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1、Unit 2 Language 语言点(二)目标认知重点词汇ban, pure, unique ,access, character, embarrass, custom, interrupt, mistaken, set, promise, spread, across, agree, represent, simplify, combine, distinguish, indicate, convenient, direction 重点短语look up, at one time, differ from, make up, turn into 重点句型部分否定与全部否定in that 引

2、导状语从句“be of + 名词”结构知识讲解重点词汇ban【原句回放】 At one time the department banned some “ borrowed words ”from English,including “ weekend” and “ e- mail ”曾经这个部门禁止一些来自英语的“外来词”, 其中包括“ weekend ”和“ e-mail ”。【点拨】 ban n. v. 禁令;禁止,取缔(1) n. C 禁止,禁令There will be a total ban on smoking 将出台完全禁烟令。The ban is unlikely to be

3、 lifted this year 这项禁令今年不大可能被解除。(2) vt. 禁止,取缔 ( 常用被动语态 )The book was banned from school libraries 这本书被学校图书馆所禁。They signed agreements banning the use of chemical weapons 他们签订了禁止使用化学武器的协议。He was banned for three months for driving with no insurance 他由于未采取保险措施驾车而被禁止驾车三个月。常用搭配ban sb from doing sth 禁止某人干

4、某事lift a ban 解除禁令pure【原句回放】 French people supported this because they wanted to keep their language pure and unique. 法国人支持这个观点,因为他们想保持他们自己语言的纯洁性和独特性。【点拨】 pure adj. 纯的,纯洁的,纯粹的,纯正的Is this sweater made of pure wool? 这件羊毛衫是纯羊毛的吗 ?You could separate it from its political message and just look at it as pu

5、re poetry 你可以把它和政治寓意区分开来,只把它当作纯粹的诗歌。The flowers were pure white 这些花朵是纯白色的。I was in a place of pure happiness. 我处于一种纯粹的幸福之中。 【拓展】purely adv. 纯粹地,完全地,全然页 1 第pure and simple 完完全全的,十足的unique【原句回放】 French people supported this because they wanted to keep their language pure and unique. 法国人支持这个观点,因为他们想保持他

6、们自己语言的纯洁性和独特性。【点拨】 unique adj (1)( 无比较级和最高级 )唯一的,无双的,罕有的This is a unique opportunity 这是一个极其难得的机会。I think this book to be unique 我认为这本书是无与伦比的。unique 作此解时,可以用 nearly, really , surely , absolutely , quite , almost 等来修饰,但不能用 more , most, very , rather 等副词来修饰。(2)独特的,异常的I solved this question in a unique

7、way 我用一种奇特的方法解决了这个问题。 Look! He is wearing a most unique fashion 瞧,他穿着一件奇特的服装。辨析 unique , strange, peculiarunique 意为“独特的,唯一的,独一无二的”侧重指独到之处或不常见;也作“无可匹敌的,无 与伦比的”解。如:Each person's fingerprints are unique 每个人的指纹都是独一无二的。 strange 意为“奇怪的”指不一般,不常见或不熟悉,因此常引起人惊奇。如: All the students in unique strange clothe

8、s were kept in the classroom after school 穿着奇装异服的学生放学后都被留校了。peculiar 意为“奇特的” ,指某人 (物 )独具特色,异乎寻常,但不强调引人惊奇。 He has a peculiar habit of scratching his ear while he talks 他有一个奇特的动作,就是,他说话时总要挠耳朵。 access【原句回放】 Today, the spread of borrowed words' is mostly due to the easily accessed Internet and telev

9、ision programmes from across the world.今天,“外来词汇”的传播主要是由于世界范围的易于接近的网络和电视节目。【点拨】 access n. (向场所、人等的 )接近,进入; (资料等的 ) 取得,利用Few men have direct access to the king 很少人能接近国王。The soldiers found another access to the old castle 战士们又找到了一条到达古堡的通道。 常用搭配:easy(hard, difficult)access 容易 (不易 )接近 gain(obtain)access

10、to 得以接近 ( 进入、会见 ) give access to 使能接近 free access to 免费使用【拓展 1】辨析: access, wayaccess多为不可数名词,表示“接近,进入”,指其难易的程度;也可指“接近的机会,进入或使用的权利” ;还可表示“通道,人口,门路,路径” 。如:I have access to his office 我可以进出他的办公室。way 多为可数名词,可表示“ (具体的 )道路,路线” ;也可表示“方法, 方式”或 “方向,方面” ; 还可表示“路程,距离” 。如:There is no way of knowing if the treatm

11、ent will work治疗是否有效还无法知道。Can you find your way back to the Car park? Is it a long way from here?页 2 第你能找到回停车场的路吗?离这儿是不是很远 ?【拓展 2】 accessible 易接近的,可理解的,易感的character【原句回放】 They have no characters. 他们没有文字【点拨】 character n.(1) C 字母;数字;符号;品质,特性;人物,角色;(某种 )人The password may be up to 12 characters long 密码可以

12、长至 12 个字符。What does her handwriting tell you about her character? 你从她的笔迹中看出她有什么个性 ?The film's cen tral character is played by George Cloo ney .这部电影的主角由乔治克鲁尼岀演。McMahon is one of the sport's most colourful characters 麦克马洪是这项运动中最富有特色的人物之一。(2) U 品格,品德It takes character to say a thing like that .

13、说那样的话需要有骨气。Some people think military service is character -building .有些人认为服兵役有助于品格的塑造。知识拓展 in character 合乎某人的性格out of character 不合乎某人的性格Chinese characters 汉字a man of good character 品质好的人embarrass【原句回放】 She is making fun of you and trying to embarrass you into trying harder. 老师在捉弄你并 且让你感到尴尬,以促使你更加努力

14、。【点拨】embarrass vt.使尴尬;使窘迫;使不安。给岀难题It embarrassed me to have to give my opinion in public .不得不公开表达我的意见让我感到很窘迫。She felt embarrassed at her being late .她因迟到而焦虑不安。The protest may have been timed to embarrass the President .抗议也许是事先就要安排好要让总统难堪的。 知识拓展 embarrassment n. 困窘,难堪;让人难堪的人或事embarrassing adj. 令人难堪的,

15、让人不安的embarrassed adj. 础感到难堪的,不安的custom【原句回放】 In conclusion, we need to know the customs of a country so that we do not makeothers embarrassed or annoyed. 总之, 我们需要了解一个国家,以至于我们不会使别人感到尴尬 和烦恼。【点拨】 custom n. 风俗;习惯(1) C , U (社会的 )风俗,习俗Social customs are different in different countries .不同的国家有不同的社会风俗。Cust

16、om requires us to stand when the national anthem is played .习俗要求我们在奏国歌时起立。(2) C(个人的 )习惯My custom is reading a little before sleeping 我的习惯是在睡觉前看一会儿书。It is the old man's custom to get up early and walk his dog before breakfast 页 3 第这位老人的习惯是很早起床,并在早饭前遛狗。 辨析 habit 与 customhabit 指个人固定的、重复的且不易改变的习惯,与

17、custom 的第二释义基本相同。 custom 既可指 社会的风俗、习俗,也可指个人的习惯。Don't let your pupils get into bad habits 不要让你的学生养成坏习惯。It has become a custom for English families to go to the seaside in summer 夏天去海边已成为英国家庭的一种风俗。interrupt【原句回放】 Saying sorry' if we interrupt or disagree with someone also help us to be polite.

18、 如果我 们打断别人的话或不同意别人观点时说抱歉'同样让我们显得比较礼貌。【点拨】 interrupt v. 打扰,中断,打断Don't interrupt me when I'm busy 当我忙的时候,别打扰我。Don't interrupt the speaker now ;he will answer questions later 现在不要打断演讲者的话,他稍后再回答问题。 知识拓展 interruption n. 打断,中断 interrupter n 插嘴的人,阻碍者 辨析 disturb 与 interrupt 二者都有“打扰、打断”的意思。(1

19、)disturb 含有“骚扰, 使不安” 的意思, 尤其是妨碍正在发生的事, 还可以指打扰睡眠、 休息、 工作等。(2)interrupt 是“打断、中断”的意思,一般指打断别人的讲话。I'm sorry to disturb you 对不起,打扰了。Don't disturb him when he is sleeping 他睡觉的时候不要打搅他。The game was interrupted several times by rain. 比赛几次因雨中断。 mistaken【原句回放】 but I think you may be mistaken' rather

20、 than'You are wrong!'但是我认为你可能会被误解而不是你错了'。【点拨】 mistaken adj 错误的,不正确的常用搭配:be mistaken about对持错误的见解I was mistaken about her age 我搞错了她的年龄。If you thought she intended to be rude, you were mistaken 如果你认为她故意不礼貌,你就错了。【拓展】 mistake v. & n. 弄错,误解;错误,过失(过去时 mistook ;过去分词 mistaken ) 常用搭配:mistake.

21、for.弄错,搞错,把错认为by mistake 错误地make a mistake about 误解make a mistake 犯错误I mistook her offer as a threat. 我误以为她的提议是威胁了。However, social changes that are brought about by new technology are often mistaken for achange in attitudes. 然而,新技术带来的社会的变化往往被误解是态度的变化。 set【原句回放】A sta ndard was first set for the En gl

22、ish Ian guage by King HenryVD.国王亨利七世第一次为英语制定了一个标准。【点拨】 set n. v.vt. & vi 确定(标准等),制订(规则等);摆放;设置的背景;调整好,拨动;(日月等)落下Their teacher sets high standards and expects everyone to meet them 他们的老师把标准定得很高,期望每个人都能达到这些标准。She set a tray down on the table 她把托盘放在桌子上了。The novel is set in prewar London 这部小说以战前的伦敦为

23、背景。She set her alarm for 7 o'clock 她把闹钟调到 7 点钟。In Britain the sun sets much later in summer than in winter 在英国,夏季日落时间比冬季晚得多。(2)n. C 一组(事物);一台设备;布景,场景,舞台The tax department provides a set of guidelines for new business start -ups 税务部门为新创办的企业提供了一套指导原则。Do not adjust your TV set 请勿自行调整电视机。We need vol

24、unteers to help build and paint the set 我们需要志愿者帮忙把舞台搭起并油漆好。【拓展】常用短语set down 记下,写下set out to do sth 开始干某事set back 推迟,延缓,阻碍 set up 创立,建立,建起set about doing sth 着手干某事set aside留岀,拨岀(时间、金钱等);不顾;略去set off 动身,出发set sail 起航promise【原句回放】 I always wondered when I would get the English novel my parents had prom

25、ised to give me .我总是想我什么时候才能得到我父母曾答应给我的英语小说。【点拨】 promise v. n.(1)v. 许诺;承诺;答应;保证He promised a thorough investigation into the affair 他答应彻查此事。She promised me that she would be punctual 她向我保证一定准时。The firm promised a wage increase to the workers 公司答应给工人涨工资。(2)v. to make sth. seem likely to happen ; to s

26、how signs of sth. 使很可能;预示 The dark clouds promise rain 乌云预示着有雨。It promises to be warm this afternoon 今天下午有望转暖。(3)n. C诺言;许诺;承诺(后接不定式或 of + n.或that引导的同位语从句) 常用结构:make give a promise 许诺keep carry out one's promise 遵守诺言 break one's promise 违背诺言We received many promises of help 许多人答应帮助我们。She kept

27、 a promise to buy her son a model plane 她答应给儿子买一架飞机模型。(4) n. ( 非常好的或成功的 )希望,迹象,指望Her works show great promise 她的作品显示出她大有发展前途。The day dawned bright and clear ,with the promise of warm , sunny weather 拂晓时晴空万里,预示着温暖晴朗的天气。【拓展】 promising adj. 有希望的;有前途的;有出息的页 5 第promisingly adv. 有希望地spread【原句回放】 Today , t

28、he spread of “ borrowed words ”is mostly due to the easily accessed Internet and television programmes from across the world 今天,“外来词汇”的传播主要是由于世界范围的易于接近的网络和电视节目。【点拨】 spread vt. vi. (spread , spread)(1) 传播,传开;撒,抹,涂Word spread quickly about the accident 关于那次事故的消息很快就传开了。She spread the bread with butter

29、她把黄油涂在面包上。(2) 延伸,蔓延The fire spread from the factory to the houses nearby 火从工厂蔓延到附近的房舍。The illness spread through the village 这种病在村里蔓延开了。(3) 伸展,展开The bird spread its wing 鸟伸展翅膀。across【原句回放】 Today , the spread of “ borrowed words ” is mostly due to the easily accessed Internet and television programme

30、s from across the world 今天,“外来词汇”的传播主要是由于世 界范围的易于接近的网络和电视节目。【点拨】 across prep.(1) 在各处,遍及There are 20 million land mines scattered right across the region 有 2, 000 万颗地雷散布在该地区。There is a danger for the conflict spreading across the whole of Central Africa 冲突有扩大至整个中非的危险。 A broad smile spread across the

31、old man's face 老人的脸上露出灿烂的笑容。(2) 横过,穿过,越过,向对面There are four bridges across the Danube River 有 4 座桥横跨于多瑙河上。He stood in silence with his arms folded across his chest 他一声不响地站着,双臂交叉着放在胸前。(3) 在的对面,在的另一边There's a bus stop just across the mad 路正对面有一个公共汽车站。 They had opened a new factory across the bo

32、rder in Mexico 他们在边界另一端的墨西哥开了家新工厂。 辨析 through, across 与 over 这三个词都有“通过,穿过”的意思。1. through 意为“穿过,贯穿,通过” ,指从有形或无形的物体中间穿过或经历一段时间,与in 有关;2. across 意为“横过,越过” ,侧重从物体的表面横穿,与 on 有关;3. over 意为“越过,跨越” ,不表示固定方向,指从一边到另一边的越过。They went through the forest 他们穿过森林。They walked across the road 他们步行穿过马路。The plane flew o

33、ver the city 飞机飞过了这座城市。The policemen jumped over the wall of the factory and broke into the office. 那些警察翻过那家工厂的墙,闯进了办公室。页 6 第agree【原句回放】opi nion you agree with is up to you. 你同意观点由你决定。【点拨】 agree vi. & vt. 同意,赞同常用搭配:agree + to do sth 同意做某事agree with与相符/一致;适合agree with sb./ one's idea / one

34、9;s opinion / what sb. says 同意某人的意见、看法等agree to a plan / a suggestion / an arrangement 赞同一个计划 /建议 /安排agree on / upon 就取得一致意见He agreed to go with us. 他同意同我们去。Do you think he will agree to (=accept) my suggestion? 你认为他会同意 (接受 )我的建议吗 ?We agree on the date of the meeting .我们就开会的日期达成一致意见。He agreed with t

35、hem about the need for change. 有关变化的需要,他赞同他们的说法。The climate here doesn't agree with me .我不适应这里的气候。 注意 不可说 agree sb. to do sth. ,但可说 agree with sb. to do sth. 或 agree to sb. 's doing sth. 。I don't agree with you to make friends with such a man .(=I don't agree to your making friends w

36、ith such a man . ) 我不赞同你和这样的人交朋友。 represent【原句回放】 Then he had the idea that he could use different shapes to represent different objects. 然后他有了一个他可以用不同的形状代表不同的物体的想法。【点拨】 represent v. 代表,象征;作为 (某人 )的代表或代理人 常用搭配represent oneself as to be 自称是;声言represe nt sth. (to sb.)向说明;阐述;表达represe nt sth.代表,代理His o

37、pinion represents that of the majority.他的意见代表大多数人的意见。He represents himself as an expert in English .他自称是英语专家。Let me try representing my idea to you in another way . 让我试着用另一种方式向你说明我的想法。He represented our school at the meeting . (=Our school was represented at the meeting by him . ) 他代表我们学校出席会议。【拓展】 r

38、epresentative n. 代表,代理人simplify【原句回放】 Some characters have been simplified and others have been made more difficult over time. 随着时间的流逝,一些汉字被简化了而另一些则更复杂了。【点拨】 simplify vt. 简化a simplified version of the story for young children 这个故事的适于儿童的简写本That will simplify my task 那将简化我的工作。Try to simplify your expl

39、anation for the children.你给孩子们讲解要设法讲得简单明了。The application forms have now been simplified.页 7 第这个申请表现在已经简化了。【拓展】 simple adj. 简单的,单纯的simplification n 简化simplist n 主张过分简单化的人combine【原句回放】some characters were made by combi ning two or more characters together.有些汉字是由两个或更多的汉字组成。【点拨】 combine vt &vi 常用搭配

40、:comb in e.with / an d.把和结合/联合(1) 结合,组合,联合,合并,混合,(使 )结合Combine work with pleasure 劳逸结合。They combined their efforts to finish the work 他们同心协力完成工作。St Peter's Church has combined with a neighbouring church 圣彼得教堂和附近的一座教堂合并了。Circumstances have combined to ruin our plans for a holiday 各种情况凑在一起破坏了我们的假期

41、计划。Combine the eggs with a little flour and heat the mixture gently 把鸡蛋和少量面粉调匀,用文火加热。(2) 化合,使与化合The minerals in hard water combine with soap to form scum 硬水中的矿物质和肥皂化合成泡沫。Combine hydrogen with oxygen to form water 使氢、氧化合成水。【拓展】 combination n. 结合;联合体combined adj. 联合的,共同的 distinguish【原句回放】 It is easy t

42、o distinguish their meanings by looking at them 通过观看这些汉字我们很容易就辨别出他们的意思。【点拨】 distinguish v. 区别,辨别,使与众不同You should be able to distinguish between right and wrong 你应该会区分好坏。People who are colour -blind often can't distinguish red from green 有色盲的人通常分不清红和绿。People who cannot distinguish between colours

43、 are said to be colour blind 不能辨别颜色的人谓之色盲。It was hard to distinguish one twin from the other 分辨出一对孪生儿谁是谁很难。He distinguished himself by bravery 他以勇猛出名。 常用搭配:dist in guish.from.把与区分开distinguish between 辨另Vdistinguish oneself 引人注目,出名indicate【原句回放】 Though these kinds of characters indicate meanings, 尽管这

44、些汉字能表示岀意 思【点拨】 indicate vt.(1) 指示,指岀,标示,显示页 8 第The arrow on a sign indicates the way to go 招牌上的箭头指示要去的方向。With a nod of his head he indicated to me where I should sit 他点头示意我该坐在哪里。(2) 象征,表明,暗示Each pin on the map indicates a district office 地图上的每一根大头针代表一个地方办事处。A red sky at night indicates fine weather

45、the following day 晚上红色的天空预示着第二天的好天气。(3) ( 简要或间接 )表示某事物The minister has indicated that he may resign next year 该部长已示意他明年可能辞职。His words indicated that he was not satisfied with your work 他的话表明他对你的工作不满意。 知识拓展 indication n 象征,迹象,标示,表明indicative adj. 标示的,象征的,表明的indicator n. 指示物;指针,指示器convenient【原句回放】 The

46、 whole system was not convenient for use. 整个系统并不方便使用。【点拨】 convenient adj. 方便的,便利的注意: convenient 不用来修饰人,常用来指事。其反义词为 inconvenient 常用搭配:it is convenient to sb 对某人是方便的it is convenient (for sb.) to do sth.(对某人来说)做是方便的Internet makes it convenient for us to get in touch with each other.互联网使得我们相互联系便利了。Pleas

47、e come whenever it is convenient to you.方便的时候 ,请随时来。It is also convenient to live close to your office 靠近你的工作单位居住也方便。The school is at convenient distance from my home.学校在我家附近。When else shall we meet again, if Sunday is not convenient for you?要是星期日对你不方便,那么另外什么时候再碰头呢 ?direction【原句回放】 Other characters

48、were developed for directions and numbers 还有一些汉字创造出来是为了表示方向和数字的。【点拨】 direction n (1)C 方向,方位,朝向,指向We drove off in the direction of the mountains 我们驾车朝山的方向开去。Houses here are built facing an easterly direction 这里的房子都是朝东建的。(2)(pl. ) 用法说明,指示Remember to follow the directions on the label 记得按照标签上的说明去做。(3)

49、C ,U 发展方向,走向,趋势,趋向He has determined to change the direction of the business 他决定改变业务方向。(4) (sing.) 方面I knew it would be pointless to expect any help from his direction (我知道期望得到他的帮助是没有意义的。The evidence is not conclusive , but it does point in this direction 页 9 第证据不确凿,但确定指向这个方面。(5) U 管理,指导,领导Peter was

50、responsible for the general direction of the project 彼得负责项目的全面管理。All work was produced by the students under the direction of John 所有的作品都是在约翰的指导下由学生们创作完成的。(6) U 目标Your life seems to lack direction 你的生活好像缺少目标。 常用搭配:in every direction=in all directions 朝四面八方in the directi on of 朝的方向from the directi on

51、 of 来自的方向in the same direction 向同一方向under the direction of sb 在某人的指导下under sb. 's direction 在某人的指导下重点短语look up【原句回放】 Looking up every new word will certainly be a waste of time 查阅每个新单词肯定是浪费时间的。【点拨】 look up(1) to search for a word or a fact in a dictionary or a reference book 查阅I'll just look

52、 up the train timetable 我这就查一下火车时刻表。Look up the word in the dictionary 在词典中查一下这个单词。(2) to raise one's eyes 仰视,抬头往上看She looked up from her book as I entered 我进来时,她从书上抬起头来看了看。(3) (of business,sb. 's situation ,etc.) to become better;to improve 好转,改善 Unemployment is coming down ;things are defi

53、nitely looking up 失业正在减少,形势确实正在好转。看望或Now the summer's here;things are looking up! 夏天到了,情况正在好转 !(4) to visit or make contact with sb. , especially when you haven't seen them for a long time接触某人 (尤指久别后 )Do look me up the next time you're in London 你下次来伦敦,务必来看我 【拓展 1】“查阅词典,参考”的同义表达refer to

54、the dictionary turn to the dictionary consult the dictionary 【拓展 2】相关短语look up to sb. 赞赏、尊敬、钦佩某人 look forward to 期待 look out 当心look after 照看,照料look around 四处寻找,边走边看 look for 寻找 look to 指望,依靠 at one time 【原句回放】look down on upon 轻视,看不起look into 调查look over 检阅,检查look ahead 向前看,考虑将来look back 回忆,回顾look o

55、n 旁观look through 故意视而不见;快速阅读;仔细检查At one time the department banned someborrowed words ”from English,including“ weekend ”and “ e-mail ”曾经这个部门禁止一些来自英语的 “外来词” , 其中包括 页10 第“ weekend ”和“ e-mail ”。【点拨】 at one time(1)once 曾经,一度At one time they always played football together on weekends 曾经他们总是在周末一起踢足球。At o

56、ne time , white was the only acceptable colour for a man's dress shirt 有一个时期,白色曾是男装衬衣唯一可以接受的颜色。(2)at the same time 同时Most gas stations in Thailand at one time gave a free wash cloth with a gas fill up 在泰国的大多数加油站,顾客每加一次油即可免费得到一块清洗布。【拓展】in time 及时 at times 时常in no time 立刻for the first time 第一次from

57、 time to time 不时地on time 准时 at a time 一次 at the same time 同时time and again 反复地in time of.在的时候for the time being 暂时,目前 at all times 无论何时 at no time 决不differ from【原句回放】【点拨】differ from (=be differe nt from .) 和不同,不同于对比:differ from/with sb . about/on sth . (=disagree with ) 在上同某人持不同意见The house differs from ours in having no garage


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