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1、八年级下册教案设计Unit 6 Enjoying CyclingTopic 2 How about exploring Tian anmen Sq uare?Section B. Material analysis本节课建议用 1-2 课时学完。主要活动为 Section B 的 1a 和 3a。本课通过对天安门广场进行描述, 引出方向及方位词, 并通过谈论天安门各个建筑物的位置关系来练习方向和方位介词。要求学生通过本课的学习活动掌握黑体单词和短语 north, east, west, wait 和 can t wa it to do sth., 理解白体词汇, 学会如何用英语表达方向。同时培

2、养学生的热爱旅游、积极探索、热爱祖国的态度。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims :1. 学生能正确掌握/。/和/s/的发音技巧,连读技巧和句子的语调;拼读并运用黑体单词。2. 学生能正确掌握方向和方位词的用法。3. 学生能进一步掌握时间状语从句的用法。Skill aims :1. 能听懂有关方向、方位的短文或对话。2. 能使用英语来表达方位和方向。3. 能读懂简单介绍事物方位的短文。4. 能用英语简单介绍事物的方位。Emotional aims :1. 具有积极参与课堂上各种英语实践活动的兴趣。2. 培养学生热爱旅游、积极探索、热爱祖国的态度。. The key poi

3、nts and difficult pointsKey points :1. 正确区分/。/和/s/的发音,掌握连读的技巧和英语语调常识。2. 正确掌握方向和方位词用法。3. 了解天安门广场的相关信息和建筑物的名称。4. 继续学习时间状语从句的用法。Difficult points :掌握方向和方位词的用法。IV. Learning strategies1 . 善于创设情景,在情景中提高语言交际能力,突显语言交际功能。2 .学会借助关键词进行信息的归纳。V . Teaching aidsComputer multimedia projector, the pictures of Tiananm

4、en Square, the map, the video of the founding ceremony in 1949.VI. Teaching proceduresStepInteractionpatternStudent activityTeacher activity1. The whole1. Students focus1. Greet the students andclass work.theirmake them ready for2. Pair work.attentionon thelearning.teacher.2. The teacher asks the3.G

5、roup2. Students act outstudents to reportwork.theirtheirconversations tohomework. Let the4. The wholereviewthestudents act out theirclass work.sentencesownabout invitation,conversations.suggestion,agreement3. The teacher shows theand request.picturesof 2 in3.Students fromSection A. Let thedifferents

6、tudents makegroups make upsome sentences usingsentences.while or when. Reviewthe usage of adverbial4. Students enjoy theclauses of time.picturesof4. The teacher shows someTian ' anmenpicturesofSquare. Learn theTian ' anmenIntroductionnewSquare. Lead to the new8 8 minutes )wordsbythelesson.le

7、adingTeach the new words ofof the teacher.places of interest byshowing the picturesofthem: monumenandrostrum.Teach the new wordschairman, announce andfound by showing thevideo of the foundingceremony in 1949.Teachthewordmeaningful by showing apicture of New Year.1. The whole1. Students look at1. The

8、 teacher asks theclass work.thestudents to look at thepicture of 1a andpicture of 1a and leadprepare for theto2. The wholelearning of 1a.1a: “KangkangandDarrenclass work.are talking about the2. Students watch theTian ' anmen Square.3. The wholeflash of 1a to catchDoclass work.the general idea of

9、you know what they will4. The wholethemention? Let' s watchclass work.conversation.theflash and find out the5. Group work.3. Students checkanswer.their2. Teacher plays the6. The wholeanswers with theflash ofclass work.teacher.1a. Ask the students to4. Students watch theanswer the questions:flash

10、again,(1) Which city square isunderlinetheand grasp the newlargest one in thewords.world?(2) How long is it?5. Students discuss(3) How wide is it?in(4) Is it quitegroups to find outmeaningfultheto allChinesedifficultpointspeople?Presentatand3. The teacher asks threeionsum up the mainstudents to tell

11、 the(10minutepoints.answers.6. Students underline4. Teacher plays thein their books andflashmake some notes.again.Askthestudents tounderlinethe newwordsintheconversation.Graspthewordsofs1. The whole1. Students read the1. The teacher plays theclass work.conversation afterrecording sentence by2. The w

12、holethesentence.class work.recording sentence2. The teacher plays the3. The wholebyrecording withoutclass work.sentence.stopping.2. Students try to3. The teacher plays the4. The wholefollowrecordingfortheclass work.the speed, payingstudents5. Pair work.attention to theand asks them to6.Grouppronunci

13、ation onation.the information about7. Individual3. Students listen toTian' anmerSquare afterwork.thelistening.8. The wholerecording,and4. The teacher lets twoclass work.underlinethestudents telltheir9. The wholeinformationaboutanswers.class work.Tian' anmen Square.5. The

14、teacher asks the10. The whole4. Volunteers tellstudentsclass work.theirto work in pairs, plete the table of 1b.5. Students work inThen check the answers.pairs,and6. The teacher asks theConsolidatiintroducestudents from differentonTian ' anmengroups to introduce(10Square to theirTia

15、n' anmen Square andminutes)partners.have a competition.6. Students introduce7. The teacher asks theTian ' anmen Squarestudents to look at theandhaveapictures andread throughcompetition.the namesof these great7. Students look atbuildings.the8. The teacher plays thepictures of 2A, andrecording

16、,and asksknow about thethenames of building.students to listen and8. Students listennumber the pictures ofand2A.1. The whole1. Students learn the1. The teacher draws aclass work.newpicture of directions onwords of direction.the2. Pair work.blackboard. Let the2. Students ask andstudents tell the noun

17、s3. The wholeanswer. Example:of direction they know.class work.A: Excuse me, where isAnd then teach the new4. The wholeBeijing?words of direction.class work.B: It ' s in the north of2. The teacher shows a map5. The wholeChina.of China. Let theclass work.3. Students match thestudents ask and answ

18、er6. The wholenames withthein pairs toclass work.buildings.practicethe7. The whole4. Students read thedirections.class work.words correctly.3. The teacher asks the5. Students fill in thestudents to match swith the buildings8. The whole6. Students read theon the map of 3a.class work.sen

19、tences of 3a aloud.4. The teacher lets the9. The whole7. Students learn thestudentsread theclass work.usagedirection words and theof the prepositionsname of each greatPracticeofbuilding.(10position5. The teacher guides theminutes)in the+方位名词+students to fill in theofblanks with the correct指在某一范围之内wo

20、rds from 3a.的地区。6. The teacher asks the(2) to the+ 方位名词+students to read theofsentences aloud.指互小接壤并且小7. The teacher introduces管辖的两个地区。the usage of the(3) on the + 方位名词prepositions of position+by drawing the graphicof指相互接壤但互expressionon the不管辖的两个地区。blackboard.8. Students learn thepronunciation rules

21、class workpassage about theirthe students to write aandown city in groups.passage about theirgroup work.own city in groups. Let the studentsdraw a map of theircity, including thetowns under the2. Students summarizejurisdictionof2. The wholeSection B with thethe city and theclass work.teacher.neighbo

22、ring cities.3. Individual3. Students finishMark places ofwork.theirinterest as well.homeworkafterThe teacher goesclass.aroundtheclassroomandoffers help ifnecessary.1. The whole1. Students write a1. The teacher organizes(2) Let the students use nouns of directionandprepositionsofProductio n (7 minutes)position to write a short passage to introduce their cities.(3) Encourage the students toreadtheir passages, and then selectthebest one.2. The teach


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