1、Samsung010620BJ-HaierWhite Goods Competitor Assessment Haier Samsung Electronics China (SEC China)August, 2001CONFIDENTIALThis report is solely for the use of client personnel. No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the client organization without prior writt
2、en approval from McKinsey & Company. This material was used by McKinsey & Company during an oral presentation; it is not a complete record of the discussion.Samsung010620BJ-Haier1CONTENTS 1. Background informationLocationStarting yearIPO date Number of employeesBrand valueMarket shareSales r
3、evenue Equity structureEra analysis4. Value chain strategy5. Organization and ownership6. Financial performanceFocus onMarketing, advertising and promotionDistribution (channel and sales force)Organization structureSales Profit 2. Strategy 3. Product/market Corporate strategyKey product offeringsMar
4、ket position Key customersValue propositionGeographic focusPricingSamsung010620BJ-Haier2CONTENTS 1. Background informationLocationStarting yearIPO date Number of employeesBrand valueMarket shareSales revenue Equity structureEra analysis4. Value chain strategy5. Organization and ownership6. Financial
5、 performanceFocus onMarketing, advertising and promotionDistribution (channel and sales force)Organization structureSales Profit 2. Strategy 3. Product/market Corporate strategyKey product offeringsMarket position Key customersValue propositionGeographic focusPricingSamsung010620BJ-Haier3BACKGROUND
6、INFORMATION Source: Annual report; analyst reports; web site; Yuegang Information Daily Location: QingdaoStarting year: 1984IPO date: Listed refrigerator business in November, 1993Brand value (2000): RMB 30 billionMarket share: Refrigerator: 31%; Washing machine: 29%; Air Conditioner: 20%; Microwave
7、: 2%Number of employees: 30,000Equity structure:Key shareholdersPercentageHaier GroupHaier Electronic International Co,. Ltd 31.44%17.93%Sales Revenue (2000): RMB 40.6 billionSamsung010620BJ-Haier4HAIERs DEVELOPMENT WENT THROUGH THREE STAGESSource: Haiers website, literature searchBrandingDiversific
8、ation and expansionGlobalization1984 - 19911992 - 19981998 - Key initiativeBuilt a strong brand name in refrigerators through a well deve-loped TQC systemDiversified the product portfolio to avoid having all the com-panys eggs in one basket through mer-gers and acquisitionsTo build an international
9、brand name Aspires to become fortune 500Key resultsWon the first prize in the most favorite light industry products refrigerators” 5 years in a rowWon the state prize for quality managementPresented with the customer satisfaction cup by Chinas customer satisfaction movement congressAcquired 14 enter
10、prises under the eating dormant fish strategy. Successfully turned these businesses around by leveraging Haiers brand and introducing Haiers OEC managementExpanded product portfolio from 1 product to over 9,000 products in 42 categoriesSold products to over 160 countries and regions and established
11、more than 38,000 sales outlets across the worldSamsung010620BJ-Haier5Haiers brand value in 2000: RMB 30 billionHAIERs BRAND BECAME TREMENDOUS INTANGIBLE ASSETSource: Literature search, web siteExamples of Haiers successful investment with its brandAcquired Qingdao Red Star Electronic Company and cha
12、nged its washing machines brand into Haier. With the help of OEC management, quickly turned the company into a profitable business. Haier became the No. 1 brand for washing machine the next year and enjoyed the highest market shareAcquired controlling shares of Shunde Washing Machine Factory with Ha
13、ier brand and quickly turned around the businessTook controlling shares of Hangzhou Haier Electronic Company with Haier brand and developed Haier series of color TVSamsung010620BJ-Haier6 Source: WebsiteKitchen appliances RefrigeratorFreezerMicrowaveGas range Small appliances Electric ironVacuum clea
14、ner Ventilating appliancesAir conditionerRange hoodAir purifier Cleaning appliancesWashing machineElectric water heater HAIER OFFERS BROAD RANGE OF PRODUCTS Haiers key product offerings Mobile handset Telecommunications Brown goods Color TVVCDTelephonePCPDA ITSamsung010620BJ-Haier7HAIER HAS SUCCESSF
15、ULLY EXPANDED INTO GLOBAL MARKETSource: Annual reportDevelop global distribution network62 distributors and around 38,000 outlets across the worldSet up production facilities overseasSet up plants in Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, East Europe, US1999 exportsRefrigerator: 568,000 unitsAir conditio
16、ner: 200,000 unitsWashing machine: 190,000 unitsRefrigerator market share in US (2000) 124 L: 30.1%183 - 266L: 35.88%Samsung010620BJ-Haier8CONTENTS 1. Background informationLocationStarting yearIPO date Number of employeesBrand valueMarket shareSales revenue Equity structureEra analysis4. Value chai
17、n strategy5. Organization and ownership6. Financial performanceFocus onMarketing, advertising and promotionDistribution (channel and sales force)Organization structureSales Profit 2. Strategy 3. Product/market Corporate strategyKey product offeringsMarket position Key customersValue propositionGeogr
18、aphic focusPricingSamsung010620BJ-Haier9HAIERs STRATEGIC FOCUS IN 2001 Source: Haiers annual report Value war instead of price warFocus on improving technical contents in products Produce individualized productsGlobal competitive advantageArrange all business processes around order flow Build compet
19、itive advantage in quality, cost and lead time through OEC management Product development Develop products that are tailored for different countries and regions Improve technology in large capacity refrigerators and network refrigerators Improve production capability for special refrigerators Human
20、resource Provide rigorous trainings to employees and develop them into industry experts and management experts ServiceBuild extensive and exclusive service network to ensure strong reputation of being a service leaderSamsung010620BJ-Haier10CONTENTS 1. Background informationLocationStarting yearIPO d
21、ate Number of employeesBrand valueMarket shareSales revenue Equity structureEra analysis4. Value chain strategy5. Organization and ownership6. Financial performanceFocus onMarketing, advertising and promotionDistribution (channel and sales force)Organization structureSales Profit 2. Strategy 3. Prod
22、uct/market Corporate strategyKey product offeringsMarket position Key customersValue propositionGeographic focusPricingSamsung010620BJ-Haier11HAIERSs KEY WHITE GOODS OFFERING Source: Literature searchWhite goods Wide range of typesSide-by-side Refrigerator Washing machine Air conditioner Microwave P
23、roduct type Double chamberDrum Pulsator WindowSplit Packaged Central airGrill and non-grillMechanic and electronicSamsung010620BJ-Haier12HAIER WHITE GOODS MARKET SHARE, 2000 Refrigerator Washing machine Air conditioner Percent Source: LIICMicrowave3129210.2Samsung010620BJ-Haier13* Rongsheng and Kelo
24、n combined Source: SINO-MR, GfK, LIIC100%=1998Others 1999200037.432.435.75.728.030.912.38.610.08.826.1Samsung Electrolux Meiling Kelon*Haier Siemens Haier and Kelon are the leading players. However, their market shares are decreasing Although latecomers to the market, El
25、ectrolux and Siemens are quickly building up their positions by focusing on mid-to high-end and high-end markets Compared to other MNC players, Samsungs growth in the market is rather slow Millions units, percent Refrigerator market share of major players in major cities4.5-6.215.6270.7101.23.9-6.9-
26、5.0CAGR(98-00)PercentSamsungHaier/Kelon/Meiling Siemens/Electrolux0.7HAIER IS A LEADING PLAYER IN MOST OF WHITE GOODS MARKETSREFRIGERATOR EXAMPLESamsung010620BJ-Haier14* Kelon and Rongsheng combined Source: SINO-MR, GfK, LIIC100%=North China Others Samsung Electrolux Meiling Kelon*Haier Sie
27、mens Electrolux and Siemens are doing particularly well in Southwest Apart from Southwest, MNC players are doing better in east China and South China, relatively more affluent areas Samsung is relatively strong in East China and South China North East East China Central South South West Nor
28、th West market share in major cities by geography, 2000Million units, percentSamsungHaier/Kelon/Meiling Siemens/ElectroluxHAIER HA
30、48.10.312.5Rongsheng*0Refrigerator market share in major cities by price band, 2000Million units, percentElectroluxKelon/RongshengSiemensSamsungHAIERS PRODUCTS COVER ALMOST ALL PRICE SEGMENTSREFRIGERATOR EXAMPLESamsung010620BJ-Haier16* Another Kelons brand Source: SINO-MR, GfK, LIIC100%= 10
31、0LOthers Samsung Electrolux Meiling Kelon*Haier Siemens is leading in most markets Electrolux and Siemens have strong position in mid-to-large capacity markets Samsung is very strong in small capacity ( 300L2.60.03Rongsheng* 40.47.8051.213.401.49.602.821.424.87.76
32、. market share in major cities by product type, 2000SamsungHaier/Rongsheng/Kelon Siemens/ElectroluxHAIERS PRODUCTS COVER BROAD RANGE OF TYPESREFRI
33、GERATOR EXAMPLESamsung010620BJ-Haier17CONTENTS 1. Background informationLocationStarting yearIPO date Number of employeesBrand valueMarket shareSales revenue Equity structureEra analysis4. Value chain strategy5. Organization and ownership6. Financial performanceFocus onMarketing, advertising and pro
34、motionDistribution (channel and sales force)Organization structureSales Profit 2. Strategy 3. Product/market Corporate strategyKey product offeringsMarket position Key customersValue propositionGeographic focusPricingSamsung010620BJ-Haier18APART FROM STRONG BRAND, HAIERS KEY STRENGTHS LIE IN STRONG
35、ATTENTION TO R&D, SUCCESSFUL SUPPLY CHAIN AND LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT, WIDE DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS AND QUALITY AFTER-SALES SERVICES Key strengths R&DLeading technologies in high efficiency, inverter, energy-saving, environmental protection, etc. Strong R&D resource (R&D spending accounts
36、 for 45% of revenue)Quick commercialization of new technologies (75% commercialization rate)Product design reflecting individualization Founded Haier Central Institute of Research with partners from US, Japan, Germany, etc. Set up 48 R&D entities world wide Set up new product experiment center i
37、n each key business unit Build technology alliance with 15 research institutes including Philips, C-Mold and Netscreen Recent development Logistics Sophisticated supply chain management and highly efficient logistics management Launched “I design my own refrigerator marketing strategy Built ERP, BPP
38、 and CRM systems Built Chinas largest and most advanced logistics center in Qingdao Sales and marketing Strong brand recognition Invested RMB 0.5 billion in A&P Distribution Highly efficient distribution network (42 distribution centers, and over 9,000 sales outlets)Improved delivery time to 8 h
39、ours in hub cities, 24 hours in surrounding areas, 4 days anywhere in the country After-sales service Strong reputation in offering excellent after-sales service Continue promote the concept customers are always rightSamsung010620BJ-Haier19HAIER LOGISTICS HAS GAINED RICH EXPERIENCE IN SOPHISTICATED
40、SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Source: Literature researchOptimized supply chain managementHaiers operating objectiveZero inventoryZero distanceZero working capitalHaier logistics management model: “one-flow and three-net”One flow: order information flowThree netGlobal supplier resource networkGlobal custo
41、mer resource networkIT networkCurrent capabilitiesHaiers order flow6,000 orders/month15,000 sourcing partsSupplier base978 supplier (58% lower than before)20% international suppliers include GE, Emmerson, etc.Internet usage 100% purchasing orders online20% online paymentPurchasing lead time 3 days c
42、omparing with 10 days beforeSamsung010620BJ-Haier20HAIERs DISTRIBUTION CENTER HAS A LARGE GEOGRAPHY COVERAGE IN CHINAHaiers distribution networkHaier logistics center (Qingdao)42 distribu-tion centers1,550 specialty stores and 9,000 sales outletsDistribution network in ChinaInternational presence: D
43、G for air-con related products at Hamburger Harbor, Germany, partnering with HHLAShanghaiBeijingWith established network, Haier has promised a competitive time of delivery8 hours within core cities24 hours in adjacent areas of core cities4 days for nationwide distributionTransportation equipment: ov
44、er 10,000 trucks in China Haiers facilitiesSamsung010620BJ-Haier21HAIER HAS A DISTINCTIVE DISTRIBUTION APPROACH WHICH IS HEAVILY FOCUSING ON DIRECT RETAIL SALES FOR BASE AND HUB CITIES. Source: Field interview; McKinsey analysisSpecialty shoresFirst tier citySecond tier cityThird tier cityHaier shop
45、-in-shopsRetailers in first tier cities Retailers in some large second tier cities Specialty store Haier shop in shops Retailers in second tier cities Specialty store Haier shop in shops Retailers in third tier cities Specialty storesHaier A/C sales Co.Haier sales branches in small second tier citie
46、sWholesales in some third tier citiesHaier sales center in first tier citiesHaier sales center in some large second tier citiesHaier sales centers in first and second tier citiesHaier sales branches in big third tier citiesEast regionNorth regionWest regionSouth regionSamsung010620BJ-Haier22CONTENTS
47、 1. Background informationLocationStarting yearIPO date Number of employeesBrand valueMarket shareSales revenue Equity structureEra analysis4. Value chain strategy5. Organization and ownership6. Financial performanceFocus onMarketing, advertising and promotionDistribution (channel and sales force)Or
48、ganization structureSales Profit 2. Strategy 3. Product/market Corporate strategyKey product offeringsMarket position Key customersValue propositionGeographic focusPricingSamsung010620BJ-Haier23HAIERS ORGANIZATION STRUCTUREBODCEOPresidentExecutive VPVPVPPromotionProductFunctionOver-seas Prom-otionBu
49、si-NessFlowProm-otionLogis-TicsProm-otionCashFlowProm-otionRefri-geratorBGA/C BGBusi-nessA/CBGFree-zerBGWarshingMachineBGITBGTech-nicalEquip-mentBGImme-diateBUsTech-nologyCenterPlann-ing AndDevel-opmentCenterH/RDevel-opmentCenterLegalCenterCorpo-rateCultureCenterSecu-rityCenterAmerica BUEast ChinaPu
50、rcha-sing BUCash In-flow BUEurope BUMiddle-East BUAsia-Pacific BUEast ChinaEastChinaStorage& Transp-ortation BUCash out-flow BU Accoun-tingBUAsset audix-Ing BURefrig-erator BUA/CBUHefeiBUMitsubi-Shi BUWuhanBUW/MBUHefei W/MShundeHaierElectro-nicsBUHefeiElectro-nicsHaimei BUTourism BUSuper Market
51、BUTelecom BUComputer BUDish washer BUElectric Heating BUMold BUCapital Operation BUBiology BUTest & Measurement BU.OverseasRefriger-ator BUGuizhouHaierSpecialRefriger-ator BUU.S.HaierExperi-mentBUEquip-mentBUEnergyBUSpecialSteelBUSource: WebsiteSamsung010620BJ-Haier24CONTENTS 1. Background infor
52、mationLocationStarting yearIPO date Number of employeesBrand valueMarket shareSales revenue Equity structureEra analysis4. Value chain strategy5. Organization and ownership6. Financial performanceFocus onMarketing, advertising and promotionDistribution (channel and sales force)Organization structure
53、Sales 2. Strategy 3. Product/market Corporate strategyKey product offeringsMarket position Key customersValue propositionGeographic focusPricingSamsung010620BJ-Haier25HISTORICAL REVENUECAGR=57%RMB billions16.320.640.6199519961997199819992000Source: Mechanics YearbookSamsung010620BJ-Haier瞙瘤
55、榄弔袅谄埲丌媬拥犈醻盞鵲散繄腰繑菐億鎆盢玲斷次熵穸耎饹波兒瀼镉薂髶穑掜瑑騘譝欫放獎矹本鳛勨伭塳軫鰦瀢阃陽钛涪委鈁呬鍑蝥綥轵乮睸绍裸罕闉悵鋀狾鰶毾筆崊潪棜鵩搝沷齷睮旤薳徜蛑狗政炋擆楱鷗竤祂髀橂媲釳饾 Samsung010620BJ-Haier27鳮郷睿够钁踝霱汎弟鋣薌淽擯畄琐嶩菃掫翦矌薼痮暡罵媰勃闳拑旿臋焃僤騴俳編鳮郷睿够钁踝霱汎弟鋣薌淽擯畄琐嶩菃掫翦矌薼痮暡罵媰勃闳拑旿臋焃僤騴俳編釴鸊郫舭罿坵旉銋潚謙磯黌苑徸郏揌编懾杼曁嵰艥隱矑鸞指柅蒎琯崢肺觫糀待譠釴鸊郫舭罿坵旉銋潚謙磯黌苑徸郏揌编懾杼曁嵰艥隱矑鸞指柅蒎琯崢肺觫糀待譠骡灘禘狽嚮櫂藩濉愛嵱豣莆栖譂閨尫燧聨鋗醇呲婄妴甼螱譴墉渧罷涴璓鑰鮩樸锍骡灘禘
58、怒反茆忟禝融擤墖櫘擮淥根骄曍戽怒反茆忟禝融擤1 vvvvvvvvvvvvvv 2 过眼云烟的 3 古古怪怪 的的4 的防电风扇 的的 5 的的 6男的的7古古怪8vvvvvvv9方法 Samsung010620BJ-Haier28鷧窩儾漧玨質罱扐篨釃縧勑喒罧濣洢鸤肼籖粃覇虠蔚笰国轠鈦鎞塙挍嶱鋦彐吪賃鷧窩儾漧玨質罱扐篨釃縧勑喒罧濣洢鸤肼籖粃覇虠蔚笰国轠鈦鎞塙挍嶱鋦彐吪賃撁薼聍稐僌爚界豆嬂驈荇筡困樽阁褹播勧椧鋳诙歕瑑絯欹泪幉摽链朸掁賓絚鍝镰撁薼聍稐僌爚界豆嬂驈荇筡困樽阁褹播勧椧鋳诙歕瑑絯欹泪幉摽链朸掁賓絚鍝镰疁儾项翿諲呐糉箝求南撛蚊畱熞斥礧缬犂滊京鳣帉门艉圎隌蔨雓蜂檜铦醢纅輅泦疁儾项翿諲呐糉箝求南
60、茗槀慳呵臹萃薩负覢噓牐畍钅岃兀甖贵麹惎敵獧鐍囥爒镙总炼眿霎走孹楑矖鏹油纲斣唥扠祼萃薩负覢噓牐畍钅岃兀甖贵麹惎敵獧鐍囥爒镙总炼眿霎走孹楑矖鏹油纲斣唥扠祼匫揼牐鶧靝碀蒭耬於蒀睾瞬肉际皬鑡鍛緸玈係痟籬叽谍踖渕蟎跮崘僴盃皈債赕蕎匫揼牐鶧靝碀蒭耬於蒀睾瞬肉际皬鑡鍛緸玈係痟籬叽谍踖渕蟎跮崘僴盃皈債赕蕎俉礏植姡珁餮拣朡瀦鶣紀娈譫葎薤筋罰墈瑈音萦镞覃隠蒴悰蹧緮巽准滝輺茮莙雇俉礏植姡珁餮拣朡瀦鶣紀娈譫葎薤筋罰墈瑈音萦镞覃隠蒴悰蹧緮巽准滝輺茮莙雇胨笶叅禪敌兲照張彡芍襟散毴斋褈诹郒糼崴苂素斓棅脩蒥嬼瞊騁琄霚嶭畚挺灅姶胨笶叅禪敌兲照張彡芍襟散毴斋褈诹郒糼崴苂素斓棅脩蒥嬼瞊騁琄霚嶭畚挺灅姶敓嗮濂靹叙鍸厄爒峾笗噆屭裐鴃偉敓嗮濂靹叙鍸厄爒峾笗噆屭裐鴃偉古古广告和叫姐姐 和呵呵呵呵呵斤斤计较斤斤
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