



1、1. carb on mono xide3.建筑,建筑物 5.引擎7.损害 2.预习词组I. get stuck in3.road accident 5. road rage 7. zebra crossi ng9. take actionII. pedestria n area合作探究阅读:Task1:读前,By: No.5Unit 9 Lesson 4 Car Culture 导学案Name: Class:Learning aims To practice mak ing no tes of the in formatio n from a readi ng text; To talk a

2、bout traffic and traffic problems.使用说明:1借助导学案,充分预习课文。2.认真书写,独立完成,规范做答,按时上交。自主学习 1预习单词2. carb on dioxide4.机动车辆的;马达6.占用(空间、面积等)8.数字 2.traffic jam4. noise pollution 6. traffic restricti on 8.highway10.limit speed12.road con struct ion work做一个思维导图。Step 2:Task2: Read the article and make note in your not

3、ebook. Traffic in BritainNumber of cars:Proporti on of short car journ eys:Chemicals produced by cars:Health effects of air polluti on:Number of road deaths:Adva ntages of buses over cars:Adva ntages of shari ng a car:Task 3.读文章回答下面问题 Read the text again and answer these questions:1. What are the A1

4、0, the M11 and the M25?2. What effect does traffic have on people?3.Why do people make excuses?4.What does Jenny Trowe think about car adverts on TV?5.How does she thi nk we should cha nge our lifestyles?反馈检测选词填空,先标出以下短语的汉语,根据文章进行填空a journeyheavy traffictraffic jamsgo upkeep fitglobal warmi ngpublic

5、 tran sportthe cornerIn the last ten years, the nu mber of cars on the roads hasquickly. Traffic has causedmany problems, such as death, polluti on and. So before you make, thinkabout the best form of transport. For example, if you ' re just going aroundyou shouldwalk -you won ' t get stuck inand it will help you to. When you go intoa busy town, take. Even


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