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1、六年级英语暑假班(教师版)教师日期学生课程编号19课型新课课题词缀知识:形容词及词性转换+趣味阅读L19+阅读D篇+6A U10单词预习教学目标1) 了解形容词的属性和基本的形容词词缀,能够正确写出常见形容词的比较级和最高级,逐渐养成 英文思维习惯;2)精读:Who was given a hand to?在阅读中训练从各类语篇中获取/息、理解和归纳语篇主旨大 意、根据语境推测语篇隐含意义等能力3) 了解回答问题的考试要求,掌握基本答题步骤;4)掌握常见的形容词词缀:-ful, -ous, -able, -less等教学重点1)常见的形容词词缀2)通过理解全文,回答问题教学安排版块时长1形容词

2、词缀及转换2精读: Who was given a hand to?3回答问题考试要求及答题步骤46A U10单词预习5总结6作业布置20 / 19六年级英语暑假班课程词缀知识:形容词及词性转换+趣味阅读L19+阅读D篇+6A U101.语法:形容词词缀IntroductionAn old man died and left his son a lot of money. But that was not useful for his foolish son. He quickly spent all the money, so soon he had nothing left and bec

3、ame homeless. When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see famous Nasreddin, who was a friendly, intelligent old man and often helped people whenthey had troubles.“My money has finished and my friends have gone,said the young man.“What will happen to inow?""Don' wberied about it, y

4、oung man." answered Nasreddin.Everythinoon be all rightagain. Wait and you will soon feel much happier.The young man was very pleased with these words.“Am I going to get rich again then?“He aske(Nasreddin.“No, I meant that you would soon get used to being poor and to having no friends.“said th(

5、162 words)【单词注释】homeless adj. 无家可归的get used to+ v-ing 习惯于intelligent adj.聪明的Presentation形容词词缀:在英语当中充斥着大量的词缀,其中很多构成了形容词,下列是常见的形容词词缀:1)-ful, -ous, -y,表示“充满,充分”e.g. useful, beautiful, dangerous (危险的) ,famous, healthy, sunny(阳光明媚的 )2)-ly,-ish,表示"似的”(n.+-ly=adj.)e.g. friendly, lovely, lonely(孤独的),li

6、kely (可能的),foolish, childish (幼稚的,孩子气的)注:adj.+-ly=adv.e.g. honestly, frankly (坦率地),briefly (简短地),comfortably3)-less,表示"否定"e.g. homeless (无家可归的),careless (粗心的),worthless (无价值的)4)-ent,表示“性质,状态”等e.g. intelligent (聪明的),different, urgent (紧急的,急迫的),emergent (紧急的,意外的)5)-ed表示“(人)感到 的";-ing表示“

7、令人感到.的”e.g. pleased, excited, interested, relaxed, surprised, frightenede.g. pleasing, exciting, interesting, relaxing, surprising, frightening6)v.+-able表示“能的,可以.的”e.g. changeable (易变的),enjoyable (愉快的)n.+-able表示"具有.特点的“e.g. valuable (有价值的),reasonable (合理的),comfortable (舒适的)7) -ible, -al, -ive表示

8、"能力,属性,倾向”e.g. responsible (WW任的);natural (自然的),physical (物理的);active (活跃的),expensive (昂贵的)8)-ern表示"方向”e.g. western (西方的),eastern, northern, southern9) -en表示”由制的"e.g. woolen (毛纺的),wooden (木制的),golden (黄金般的)10)-an, -ian, -ese加在国名、地名后表示"该国家的 .”e.g. American, African; Asian, Austral

9、ian, Canadian, Indian, Italian; Chinese, Japanese11)-y放在一些名词后表示“有.倾向的;多.的;有.性质的”e.g. sleepy (困倦的) ;cloudy (多云的) ;rainy, snowy12)前缀(un-, im-, dis-)与形容词组合构成与其意义相反的形容词。e.g. unusual (不同寻常的),unhealthy, impossible, dishonest (不诚实的)13)前缀a-构成的形容词只能做表语。e.g. awake (醒着的),alone, asleep (睡着的)I. Complete the sent

10、ences with the given words in their suitable forms.1. Everything tastes good but the fish is too (salt)2. The SPCA(动物保护协会)helps to keepanimals safe. (home)3. The film called“ Computeris/very :(interested)4. I felt very when I heard the news. (surprise)5. The weather in London is (change)6. What a tr

11、ip it is! (please)7. We can eat local snacks in Yu Garden. (difference)8. This is a local problem, not a one. (nation)9. We had a lot of at the New Year party. (funny)10. paintings are popular around the world. (China)11. Danny always eats lots of food and doesn ' t exercise, so he is very fat.(

12、health)12. Mary had a(puzzle v.) expression on her face.13. Tom is such a boy that no one wants to make friends with him.(honesty)14. It ;s for a cat to catch mice. (nature)15. It 'so of him to make such a silly(愚蠢的)mistake.(fool)16. He' s very to lose the basketball game. (luck)17. Because

13、of her, Lucy failed the exam again. (care)18. This paper box is. You may throw it away(扔掉它).(useful)19. Living without music or TV is . (comfort)20. The USA is a country, but China is still a one. (develop)21. The life in my new house will certainly be .(enjoy)22. It was an experience. I will rememb

14、er it forever. (forget)23. It ' s for us to live on the moon now. (possibility)24. There are many houses on the side of the river.(wood)25. The dictionary is cheap and as well. (help)【答案】 1. salty 2. homeless 3. interesting 4. surprised 5. changeable 6. pleasant 7. different8. national 9. fun 10

15、. Chinese 11. unhealthy 12. puzzled 13. dishonest 14. natural 15. foolish16. unlucky17. carelessness 18.useless19.uncomfortable 20. developed developing 21.enjoyable 22. unforgettable 23. impossible 24. wooden 25. helpfulHomework1. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms.

16、2. If you turn over(翻身)a turtle on its back, it will become . (help)3. Can you tell me something about changes? (season)4. Many volunteers went to the parts of our country. (west)5. I ' rnat home now, but I don ' t feeat all. (lone)6. She is sothat people of all ages love her very much. (att

17、raction)7. Look! The weather ' s made ttver become overnight.(freeze)8. It ' stoday. Let ' s havepacnic.(sun)9. Lily ' s uncle is trying to make ourty a place. (safety)10. I made some friends while I was in.(Canada)11. He' s suca boy that nobody likes him.(self)12. Toby is as as

18、Kate. They never make the same mistakes.(care)13. He has drunk too much beer(啤酒)and fell.(sleep)14. Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck are two cartoon characters(卡通形象).(love)15. Such cold weather is quite(十分)in June.(usual)16. Grace is very in playing computer games.(interest)17. When I feel, I ' ll l

19、ook for something interesting? do.(happy)18. Charles is a very leader. Everyone would like to follow him.(power)19. She is very, because her brain was injured(受伤)in an accident (事故).(forget)20. Kids should be of their parents when they reach the age of 18.(depend)21. In England, people talk about wh

20、ether to start a conversation.(usual)【难度】【答案】 1.helpless 2. seasonal 3. western 4. alone;lonely 5. attractive6. freezing frozen.sunny 8. safe 9. Canadian Canada 10. selfish11. careful 12. asleep 13. lovely 14. usually 15. interested16. unhappy 17. powerful 18. forgetful 19. independent 20. usually2.

21、趣味阅读Lesson 19 Who was given a hand to?Mrs. Hammond was old and blind, but she was very independent and tried to do things by herself. Shewould go for long walks alone once a day and was able to f 1her way back by using her guiding stick. She had never lost her way until this day.This day when she wa

22、s out for a walk, she found the trees on her paths missing because some villagershad c 2them down. So she couldn't find her way bOcflare she knew what to do, she heard“I must be on a bridge. Ithe s3 _of water near her feet.“Water? ” she said aloud to herself.been told that thereAt once she heard

23、 a manfriendlys voice near her. It said,“Excuse me, can I help you?“How kind of you!“ Mrs. Hammond answered.“Yes, please. 4二.m a' ve got lost. Can'neariverbut I ' m not familiar with its exact position. How can I get bac k fromhere?"you please help me get home?"“Certainly,thein

24、swered. And they began walking. The man took Mrs. Hammond to her house,and she 电him in and told the man how grateful she was that she had met him.“Don' t thank me,he answered,“I want to thank you.“Thank me? ” Mrs. Hammond said,Whafand drown myself.“Well, the man answered, “ was trying to throw m

25、yself into the rBut I ' m not going to do it now(287 words)I. Complete the passage.5.6.7.【答案】1. find 2. cut 3. sound 4. alone 5. invited 6. for 7.riverII. Words and expressionsB.1. Which of the following pictures can show the feeling of the underlined word grateful " ?A.*C.D.B.2. Wha

26、t is a guiding stick " ?A.C.Guide BOOKD.【答案】1.A 2.BB. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms.1. I ' ve grown up andecome angirl. (depend)2. Our English teacher is.She always keeps a smile on her face. (friend)3. She expressed俵达了 ) herto her parents. (grateful)4.

27、 Thechild was finally saved by the doctor. (drown)【答案】l.independent 2.friendly 3.gratefulness 4. drowningC. Find these words in the text. Then use them to finish the sentences.independentguiding stick friendlygratefuldrown1. The blind need the to find their way back.2. We should be to all that love

28、us.3. Children should be encouraged(鼓舞)to be thinkers.4. Last night two boys were in the river.5. We must keep relations with them.【难度】【答案】1.guiding stick 2.grateful 3.independent 4.drowned 5.friendlyII. Reading comprehension()1. What ' s Mrs. Hammokel?A. Old.B. Blind.C. Independent.D. All of th

29、e above.()2. Why was Mrs. Hammond lost that day?A. Because she began getting forgetful.B.Because her familiar treeswere cut down.C. Because she took a new path that day.D.Because someone tookher to a strange place.()3. Where was Mrs. Hammond when she heard the sound of water?A. She was on a bridge.B

30、.She was near a tree.C. She was far away from the river.D.She was on a boat.()4. How did Mrs. Hammond feel after the man sent her home?A. Thankful.B. Moved.C. Unhappy.D. Confused(疑惑的).()5. Why was the man thankful to Mrs. Hammond?A. Because Mrs. Hammond gave him a lot of money.B. Because Mrs. Hammon

31、d saved his life to some degree.C. Because Mrs. Hammond invited him to her home.D. Because Mrs. Hammond asked him to go on his life.【难度】【答案】1.D 2.B 3.A 4.A 5. B3.阅读阅读D篇答题步骤1 .快速浏览全文一心中有数;2 .读题划关键词;3 .带着问题读原文,遇与原文相关句子,在句子下面划线,并标序号一解题 依据、便于检查;4 .答题注意:一般疑问句/选择疑问句莫混淆;反意疑问句需看清肯否;when提问回答需“介词+具体时刻”,where提

32、问回答需“介词+地点”,why提问回 答需“Because/Because of/To”,how 提问可回答"by doing”5 .检查D. Answer the questions.(根据文章内容回答问题)Rainforests cover six percent of the Earth's surface. There are rainforests in many parts of the world but the biggest forests are in South America, Africa and South East Asia. There are

33、n't any rainforests in Europe or North America.About 75% of all the types of animals that we know come from rainforests. Thousands and thousands of animals live in rainforests. There are many beautiful birds, insects and reptiles. Many of them live in the trees, over 30 metres from the ground. T

34、here are also thousands of different plants-and lots of them are tall trees! It is always hot in a rainforest and the ground is always wet. It is also very dark there.The rainforests are very important for us. We need them! The trees and other plants in the forest help to make the air that we breath

35、e. They also help to control ( 控制)the weather. They give us wood, rubber, fruits and many of our medicines.Unluckily, in many places, the rainforests are in danger. For example, many years ago there was a large rainforest in Java. There were thousands of plants and animals in the forest, but now the

36、re is nothing. People cut down the trees because they wanted to grow rice. They also wanted to plant rubber trees to make rubber. Manyanimals lived in the rainforest. Some ofthem went to other parts of Java but many ofthem disappeared-forever.The same is happening now in many other parts of the worl

37、d. The rainforests are in danger! (256 words)1. Where are the biggest rainforests in the world?2. There aren't any rainforests in Europe or North America, are there?3. What do trees in the rainforests give us?4. Why do people cut down trees in Java?5. Are rainforests in danger?【难度】【答案】 1. The bi

38、ggest rainforests are in South America, Africa and South East Asia.2. No, there aren't.3. They give us wood, rubber, fruits and many of our medicines.4. People cut down the trees because they wanted to grow rice and plant rubber trees.5. Yes, they are.PracticeD. Answer the questions.(根据文章内容回答问题)

39、Passage 1Mr. and Mrs. Brown live in a small house near London with their child. Sometimes Mr. Brown comes back from work very late. At that time, his wife and the child are asleep. So he opens the front door of his house with his key and comes in very quietly.One night he comes home very late. But h

40、e can't find his key. He rings the doorbelll、。铃).Nothing happens发生).He rings it again. Again nothing happens. Nobody opens the door. Mr. Brown knocjftsX at the bedroom window. He calls his wife's name. He shouts在喊)but she does not wake up(!). At last hestops and thinks for a few minutes. The

41、n he begins to speak like a small child. "Mother," he says, "I want togo to the bathroom(卫生间)."He speaks quite quietly but at once(马上)Mrs. Brown wakes up. Then hespeaks to her, and, she opens the door for Rit74 words)1. Where do Mr. and Mrs. Brown live?2 .What are Mrs. Brown and

42、the child doing very late at night?3 .Why does he ring the bell one night?4 . Does Mrs. Brown open the door for him at first?5 . What does he begin to do then?6 .What do you think of Mr. Brown? Why?【难度】【答案】 1. In a small house near London.2. Sleeping.3. Because he can ' t finckhys4. No, she does

43、n ' t.5. He knocks at the bedroom window and calls his wife name. ' s6. Clever. Because he understands a mother ' s habit well and uses it to open theigfoor atPassage 2This is a street crossing. There are traffic lights in the middle of the crossing. Drivers must watch the lights careful

44、ly. When there's a green light, the cars may go on. When there's a red light, drivers of ears and buses must stop.They must wait when the red light changes to green. Then they can go on. Sometimes there's a yellow light between the red and the green lights. When the yellow light is on, d

45、rivers must slow down their cars and stop. Sometimes the cars want to make a right turn or a left turn. They can make a right turn when thelight is green or red. But they must wait until(直至 U) the green light is shining if they want to turn left.Some people are color-blind (色 盲).They can't see t

46、he difference between red and green. These people must not drive. If they drive, there will be accidents. (160 words)1. What must the drivers do when the yellow light is on?2. If the light is red, can the drivers make a right turn?3. If the drivers want to turn left, what must they do?4. What do we

47、call people who can't tell the difference between red and green?They can.5. Can color-blind people drive? Why ? .【难度】【答案】 1. They must slow down their cars and stop.2. Yes, they can.3. They must wait until the green light is shining.4. be called color-blind people.5. No, they can ' t. Becaus

48、e if they drive, there wellaccidents.Passage3Sydney is a young city. Its history goes back just over 200 years. But in Australia, it is the oldest city.It is also the country largest city. Sydney is the capital of New South Wales( 西南威尔士州 )and the most populous(人口稠密的)city of Australia.The climate(气候)

49、of Sydney is very good. It' s not too cold during the winter and not too hot during thesummer. The sky is blue, the air is fresh(清新的),birds sing in the garden. People who live in Sydney seem to have an easy life style. They wi ll tell you," Don' t worry. ”Many people think that Sydney i

50、s one of the most attractive cities in the world. It has many tall and modern buildings. Among them, Centrepoint Tower is the tallest. Standing on the 305-metre(80 storeys) tower, you will have a great view( 视野)of the city.Sydney is famous for its deep harbor( 港口 ) .The harbor has many bays( ¥焉

51、)and beautiful surf beaches.Among them, Bondi beach is the most popular. Sydney Harbor is not only beautiful, it also serves as(作为)a large port. Ships carry wool, wheat and meat from Sydney to other countries.People living in Sydney like to call themselves Sydneysiders. They are mostly friendly and

52、easygoing(和 善 ).When they are not working, they love to have a good time at the beach, swimming and sailing. (256words)根据短文内容回答下列各问题。1. How old is Sydney?2. How is the climate of Sydney?3. How tall is Centrepoint Tower?4. What is Sydney famous for?5. What do people living in Sydney love to do when t

53、hey are not working?1. It ' s just over 200 yeaosd.2. It ' s not too cold during the winter and not too hot during the summer. Itgood.s very3. It s 305 meters tall.4. Sydney is famous for its deep harbor.5. They love to go swimming and sailing.HomeworkD. Answer the questions.(根据文章内容回答问题)Pass

54、age 1John Smith was an old porter( 搬运 工).He worked at the station. Every day he was busy carrying heavy things for the people. He was careful with his work. He was kind to everyone. He was always ready to help others.One morning he stood in the station. He was waiting for the train. Just then he saw

55、 a man running towards the trains with a big bag in his hand.No train is starting. Why is he in such a hurry?the old man thought to himself.He went up to the man and asked,“May I help you? "As soon as the man saw the porter, he stopped running.“Can I catch the 10:35 train to London?” the man as

56、ked. He looked worried.The old porter looked at him for a few seconds and said,“Well, sir. I ' d like to help you, but Ianswer your question because I don' t know how fast you can run." Then he explained to the man,10:35 train to London left five minutes ago. Can you run fast enough to

57、catch it?(185 words)”根据短文内容回答下列各问题。1. What was John job?2. Where do you think the man was going?3. Why did the man run towards the trains and look worried?4. What time was it when the man got to the station?5. What do you think of John Smith?【读有所得】1 .忙于做某事 2.对-很仔细【难度】【答案】1. John ' s job was to carry heavy things for the people at station. / He was porter.2. London3. Because he wanted to catch the 10:35 train to London.4. It was about10 : 40 (twenty to eleven).5. He was careful with his work. He was kind to everyone and always ready to help others.Pass


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