1、UNIT1PARTASECTIONASECTIONBPARTBSECTIONATASKTWO CCCCATASKONE CB DCCTASKTWO BDCBATASKTHREE TFTFTTASKONE DCBTASKTWO(1) identicalcut rough(4) sew(5) subscribe1.identical 2.cut 3.rough 4.sew 5.subscribeSECTIONB TFFFTLemon batteryAn LEDHave enough powerIs capable of empowering up to three LEDsA night ligh
2、t or a simple flash lightPARTD1-2AC3-4BC5-7ABD8-11DBDD12-15CCAC16-18BBA19-22ADCB23-25ADBUNIT2PARTASECTIONA TASKTWOCDACDSECTIONB TASKONECA ACBTASKTWO CBBDDTASKTHREE TFTTFPARTBSECTIONA TASKONE BCB1) lemon battery2) an LED3) have enough power4) is capable of empowering up to threeLEDs5) a night light o
3、r a simple flash light(1) privacy(2) free(3) build(4) signing(5) personalTASKTWO .privacy 2.free 3.build 4.signing 5.personalSECTIONB TFFTTAlmost 120 mile an hourHave been responsible forTook the life ofBottom lineBreak the rules of engagement,privacy and decency PARTD1-2 DC1) almost 120 miles an ho
4、ur2) have been responsible for3) took the life of4) bottom line5) break the rules of engagement, privacy and decency3-4BB5-7DBC8-11 CBAC12-15 CBBB16-18 DDC19-22 DDDD23-25 DDD public(2) appropriate(3) opinion(4) motivation(5) barrierUNIT3SECTIONATASKTWOBBCBCSECTIONBTASKONEBC CBATASKTWOBDADCPARTBTASKT
5、HREEFTTFFSECTIONATASKONEBDCPARTA1) mature2) a fairy tale romance3) whirlwind romance4) a middle class family5)descended6) have a steady job7) in fashionTASKTWO .public 2.appropriate 3.opiniond.motivation 5.barrier SECTIONB FTFTF Mature A fairy tale romance Whirlwind romance A middle class family Des
6、cended Have a steady job In fashion PARTD 1-2AC3-4AB5-7CDD8-11ADBD12-15CADB16-18BDA19-22CADD23-25BACUNIT4PARTASECTIONA TASKTWOCDCBASECTIONB TASKONECA AACTASKTWO BDCAC TASKTHREE FFTTFPARTBSECTIONA TASKONE BAD TASKTWOpossibility 2.luxury 3.afSECTIONB TFFTF possibility luxury(3) affordable(4) tremendou
7、s(5) destroyingfordable 4.tremendous 5.destroyingEnvironmental technologies Above average Competitive advantage They have gained importance Clean energy technologies 40% of all the filings The US and Japan PARTD 1-2BC3-4AB5-7AAB8-11CCBD12-15ACBC16-18CAC19-22BDDA1) environmental technologies2) above
8、average3) competitive advantage4) They have gained importance5) Clean energy technologies6) 40% of all the filings7) the US and Japan23-25DBAUNIT5PARTASECTIONASECTIONBPARTBSECTIONASECTIONBTASKTWO ACBACTASKONE BD BCATASKTWO ADBCBTASKTHREE FTFTTTASKONE BBC enroll(2) annual(3) debt(4) inflation(5) crip
9、plingTASKTWO 1.enroll 2.annual 3.debt 4.inflation 5.crippling FTTTF1-2DB3-4CD5-7ADC8-11BADD12-15ABDD16-18ACB19-22ACDB23-25BDCPARTDTake an advantage of all the benefits you are eligible forCut your monthly outflowNeed an accurate assessmentPrioritize your bills and talk to your creditors That your cr
10、isis doesn't need to ruin1) take an advantage of all the benefits you are eligible for2) cut your monthly outflow3) need an accurate assessment4) Prioritize your bills and talk to your creditors5) that your crisis doesn't need to ruinUNIT6PARTASECTIONATASKTWOCACBASECTIONBTASKONETASKTWOTASKTH
11、REEAC BBDCDBADFTFFTPARTBSECTIONATASKONECAD(1) unprecedented(2) dwellers(3) invest(4) outpace(5) sustainableTASKTWO1.unprecedented 2.dwellers 3.invest 4.outpace 5.sustainableSECTIONBTTFTTDisillusioned farmersFinding their fortuneThe flood of immigrantsA large part of a new workforceSeeking political
12、freedom and economic prosperityThe unsanitary living conditions inPARTD1-2CD3-45-7BDBCA8-1112-1516-18CADCCDBACDC19-22DDAD23-25ADB1) Disillusioned farmers2) finding their fortune3) The flood of immigrants4) a large part of a new workforce5) seeking political freedom and economic prosperity6) The unsa
13、nitary living conditions inUNIT7PARTASECTIONATASKTWOSECTIONBTASKONETASKTWOTASKTHREEPARTBSECTIONATASKONETASKTWOSECTIONBFFIIICareerReputationOrganizationCDBBATFFTTDBCBA CBDDCBBC1.minimize 2.dealing 3.required.management 5.positiveOffice politicsAdvice or counsel(1) minimize(2) dealing(3) require(4) ma
14、nagement(5) positive1) career2) reputation3) organization/corporation4) office politics5) advice or counselPARTD1-2DA3-4BA5-7DAC8-11BACC12-15BCDC16-18DACB19-22DDD23-25DCDUNIT8PARTASECTIONATASKTWOSECTIONBTASKONEPARTBSECTIONATASKTWOTASKTHREETASKONESECTIONBTASKTWOFFFFFFFTFTCCDCDACDCC DADDCCDC(1) myster
15、iously naval(3) wreckage(4) unexplainable(5) distress1.mysteriously 2.naval 3.wreckage 4.unexplainable 5.distressAn egg hatchesWings,beak and feetIt swims like a fish in the waterTake a similar shape like their parentsLarva or caterpillarCocoonOn waterA pupaPARTD1-2AD3-4BD5-7DDD8-11BCBA12-15ACCD16-1
16、8BDB19-22ACCB23-25DBD1) an egg hatches2) wings, beak and feet3) it swims like a fish in the water4) take a similar shape like their parents5) larva or caterpillar6)cocoon7) on water8) a pupaUNIT9PARTASECTIONASECTIONBTASKTWOTASKONEBBCBCBD CABPARTBSECTIONASECTIONBTASKTWOTASKTHREETASKONETASKTWOFTFTFBBC
17、DBTTTFFDBB(1) spiritual(2) proved(3) affected(4) gigantic(5) productive1.spiritual 2.proved 3.affected 4.ductiveWas unable to moveOnly plead in his headSpeak at the timeHe didn't think they would believe himAbsolutely disbelieved himPARTD1-23-4BCCA5-78-11DBCCDBA12-15BACB1) was unabl
18、e to move2) only plead in his head3) speak at the time4) he didn't think they would believe him5) absolutely disbelieved him16-1819-22CBCBDAA23-25ABDUNIT10PARTASECTIONASECTIONBTASKTWOTASKONEBCCBCBD DBCPARTBSECTIONATASKTWOTASKTHREEDABDDFTFFTTASKONETASKTWOADB(1) objective(2) action(3) typical(4) realistic(5) forward1.object 2.action 3
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