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1、卫 JI Unit2 Grammar专有名词与连词1 To leam the types of grammar ill this unit.2. To know how to use this gi'anmiar.The Louvre MuseumThe Eiffel Tower专有名词人名地名机构、组织名书名节日名日期名连词and并列关系but转折关系so-因果关系一.专有名词英语中的专有名词表示特定的人名、地名、机构或组织名、书名、节日名或 者日期名等的专用名称。专有名词前一般不加冠词,并且每个单词的首字母都需要大写,但其中的虚 词,如冠词、介词等的首字母一般不大写,也可以将所有的

2、字母都大写。注意, 普通名词构成的专有前面需要加定冠词。二.专有名词的分类Name of peopleSally Webb, Mrs Jacob, Xiao LingName of placesFrance, the Louvre Museum, the Beijing Railway StationOrganizationsthe Red Cross, the United Nations, the World Trade OrganizationDays of the weekTuesday, Friday, SeptemberMonthsJanuary,March,SeptemberHo

3、lidaysThe Spring Festival, the Mid-autumn Festival, Christmas1. 专有名词的分类(1) .表示人名,姓和名要分开,首字母都要大写。如:Tom, Tiin Smith, Xu Haitaoo(2) .表示地名、国名。如:France, the United Nations, the Gieat Wall。(3) .表示组织,机构名。如 the World Trade Organization,(4) .表示星期、月份q 如:Monday, Januaiy, Octobero(5) .表示节日。如:the Spring Festival

4、,Clmstmas, New Yeai o(6) .表示书名、文章名。如:Oxford English, My Summer Holiday2. 专有名词的特征(1) . 一般情况下,专有名词的第一个字母要大写,前面不用不定冠词“a”或“an”, 通常没有复数形式。(2) .组织结构和中国传统的节日前,要加冠词The。(3) .国家名是山多个名词组成,要加冠词the.专有名词如果是含有普通名词的 短语,则必须使用定冠词the.(4) .姓氏名如果采用复数形式,则表示某一家人(复数含义)。如theGreens (格 林一家)【即学即练】( )1 Katherine was excited to

5、receive a dozen of roses from her husband oilDay.A. womanE. WomenC Woman'sD Women's()2.I want to go for a traveling duringSpring Festival. Hainan is a pei-fect placea holiday.A. the; forB. a atC. the; onD. ail; for( )3. 一- Do you know whenwas establishedIt was established 1945A. the United N

6、ation, onB. the United Nation; inC. the United Nations; inD. the United Nations; on【参考答案】l.三、连词and,but,so的用法连词(conjunction)是用来连接单词、短语或句子的词。1. and意为“和、乂、且”,表示并列关系,即意思的顺延或增补。除and以外,还有 bothand, not only.but also, neithernor 等,如:She is beautiful and she is kind.她很漂亮,她也很善良。She is a student, and she is a

7、good girl.她是一名学生,她也是一位好女孩。Both the teacher and the students come.老师和学生都来了。Not only the teachers but also the students come.不仅老师们,学生们也来了。 Neither the teachers nor the students come.老师们和学生们都没来。2. but意为“但是”,表示转折关系,所接的成分意思相反或者相近,类似的连 词还有while, however。注意but后面不能连接“,”,而“however”后必须 用",”,且"but&qu

8、ot;不能和thougli/although用在同一个句子里。如:She likes singing, but she doesn't like sports.她喜欢唱歌,但是她不喜欢运动。He loves the story, but I don I love it.他喜欢这个故事,但是我不喜欢。Thouglr'Although he loves the stoiy, but I don't love it.(语法错误)Ifs an old car, but ifs reliable.它是一部很旧的汽车,但它是可以信赖的。Wu Lei is so lazy but h

9、e studies very well.吴磊很懒,但是学习很好。The fii-st two services are free, while the thiid costs 35 yuan。前两项服务是免费的,但笫三项服务需要花费35元。Some of the food crops failed. However, the cotton did quite well。有些粮食作物歉收,但棉花的收成相当不错。3. so意为“因此、所以”,表示因果关系,类似的还有thus, therefore等。用作 连词时,so可以独立引导并列分句,therefore/thus前必须有分号或者破折号隔开 才能

10、引导并列分句。注意so不能和because用在同一个句子里。如:He got up late, so he didn't catch the school bus.他起晚 了,所以没有赶上校车。He is fat, so he caift run fast.他很胖,所以他跑不快。Because he is fat, so he can't nui fast.(语V去错误)It begins to rain, so we gave up the camp.天开始下雨了,所以我们放弃露营了。Tlie teacher is right; Therefore, we all suppo

11、rt him.老师是对的,所以我们都支持 他。【扩展】or意为“或者、否则”,也可以用来连接两个句子,表示选择关系。You can stay here, or you can luave.你可以待在这里,也可以离开。Get up early, or you511 be late。早点起床,否则你会迟到。Which do you prefer, this one or that one?你更喜欢哪一个,这个还是那个? 注:当or表示“和”时,用于否定句或疑问句中;而and用于肯定句中。【即学即练】()1 Shenzhen is a famousmodem citymany people come

12、 hereevery year.-一 I will travel to Shenzhen next year.A. and; butB. and; soC. but; andD or; so()2.How did theyTina?一 Everyone in the town knows herit was easy for them to findher.A. found; soB. found; andC. find; soD find; but()3.Why don't youyour old car?-The car is very oldit mns veiy fhst.A.

13、 change; andB. changed; butC to change; soD. change; but【参考答案】l.综合练习一、单句语法填空(用适当的连词填空)1. Study hardyou will pass the exam.2. It was snowing,I could not go out.3.1 like the computer veiy much,it is too expensive I caift afiord it.4. My favourite subjects are artCliinese5. It is very cold,those studen

14、ts are still having PE. class ill theplaygr oimd.6. My mother is ill,I have to stay at home and look after her.二.单项选择()1 Tliiiik it ovm;youTl work out the Maths problemA. orE. soC. forD. and()2. Ben was busy taking a training class,we had to wait for him for halfanhour.A. soB. ifC. orD. but()3. Conf

15、iicius once said, “ Evmythinp lias beautynot everyone sees it.”A. butB. orC. andDso()4. - Which do you prefer, teacoffee ?TeapleaseA. butB. orC. andDso()5. Lina, spend more time talking with your parents,they may notwell understand you.Don't wony Gianny. I will do itA. butB. andC. orDso()6. He i

16、s always cheerfill E*eiyone likes to stay with himA. sadB. boredC. happyD. suiprised()7. Tlie boy tried to remain cool by swimming in sunmier,A. turnE keepC. lookD return()8. Never give up doing sports.A. stopE catchC. loveD. want()9. Tlie little girl is good at learning EnglishA. is interested inB

17、is nervous aboutC doesiVt likeD. does well in()10. She is too busy to look after her cliildA. look atB. take care ofC look forD. hold on to【参考答案】一. 1. and 2 so3. but 4. and 5. but 6. so二 1-10DAABC CBADB演练方阵一.语法填空:Athens(J|E典)is one of the biggest cities in Europe And it is also 1 capital of Greece M

18、ost 2(tour) come here for famous scenery,such as 3.Acropolis(雅典卫城)and Parthenon (i吧特农神庙).The Greece's4.(nature) scenery is also beautiful. With warm weather 5.muchsunshine, Greece is famous for its wonderful islands.One of Greek's best islands, Santorini(圣托里尼岛)is your 6.(one)choice It is an

19、island with blue and white Many tourists love it not only 7. you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Aegean Sea, but also the colourful 8.(build) at sunset. The well-known island has different 9.(beach) The black shining sand, white and red sand make special scenery. If you go out in Santorini, you 1

20、0.(find) it is like a fairyland二、单项选择( )1 -一 Lina,spend more time talking with your parents,they may notwell understand you.一 Don't worry, Gianny I will do it A. butB andC or()2. -一 John, work hardyou will make such progress一-Dad, I will tiy my.A. but;bettei'B and;bestC so;best( )3. Money is

21、 importantit's not the most important thing.A. andB butC so()4. Maria didn't catch the last bus,she had to walk home.A. andB. soC. but()5.Anna,you wear a new dress today!-一 It fits me well,the colour is not my favouriteA. butB.soC. and( )6. - Would you like to come to my party on Saturday, S

22、am ?一 Fd love to,I can't. I have to take a piano lesson.A. andB. butC. or()7. - A/Anis the iiifonnation about where a person livus or works.A. addressB.hobby()8. Something that isis exti'emely goodA. interestingB. excellentC. fi'ieiidC possible the lift.A. getB. bringC. take()9. Tliere are so many steps to the top floor. You can()10.Do you kn


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