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1、Unit 1  Making New FriendsTopic 1  Welcome to China!   Section D The main activities are 1 and 5. 本课重点活动是1和5。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. (1)Review greetings:Good morning/afternoon/evening!Hi!/Hello!How are you?    Im fine, thank you./Fine, thanks. And y

2、ou?How do you do?    How do you do?Nice to meet/see you.    Nice to meet/see you, too.Welcome to China!    Thanks./Thank you.(2)Review introductions:Im Are you ?Yes, I am. / No, Im not. Im This is (3)Review farewells:See you later.See you.Goodbye.  B

3、ye.2. Review the letters Aa-Zz. Teaching aids 教具多媒体. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1  Review 第一步  复习   通过唱歌,复习26个字母,提高学生的兴趣;并按发音进行分类,培养学生的归纳能力和合作精神。  1. (复习字母Aa-Zz。)T:   Lets sing The ABC song together. OK?Ss: OK.T:   One, two, three, go!2. (让学生将字母

4、按相同音素分类,并要求掌握。)T: Well done! Now can you find out the letters with the same vowel phoneme?Aa   Hh   Jj   KkEe   Bb   Cc   Dd   Gg   Pp   Tt   Vv   ZzIi   YyFf   Ll &

5、#160; Mm   Nn   Ss   XxUu  Qq   WwOoRr  (教师引导学生找出这些字母之间潜在的发音规律。注意Oo和Rr是单个的。)3. (教师先让学生理解教材1中的图片,然后播放录音,完成1。)T: Listen to the tape and finish 1. Step 2  Presentation 第二步   呈现 1.通过复习上节课所学功能用语,创设情境导入新课。  师生互动和生生互动复习上节课所学问候语

6、及告别语,巩固问候语及告别语的英文表达法。T:  Lets review greetings and farewells.T:  Hi, class!(教师作挥手打招呼状。)Ss: Hi, Mr. /Miss T:  Nice to meet/see you.(教师作握手状。)Ss: Nice to meet/see you, too.T:  How are you?Ss: Im fine, thank you.T:  See you later./Goodbye.(教师作挥手告别状。)Ss: See you./Bye.(让学生两人一组练习问候

7、语和告别语。)   2. 利用2中图片,设置情境,练习对话并表演,让学生熟练运用本课涉及问候和告别的功能用语。 (根据书上的这几幅图,先师生后生生进行对话操练。练习2。)  T: Lets make a conversation and perform it.S1:       Good morning, Miss Wang!T: Good morning, Kangkang!S1:       How are you?T: Fine, than

8、ks.S1:       Nice to see you.T: Nice to see you, too.S1:       Goodbye, Miss Wang.T: Bye.(让学生两人一组练习2中的对话, 对表演得非常流畅的学生给予掌声鼓励。这是本话题的目标语言,正常情况下要求学生独立完成表演。如果学生不能流畅地表演,教师要给予适当指导。)3.(让学生听2录音,完成排序。)  T: Please listen and number the pictures i

9、n 2. Step 3  Consolidation 第三步  巩固让学生看3中的缩写词,尽可能多地说出中文意思,说不出的教师补充。播放3的录音,学生跟读。让学生小组讨论他们还知道哪些缩写词,和同学一起分享。Step 4  Practice 第四步  练习  复习归纳本话题主要语法和功能用语,设置“名人会”情景进行对话,培养学生运用所学语言的能力,激发他们的学习兴趣。1. (利用多媒体呈现语法重点里的句子,让学生观察并总结be动词用法。)T: Look at the blackboard. Lets review the g

10、rammar focus.Im Kangkang.                           Im=I amAre you Maria?                &

11、#160;          Yes, I am./No, Im not.Miss Wang, this is Michael.         (根据总结的规律,模仿句型造句。完成4a。)2. ( 让学生听4b并跟读,完成4b。)T: Lets listen to these useful expressions.Good morning/afternoon/evening!     

12、    Good morning/afternoon/evening!Welcome to China!                              Thanks./Thank you.Hello!/Hi!      

13、;                                     Hello!/Hi!Nice to meet/see you.         &#

14、160;                Nice to meet/see you, too.How do you do?                             &

15、#160;   How do you do?How are you ?                                   Im fine, thank you./Fine, thanks.Goodbye.   &

16、#160;                                       Bye.See you later.         

17、;                             See you.  (让学生分组练习这些有用表达,并要求掌握。)3. (让学生各自模仿一位“名人”,进行一次“名人会”。会上“名人”互相介绍认识,复习本话题的主要功能用语和语法句。)T:  Now suppose you all are the fa

18、mous persons, use your new names to introduce yourselves, get to know others, and make an introduction to your friends. For example:S1: Hello, Im Li Na. Are you Zhengjie?S2: Yes, I am. Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you, too.S2: Hi, Li Na . How are you?S3:       Im f

19、ine. Thank you. And you?S2:       Im OK. Wangmeng, this is my friend Li Na  . Wangmeng  , this is Zhengjie  .S3: How do you do?S1: How do you do?(小组活动。三人一组,限定时间,在规定时间内能够完成表演的组合,给予掌声鼓励。)     Step 5  Project 第五步  综合探究活动通过制作名片进行

20、操练,复习巩固本话题所学要点,培养学生综合运用所学语言的能力和合作精神。 1. (教会学生制作各自名字的名片,完成5。)T: Lets learn how to make your own name cards.(1)教学生动手做名片,有英文名字的写英文名字,没有英文名字的写自己姓名的汉语拼音。(2)学生拿着名片在同学间穿梭,交朋友,互换名片。(3)学生把所交换的名片按字母顺序排列。(4)学生把所交换的名片分成两组:男生名字和女生名字。(5)教师让学生模仿此情景,进行对话,一边握手,一边交换名片,用所复习的句型设计对话内容。可三人一组进行操练。T: Act out a convers

21、ation according to the information on your card.Example:S1=Kangkang   S2=Jane   S3=Li MingS1:       Hello! Im Kangkang. Are you Jane?S2:       Yes, I am.S1:       Nice to meet you.S2: &

22、#160;     Nice to meet you, too.S1:       Hi! Li Ming. This is Jane. Jane, this is Li Ming.S2:       How do you do?S3:       How do you do?S1& S3: Welcome to China!S2:   &

23、#160;   Thank you.S1& S3: Goodbye, Jane.S2:       Bye.3. Homework:(1)默写26个英文字母(大小写)。(2)设计一个问候和告别的对话。 板书设计:Welcome to China!Section D1.Aa Hh Jj Kk                 

24、0;                               3.Miss Wang, this is Michael.Ee Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv Zz          &#

25、160;             4.Good morning/afternoon!Ii Yy                                &

26、#160;                             Good morning/afternoon! Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx               

27、                      5.Nice to meet/see you.Uu Qq Ww                       

28、0;                             Nice to meet/see you, too.Oo                  

29、60;                                           6.How are you?Rr     


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