) look and answer.s1: she' s grandma. she' s cooking dinner.(2) repeat: dinner time(3) try to remember: school time class time lunch time 3. look and say(1) listen and answer questions.no, he can
20、39; t.because it' s raining.yes, they can.no, he can t.because if s dinner time.yes, she can.9 页,当前第 3页 123456789 students follow in their books.(3) students practice the dialogue in groups(4) act out the dialogue通过实际动作创设情景,自然地引入新 课,并通过对比,让学生直观理解go out与come in的意思。联系生活实际,拓展学生的知识。让学生带着问题去听课文,使学生明确
21、听 的目的,培养学生良好听的习惯,又能培养学生的口语能力,体现听 说领先的教学原则。post-task activityl. give the students time toprepare: ask and answer. encourage the more able students to pay attention to picture 1 and picture 4.2. invite groups of students to act in front of the class.3. ask students to do exercises.4. check their answe
22、r.1. prepare: ask and answer.2. act in front of the class3. do exercises:workbook pagegrammar practice book page 24. check answer. 放手让学生自己操练,培养学生主动实践的能力。板书设计lookand say at homego out come indinner timecan i / we ?yes, you can. no you can't.content (含课时)100k and read & point andsay (p4)the th
23、ird periodaimsbasic aimsl. using imperatives to express prohibitions.2. using the present continuous tense to describe an action taking place at the time of speaking 3. using 'wh- ' questions to find out various kinds of specific information about an object 4. using imperatives to give instr
24、uctions.5. using the simple present tense to express simple truths.developing aims能看懂并用英语表达些地铁等 地方常见的标志。education aims教育学生在公共场合要遵守规则。language focus现在进行时与祈使句中动词的不同形式。teachingaidssigns, tape, slides procedures stepteachers' activitystudents' activity purposepre-task preparations sing a song: 2
25、. daily talk.t: there' s the red man. the traffic light' s red. it' s raining. can i go out?3. revision.show the signs and ask students to say the meaning.共 9 页,当前第 4 页 1234567891. sing a song: 2. daily talk.s1: don' t cross the road.s2: stop!s3: no, you can t. 3. revision.100k at th
26、e signs and say the meaning.eg.doH t leave rubbish.营造英语学习氛围。 从复习自然过渡到新课,新旧知识紧密联系。while-task proceduresintroduce: underground station(1) show the sign and ask: what does this sign mean?to elicit: underground station(2) write: underground stationthis is the underground station.2. introduce: don' t
27、 smoke.don' t eat or drink.go out this way.exit.(1) t: what signs can you see on the underground?(2) ask students to say.(3) stick the signs on the board and write the sentences.don' t smoke.=no smoking.don't eat or drink.go out this way.(4) ask students to read the sentences together.3.
28、 introduce:which sign means - ?this one.(1) point to the signs on the board and ask: which sign means ' don' t eat or drink ' ? let students point and say: this one.(2) write: which sign means ' don' t eat or drink' ? this one.(3) ask students to work in pairs.4. look and rea
29、d(1) show the slides and ask.slide 1:who are they?where are they going?slide 2:what are they doing?write: wait for ask students to make some phrases. slide 3:where are they?are they eating or drinking? why?are they smoking? why?(2) play the cassette.(3) ask students to read the text.(4) ask students
30、 to look at the slide and retell the text.1. learn: underground station(1) look and listen.(2) repeat: underground stationthis is the underground station.2. learn: don't smoke.don't eat or drink.go out this way.exit. (1) students discuss in groups of four.(2) say the signs. if they can'
31、t say in english. they can say in Chinese. s1: don' t eat.s2: don' t drink.(3) look and follow the teacher.(4) read the sentences together.3. learn:which sign means ?this one.(1) look, point and say: this one.(2) repeat: which-sign- mean-which sign means ' don' t eat or drink' ?
32、this one.(3) work in pairs:s1: which sign means ' don' t eat or drink' ?s2: this one. (point and say)4. look and read(1) look at the slides and answer.slide 1:they/ re mrs. wang and alice. they re going to zhong shan park underground station.slide 2:they' re waiting for the train.rep
33、eat it.wait for the buswait for the carwait for my motherwait for meslide 3:they' re on the train.共 9 页,当前第 5 页 123456789don' t eat or drink.no, they aren' t. don ' t smoke. no smoking.(2) students follow in their books.(3) students read the text.(4) retell the text.利用图片教 underground
34、直观性强。小组讨论标志,激发学生的探究意识,培养 主动合作的能力。对子活动,增加了学生的操练面。用各种句型提问, 帮助学生理解课文意思。make some phrases使学生做到学以致用。培养学生复述课文的能力。post-task activity1. ask students to read thenew words and sentences.2. ask students to obey the rules in public.3. ask students to draw the signs.1. read.2. listen and remember.3. draw the sig
35、ns and say the meaning抓住教学契机,适时进行教育。板书设 计 look and say on the undergroundthis is theunderground station.don' t smoke.=no smoking. don't eat or drink. exit go out this way.which sign means 'don' t eat or drink?this one.wait for content (含课时)look and read &point and say (p5)the fou
36、rth periodaimsbasic aims1. using imperatives to express prohibitions2. using formulaic expressions to express apologiesdeveloping aims能理解并用英语表达学校里的一些标志。education aims教育学生要遵守学校规章制度,注意行为规范。language focususe imperatives to express prohibitions.teaching aidsword cards, signs, drawing paper, crayons proc
37、edures step teachers' activity students ' activity purposepre-task preparations sing a song.2. daily talk.3. revision.(1) read the words and phrases. (2) stick the signs on the board. ask students to work in pairs.(3) ask students to say the rules on the farm.4. presentation.divide students
38、into group. ask them to discuss the rules at school.1. sing a song.2. daily talk.3. revision.。)read the words and phrases. pay attention to the pronunciation.(2) work in pairs.s1: which sign means.?s2:this one.(3) say the rules on the farm.don, t throw stones.don ' t leave rubbish.don' t pic
39、k the flowers.don ' t climb the trees. 4. discuss the rules at school. 共9页,当前第6页123456789复习前面所学的内容,并用讨论法引 入新课,让学生在合作互动中提高口语能力。while-task roduce: don't make a noise!(1) show the sign and ask: what does this sign mean?to elicit: don't make a noise!(2) write: don't make a
40、noise!2. look and read(1) play the cassette.ask:what's eddie doing?can he run?what are they doing? are they right?is peter playing football?what iskitty doing? can she open the window? why?(2) play the cassette again.(3) ask students to act out the dialogue.(4) ask: what do the children say afte
41、r they do the wrong action?t: if you say or do the wrong, please say 'sorry'.3. ask students to look at the signs in read and write. ask them to match the signs with the pictures.4. divide students into groups. ask them to refer to the pictures in read and write and practice acting a story s
42、imilar to the one in say and act.1. learn: don't make a noise!(1) look and listen.(2) repeat: don't make a noise!2. look and read(1) listen.answer:he' s running.no, he can' t.they' re making a noise.no, they aren' t.no, he' s leaving rubbish.she' s opening the window.
43、no, she can' t.she' s young. it' s dangerous.(2) students follow in their books.(3) act out the dialogue.(4) answer: i'm sorry / we're sorry.3. match the signs with the pictures.4. work in groups.听课文录音后回答问题,培养学生的听力和口头表达能力。联系课文内容适时渗透德育,培养学生良好的习惯。在小组活动中培养学生语言的运用 拓展能力。 post-task act
44、ivity1. divide the students into groups. ask them to choose a place at school, e.g. a library, a garden, etc. then discuss and draw the signs. encourage the more able students to write a sentence tomatch with each sign. 2. ask students to do exercises.1. work in groups. discuss, design and make the
45、signs. 2. do exercises:work book page2.grammar practice book page 3.标志设计活动, 能充分调动学生 的主观能动性,培养学生的创新思维和动手能力。板书设计sayand act at school don' t make a noise!i'm sorry. / we' re sorry. 共9页,当前第7页123456789content (含课时)revisionthe fifth periodaimsbasic aims 1. words and expressions: cross, go out,
46、 traffic light .2. sentence pattern:祈使句:stop! / don ' t ! 情态动词:can (表示允许) 特殊 问句: which sign means?现在进行时句的构成。developingaims1.使学生能掌握祈使句的肯、否定句;2.使学生掌握有情态动 词can构成的肯、否定句和一般疑问句及回答;3.使学生掌握现在进行时句的表达;4.会用which sign means雁问与回答。education aims教育学生遵守交通规则及各个公共场所的规章制度。languagefocus1.单词和词组的理解与运用;2.各种句型的转换;3.能 认
47、识 本单元所学的 标志;teaching aidsword cards, signs, small blackboard procedures step teachers ' activity students'activity purposepre-task preparation1. warming up.2.daily talk.teacher asks some questions.1. warming up.2. daily talk.students answer the questions.听听、说说,培养学生的表达能力。 while-task procedure
48、s words and phrases.(1) show the cards.(2) ask students to translate the phrases交通信号灯红/绿/黄灯人行道红/绿 灯穿过马路出去发出声音地铁车站等待扔垃圾晚餐时间(3) have adictation. cross, stop, go out, mean, or,. road, which, sign, station, underground, wait for drink, make a noise, out rubbish, smoke, traffic light, wait, way 2. sentence pattern. (1)祈使句 a. 含义:用来表示命令、请求、建议等意思;祈使句的主要成分是动词, 有时一个单词也能成为一句句子,例如: stop!b.祈使句的否定形式在动词前加上don' t,例如:don't go out. c.改成否定句 ben, cross the road. please go out. stop. d. show the signs.各种标志者B是祈使句 )(2) stick the signs on the b
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