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1、i / 17文档可自由编辑打印Projects OfficeTari KaupapaProject NameFeasibility Studyii / 17文档可自由编辑打印Table of Contents1INTRODUCTION.41.1Purpose .41.2Audience.41.3Assumptions.41.4Associated Documents.41.5Definitions.42VERSION CONTROL.43EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.54BACKGROUND.55CURRENT BUSINESS OVERVIEW.65.1Current Business

2、 Definition.65.1.1 Current Business Processes.65.1.2 Current Business Organisation .65.1.3 Current Business Locations .65.1.4 Current Business Data.65.1.5 Current Business Applications .65.1.6 Current Business Technologies .65.2Current Business Problems.75.2.1 Business Process Problems.75.2.2 Busine

3、ss Organisation Problems.75.2.3 Business Location Problems.75.2.4 Business Data Problems.85.2.5 Business Application Problems.85.2.6 Business Technologies Problems.85.2.7 Other Business Problems.86BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS.96.1Business Process Requirements.96.2Business Organisation Requirements .96.3Bus

4、iness Location Requirements.96.4Business Data Requirements.106.5Business Application Requirements.106.6Business Technology Requirements.106.7Other Business Requirements.107OPTIONS .117.1Options Identified.117.1.1 Option 1 - .117.1.2 Option 2 - .117.1.3 Option 3 - .137.2Options Analysis.147.2.1 Finan

5、cial costs.147.2.2 Non-Financial costs.147.2.3 Financial benefits .157.2.4 Non-Financial benefits.157.2.5 Duration.157.2.6 Risks.157.2.7 Issues.15iii / 17文档可自由编辑打印7.2.8 Other .157.3Options Selection .158RECOMMENDATIONS.14 / 17文档可自由编辑打印1 Introduction1.1 PurposeThis feasibility study has been conducte

6、d to determine the best course of action on the xxxxxxx.1.2 AudienceIdentified stakeholders include:1.3 AssumptionsThis document assumes 1.4 Associated DocumentsThere are no documents to be read in conjunction with this document.1.5 DefinitionsThe following definitions apply to this document:2 Versi

7、on Control: feasibility study.dotDateStatusVersionUpdated byReason for Update3/11/04Drafta5 / 17文档可自由编辑打印3 Executive SummaryThe purpose of this section is to provide an overview of the entire feasibility study report.Provide a descriptive summary of the;purpose of this documentcurrent business organ

8、isations and IT systems in place todayrequirement for change to current business organisations and IT systems options for change to current business organisations and IT systemsrecommended option chosenfinancial expenditure associated with recommended optionrisks and issues associated with recommend

9、ed optionbusiness benefits associated with recommended optionnature of approval requested for this documentnext steps requested 4 BackgroundDescribe the project background. This includes:The date of formation of the projectThe method of formation and current level of approvalThe general business pro

10、blem to which the project will address6 / 17文档可自由编辑打印5 Current Business Overview5.1 Current Business Definition5.1.1 Current Business ProcessesList each of the current business processes relevant to this project. Provide a description for each major business process. Depict all business processes wi

11、thin a process flow diagram in order to highlight typical business transaction types (e.g. the payments process).5.1.2 Current Business OrganisationList each of the current business units (eg Finance Department) relevant to this project. Provide a description of the function of each major business p

12、rocess. Depict all business units within an organisation chart in order to highlight business reporting and internal communication lines.5.1.3 Current Business LocationsDocument the physical location (e.g. street address) of each business unit relevant to this project. Depict all business locations

13、within a geographical map (where appropriate) in order to highlight the physical placement of each business unit.5.1.4 Current Business DataDocument the major types of business data (e.g. payment information) required in order to undertake the generic business processes listed above. Document the so

14、urce repositories of each of the data types listed (e.g. payments database). Depict all business data types and sources within a data flow diagram.5.1.5 Current Business ApplicationsList each of the current business applications (e.g. financial management system) relevant to this project. Provide a

15、description for each current business application. Depict all business applications within an applications architecture diagram in order to highlight the interfaces between current business applications.5.1.6 Current Business TechnologiesList each of the current business technologies (e.g. mainframe

16、) relevant to this project. Provide a description for each major technology. Depict all business technologies within a technology architecture diagram in order to highlight the interfaces between current business technologies.7 / 17文档可自由编辑打印5.2 Current Business Problems5.2.1 Business Process Problem

17、sList all issues and problems associated with the current business processes (as defined above). Examples include:Process efficiency problemsProcess timeliness problemsProcess owner problemsProcess clarity problemsProcess dependency problemsProcess relevancy problemsRate and prioritise the problems

18、highlighted above.5.2.2 Business Organisation ProblemsList all issues and problems associated with the current business units (as defined above). Examples include:Business unit definition problems (lack of vision, scope, objectives)Business unit direction problems (misalignment with corporate vision

19、)Business unit structure problems (inefficient / inappropriate structure)Business unit size problems (to large / small)Business unit makeup problems (percentage contractors to permanent.)Business unit performance problems (lack of service performance)Business unit expenditure problems (expenditure c

20、onsistently greater than budget)Rate and prioritise the problems highlighted above.5.2.3 Business Location ProblemsList all issues and problems associated with the current business locations (as defined above). Examples include:Business location security problems (lack of)Business location size prob

21、lems (too large / small)Business location relevancy problems (not fit corporate image)Business location financial problems (to expensive)Business location physical problems (deterioration)Rate and prioritise the problems highlighted above.8 / 17文档可自由编辑打印5.2.4 Business Data ProblemsList all issues an

22、d problems associated with the current business data (as defined above). Examples include:Business data quality problemsBusiness data management problemsBusiness data ownership problemsBusiness data maintenance problemsBusiness data adequacy problemsBusiness data consistency problemsBusiness data re

23、liability5.2.5 Business Application ProblemsList all issues and problems associated with the current business applications (as defined above). Examples include:Business application reliability problemsBusiness application scalability problemsBusiness application relevancy problems (i.e. fit to busin

24、ess objectives)Business application performance problemsBusiness application architecture problemsBusiness application sizing problems5.2.6 Business Technologies ProblemsList all issues and problems associated with the current business technologies (as defined above). Examples include:Business techn

25、ology reliability problemsBusiness technology scalability problemsBusiness technology relevancy problems (i.e. fit to business application)Business technology performance problemsBusiness technology architecture problemsBusiness technology sizing problems5.2.7 Other Business ProblemsList any other b

26、usiness problems here. Examples include:Lack of compliance with safety / regulatory standards9 / 17文档可自由编辑打印6 Business Requirements6.1 Business Process RequirementsList the requirements associated with all business-process-related problems (see above). Process ProblemRequirement SummaryRequirement D

27、escription6.2 Business Organisation RequirementsList the requirements associated with all business-organisation-related problems (see above). Organisational ProblemRequirement SummaryRequirement Description6.3 Business Location RequirementsList the requirements associated with all business-location-

28、related problems (see above).Locational ProblemRequirement SummaryRequirement Description10 / 17文档可自由编辑打印6.4 Business Data RequirementsList the requirements associated with all business-data-related problems (see above).Data ProblemRequirement SummaryRequirement Description6.5 Business Application R

29、equirementsList the requirements associated with all business-application-related problems (see above).Application ProblemRequirement SummaryRequirement Description6.6 Business Technology RequirementsList the requirements associated with all business-technology-related problems (see above).Technolog

30、y ProblemRequirement SummaryRequirement Description6.7 Other Business RequirementsList the requirements associated with all other-business-related problems (see above).Other ProblemsRequirement SummaryRequirement Description11 / 17文档可自由编辑打印7 Options7.1 Options Identified(NB An option is described as

31、 a set of activities which once implemented, will result in the satisfaction of the business requirement, as described above)List each of the options available for implementation. Each option should be described as follows:7.1.1 Option 1 - OverviewProvide a comprehensive description of the option. C

32、omplete the following table.CategoryRequirement (see section 4)SolutionsProcesse.g. undertake a business process re-engineering exerciseOrganisatione.g. undertake a business re-organisation exercise Locatione.g. undertake a business re-location exerciseDatae.g. undertake a data clensing exerciseAppl

33、icatione.g. replace the existing business applicationsTechnologye.g. replace the existing business technologiesOthere.g. undertake a safety standards compliance exerciseIssuesList any issues (eg technical, architectural, cultural) to be taken into account when considering the potential implementatio

34、n of the above option.ConstraintsList any constraints to be taken into account when considering the potential implementation of the above option.RisksList any risks (eg business, safety, regulatory) to be taken into account when considering the potential implementation of the above option.Assumption

35、sList any assumptions to be taken into account when considering the potential implementation of the above option.7.1.2 Option 2 - Overview12 / 17文档可自由编辑打印Provide a comprehensive description of the option. Complete the following table.CategoryRequirement (see section 4)SolutionsProcesse.g. undertake

36、a business process re-engineering exerciseOrganisatione.g. undertake a business re-organisation exercise Locatione.g. undertake a business re-location exerciseDatae.g. undertake a data clensing exerciseApplicatione.g. replace the existing business applicationsTechnologye.g. replace the existing busi

37、ness technologiesOthere.g. undertake a safety standards compliance exerciseIssuesList any issues (eg technical, architectural, cultural) to be taken into account when considering the potential implementation of the above option.ConstraintsList any constraints to be taken into account when considerin

38、g the potential implementation of the above option.RisksList any risks (eg business, safety, regulatory) to be taken into account when considering the potential implementation of the above option.AssumptionsList any assumptions to be taken into account when considering the potential implementation o

39、f the above option.13 / 17文档可自由编辑打印7.1.3 Option 3 - OverviewProvide a comprehensive description of the option. Complete the following table.CategoryRequirement (see section 4)SolutionsProcesse.g. undertake a business process re-engineering exerciseOrganisatione.g. undertake a business re-organisatio

40、n exercise Locatione.g. undertake a business re-location exerciseDatae.g. undertake a data clensing exerciseApplicatione.g. replace the existing business applicationsTechnologye.g. replace the existing business technologiesOthere.g. undertake a safety standards compliance exerciseIssuesList any issu

41、es (eg technical, architectural, cultural) to be taken into account when considering the potential implementation of the above option.ConstraintsList any constraints to be taken into account when considering the potential implementation of the above option.RisksList any risks (eg business, safety, r

42、egulatory) to be taken into account when considering the potential implementation of the above option.AssumptionsList any assumptions to be taken into account when considering the potential implementation of the above option.14 / 17文档可自由编辑打印7.2 Options AnalysisAnalyse and rate each of the above opti

43、ons based on the following criteria:Financial costsNon-financial costsFinancial benefitsNon-financial benefitsDurationRisksIssuesOther7.2.1 Financial costsCalculate the financial costs associated with each option and comprise an overall rating on a scale of 1-10. Financial costing examples include:O

44、ne-off project costs (CAPEX)Internal labour costs3rd party vendor costsIT hardware costsIT software costsPremises costsCommunications costsTraining costsOn-going Support Costs (OPEX)On-going support costsOn-going maintenance costsOn-going training costs7.2.2 Non-Financial costsIdentify all non-finan

45、cial costs associated with each option and comprise an overall rating on a scale of 1-10. Non-financial costing examples include:Temporary reduction in customer service during rollout15 / 17文档可自由编辑打印7.2.3 Financial benefitsCalculate the financial benefits associated with each option and comprise an

46、overall rating on a scale of 1-10. Financial benefit examples include:Revenue generationCost reduction7.2.4 Non-Financial benefitsIdentify all other non-financial costs associated with each option and comprise an overall rating on a scale of 1-10. Non-financial benefit examples include:Improved orga

47、nisational cultureImproved brand image7.2.5 Duration Identify the likely project duration for each option and comprise an overall rating on a scale of 1-10. (NB The shorter the duration, the earlier the benefits will be realised and consequently the higher the overall rating).7.2.6 Risks Identify all risks associated with each


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