1、Breach and Infringement (违约和侵权专题)翻译练习1. If Party A materially breaches this Contract, Party B or it; successor in interest is entitled to terminate this Contract or claim damagesfor the breach of contract. If Party B materially breaches this Contract, Party A is entitled to request Party B, by issui
2、ng a written notice, to redress the breach within- 15 -fifteen (15) days upon receiving such notice. If Party B fails to redress the breach within the fifteen (15) day period, Party A is entitled to rescind the Contract and claim damages for the breach of contract.2. If a Party materially fails to p
3、erform any of its obligations under this Contract or if a Party's representation or warranty under this Contract is materially untrue or inaccurate, such Party shall be deemed to have breached this Contract. The Party in breach shall have thirty (30) days from receipt of a notice from the other
4、Party specifying the breach to correct such breach if it is remediable. The Party in breach shall in any case be liable to the other Party for all damages caused by the breach. Liability for such damages shall not be waived in the event the non-breaching Party terminates this Contract under Article
5、X. All remedies provided for herein and under law shall be cumulative.3. The Licensee shall promptly notify the Licensor, in writing, of any acts of infringement or suspected infringement or acts of unfair competition involving the Trademarks and of any applications or registrations of confusingly s
6、imilar marks which may come to its attention. The Licensee shall not be entitled to take any proceedings or call on the Licensor to take any proceedings in any of the aforesaid matters; provided, however, that the Licensor may, at its own discretion and cost, prosecute or otherwisestop or prevent su
7、ch actual or threatened infringement in the name of both the Licensor and the Licensee or either of them, and in each case the Licensee shall render all reasonable assistance required by the Licensor.4. Infringement and legal proceedingsa) The Licensee shall give the Licensor in writing full particu
8、lars of any use or proposed use by any other person, firm or company of a trade name, trademark or get-up of goods or means of promotion or advertising which amounts to or is likely to amount to infringement of the rights of the Licensor in relation to the Licensed Trademarks or contravention of the
9、 Anti-unfair Competition Law as soon as it becomes aware of such use or proposed use.b) If the Licensee becomes aware that any other person, firm or company alleges that any of the Licensed Trademarks is invalid or that use of the Licensed Trademarks infringes any rights of another party, the Licens
10、ee shall immediately give the Licensor in writing full particulars thereof and may make no disclosure of information or admission to any third party in respect thereof.c) The Licensor shall conduct all legal proceedings in respect of any infringement or alleged infringement of the Licensed Trademark
11、s and any claim or counterclaim brought or threatened to be brought in connection with the use or registration of the Licensed Trademarks and shall in its absolute discretion decide what to do. The Licensor shall not be obliged to bring or defend any proceedings in relation to the Licensed Trademark
12、s if - 16 -the Licensee decides in its sole discretion to do so.d) The Licensee will, at the request of the Licensor and at the Licensor's expense, give full cooperation to the Licensor in any action or claimbrought or threatened to be brought in respect of the Licensed Trademarks, including joi
13、ning in as a party to any proceedings.参考答案违约、侵权1: If Party A materially breaches this Contract, Party B or its successor in interest is entitled to terminate this Contract or claim damages for the breach of contract. If Party B materially breaches this Contract, Party A is entitled to request Party
14、B, by issuing a written notice, to redress the breach within fifteen (15) days upon receiving such notice. If Party B fails to redress the breach within the fifteen (15)-day period, Party A is entitled to rescind the Contract and claim damages for the breach of contract.试译 : 如果甲方实质性违反本合同,那么乙方或其利益相关继
15、受人有权 终止本合同或者要求对方就合同违约进行损害赔偿。如果乙方实质性的 违反合同,甲方则有权通过发送书面通知的方法要求乙方在接到该通知 后的十五 ( 15) 天内对违约行为进行校正。如果乙方未能在该十五 ( 15) 天期限内校正违约行为,那么甲方有权废除合同并要求对方就合同违约 进行损害赔偿。标准 : 如果甲方实质性违反本合同,乙方或其权益继承人有权终止本合 同或要求得到损害赔偿。如果乙方实质性违反本合同,甲方经发出书面 通知,有权要求乙方在收到书面通知后十五 ( 15) 天内改正其违约行为。 如果乙方在十五( 15) 天期限内未予改正,甲方有权解除合同并要求得 到违约赔偿。2: If a
16、Party materially fails to perform any of its obligations under thisContract or if a Partys representation or warranty under this Contract ismaterially untrue or inaccurate, such Party shall be deemed to have breached this Contract. The Party in breach shall have thirty (30) days from receipt of a no
17、tice form the other party specifying the breach to correct such breach if it is remediable. The Party in breach shall in any case be liable to the other Party for all damages caused by the breach. Liability for such damages shall not be waived in the event the non-breaching Party terminates this Con
18、tract under Article X. All remedies provided for herein and under law shall be cumulative.试译 : 如果乙方实质性的未能履行其在本合同项下的任何义务,或者- 17 -方在本合同项下所做的陈述或报纸发生实质性的不真实或不正确, 那 么 该方应当被视为已经违反本合同。如果违约情况可以补救,那么应当给 予违约方三十 ( 30) 天的时间对违约进行补救,自其接到另一方具体说明违约情况之通知之日起计算。在任何情况下,违约方都应当就因为违约而导致的所有损害向另一方承担责任。如果未违约方按照第X 条的规 定终止合同,则
19、不得视为该方放弃追究该等损害赔偿的责任。本条款中 规定的以及法律规定的所有补救应当进行累积。标准 : 如果乙方实质上未履行其在本合同项下的任何义务,或一方在本 合同项下的陈述或保证实质上是不真实地或不准确的,该方应被视为违 反了本合同。违约方应在收到另一方指明其违约行为的通知后三十 ( 30) 日内,纠正其违约行为 ( 若该违约行为是可以纠正的 ) 。无论如何, 违 约方有责任赔偿另一方因该等违约而造成的一切损害。如果守约方根据X 条终止本合同,违约方仍应给予损害赔偿。本合同规定的及法律规定 的一切救济应该是积累的。3: The Licensee shall promptly notify t
20、he Licensor, in writing, of any acts of infringement or suspected infringement or acts of unfair competition involving the Trademarks and of any applications or registrations of confusingly similar marks which may come to its attention. The Licensee shall not be entitled to take any proceedings or c
21、all on the Licensor to take any proceedings in any of the aforesaid matters; provided, however, that the Licensor may, at its own discretion and cost, prosecute or otherwise stop or prevent such actual or threatened infringement in the name of both the Licensor and the Licensee or either of them, an
22、d in each case the Licensee shall render all reasonable assistance required by the Licensor.试译 : 如果被许可人注意到任何涉及相关商标的侵权行为或怀疑侵权行 为、或者不正当竞争行为、或使用容易造成混淆的类似标志或将此等类 似标志进行注册的,那么被许可人应当立即以书面的形式通知许可人。 被许可人无权就上述事宜采取任何行动或者要求许可人采取任何行动 ; 但, 许可人可以根据自己的决定并承担相关费用、 以其自己和被许可人 的名义、或以其自己或被许可人的名义提起诉讼或采取其它方式叫停或 阻止该等实际侵权行为或
23、侵权威胁,且在上述情况下,被许可人应当依 照许可人的要求提供合理协助。标准 : 一旦被许可方获悉涉及商标的侵权行为或涉嫌的侵权行为,或涉 及商标的不正当竞争行为,以及引起混淆的类似商标的应用和注册,被 许可方应立即书面通知许可方。被许可方无权就上述任何行为起诉或要 求许可方起诉,但许可方可自行决定并自付费用,以许可方和被许可方 双方名义或任一方名义,对实际发生或似将发生的商标侵权行为提起诉 讼,或以其它方式阻止或防止该等侵权行为。无论许可方采取前述何种 行动,被许可方均应提供许可方所要求的 一切合理协助。- 18 -4: Infringement and Legal Proceedings侵权
24、及法律诉讼(a) The Licensee shall give the Licensor in writing full particulars of any use or proposed use by any other person, firm or company of a trade name, trademark or get-up of goods or means of promotion or advertising which amounts to or is likely to amount to infringement of the rights of the Li
25、censor in relation to the Licensed Trademarks or contravention of the Anti-unfair Competition Law as soon as it becomes aware of such use or proposed use.试译 : 一旦被许可人获悉任何其他人、商号或公司使用或计划使用一 种 商业名称、商标或商品包装或者促销或广告方式,并构成或可能构成侵 犯许可人就被许可之商标应当享有的权利或者违反了反不正当竞争 法,那么被许可人应当以书面的方式将此等使用或计划使用的所有细 节通知许可人。标准 : 被许可方一旦
26、获悉任何其他人、商行或公司使用或拟使用的商品 名称,商标、商品装饰、促销或广告手段相当于或可能相当于侵犯许可 方对于受许可商标的权利或违反反不正当竞争法,应立即以书面形式将详细情况告知许可方。(b) If the Licensee becomes aware that any other person, firm or company alleges that any of the Licensed Trademarks is invalid or that use of the Licensed Trademarks infringes any rights of another party
27、, the Licensee shall immediately give the Licensor in writing full particulars thereof and may make no disclosure of information or admission to any third party in respect thereof.试译 : 如果被许可人了解到任何其他人、商行或公司声称受许可商标无 效或者使用受许可商标侵犯了任何其它方的任何权利,那么被许可人应 当立即将所有的相关细节书面通知许可人,且不得向任何第三方披露与此相关的信息或就此向第三方承认。标准 : 如果
28、被许可方获悉任何其他人、商行或公司宣称受许可商标是无 效的或受许可商标的使用侵犯了他方权利,应立即以书面形式将详细情 况告知许可方,并不得向任何第三方披露有关此方面的信息或对此做出 承认。(c) The Licensor shall conduct all legal proceedings in respect of any infringement or alleged infringement of the Licensed Trademarks and any claim or counterclaim brought or threatened to be brought in co
29、nnection with the use or registration of the Licensed Trademarks and shall in its absolute discretion decide what to do. The Licensor shall not be obliged to bring or defend any proceedings in relation to the Licensed Trademarks if the Licensee decides in its sole discretion to do so.试译 : 许可人应当就受许可商
30、标的侵权或声称的侵权以及就受许可商标 的使用或注册提起的或威胁提起的任何索赔或反诉执行所有法律程序,- 19 -并按照自己独立斟酌决定采取何种行动。 如果被许可人根据自己的独立 斟酌决定就受许可商标提起诉讼,那么许可人没有义务提起此等诉讼或 就之进行抗辩。标准 : 对于受许可商标所受到的侵权或侵权指控,以及就受许可商标的 使用或注册提出或似将提出的索赔或反索赔, 许可方应进行一切法律 诉讼,并完全由其自行决定采取何种行动。如果被许可方自行决定就受 许可商标提起诉讼或进行抗辩,许可方无义务就此提起诉讼或进行抗辩。(d) The Licensee will, at the request of t
31、he Licensor and at the Licensor expense, give full cooperation to the Licensor in any action or claim brought or threatened to be brought in respect of the Licensed Trademarks, including joining in as a party to any proceedings.试译 : 被许可人将依照许可人的要求并由许可人承担费用,就针对受许 可商标提起的任何诉讼或索赔或拟提起的诉讼或索赔与许可人全力合 作,包括作为任
32、何诉讼的连带方。标准 : 对于就受许可商标提起或拟将提起的诉讼或索赔,应许可方要求 并由许可方支付费用,被许可方将给予充分合作,包括作为当事人参与 任何诉讼。补充翻译练习1. If any party fails to perform any of its obligations in any material respect under this Agreement or breaches any of the terms or Warranties set out in this Agreement in any material respect, then without prejudi
33、ce to all and any other rights and remedies available at any time to a non-defaultingparty (including but not limited to the right to damages for any loss suffered by that party), the not-defaulting party may, by notice either require the defaulting party to perform such obligations or remedy such b
34、reach, or treat the defaulting party as having repudiated this Agreement and rescind the same. The rights conferred upon the respective parties by the provisions of this Clause are additional to and do not prejudice any other rights the respective parties may have.试译 : 如果任何一方未能在任何实质性的方面履行其在本协议项下的任 何
35、义务,或者在任何实质性的方面违反了本协议的任何条款或其中列明 的保证,那么在不损害未违约方在任何时候均应享受到的任何和所有其 它权利和救济 ( 包含但不限于该方就其所遭受的任何损失应当享受的损 害赔偿的全力 ) 的情况下, 未违约方可以通知违约方要求其履行该等义务或对违约进行补救、或者通知违约方其将否决并撤销本协议。本条款 中授予各方的全力应当附加于其应当享有的任何其它权利,并不得损害 任何其它权利。标准 : 如果任何一方未在实质性方面履行其在本协议项下的任何义务,- 20 -或实质性违反本协议规定的任一条款或保证, 在不损害非违约方任何时 候可享有的一切和任何其他权利和补偿( 包括但不限于要
36、求赔偿损失的 权力 ) 的情况下, 非违约方可经通知要求违约方履行其义务或纠正违约 行为,或视违约方已否认协议有效而取消本协议。本款规定赋予各方的 权利,是对各方可能享有的其他权利的补充,而不是损害。2. In the event that Licensor or Licensee becomes aware of an actual or threatened infringement of a Patent anywhere in the Territory, that party shall promptly notify the other party in writing. Licensor shall have the right but not the obligation to bring, at its own expense, an infringement action against any third party and use Licensee nasme
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