1、Comparison between Harvard& Peking universityHarvard校徽校徽School badgeHarvard University (incorporated as The President and Fellows of Harvard College) is a private university in Cambridge, U.S., at Boston and across the Charles River. and a member of the Ivy League. It founded in 1636 by the colo
2、nial Massachusetts legislature, Harvard is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. It is also the first and oldest corporation in North America. Harvard University was established in 1636, and America was established in 1776, which later than Harvard University about 140 year
3、s. Initially it also called New College or the college at New Towne, the institution was named Harvard College on March 13, 1639, after a young clergyman named John Harvard, who bequeathed the College his library of four hundred books and donate half of his estate.哈佛大学是位于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿剑桥城的一所私立大学,哈佛大学是位于
4、美国马萨诸塞州波士顿剑桥城的一所私立大学,隔查尔斯河与波士顿相望隔查尔斯河与波士顿相望,同时同时是常春藤盟校成员之一是常春藤盟校成员之一.1636年由马萨诸塞州殖民地立法机关立案成立,迄今已是美国历史最悠年由马萨诸塞州殖民地立法机关立案成立,迄今已是美国历史最悠久的高等学府,也是北美第一间和最古老的法人机构久的高等学府,也是北美第一间和最古老的法人机构,美国于美国于1776年建国,比哈佛建校要晚近年建国,比哈佛建校要晚近140年。年。 哈佛大学名字来源于哈佛大学名字来源于1638年一位名叫约翰年一位名叫约翰哈佛的学院院长,这位院长去世时,将自己哈佛的学院院长,这位院长去世时,将自己积蓄的一半和
5、积蓄的一半和400本图书(在本图书(在1638年,对于一所创建仅两年、第一届只有学生年,对于一所创建仅两年、第一届只有学生9位的学校,这可位的学校,这可不是小数目)捐赠给这所大学。后来经过议院的投票,决定将这所大学命名为哈佛大学。不是小数目)捐赠给这所大学。后来经过议院的投票,决定将这所大学命名为哈佛大学。History图书馆藏书量The library collection of Harvard University is more than 15 million copies, which is the largest academic library, the scale is fift
6、h in the world. 哈佛大学的图书馆藏书超过1500万册,这是美国最大的学术图书馆,规模约莫为全球第五Founded l6 years after the arrival of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, the University has grown from 9 students with a single master to an enrollment of more than l8,000 degree candidates, including undergraduates, and students. Harvard University ha
7、s 17 faculties of the subjects, belong to two college students (Harvard College and Radcliffe College) and 10 graduate schools, they are College of Arts(文理文理学院学院),School of Medicine(医学院),(医学院),Institute of Education(教育学院),(教育学院),School of Design(设计学院),(设计学院),School of Public Health(公共卫(公共卫生学院),生学院),
8、administration Collage(行政管理学(行政管理学院),院),Collage of Law(法学院),(法学院),Faculty of Dentistry(牙医学院),(牙医学院),Faculty of Theology(神(神学院),学院),the School of Business(商学院)(商学院). An additional l3,000 students are enrolled in one or more courses at the Harvard Extension School Over l4,000 people work at Harvard, i
9、ncluding more than 2,000 faculty There are more than 7,000 faculty appointments in affiliated teaching hospitals. 哈佛建立于第一批欧洲移民踏上美洲大陆来到普利哈佛建立于第一批欧洲移民踏上美洲大陆来到普利茅斯的十六年后,一开始它只有九名学生、一名硕茅斯的十六年后,一开始它只有九名学生、一名硕士生。现在包括在校本科生与其他学生在内共有一士生。现在包括在校本科生与其他学生在内共有一万八千多人,万八千多人,哈佛大学设有哈佛大学设有17个学科系,分属个学科系,分属2个个本科生学院(哈佛学院和
11、医院中还有七千多名教职员工。附属医院中还有七千多名教职员工。校训校训The motto of Harvard University is written in Latin: Amicus Plato, Amicus Aristotle, sed Magis Amicus VERITAS. The crest and motto of Harvard University manifests the purpose of making promotion.哈佛大学校训的原文,也是用拉哈佛大学校训的原文,也是用拉丁文写的,意为丁文写的,意为“以柏拉图为友,以柏拉图为友,以亚里士多德为友,更要以真理
12、以亚里士多德为友,更要以真理为友为友”。校徽和校训的文字,都。校徽和校训的文字,都昭示着哈佛大学立校兴学的宗旨昭示着哈佛大学立校兴学的宗旨: 求是崇真。求是崇真。The achievement of the university is enormous. Six presidents of the United States-John Adams, John Quincy Adams,Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Rutherford B. Hayes, and John Fitzgerald Kennedy-were graduates of
13、 Harvard. Its faculty has produced 34 Nobel Laureates. 这所学校的成就都是巨大的,产生了这所学校的成就都是巨大的,产生了约翰约翰亚当斯、约翰亚当斯、约翰昆昆 西西亚当斯、西亚当斯、西奥多及富兰克林奥多及富兰克林德来德来 诺诺罗斯福、罗罗斯福、罗斯福德斯福德B、海斯和约翰海斯和约翰 弗斯杰罗弗斯杰罗涛涛肯尼迪六位美国总统,并产生了三肯尼迪六位美国总统,并产生了三十四位诺贝尔奖获得者。十四位诺贝尔奖获得者。 Peking University was founded in 1898, formerly known as“京师大学堂京师大学堂”,
14、the first national university of China. Its Chinas top education administrative organs, exercise the functions of national ministry of education. Its also the first established university in modern China. 北京大学创办于北京大学创办于1898年,初名年,初名京师大学堂京师大学堂,是中国第一所,是中国第一所国立国立大学大学,也是中国近代正式设立的第一所大学,其成立标志着中国,也是中国近代正式设立
15、的第一所大学,其成立标志着中国近代近代高等教育高等教育的开端。的开端。Peking University has 6 departments, they are Main Campus(校本部),(校本部),Health Science Center(医学部),(医学部),ChangPing District(昌平园区),(昌平园区),DaXing District(大兴校区),(大兴校区),WuXi District(无锡校区),(无锡校区),ShenZhen Graduate School(深圳研究生院),(深圳研究生院),and including 41 faculties,.360 r
16、esearch institutes. Peking University has 101 undergraduates majors, 244 Masters majors, and 263 Doctors majors. And it has students of 14465 bachelors, 10031 Masters, and 5088 Doctors.北京大学共有北京大学共有6学部、分成校本部、医学部、学部、分成校本部、医学部、昌平园区、大兴校区、无锡校区、深圳研究生昌平园区、大兴校区、无锡校区、深圳研究生院院6个部分个部分41个院系、个院系、360个研究所、有个研究所、有10
17、1个个本科专业、本科专业、244个硕士专业、个硕士专业、263个个博士博士专业、专业、本科本科学生学生14465人、硕士生人、硕士生10031人、博士生人、博士生5088人。人。 The first motto of Peking University put forward by Cai yuanpei: 思想自由,兼容并包。思想自由,兼容并包。But due to some reasons, the motto was not established formally. 北京大学最早校训由蔡元培先生提出:思想自由、北京大学最早校训由蔡元培先生提出:思想自由、兼容并包,因为种种原因,北大校训
18、还是未正式兼容并包,因为种种原因,北大校训还是未正式确立。确立。 Wu Wenjun, Wang xuan, Huang kun, Liu dongsheng, Ye duzheng, Wu zhengyi and Xu guangxian, Wang zhongcheng are all graduated from Peking University ,they obtain the State Supreme Science and Technology Award of the Peoples Republic of China(only 22 persons of the whole
19、 country obtained the award). And 12 persons as the founding father of Chinas “rocket”(两弹一星两弹一星), nearly 500 persons elected academicians. 北大校友中已有吴文俊、王选、黄昆、刘东生、叶笃正、北大校友中已有吴文俊、王选、黄昆、刘东生、叶笃正、吴征镒、徐光宪、王忠诚等八人获得中华人民共和国国家吴征镒、徐光宪、王忠诚等八人获得中华人民共和国国家最高科学技术奖(全国共最高科学技术奖(全国共22人),人),12人成为中国人成为中国“两弹两弹一星一星”的元勋,近的元勋,
20、近500人当选院士人当选院士 建校历史建校历史 生活环境生活环境 课堂环境课堂环境 图书馆图书馆 检验学习效果的方法检验学习效果的方法 素质素质 中文队伍中文队伍 专业设置专业设置Comparison between MIT&Tsinghua universityFull name: Massachusetts Institute of the TechnologyLocation: Cambridge, MassachusettsMotto: Mens et Manus Motto in English: Mind and HandEstablished in1861(opened
21、in 1865)Type: Private SchoolMajor BuildingMITs 168-acre (68.0 ha) campus spans approximately a mile of the north side of the Charles River basin in the city of Cambridge. The campus is divided roughly in half by Massachusetts Avenue, with most dormitories and student life facilities to the west and
22、most academic buildings to the east. The bridge closest to MIT is the Harvard Bridge. 麻省理工学院占地麻省理工学院占地168英亩英亩(68.0公顷公顷)。校园跨越北面大。校园跨越北面大约一英里外的位于剑桥市的查约一英里外的位于剑桥市的查尔斯河盆地。校园被马萨诸塞尔斯河盆地。校园被马萨诸塞大道一分为二大道一分为二,大部分宿舍和大部分宿舍和学生生活设施在其西边和大多学生生活设施在其西边和大多数学术楼在其东边。离麻省理数学术楼在其东边。离麻省理工学院最近的桥是哈佛桥。工学院最近的桥是哈佛桥。 Introductio
23、n Simmons Hall是麻省理工學院(MIT)學生宿舍。據說就是建築師Steven Holl某天早晨洗澡時從海棉得來的靈感。海棉上有許多孔洞把水吸了進去再釋放出來,形體又回復原狀;MIT學生宿舍吸的可不是水而是光,白晝將自然光引進,夜裡室內光得以外放,日以繼夜,形體不曾改變,也無一分損耗,但它卻滋養著每一位使用者和過往行人。 Simmons HallAchievements B-2 spirit invisible strategic bomber(B-2 幽灵隐形轰炸机) Robert Kismet: the first robot with emotion Laptop can wo
24、rk without battery MIT is called the Cradle of Nobel Winner MIT foster numerous famous figures. 78 Nobel winners ever studied or worked thereEducation Enrolling in MIT IS very difficult due to the low acceptance rates (about 10%) Students whose annual household income is less than 7500 neednt pay fo
25、r their tuition. Its free Its hard to get graduation certificate, either MIT pays a strong emphasis on scientific and technological education and researchTsinghua universityTsinghua University Located: in the northwest Beijing prosperous garden area Motto: self- discipline and social commitment Type
26、: comprehensive university History of Tsinghua 1928-National Tsinghua University 1937-1946-Moved to Kunming , “Southwest Associated University” 1911-Tsinghua School 1952-Become a multi-disciplinary university of engineering 1978-2000-Restructed into a comprehensive university Now-15schools, 56 depar
27、tmentDistinguished alumnus 和奠基人和奠基人赵九章赵九章 诺贝尔奖获得者诺贝尔奖获得者杨振宁杨振宁 国学大师国学大师季羡林季羡林 两弹元勋两弹元勋邓稼先邓稼先 中国理论化学的奠基人中国理论化学的奠基人唐敖庆唐敖庆 中国现代数学家中国现代数学家华罗庚华罗庚 中国人造卫星事业的倡导者中国人造卫星事业的倡导者Compare MIT and Tsinghua Tsinghua university was built in 1911 ,and MIT Established in 1861. MIT has longer history than Tsinghua.The w
28、orld university rankings in The times in 2013,MIT ranked 3rd, Tsinghua ranked 35thMIT and Tsinghua are all institutes of technology . MIT pay more attention to students creativity, independent thinking ability.Tsinghuas status in China is higher than MIT in America. On the Other hand, The education
29、constitution of Tsinghua is also higher than MITAlthough Tsinghua is the best university in China, It is far better than the world first-class university. So It is necessary for Tsinghua to work hard.Comparison between Cambridge& Zhejiang university校徽校徽School badgeschool motto 此乃启蒙之所此乃启蒙之所,智识之源智
30、识之源 River Cam Cambridge, River Cambridge means. Here indeed there is a River Cam, in the city have come a great circle arc to the northeast flow. Many bridges built on the river,so the name of the city of cambridge. Cambridge, is the oldest bridge in the world. Cambridge, is the traditional seat fas
31、cinatinguniversity city. 剑桥,剑河之桥的意思。这里确剑桥,剑河之桥的意思。这里确有一条剑河,在市内兜了一个弧有一条剑河,在市内兜了一个弧形大圈向东北流去。河上修建了形大圈向东北流去。河上修建了许多桥梁,所以把这个城命名为许多桥梁,所以把这个城命名为剑桥。剑桥,是世界上最古老的剑桥。剑桥,是世界上最古老的桥。剑桥是座令人神往的传统大桥。剑桥是座令人神往的传统大学城。学城。 History Cambridge University was founded in 1209, the earliest to avoid a fight by a group from Oxfo
32、rd University scholar who escaped the establishment. In 1231 King Henry III granted the monopoly of teaching in Cambridge. Cambridge and Oxford Universitys two famous as the best British universities, are collectively referred to as Oxbridge. One of the top ten universities in the world, 81 Nobel Pr
33、ize winners from the school. Cambridge University Union or the United Kingdoms elite Russell Group and the University of Coimbra Group of European Union members of the University. The current president is The Lord Sainsbury of Turville 剑桥大学成立于剑桥大学成立于1209最早是由一批为躲避殴斗而从牛津大学逃最早是由一批为躲避殴斗而从牛津大学逃 离出来的学者离出来
34、的学者建立的。亨利三世国王在建立的。亨利三世国王在1231年授予剑桥教学垄断权。剑桥大学和牛津大学年授予剑桥教学垄断权。剑桥大学和牛津大学齐名为英国的两所最优秀的大学,被合称齐名为英国的两所最优秀的大学,被合称“Oxbridge”是世界十大学府之一是世界十大学府之一81位诺贝尔奖得主出自此校。剑桥大学还是英国的名校联盟位诺贝尔奖得主出自此校。剑桥大学还是英国的名校联盟“罗素大学集团罗素大学集团”和欧洲的大学联盟科英布拉集团的成员。现任校长是和欧洲的大学联盟科英布拉集团的成员。现任校长是森斯伯瑞男爵 。DepartmentUniversity of Cambridge has 31 colleg
35、es, there are three female colleges, two specialized graduate schools, Peter, Cambridge University is the first college established in 1284, and other colleges in the 14th and 15th centuries gradually established剑桥大学有31个学院,有三个女子学院,两个专门的研究生院,剑桥大学的第一所学院彼得学院于1284年建立,其他的学院在14和15世纪陆续建立。The Colleges Arms
36、CollectionAs we know, there are 31 fantastic colleges in the campus. Distinguished alumnus杰出校友杰出校友丁尼生丁尼生培根培根罗素罗素牛顿牛顿拜伦拜伦达尔文达尔文托马斯托马斯 格雷格雷约翰约翰 弥尔顿弥尔顿徐志摩徐志摩library 剑桥大学图书馆是世界上最大的图书馆之一。建馆剑桥大学图书馆是世界上最大的图书馆之一。建馆六百余年,藏书六百余万册,中文藏书约十万种。六百余年,藏书六百余万册,中文藏书约十万种。 Zhejiang University 浙江大学浙江大学School badge 校校徽徽scho
37、ol mottoseek truth from facts rigorous and steadfast exert oneself being eager to make progress open up and be creative 求是创新 The West Lake西湖西湖 浙江大学是一所具有悠久历史的教育部浙江大学是一所具有悠久历史的教育部直属全国重点大学,是国家首批直属全国重点大学,是国家首批“211工程工程”和和“985工程工程” 重点建设的名牌重点建设的名牌大学大学。 浙江大学的前身求是书院创建于浙江大学的前身求是书院创建于1897年,是中国近代史上最早创办的新式高年,是中国
38、近代史上最早创办的新式高等学校之一。几经变迁,等学校之一。几经变迁,1928年年4月月1日改名为浙江大学,日改名为浙江大学,1928年年7月月1日起,日起,更名为国立浙江大学,下设工、农、文更名为国立浙江大学,下设工、农、文理三个学院。理三个学院。 英国著名的科学史家李约瑟,在英国著名的科学史家李约瑟,在20世纪世纪40年代初曾两次访问浙大,考察并参加年代初曾两次访问浙大,考察并参加学术活动,他盛赞:学术活动,他盛赞:“西南联大是东方西南联大是东方的牛津,浙江大学是东方的剑桥的牛津,浙江大学是东方的剑桥”! Zhejiang university is a national important
39、 university directly under the ministry of education, It has a long history, it is the national first batch of project 211 and project 985 intensively famous university.Zhejiang universitys predecessor is Qiushi college, which was founded in 1897, is one of the earliest founded new schools in modern China. After several changes, on April 1, 1928 changed its name to Zhejiang university, July 1, 1928, renamed the national Zhejiang university, have three college :engineering college, agricultural college, college of arts and sc
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