1、Sequenee Injection ContrcllerVersion 3.0Sequenee Injection ControllerMANUALTYPE MDS-808EnglishSequenee Injection ControllerVersion 3.0USERS MANUALThank you for using our productionBefore using the product .please read tliis instniction manualcarefiilly to avoid any damage due to improper usage. If y
2、ou have anyquestions, please do not hesitate to contact our company teclmologist.Contents1、Environments22、Composition of Control Module 23、Central Processing Unit 24、Input25、Display36、Output 37、Start to Run 48、Menu Setting 59、Wiring Specification7Sequenee Injection ControllerVersion 3.0USERS MA1、Env
3、ironments1) Maili Power Input: AC220V (50-60Hz)2) Signal Input Power: DC24V6tAC220V3) Solenoid Xlve Output Power: DC24V(Less than lOOniApet GATE) orAC220V(Total less than 1A)2、Composition of Couti-ol Module1) CONTROL PCB: Power unit, MICOM, Input/output miit2) DISPLAY PCB : Display unit Switch3、Cent
4、ral Processing Unit1) S.M.P.S :To transfbnn input AC220V to DC24V/1 A,DC5V/1 A.2) M.P.U : To control iiiput/output and display3) RELAY : Solenoid Vhlve nuiniiig element (DC24V or AC220V output)4、Input:6 7 23 48Sequenee Injection ControllerVersion 3.08Sequenee Injection ControllerVersion 3.0S.M.P.S:
5、Smithing Mode Power Supply8Sequenee Injection ControllerVersion 3.0USERS MANUAL3Sequenee Injection ControllerVersion 3.0USERS MANUALa. To turn On/Off timea. To move to gate for settingb. To set or to move.a. To select gate for settingb. To finalize set or to exit the gate selected.a. To select motio
6、n mode (MODE (MODE AMODE BGATE OFF) for each gateb. To set unit of each gate(999/99.9/9.99)a. To open manually a gate or all gate.5 Display1) Display delay time and open time of each gate ill display panel.2 ) Display LED on while output on.3) Display MODE A or B of each gate with LED.4) Display out
7、put voltage(DC240V or AC220V)to Solenoid Valve with LED.5) Display LED on while signal on.6、Output1) Put out DC24V or AC220V via relay for the open time of each gate.7、Start to Run1) Connect cablesConnect to main input power, signal input from iiijection inacliiiie, output to mold. Make sure the mai
8、n input voltage (see rear of time case), output voltage to mold.2) Power LED is blinking wliile power on.o3) Press powera. POWER LED blinksode for 4 seconds.b. Display delay time value and open time value at each display panel.4) Switch between MODE A/MODE B and gate off.Pressa. Buzzer rings and mod
9、e LED blinksb. MODE LED of 1st gate blinks.to switch MODE A/B and gate off.d. MODE A or B LED blinks, Both MODE A and B LEDs blink when gate off.e. Move usingf When move, MODE A or B LED is Blinking in the gate.D to save, or keep idle for 4 seconds to automatic save.between GATE.c. Hit(Ag. Pressh. W
10、hen gate off all display is off (MODE A/B LED,DEL/OPEN display panel off)for 4 seconds to coiiCiin.5) Switch between iuiits(999/99.9/9.99)MODEMove lhe gale using,and pressa. Buzzer rings and MODE LED Blinks.b. PnT displays ill DEL panel and 999 or 99.9/9.99 display ill OPEN panel.c. Switch miits usi
11、ngd. Move gate using to save, or keep idle for 4 seconds to automatic save.6) Manual opene. Hiti): ALL OPENa. It keep open wliile 0PN pressed.叵I 叵t0 啊 gate.ii): A gate OPENa. Move usingb. It keeps open the gate whilepressed.7) Set DET time:Move using Diiection Key to get gate and its DEL panel,to co
12、nfinn.a. Right digit ill DEL panel blinks.b. Set time using .c. Move between digits using,d. to save, or keep idle for 4 seconds to automatic save.8)Set OPEN time to get gate and its OPEN panelto coiifiini.Move usmg A a. Right digit ill OPEN panel blinks.b. Set time using Bc. Move between digit usin
13、gd. Hit8、Menu Setting1) MODE AIMECT10NSIGNAL DELAY IOPEN1一25 OnwooeAii) ExampLa. In case iiijection signal =10sec and DEL time =4sec, then after DEL time, it opens (Relay ON) for 6sec.b. For the delay time, it coimts down and displays it ill DEL display panel and just after DEL time, it opens (Relay
14、 ON).c. In case iiijection signal is off before delay time passed, it resets to set timed. Even after DELAY time passed, iiijection signal is keeping on. it opens, and it counts up the open time and displays it in OPEN display panel.e. When iiijection signal is off .delay set time will be display il
15、l DEL display panel andOPEN display panel displays counted open time imtil next injection signal comes on.5Sequenee Injection ControllerVersion 3.0USERS MANUALUSERS MANUAL2) MODE BINJECTON SIGNAL OELAY 一IOPEN1IJMOCEBExamplea. In case iiijection sigiial=10sec, DEL tiine=4sec, and OPEN tiine=4sec, the
16、n when iiyection signal comes oil after DEL time, it opens for OPEN time (4sec)b. For the delay time, it count down and displays it in DEL display panel and just after DEL time, it opens for OPEN time and it coiuits down fiom the OPEN set time and displays it in OPEN display panel.c. In case iiiject
17、ion signal is off before delay time passed, it resets to set time.d. In case injection signal is o AT before open time passed, it resets to set timee. Wlien iiijection signal is off delay set time and open set time will be displayed in DEL display panel and OPEN display panel respectively.3) Other M
18、enui) : Output bltage Indicatora. Select output voltage DC24V or AC220V in compliance with Solenoid valve.b. Display output voltage ill DC24V LED O1AC220V LED.ii) : Input ON/OFF Indicatora. Wlien input is oil SIGNAL LED is on.b. Wlien input is off, SIGNAL LED is off.9 . Wiling SpecificationSEQUENCE INJECTION CONTROLLERInput/Output RatingsGate Output Connection exPOWER:AC220V/50Hz,60HzSIGNAL:DC24V,AC220V(Free)LOAD:DC24V300mA/Gate LOAD:DC24V#1A/Gate LOAD:DC220V400mA/Gate o9
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